DepEd Order 003, s. 2025 - Guidelines on the Implementation of Quality-Assured Assessment for the National Certification of Learners in the Senior High School Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track and Expansion of the Number of Competency Assessors

DepEd Order 003, s. 2025

Guidelines on the Implementation of Quality-Assured Assessment for the National Certification of Learners in the Senior High School Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track and Expansion of the Number of Competency Assessors

DepEd Order 003, s. 2025 - Guidelines on the Implementation of Quality-Assured Assessment for the National Certification of Learners in the Senior High School Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track and Expansion of the Number of Competency Assessors


MAR 04 2025



No. 003, s. 2025




To:      Undersecretaries

Assistant Secretaries

Bureau and Service Directors

Regional Directors

Schools Division Superintendents

Public and Private Secondary School Heads

All Others Concerned


1. The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the enclosed Guidelines on the Implementation of Quality-Assured Assessment for the National Certification of Learners in the Senior High School Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track and Expansion of the Number of Competency Assessors. This is pursuant to pertinent provisions of Republic Act No. (RA) 1197 5 or the "General Appropriations Act (GAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024" and RA 12116 or the "GAA for FY 2025."


2. This Order defines the process for availing the free assessments from the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) for SHS-TVL learners and free accreditation of teaching and non-teaching personnel from public and private schools as Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Competency Assessors.


3. This Order shall take effect upon its approval and after publication on the DepEd website. Its certified copies shall be registered with the Office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR) at the University of the Philippines Law Center (UPLC), UP Diliman, Quezon City. It shall remain in effect for as long as the funds covered by the GAA for FY 2024 and FY 2025 dedicated for SHS-TVL assessments remain available.


4. For more information, please contact the Office of the Director IV, Bureau of Curriculum Development, 3rd Floor, Bonifacio Building, Department of Education Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City through email at or at telephone numbers (+63 2) 8636-5096 or 8632-7267.


5. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed







(Enclosure to DepEd Order No. 003, s. 2025)




I. Rationale


Section 12 of Republic Act No. {RA) 10533, also known as the "Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013," states that the Department of Education (DepEd), the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), Technical-Vocational Institutions (TVls), and Higher Education Institutions (HEis) shall coordinate closely to implement strategies that ensure academic, physical, financial, and human resource capabilities.


The implementation of the Senior High School (SHS) program, particularly the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) track, revealed low assessment participation rates for Grade 12 learners in School Year (SY) 2019-2020 (25.7%) and SY 2020- 2021 (6.8%). These assessment participation rates were attributed to the prohibitive cost of National Certificate (NC) assessments. However, the passing or certification rates among those who took the assessments were remarkably high, at 98% in SY 2019-2020 and 97% in SY 2020-2021.


The RA 11975, or the "General Appropriations Act (GAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024," and RA 12116, the "GAA for FY 2025", have allocations for the assessment of SHS learners enrolled in the TVL track and issuance of NCs. This will ensure that TESDA can conduct assessments at no out-of-pocket cost to SHS-TVL learners. 


Additionally, RA 11975 provides funding for the expansion of accredited competency assessors in order to support the accreditation of additional assessors needed for the implementation of the SHS assessment and certification support programs. TESDA, in coordination with DepEd, is responsible for selecting and prioritizing eligible personnel in Senior High Schools that offer the TVL track. This provision was further extended in RA 12116, under the Development, Implementation, Monitoring, and Evaluation of Assessment and Certification Systems to further support the accreditation of additional assessors, including those for SHS assessment and certification.


In this light, this DepEd Order adopts the process for availing the TESDA's free assessments for SHS-TVL learners and free training, assessment, and accreditation for assessors among teaching and non-teaching personnel in public and private schools.


II. Scope


Consistent with the GAA for FY 2024 and 2025, this DepEd Order provides the guidelines for the certification assessment for all SHS TVL learners in public and private schools. 


Particularly, these guidelines cover the free assessments for the following learners:

·      SHS-TVL track learners (both Grades 11 and 12) currently enrolled in public and private schools for SY 2024-2025 and SY 2025 – 2026

·      Alternative Learning System (ALS) learners in the SHS-TVL track currently enrolled in public and private learning centers for SY 2024-2025 and SY 2025 – 2026

·      SHS-TVL Graduates and ALS Graduates in the SHS-TVL track from private and public schools from SY 2022-2023 and SY 2023-2024


Beneficiaries of the Joint Delivery Voucher Program (JDVP) will be allowed to avail of the free assessment, provided they have completed the training for the qualification they intend to pursue.


Furthermore, these guidelines include provisions for the training, assessment, and accreditation of DepEd personnel as Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Competency Assessors (CAs). All public and private school teachers, including those who do not teach SHS-TVL, as well as non-teaching personnel, may avail themselves of this training, assessment, and accreditation.


Finally, the guidelines also include rules for accrediting DepEd Senior High Schools as Assessment Centers (ACs) or Designated Assessment Venues (DAVs).


III. Definition of Terms


a.     Accreditation refers to the process of recognizing or empowering an entity to perform certain roles or responsibilities on behalf of the TESDA organization.

b.     Accredited Assessment Center (AC) refers to an establishment officially authorized by TESDA to manage the assessment of candidates for national certification.

c.     Accredited Competency Assessor/Competency Assessor (CA) refers to an individual authorized by TESDA to assess the competencies of a candidate for national certification.

d.     Assessment refers to the process of evaluating an individual's knowledge, skills, and attitudes (competencies) based on predefined standards.

e.     Certification is provided to those who meet the competency standards.

f.      Competency refers to the acquired knowledge, skills, and attitude in accordance with the standard performance in the workplace. It refers to the specification of the knowledge, skills, and attitude and the application of that knowledge, skills, and attitude to the standard of performance required in the workplace.

g.     Designated Assessment Venue (DAV) refers to the facility appropriately equipped and designated/approved by the Provincial Office where actual assessment may take place.

h.     National Certificate (NC) refers to the document issued by TESDA to individuals after being subjected to a National Competency Assessment and proven competent in all the required units of competency of a national qualification defined under the promulgated Training Regulations.

i.      Qualification refers to a package of competencies describing a particular function or job role existing in an economic sector, covering the work activities required to undertake a particular job. It also refers to a formal certification that a person has successfully achieved specific learning outcomes relevant to the identified academic, industry, or community requirements.

j.      Specializations refer to subjects that are classified under the four strands of TVL, namely, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Agriculture and Fishery Arts (AFA), Home Economics (HE), and Industrial Arts (IA). These specializations may or may not have a National Certificate (NC) equivalence from TESDA.


IV. Policy Statement


To enhance the implementation of the Senior High School (SHS) TechnicalVocational- Livelihood (TVL) program, DepEd issues this Order to facilitate the provision of free competency assessments for SHS-TVL learners and free training, assessment in Trainers Methodology Level I COC 2, and accreditation of additional competency assessors. Pursuant to Republic Act Nos. 11975 and 12116, these guidelines aim to address financial barriers to National Certification (NC) assessments, improve certification rates, strengthen the quality of TVL education, and ultimately improve the employability of our learners. DepEd, in coordination with TESDA, shall ensure the effective implementation of the initiatives covered by these guidelines.


V. Procedures


A. Application of SHS-TVL and ALS Learners and Graduates and Learner-Beneficiaries under the JDVP as Candidates for Competency Assessment


1.     By default, SHS-TVL learners and graduates in formal education and ALS, as well as learner-beneficiaries under the JDVP, may avail of the full subsidy for one (1) qualification for assessment, subject to the usual auditing and accounting rules and regulations. TESDA will notify DepEd by the 3rd quarter of 2025 if there is an excess in the budget allocation, which can be used for multiple qualification assessments.


2.     The SHS-TVL learners and graduates can choose from any of the qualifications for which they have completed the appropriate training, subject to assessor availability. Assessment shall cover only Qualifications with promulgated Training Regulations.


3.     The SHS-TVL teachers shall assist the learners/candidates in completing the requirements, which include the Assessment Application Form, accomplished Self-Assessment Guide (SAG), and three (3) colored passport-size pictures with white background. The application form and self-assessment guide are available for downloading from the TESDA website (


4.     The endorsement of the list of learners and the submission of the respective assessment application documents may follow any of the three (3) approaches described below:


a.     The SHS Principal/Head may endorse the required documents directly to the nearest TESDA Provincial or District Office within their respective jurisdiction. If the school opts for this approach, a copy of the endorsement should also be provided to the Education Program Supervisor (EPS) responsible for SHS-TVL of their Schools Division Office (SDO).


b.     The DepEd School Division Superintendent (SDS), through the EPS in charge of SHS-TVL of the SDO, shall consolidate submissions from all schools and forward the complete set of documents to the nearest TESDA Provincial Office or District Office.


c.     Direct application: Alternatively, SHS-TVL learners may apply directly to any TESDA Provincial or District Office to avail of the free assessment, provided that they will present an original or certified true copy of any official document with their Learner Reference Number (LRN) such as Form 137 or School Form 10, diploma, and School Form (SF) 9 (report card).


5.     In accordance with the FY 2025 General Appropriations Act provision on the Senior High School Assessment and Certification Support Program, learners under the TVL Track are required to undergo a competency assessment for National Certification. Therefore, SHSTVL learners from public schools must submit their applications prior to their graduation from Senior High School.


6.     Assessments will be available to all qualified recipients (see Sec. II on Scope) on a first-come, first-served basis, contingent on the availability of FY 2025 funds. The following indicative timeline outlines the prioritization of the assessment takers:

Time Frame

Priority Groups

February to May 2025

·      Grade 12 SHS-TVL track learners enrolled in public schools for SY 2024-2025

·      Alternative Learning System learners in the SHS-TVL track enrolled in public community learning centers for SY 2024-2025

June to August 2025

·      Grade 12 SHS-TVL track learners enrolled in public schools for SY 2025-2026

·      Alternative Learning System learners in the SHS-TVL track enrolled in public community learning centers for SY 2025-2026

September to October 2025

·      SHS-TVL Graduates from private and public schools from SY 2022-2023, SY 2023-2024, and SY 2024-2025

·      Grade 12 SHS-TVL track learners enrolled in private schools for SY 2025-2026


Following this timetable, teachers are enjoined to prioritize supporting the Grade 12 students who are graduating by the end of SY 2024-2025.


7.     To facilitate the scheduling of assessments, school heads, schools' division superintendents, and learners are highly encouraged to submit applications during the first week of each month.


B. Accreditation of Public and Private Teaching and Non-teaching Personnel as TVET Competency Assessors


1.     DepEd SDS, through the EPS in charge of the SHS-TVL in the SDO, shall identify and endorse the list of public and private school teaching and non-teaching personnel who will undergo accreditation as Competency Assessors to the TESDA Provincial or District Offices. 


DepEd may endorse teaching and non-teaching personnel regardless of whether they:

a.     possess a National Certificate (NC) (at least NC Level II) in the qualification for which he/ she intends to be an Accredited CA;

b.      have undergone training on Training Methodology (TM) I-Certificate of Competency (COC) 2 - Conduct of Competency Assessment (CA) program; and

c.     have undergone accreditation as CA.


2.     Teaching and non-teaching personnel seeking accreditation as Competency Assessors must fulfill all the requirements stipulated in the TESDA Implementing Guidelines.

3.     Teaching and Non-Teaching Personnel shall comply with the following:

a.     Eligibility Standards

                                               i.     Practitioner of the occupation/trade or a teacher/ instructor/ trainer in the trade area as defined in the Implementing Guidelines of the qualification; Candidates without required industry work experience shall be granted Provisional Accreditation, subject to guidelines promulgated by the TESDA Board for the purpose;

                                             ii.     For those with NC: Holder of NC Level 2 or higher of the Qualification;

                                           iii.     For those without NC: Must undergo and pass competency assessment in the related qualification he/she intends to be an Accredited Competency Assessor;

                                            iv.     Holder of Trainers Methodology Certificate Level I (TM I) and/ or TM I-COC 2 - Conduct Competency Assessment;

                                             v.     Fluent, both written and oral, in the language of the examination; and

                                            vi.     Have assisted in the conduct of actual assessment:

1.     New applicant-competency assessor must have conducted actual assessment (also known as "loading") of at least one (1) assessment schedule, with minimum of five (5) candidates or more until it satisfies the requirements for becoming a Competency Assessor, under the supervision of a Lead Assessor; and

2.     Accredited competency assessors in related qualifications shall only be required to conduct actual assessment/loading to at least two (2) candidates under the supervision of a Lead Assessor.

b.     List of Requirements

                                               i.     Endorsement from the DepEd SDS through the EPS in charge of the SHS-TVL of the SDO where the teacher is assigned;

                                             ii.     Accomplished Application Form with an attached passport-size picture, white background, and with handwritten name and signature;

                                           iii.     One (1) 2" x 2" picture with white background and handwritten name and signature;

                                            iv.     Transcript of Records or its equivalent;

                                             v.     Certificate of Employment indicating compliance with the required number of years of relevant work/industry experience for the qualification as specified in the promulgated Training Regulations;

                                            vi.     NC Level II or higher (if applicable);

                                          vii.     TM I-COC 2 Conduct Competency Assessment (if applicable); and

                                        viii.     Certification of Loading (if applicable), as attested by the Assessment Center Manager, National/ Regional/ Provincial/ District Lead Assessor, and the TESDA Representative, that the Applicant Competency Assessor has assisted in the assessment of at least one (1) assessment schedule with a minimum of five (5) candidates or minimum of two (2) candidates under the supervision of the National/Regional/Provincial/ District Lead Assessor.


4.     For Teaching and Non-Teaching Personnel, the following procedures shall apply:

a.     The TESDA, through its Regional/Provincial Office, shall identify the training providers with a registered TM I program for the conduct of TM I-COC 2 training. The training cost on TM I-COC 2 shall be shouldered by TESDA, subject to the availability of funds.

b.     The TESDA Provincial Office shall coordinate the conduct of the competency assessment in TM I-COC 2 of public and private teaching and non-teaching personnel and issue the TM I-COC 2 certificate if deemed competent.

c.     After the TM training and assessment, the accreditation as a SHS Competency Assessor is mandatory. For the first two (2) years, commencing from the date of signing until December 2025, the TESDA Regional Office shall accredit the SHS-TVL teachers as CAs to assess only SHS graduates. The accreditation process shall adhere to the existing procedure on accreditation of CAs unless otherwise stated in these guidelines for identified specific provisions.

d.     Teaching and non-teaching personnel with expired National Certificates (NCs) may have their certification renewed by any TESDA Provincial or District Office without needing to undergo the initial application process, as long as the Training Regulations (TR) remains unchanged. Teaching and nonteaching personnel with expired National Certificate (NC) shall automatically be subjected to renewal by any TESDA Provincial or District Office following requirement(s) stipulated in the TR unless otherwise amended.

e.     The accreditation shall be valid only until the expiry date of the relevant NC. Upon expiration, the holder shall file for renewal of both the NC and accreditation as Competency Assessor subject to the Implementing Guidelines of the qualification.

f.      The training cost, assessment fee and processing fee for TM I COC 2 shall be shouldered by TESDA. The said training cost or assessment fee shall be billed within seven (7) working days after the conduct of training and/ or assessment and shall be paid upon submission of required documents.

g.     The accreditation fee for a competency assessor per qualification shall be shouldered by TESDA, subject to the availability of funds. The said fee shall be paid to the respective TESDA Sariling Sikap Program (SSP) account of the Provincial or District Offices prior to the issuance of the Accreditation Certificate.

h.     The public and private teaching and non-teaching personnel with complete requirements shall be prioritized in the availment of free TM I-COC 2 training and assessment, and/ or free accreditation fee as a Competency Assessor, whichever is applicable.

i.      Teaching and Non-Teaching Personnel who have been accredited as Competency Assessor is entitled to claim the assessor's fee for competency assessments conducted, subject to existing government accounting and auditing rules and regulations.

5.     To avoid disruption of classes, the school head shall arrange for a substitute teacher if the schedule falls on a weekday (DepEd Order No. 9, s. 2005).

6.     If any of the activities related to the accreditation of competency assessors take place on a weekend, teaching and non-teaching personnel from public schools shall be entitled to service credits or compensatory time off (CTO) (Joint Circular No. 2, series of 2024 by the Civil Service Commission and Department of Budget and Management, and DepEd Order No. 13, s. 2024).


C. Accreditation of Senior High Schools as Assessment Centers


1.     The Senior High School (SHS) Assessment Center- Applicant shall submit the requirements for accreditation.

2.     Accreditation as Assessment Center shall be valid for two (2) years, subject to renewal or cancellation based on the results of the compliance audit conducted by TESDA.

3.     Accreditation process shall adhere to the existing procedure on accreditation as Assessment Centers.


D. Application of Senior High Schools as Designated Assessment Venues (DAVs)


1.     The DepEd SDO shall endorse the list of SHS that can serve as DAVs to the TESDA Provincial/District Office.

2.     The DAVs shall comply with the required tools, equipment, supplies, and materials specified in the Competency Assessment Tools (CATs). The list of minimum requirements for tools and equipment per qualification can be accessed through this link:

3.     The accomplishment of the assessment shall be credited to the Accredited AC.


VI. Monitoring and Evaluation


Central Office


The Curriculum and Teaching Strand, through the Bureau of Curriculum Development (BCD), shall monitor and provide technical assistance, as needed, for the effective implementation of this DepEd Order. The BCD shall also conduct a periodic review and evaluation of these guidelines. The Field Operations strand shall also hold regular meetings with TESDA counterparts to ensure proper implementation of these guidelines and accurate reporting of certified learners.


Regional Office


The Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD), through the Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)/TVL Supervisor, shall monitor the compliance of the SDOs with all procedures in these guidelines and shall report the number of SHS-TVL learners who were certified. The CLMD will consolidate the data from the SDOs and submit the same to the Central Office through the Curriculum and Teaching and Field Operations strands.


Schools Division Office


The Curriculum Implementation Division {CID), through the TLE/TVL Supervisor, shall monitor the compliance of SHS-TVL schools with these guidelines. Further, the CID shall consolidate the number of SHS-TVL learners who took and passed the national assessment, and the number of teaching and non-teaching personnel who have been accredited as TVET CAs. The data will be submitted to the Regional Office.




The SHS Principal/Head shall submit reports to the SDO on the number of SHS-TVL learners who took and passed the national assessment and the number of teaching and non-teaching personnel who have been accredited as TVET CAs.


VII. References


DepEd Order No. 13, s. 2024, Revised Guidelines on the Grant of Vacation Service Credits for Teachers

DepEd Order No. 9, 2005, Instituting Measures to Increase Engaged Time-On-Task and Ensuring Compliance Therewith

DepEd Order No. 006, s. 2023, Guidelines on the Implementation of the Joint Delivery Voucher Program for Senior High School Technical-Vocational Livelihood Specializations for School Year 2022-2023

Joint Memorandum Circular series of 2024, Ensuring Quality Assured Assessment for Certification of Senior High School Technical-Vocational Livelihood Track

Joint Circular No. 2, series of 2024, Guidelines on Overtime Services and Overtime Pay for Government Employees

TESDA Circular No. 45, series 2024, Implementing Guidelines on Senior School (SHS) Assessment and Certification Support Program


VIII. Effectivity/Transitory


This Order shall take effect immediately upon publication in the DepEd website. All other memoranda and policies inconsistent with these guidelines are hereby repealed. Certified copies of this Order shall be registered at the Office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR) of the UP Law Center, University of the Philippines Dillman, Quezon City.


A full copy of DepEd Order No. 003, s. 2025 below:

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