DepEd Order 004, s. 2025 - Guidelines on the Adoption of the Flexible Work Arrangement in the Department of Education

DepEd Order 004, s. 2025

Guidelines on the Adoption of the Flexible Work Arrangement in the Department of Education

DepEd Order 004, s. 2025 - Guidelines on the Adoption of the Flexible Work Arrangement in the Department of Education


MAR 05 2025



No. 004, s. 2025




To:      Undersecretaries

Assistant Secretaries

Bureau and Service Directors

Regional Directors

Schools Division Superintendents

Public and Private Secondary School Heads

All Others Concerned


1. The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the enclosed Guidelines on the Adoption of the Flexible Work Arrangement in the Department of Education pursuant to Civil Service Commission Memorandum Circular (CSC MC) No. 6, s. 2022 or the Policies on Flexible Work Arrangements in the Government, as amended by CSC MC No. 01, s. 2025, and Commission on Audit-Department of Budget and Management Joint Circular No. 1, s. 2022 or the Policies on the Adoption of Flexible Work Arrangement for Contract of Service and Job Order Workers in Government.


2. The mechanisms, procedures, and standards stipulated herein shall guide all DepEd offices and schools, including the heads of offices, human resource management officers, and DepEd personnel on the implementation of flexible workarrangements in the Department.


3. All DepEd Orders, Memoranda, rules and regulations, and other related issuances or parts thereof that are inconsistent with this Order and its provisions are repealed, rescinded, or modified accordingly.


4. This Order shall take effect 15 days from its approval, issuance, and publication on the DepEd website and shall remain in force unless otherwise repealed, rescinded, or modified accordingly. Certified copies of this Order shall beregistered with the Office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR) at the University of the Philippines Law Center (UP-LC), UP Diliman, Quezon City. 


5. For any clarifications or inquiries, please contact the Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development-Personnel Division, Ground Floor Alonzo Building, DepEd Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City through the email at or telephone number (02) 8633-9345.


6. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.









            As stated



DepEd Order No. 011, s. 2020

DepEd Memorandum No. 029, s. 2022


To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

under the following subjects:











(Enclosure to DepEd Order No. 004, s. 2025)




I. Rationale


1. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the operations of the Department of Education (Department), necessitating a shift from traditional face-to-face learning to alternative modes of instruction, digitalization of processes, and remote work arrangements for staff and educators. Despite these challenges, the Department has successfully ensured the continuity of basic education services while prioritizing the health and safety of employees through the implementation of information and communications technology strategies. However, the threat of similar occurrences, including natural and man-made calamities and transportation issues, persists.


2. Civil Service Commission Memorandum Circular (CSC MC) No. 6, s. 2022 entitled "Policies on Flexible Work Arrangements in the Government", as amended, institutionalizes the policies, systems and standards on work arrangements that may be adopted by government offices to provide a safe workspace for government officials and employees and to ensure the continuous delivery of public service, particularly during emergent disruptive situations caused either by natural and man-made calamities, crises, traffic congestions, and the institutionalization of energy-efficiency and conservation as a national way of life.


3. In addition, CSC through MC No. 2, s. 2021 dated 01 March 2021, enjoined all government entities to formulate a Public Service Continuity Plan (PSCP) to ensure continuous delivery of services to the public amidst any disruption. Correspondingly, DepEd, through a Press Release numbered PR-24-04-024 issued last 12 April 2024, declared that the flexible work arrangements to be implemented shall be adaptable and responsive work schemes for government officials and employees to manage any current or emergent situations caused either by natural and man-made calamities or any other situation.


4. Further, the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) issued MMDA Resolution No. 24-08, urging all national government agencies in the National Capital Region to implement a modified working schedule from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm to alleviate traffic congestion, especially during peak hours. The Civil Service Commission (CSC) supported this initiative through an advisory published on February 21, 2024, promoting the Adoption of Flexible Work Arrangements (FWAs) in the Government to Improve the Traffic Situation in Metro Manila. The advisory reiterated the possible work schemes and reminded agencies to ensure continuous public service delivery from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm during core working hours. It also emphasized the need for agencies to develop internal guidelines on FWA.


5. Similar situations are experienced by DepEd employees assigned in highly urbanized cities like Metro Cebu and Metro Davao, who are living from other cities or from nearby provinces where the employees need to travel daily from their residences to the office travailing the discomfort of heavy traffic in the metropolis or bearing the high cost of fuel and toll fees.


6. Lastly, COA and DBM released Joint Circular No. 1, s. 2022 dated September 13, 2022 entitled "Policies on the Adoption of Flexible Work Arrangements for Contract of Service (COS) and Job Order (JO) Workers inGovernment" to provide an inclusive policy on flexible work arrangements in the government by ensuring that the needs and expectations of other workers in the government are addressed in view of the circumstances brought about by natural and man-made calamities, disasters, and other similar situations.


7. In view of the above, this Order aims to establish the internal guidelines of the Department to implement the abovementioned issuances on the adoption of flexible work arrangements in DepEd offices to prioritize the health and safety of all officials and employees, particularly during emergent and disruptive situations, while ensuring the continuous delivery of services and the achievement of agency mandates, targets, and programs. This measure foster work-life balance, promote the use of information communication technology in current work processes and systems and ensures the provision of efficient public service to all learners, clients and stakeholders in any situation.


II. Scope of the Policy


The flexible work arrangements stipulated in this Order shall cover all non-teaching and related-teaching officials and employees, Contract of Service (CoS), and Job Order (JO) Personnel (collectively referred to as "DepEdPersonnel") in all governance levels of DepEd offices, all public elementary, junior, and senior high schools, and community learning centers (CLCs).


Teaching personnel shall adhere to the class schedule and arrangement adopted at the start of the classes consistent with the Learning and Service Continuity Plan as part of the School Improvement Plan (SIP).


III. Definition of Terms


For the purposes of these guidelines, the following terms are defined as follows:


1. Combination of Flexible Work Arrangements refers to the adoption of combinations of FWAs that are prescribed in this policy.

2. Contract of Service (CoS) Personnel refers to the engagement of the services of an individual, learning service provider or technical expert to undertake a special project or job within a specific period. 


3. Flexiplace refers to an output-oriented work arrangement which authorizes DepEd officials or employees to render service at a location away from their office, on a temporary basis duly approved by the head of office/ agency.


Work from Home (WFH) refers to a type offlexiplace arrangement where DepEd officials or employees work at home or their residence.


4. Flexitime refers to a work arrangement where offices adopt flexible time for DepEd Personnel starting from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM on a daily basis, provided that the required forty (40)-hour workweek is complied with. 


Flexitime shall be classified into two (2) categories as follows:


Fixed Flexitime refers to a fixed schedule wherein an DepEd Personnel is required to arrive at work on the fixed schedule and is expected to render forty (40) hours of work per workweek.


Full Flexitime refers to a flexible schedule wherein a DepEd Personnel may opt to arrive at work anytime between 07:00 am to 09:00 am and is expected to render forty (40) hours of work per workweek.


5. Head of Functional Office refers to the individual directly supervising day-to-day operations of a DepEd office/school/community learning center (CLC), which includes Executive Committee members, Directors, SDSs, school/ CLC heads, division chiefs, and other designated officials authorized by the Head of Office to supervise personnel within their jurisdiction.


6. Heads of Office refers to the highest official in each governance level. For the Central Office (CO), "head of office" refers to the Secretary or the designated Undersecretary/ Assistant Secretary /Bureau or Service Director supervising a specific strand/bureau/service/office/unit. For Regional Offices (ROs), "head of office" refers to the Regional Director (RD), while for Schools Division Offices (SDOs), "head of office" refers to the Schools Division Superintendent (SDS).


7. Home/Residence refers to either permanent and/or temporary place of residence as declared in his /her recent Personal Data Sheet (PDS) submitted to the Personnel Division/Section/Unit.


8. Job Order Personnel refer to personnel who perform piece work (pakyaw) or intermittent or emergency jobs such as clearing of debris on the roads, canals, waterways, etc. after natural/ man-made disasters/ occurrences and other manual/trades and crafts services such as carpentry, plumbing, electrical and the like.


9. On-site refers to official workstations where DepEd Personnel are required to physically report for the workday that includes office/ school premises, fieldwork sites, partner facilities for DLMs, distribution and pick-up sites, and other workstation-related venues outside of the residence.


10. Personnel With Medical Conditions (PMC) refers to DepEd officials or employees who are recuperating from a medical condition, supported by a medical certificate issued by an attending physician, but are still able to perform regular work assignment at an alternate worksite, e.g., DepEd officials and employees who are undergoing medical rehabilitations due to accidents, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, cancer, diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, and other analogous diseases.


11. Skeleton Workforce refers to a work arrangement where a minimum number of DepEd Personnel is required to man the office to render service when full staffing is not possible.


IV. Policy Statement


The Department shall ensure the protection of health, safety, and general welfare of its employees. It shall be sensitive and responsive to the needs, situations and circumstances of its personnel. It seeks to boost the morale and enhance the welfare of DepEd Personnel by giving them the opportunity to accomplish their tasks through their preferred work environments and arrangements, as applicable, thereby increasing productivity and performance, and allowing a work-life balance.


This policy further aims to institutionalize relevant and appropriate work arrangements for DepEd Personnel while ensuring delivery of and non-disruption of public service in order to achieve the objectives set in its strategic plan under any circumstance.


With the Department's commitment to continuous development and improvement, this policy seeks to implement progressive approaches to ensure delivery of quality basic education through improved performance utilizing effective Flexible Work Arrangement options


V. General Policies


1. Continuity of DepEd Programs and Services

a. The Secretary, Undersecretaries and Assistant Secretaries, Bureau and Service Directors, Regional Directors, and Schools Division Superintendents shall ensure their availability for decision-making and effective supervision of all work arrangements at all times.


b. Heads of Office shall give priority to the delivery of the following essential services within their jurisdiction:


i. Health and emergency frontline services;

ii. Operationalization of the National Learning Recovery Plan (NLRP);

iii. School operations and activities stipulated in school calendar per DepEd Order (DO) No. 009, s. 2024 and subsequent issuances to be released by the Department;

iv. Services that support the above-mentioned and other general operations such as but not limited to:

a. Administrative and Security Services;

b. Financial Services;

c. Human Resource Management Services;

d. Information, Communication, and Technology Services;

e. Planning Services;

f. Legal Services;

g. Public Assistance Services;

h. Procurement Services;

i. Staff assistance to Executive Decision-Making; and

j. Other critical services to be identified by the authorized DepEd officials.


c. Heads of Office, upon the recommendation of the Head of Functional Office, shall determine the appropriate work arrangements to be implemented in their respective jurisdiction based on the following considerations:


i. Office mandates/functions;

ii. Exigency of service;

iii. Functions/processes/services that can only be performed on-site;

iv. Functions/ processes/ services that can be performed through telecommuting, online platforms or other strategies (see Annex A);

v. Health status and conditions of individual personnel;

vi. Border and transport considerations;

vii. Other directives that may be assigned by the Heads of Offices in the CO, RO, and/or SDO; and

viii. Specific circumstances of their employees and/ or locality of residence or office location.


d. The adoption of FWA may be allowed based on the circumstances and conditions outlined in these guidelines. Therefore, Heads of Office are expected to review the needs of their clientele, office mandates and functions, and other parameters set forth herein, including the assessment of employees whose functions may be performed off-site or other work arrangements, as basis for the planning and implementation of FWAs. Heads of Office within his/her discretion can amend, cancel or disapprove the flexible work arrangement based on the needs and priorities of his /her office.


2. General Rules for Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA)


a. All DepEd Personnel, shall render not less than forty (40) hours of work a week, exclusive time for lunch. 


b. The Heads of Office shall ensure their availability for decision-making and effective supervision of all work arrangements at all times. Likewise, they shall ensure the continuous delivery of service in the respective offices during the core working hours of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm on working days, including lunch break.

c. DepEd Personnel under any Flexible Work Arrangement are required to attend the flag raising ceremony at exactly eight o' clock in the morning (8:00 am) of every Monday as provided in Republic Act No. 8491 otherwise known as the Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines.

d. DepEd officials and employees reporting on-site shall be entitled to compensatory overtime credit or overtime pay pursuant to CSC and Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Joint Circular No. 02, s. 2015 (Policies and Guidelines on Overtime Services and Overtime Pay for Government Employees) and DO 30, s. 2016 (Policies andGuidelines on Overtime Services and Payment in the Department of Education) as amended by DO 5, s. 2019 for services rendered beyond the normal eight (8) hours on scheduled workdays or forty (40) hours a week, and those rendered on rest days, holidays and special nonworking days, exclusive of time for lunch, subject to availability offunds and the applicable accounting and auditing procedures.

e. CoS and JO are entitled to compensatory overtime credit or overtime pay pursuant to COA and DBM released Joint Circular No. 1, s. 2022 (Policies on the Adoption of Flexible Work Arrangements for Contract of Service [COS] and Job Order [JO] Workers in Government) and as provided for in their respective Service Agreement/ s or Contracts.

f. DepEd officials and employees may apply to any flexible work arrangement, endorsed/recommended by their respective heads of office without prejudice to the DepEd officials' or employees' participation or involvement in official activities of the agency outside of their approved flexible work schedule.


3. Flexible Work Arrangements in DepEd


a. Flexitime

i. DepEd Personnel under Flexitime work arrangement shall be required to report for work for five (5) days a week from Monday to Friday, equivalent to forty (40) hours a week, exclusive of time for lunch.


ii. The adoption of Flexitime shall start not earlier than 7 :00 am and end not later than 6:00 pm. Under this work arrangement, DepEd Personnel may choose their time-in in the morning and time-out daily for the duration of the period subject to the approval of the Head of Functional Office.


Heads of Functional Office shall ensure that the public is assured of their frontline services from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, including lunch break.


iii. Flexitime during flag ceremony days shall be shortened allowing DepEd Personnel to log-in from 7:00 am to 8:00 am only and shall end upon the completion of the required eight (8)-hour workday.


iv. Existing rules on tardiness and undertime shall apply to this work arrangement.


v. Offices may adopt any of the following Flexitime options based on the considerations provided in Section V. 1. C of this policy:


a. Full Flexitime


1. Full flexible working hours shall start from 7:00 am to 9:00 am and ends from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

2. A DepEd Personnel under this arrangement shall report for work at any time between 7:00 am to 9:00 am and shall complete the required eight (8) hours of work per day. DepEd officials or employees who report for work past 9:00 am shall be considered tardy while those who arrive between 7:00 am to 9:00 am_ but fail to complete the required eight (8)-hour workday shall be considered to have been undertime.

3. Full flexitime shall be limited to 7:00 am to 8:00 am only during flag ceremony days. DepEd Personnel who arrive past 8:00 am shall be considered tardy.


b. Fixed Flexitime


1. DepEd Personnel under the Fixed Flexitime schedule shall choose from the following fixed work schedules subject to the approval of the head of their Head of Functional Office:


Work Schedule

Lunch Break

7:00 am to 4:00 pm

11:00 am to 12:00 nn

8:00 am to 5:00 pm

12:00 am to 01:00 pm

9:00 am to 6:00 pm

1:00 pm to 02:00 pm


2. In approving the fixed work schedule of DepEd Personnel, the Head of Functional Office shall ensure that there shall be continuous provision of services in their respective offices from 7:00 am to 6:00 pm.

3. The chosen work schedule shall be the fixed schedule of DepEd Personnel, which may be changed only after six (6) months, when necessary, subject to filing of a written request at least thirty (30) days prior to the start of the intended change of work schedule and approval of the Head of Functional Office prior to its implementation.

4. A fifteen (15)-minute grace period shall be allowed for DepEd officials or employees under the Fixed Flexible Work Schedule, regardless of number of times in a month. However, in order to complete the required eight (8) hours of work in a day, the number of minutes of late arrival in a day may be offset by staying for an equivalent number of minutes of late arrival beyond the fixed time of departure of the approved work schedule.


b. Skeleton Workforce


i. Skeleton workforce shall be adopted only when full staffing is not possible during emergency cases such as during an occurrence of transportation strike, pandemic, or other extreme circumstances.


ii. The total number of DepEd Personnel to make up the skeleton workforce shall be determined by the Heads of Functional Office based on the considerations and parameters provided in Section v. l .c of this policy.


iii. DepEd Personnel assigned as skeleton workforce shall comply with the· normal working hours of not less than eight (8) hours a day, exclusive of time for lunch

iv. DepEd Personnel who failed to report to office onsite on their assigned working days shall be considered absent, either as an authorized or unauthorized vacation leave, as applicable, unless a medical certificate is presented to avail of sick leave of absence.


c. Work-From-Home (WFH)


i. Work From Home arrangement for employees under extreme medical and situational conditions may be allowed only for the following circumstances, subject to the approval of the Head of Functional Office:


a. DepEd officials and employees under extreme medical conditions who can physically and mentally perform regular work assignment in his/her permanent or temporary residence upon the recommendation and certification by his/her attending physician:


1. Those recuperating from illness or sickness such as Osteogenesis Im perfecta, cancer, diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, and other analogous diseases;

2. Those who suffered from accidents affecting mobility;

3. Those with high-risk pregnancies.


b. DepEd officials and employees residing or are currently located in areas affected by the following situational conditions:


1. Emergence of a national or local outbreak of a severe infectious disease (i.e. COVID-19 virus);

2. Calamity-stricken area due to an occurrence of natural or man-made calamities wherein roads are inaccessible and/or the employee is stranded;

3. Transportation strike.


ii. Requests for WFH arrangement shall be accompanied by the following documents. Failure to submit the necessary documentation may result in the denial of the request, without prejudice to the filing of an appropriate leave application:




Period of WFH


a.     Request letter addressed to the head of office;

b.     Recommendation of the attending physician to a WFH set-up, supported with medical records of the employee concerned; and

c.     Medical certification that the employee concerned is fit to work despite of his/her medical condition

Based on the recommendation of the attending physician.


a.     For items V.3.c.i.b.1 and 2

-       Declaratoin of state of calamity

For item V.3.c.i.b.3

-       Announcement of transport strike from reliable resources

b.     Request letter addressed to the head of office;

c.     Other supporting documents to verify the extent of the situation of the employee

Based on the number of days of the declared state of calamity or transport strike. This may be reduced once the situation of the employee concerned improves.



iii. In cases of sudden declaration of a State of National Calamity by the Office of the President or concerned Local Government Unit, when there is disruption of work such as imposition of lockdown, quarantine,offices may shift to a Work from Home arrangement, as approved by the Head of Functional Office, unless a declaration of work suspension is issued.


iv. Officials and employees availing WFH must have adequate and appropriate communication equipment, tools, and connectivity to perform his/her assigned tasks and facilitate coordination, consultation, and administrative processes.


v. WFH may only be adopted as a regular work arrangement through the combination of FWA as indicated in Section V.3.d of this issuance.


vi. The fixed work schedule for the WFH arrangement shall be from 8:00 am to 05:00 pm only. DepEd officials and employees shall report their time-in and time-out to their respective Heads of Functional Office or immediate supervisor through the agreed mode of communication to record their actual time log (in and out) and reflect the same in the Individual Daily Log and Accomplishment Report (IDLAR) (Annex D).


vii. The IDLAR shall reflect the time logs and actual accomplishments of the employee for the day. No record of time log and accomplishment shall mean that no work/ service has been rendered/performed for the day, thus subjecting the personnel to absence.


The time and attendance shall likewise be reflected in the Daily Time Records (DTRs) duly approved by the respective Head of Functional Office;


viii. The Heads of Functional Office or immediate supervisor shall provide the tasks to be performed of the DepEd official or employee concerned to the full extent possible in terms of person-days per workweek.


ix. DepEd officials and employees under WFH shall make themselves available and accessible during working hours, and must be able to respond to directives, requests, and queries through agreed mode of communication with their immediate supervisor and co-workers.


x. DepEd officials and employees under this arrangement shall not be entitled to Compensatory Overtime Credit or Overtime Pay.


d. Combination of Flexible Work Arrangements


i. Offices may adopt a combination of Skeleton Workforce and WFH arrangement as their regular work set-up for DepEd Personnel, as may be applicable. This arrangement shall be limited to one (1) day WFH and four (4) days at Skeleton Workforce or on-site reporting.

ii. DepEd officials and employees under this arrangement may choose the day of their preferred WFH arrangement between Tuesday to Friday only, subject to the approval of the Heads of Functional Office. Heads of Functional Office shall ensure the equal distribution of employees present on-site per day.


VI. Procedures


1. Upon consultation with his/her respective DepEd Personnel and proper assessment of the needs and mandates of the Office, Heads of functional offices shall prepare the Summary of Personnel Under Flexible Work Arrangement (Annex B.1 and B.2). DepEd Personnel shall affix their respective signatures as sign of concurrence to the selected FWA.


2. Heads of Functional Office shall also be responsible for monitoring and ensuring equal distribution of the work arrangements of DepEd personnel, to be submitted to the Head of Office concerned as follows:


Governance Level

Recommending Approval



School Principal

Schools Division Superintendent

Schools Division office

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Regional Office

Chief of Functional Division

Regional Director

Central Office


Secretary/Undersecretary in Charge



3. The approved request of the respective offices shall be submitted to the Personnel Division/section/unit not later than the fourth week of the preceding month for monitoring and recording purposes.


4. Except for Fixed Flexitime, the DepEd Personnel and/ or Office may change the assigned FWA on a monthly basis subject to the consent of the DepEd Personnel, as may be applicable, and submission of the approved Request for Change of Flexible Work Arrangement (Annex C), if applicable, together with the updated Summary of Personnel under FWA (Annex B.1/B.2) to the Personnel Division/Section/Unit, not later than fourth week of the preceding month.


Non-submission of an updated Summary of Personnel under FWA shall denote the status quo of the current work arrangement


VII. Grievance Mechanism


Concerns, complaints, and/ or violations arising from the implementation of this policy shall be addressed through the grievance machinery provided under DO No. 35, s. 2004 (Revision of the Grievance Machineries of the Department of Education) or pertinent rules on administrative cases in the civil service.


VIII. Monitoring and Evaluation


1. The Head of Functional Office shall be responsible for the strict adherence to and implementation of these guidelines and shall regularly monitor and evaluate the implementation of this policy within their jurisdiction. In addition, they shall establish a systematic feedback mechanism to address and report any policy or implementation issues that may arise.


2. The Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development - Personnel Division (BHROD-PD) shall be responsible for the overall supervision and monitoring of the implementation of this policy in all governance levels, together with the Personnel Section in RO and Personnel Unit in SDO. In addition, the Personnel Section in RO and Personnel Unit in SDO may also submit their policy recommendations whenever deemed necessary.


3. The BHROD-PD shall consolidate the policy recommendations and ensure that issues and concerns are properly documented and elevated to the DepEd Executive Committee in aid of future policy enhancement.


4. The Department may issue subsequent issuances and supplemental guidelines to further implement this Order in the event of additional requirements set by national laws or policies, or as may be necessary.


IX. References


These are the following policy issuances used as reference in the development of this policy:


• CSC Memorandum Circular No. 18, s. 2020, Amendment to the Revised Interim Guidelines for Alternative Work Arrangements and Support Mechanisms for Workers in the Government during the Period of State of Public Health Emergency due to COVID-19;

• DepEd Order No. 11, s. 2020, Revised Guidelines on Alternative Work Arrangements in the Department of Education During the Period of State of National Emergency Due to Covid-19 Pandemic;

• CSC Memorandum Circular No. 6, s. 2022, Policies on Flexible Work Arrangements in the Government, as amended by CSC Memorandum Circular No 01, s. 2025, Amendment to the Policies on Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA) in the Government (CSC Resolution No. 2200209 dated 18 May 2022)

• COA-DBM Joint Circular No. 1, s. 2022 "Policies on the Adoption of Flexible Work Arrangements for Contract of Service (COS) and Job Order (JO) Workers in the Government;

• MMDA Resolution No. 24-08 Mandating The Adjustment Of Working Hours In All Local Government Units In NCR From 7:00 A.M. To 4:00 P.M.: Strongly Encouraging All National Government Agencies In NCR To Adopt The Same Modified Working Hour Schedule: and Recommending to the President of the Philippines The Issuance Of Executive Order for the Implementation thereof;

• CSC Advisory on Adoption of Flexible Work Arrangements (FWAs) in the Government to Improve the Traffic Situation in Metro Manila dated February 19, 2024;

• Republic Act No. 11215 or the National Integrated Cancer Control Act;

• CSC Resolution No. 2400721 dated August 14, 2024 or the Workplace Cancer Policy in the Public Sector.


X. Effectivity


This DepEd Order shall take effect fifteen (15) days from its approval, issuance, and publication on its website and shall remain in force, unless otherwise repealed, rescinded, or modified accordingly. Certified copies of this Order shall be registered with the University of the Philippines Law Center-Office of the National Administrative Register (UPLC-ONAR), UP Diliman, Quezon City.


XI. Repealing Clause


DepEd orders, instructions, rules and regulations, and other related issuances or parts thereof which are inconsistent with this Order and its provisions are hereby repealed, rescinded, or modified accordingly.


Annex A


Functions/Processes/Services that can be performed through Telecommuting, Online Platforms or Other Strategies:


1. Conduct and participation in online meetings, trainings, workshops, etc.;

2. Research;

3. Policy formulation/review/ amendment;

4. Project work, including but not limited to, drafting of proposals/project studies/training modules;

5. Data encoding/processing;

6. Adjudication of cases or review of cases, including legal work;

7. Budget planning and forecasting;

8. Recording, examination and interpretation of financial records and reports;

9. Evaluation and formulation of accounting, auditing and management control systems;

10. Computer programming;

11. Database maintenance;

12. Design work/drafting of drawing plans;

13. Preparation of information materials;

14. Sending/receiving e-mail;

15. HR tasks, e.g. computation of leave credits, preparation of payroll etc., as the case maybe; and

16. Other analogous tasks which require the use of a computer and the World Wide Web (Internet) for reading, encoding, printing or submission of written outputs for the review, evaluation or final presentation/ assessment of the immediate supervisor, the head of office or the management.


Summary of Personnel under Flexible Work Arrangement (Plantilla)


Summary of Personnel under Flexible Work Arrangement (Job Orders I Contract of Service)


Annex C


Request for Change of Flexible Work Arrangement




Name of Head of Office


Name of Office


Sir/ Madam:


I, full name of employeeposition/designation, assigned in the name of office, would like to request for a change of work arrangement, from ________ to ________, starting ________________.


Justification / Remarks:







Thank you for your kind consideration and approval of this request.


Very truly yours,























Annex D






NAME            :           JUAN L. DELA CRUZ

POSITION              Administrative Officer II

DIVISION     :           Personnel Division

Bureau/Service        Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development


Date/s Covered        January 1-15, 2025


Date and Actual Time logs

Actual Accomplishments


Time-in: 8:02 AM

Time-out: 5:30 PM

·      Prepared Minutes of Meeting

·      Attended online Meeting re: “Paper Evaluation of the Office Screening Committee (OCS)”

·      Drafted five (5) correspondences

·      Updated document tracking database


Time-in: 7:18 AM

Time-out: 4:18 AM

·      Drafted Memorandum on the Invitation for Regional Consultative Meeting

·      Conducted coordination meeting with Key Bureau offices

·      Finalized Draft Policy for vetting by the Office of the Director

·      Prepared liquidation report



Submitted by:





Administrative Officer II

Personnel Division



Attested by:





Chief Administrative Office

Personnel Division


A full copy of DepEd Order No. 004, s. 2025 below:

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