
Implementing Rules and Regulations of Executive Order No. 174, s. 2022, Re: “Establishing the Expanded Career Progression System for Public School Teachers”

Implementing Rules and Regulations of Executive Order No. 174, s. 2022, Re: “Establishing the Expanded Career Progression System for Public School Teachers”




Introductory Provisions


Section 1. Title.-This shall be known as the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Executive Order (EO) No. 174, s. 2022, entitled "Establishing the Expanded Career Progression System for Public School Teachers."


Section 2. Purposes and Objectives.-This IRR is being promulgated to further reinforce the policy of the State in promoting professional development and career advancement among public school teachers and defining the career lines of teachers within the public school system. It shall provide guidelines, rules and regulations, conditions, and parameters for the establishment and implementation of the Expanded Career Progression (ECP) System for Public School Teachers.



Scope and Coverage


Section 3. Scope and Coverage.-This IRR shall include within its scope all public school teachers within the public basic education system, in all levels from Kindergarten to Senior High School (SHS) in schools and community learning centers managed by the Department of Education (DepEd).


Section 4. Exclusions from the ECP System.-The positions falling under the following shall be excluded from the coverage of the ECP System:


(a) Guidance Counselors;

(b) Guidance Coordinators;

(c) School Farming Coordinators;

(d) Vocational Instruction Supervisors;

(e) School Librarian I, II, III and other positions in the Library Service Group assigned in schools, regardless of whether they are assigned at least one (1) teaching load;

(f) Teaching positions in non DepEd-managed schools and community learning centers such as:

(i) Philippine High School for the Arts (PHSA), National Academy for Sports (NAS), and other schools and community learning centers managed by DepEd attached agencies;

(ii) Philippine Science High Schools (PSHS);

(iii) State Universities and Colleges offering basic education (i.e., Junior High School (JHS) and SHS Programs, Laboratory Schools, etc.);

(g) Teaching positions in Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM); and

(h) Other positions that are neither specified in EO No. 174, s. 2022, nor specifically identified by the DepEd as covered by the ECP System.


Notwithstanding, the BARMM may adopt this policy to implement the ECP System in the Region pursuant to EO No. 174, s. 2022.


Section 5. Applicability to Other Career Pathways for Professional Teachers outside the Public Basic Education School System.-The ECP System shall be complementary to other career pathways for professional teachers outside the public basic education school system. For this purpose:


(a) The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) shall define the other career pathways for professional teachers outside the public basic education school system; and •

(b) The DepEd shall provide for equivalence in the duties, recognition, and compensation of professional teachers in the private sector, who may choose a career line under the ECP System.



Definition of Terms


Section 6. Definition of Terms.-For purposes of this IRR, the following terms are defined, to wit:


(a) Classroom Teaching (CT) Career Line refers to the career pathway of teachers that is involved in classroom teaching. The classes of positions in the CT Career Line include Teacher I to VII and Master Teacher I to V.

(b) CPCS refers to the Compensation and Position Classification System established under Republic Act (RA) No. 6758, known as the Compensation and Position Classification Act of 1989, and existing laws. 1

(c) Conversion refers to a form of staffing modification or position classification action which may only be applied to vacant positions wherein the items are abolished and in their stead, the appropriate positions are created. 2

(d) DepEd-managed school and community learning center refer to school and community learning center under the jurisdiction of DepEd Schools Division Offices.

(e) ECP System refers to the Expanded Career Progression System for Public School Teachers established under EO No. 174, s. 2022.

(f) Master Teacher refers to the specialized teacher position that is expected to demonstrate the competencies defined under PPST Career Stage III (Highly Proficient) and Career Stage IV (Distinguished), including instructional supervision and technical assistance to teachers. Upon entry to Master Teacher I position, the individual should be able to consistently display a high level of performance in the teaching practice, mentor and coach colleagues, and work collegially with other teachers and school personnel.

(g) Natural vacancy refers to vacancy resulting from promotion, transfer, or any form of separation from service of an incumbent of a position, such as resignation, dropping from the rolls, termination of service, expiration of appointment, retirement, or death.

(h) PCCM refers to the Position Classification and Compensation Manual promulgated by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) as a comprehensive documentation of the policies, rules, regulations, procedures and practices relative to the administration and maintenance of the CPCS established under RA No. 6758, and other existing laws, rules, and regulations. 3

(i) PCCS-TPESS refers to the Position Classification and Compensation Scheme for Teaching Positions in the Elementary and Secondary Schools, 4 a component part of the PCCM and the CPCS established under RA No. 6758 and other existing laws, rules, and regulations.

(j) PPSSH refers to the Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads adopted and implemented by DepEd. 5

(k) PPST refers to the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers adopted and implemented by DepEd. 6

(l) Promotion generally refers to the upward advancement of a career employee from one position to another with an increase in duties and responsibilities as authorized by law, and usually accompanied by an increase in salary in accordance with existing civil service laws.7 As used in this IRR, the term shall refer to the upward advancement of a DepEd employee to a higher position in the service.

(m) Public School Teacher refers to a person qualified to practice teaching under the law and engaged in the teaching of any subject, including technical-vocational (TechVoc), at the basic education level, 8 in all public basic education institutions managed by DepEd.

(n) Qualification Standards (QS) refers to the minimum and basic requirements for positions in the government in terms of Education, Training, Experience, Eligibility, and other qualities needed to successfully perform the duties of the position. The QS serves as the basic guide in the evaluation and selection of personnel for positions in the government.

(o) Reclassification9 refers to a form of staffing modification or position classification action which may be applied only when there is a warranted substantial change in the regular duties and responsibilities of the incumbent of the position. It generally involves a change in any or all of the position attributes, i.e., position title, salary grade (SG), or position level. For teachers covered by the Teachers Preparation Pay Schedule and the Compensation and Position Classification Plan for Faculty Positions, 10 reclassification shall be based on the qualification of the incumbent of position. Reclassification of positions shall apply only to filled regular positions in the national government covered by or following the CPCS established under RA 6758, as amended.

(p) Retitling refers to a form of reclassification which may be applied when the SG of the position being reclassified is maintained, provided that the new position title belongs to the same occupational group.11

(q) School Administration (SA) Career Line refers to the career pathway of teachers involved in school management and operations, and instructional supervision. The classes of positions in the SA Career Line include School Principal I to IV.


Title IV.

ECP System for Public School Teachers


Section 7. General Guidelines for the ECP System for Public School Teachers.-Pursuant to the provisions of EO No. 174, s. 2022, and this IRR, the career progression for teachers within the public school system, in all levels fromKindergarten to SHS, shall be expanded to provide for defined career lines for classroom teaching and school administration.


Title IV.A

Common Provisions for Pursuing the CT and SA Career Line


Section 8. Positions under the ECP System.-All teachers falling within the coverage of this IRR shall be afforded reasonable opportunities to apply for further career progression under the following defined career lines:


(a) CT Career Line.-The CT Career Line shall be the career pathway for teachers involved in classroom teaching. The CT Career Line shall have the following classes of positions:

(i) Teacher I,

(ii) Teacher II,

(iii) Teacher III,

(iv) Teacher IV,

(v) Teacher V,

(vi) Teacher VI,

(vii) Teacher VII,

(viii) Master Teacher I,

(ix) Master Teacher II,

(x) Master Teacher III,

(xi) Master Teacher IV, and

(xii) Master Teacher V.


(b) SA Career Line.-The SA Career Line shall be the career pathway for teachers involved in school management and operations, and instructional supervision. The SA Career Line shall have the following classes of positions:


(i) School Principal I,

(ii) School Principal II,

(iii) School Principal III, and

(iv) School Principal IV.


Section 9. Table of Positions; Equivalence of Positions in the CT and SA Career Line.-The equivalence in the positions in the CT and SA Career Lines shall be as shown in the following table:


CT Career Line

SA Career Line

SG Level

Master Teacher V

School Principal IV


Master Teacher IV

School Principal III


Master Teacher III

School Principal II


Master Teacher II

School Principal I


Master Teacher I



Teacher VII



Teacher VI



Teacher V



Teacher IV



Teacher III



Teacher II



Teacher I




The SG and their rates as indicated in the table above shall be deemed updated, adjusted, or modified whenever necessary to reflect such current levels and rates as may be fixed by relevant laws and executive issuances.


Section 10. Advancing to Master Teacher I.-Teachers with the qualifications and proficiency level for the position of Master Teacher I may advance to Master Teacher I, subject to necessary assessment and applicable staffing standards and deployment parameters for Master Teacher positions. In order to advance to the position of Master Teacher I, the teacher must: 


(a) meet the Civil Service Commission (CSC)-approved QS for the position, and

(b) meet the desired teaching proficiency level equivalent to Career Stage III (Highly Proficient) of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST).


Section 11. Choice of Career Line.-Teachers holding the position of Master Teacher I, may choose to pursue the CT or SA Career Line pursuant to Title IV.B and Title IV.C of this IRR, subject to the appropriate qualifications and competency requirements, assessment, and applicable staffing standards and deployment parameters for Master Teacher and School Principal positions. Both Master Teachers and School Principals may be considered for promotion to the next higher positions in the service.


Section 12. Switching Career Lines.-Switching between CT and SA Career Lines shall be allowed, provided that the individual possesses all the required qualifications and expected competencies of the position being applied for in the other career line, subject to the necessary assessment and applicable staffing standards and deployment parameters for Master Teacher and School Principal positions.


Title IV.B

Classroom Teaching Career Line


Section 13. Pursuing the CT Career Line.-All qualified individuals desiring to pursue further career progression under the ECP System as teachers involved in classroom teaching shall be afforded reasonable opportunities to apply for appropriate positions in the CT Career Line that are commensurate to their qualifications and proficiency level.


Section 14. Advancing to Master Teacher II.-Teachers holding the position of Master Teacher I may choose to pursue a promotion or reclassification to Master Teacher II, subject to applicable staffing standards and deployment parameters for ci Master Teacher positions. In order to advance to the position of Master Teacher II, the teacher must meet the appropriate qualification, eligibility, performance, and competency requirements, and undergo the assessments in accordance with the existing policies and guidelines, laws, rules and regulations, and other issuances.


Section 15. Continuing Upwards in the CT Career Line.-Teachers pursuing a promotion to Master Teacher II shall continue upwards in the CT Career  Line, without prejudice to the provisions of Section 12, Title IV.A of this IRR on Switching Career Lines.


The hiring and promotion of teachers in the CT Career Line shall be in accordance with the appropriate qualification, eligibility, performance and competency requirements, assessments, and applicable staffing standards and deployment parameters for Master Teacher positions, as provided by existing policies and guidelines, laws, rules and regulations, and other issuances.


Title IV.C

School Administration Career Line


Section 16. Pursuing the SA Career Line.-All qualified individuals desiring to pursue further career progression under ECP System as teachers involved in school management and operations and instructional supervision, shall be afforded reasonable opportunities to apply for appropriate positions in the SA Career Line that are commensurate to their qualifications and proficiency level.


Section 17. Advancing to School Principal 1.-Teachers holding the position of Master Teacher I, who are aspiring for a career in school administration, may be promoted or reclassified within the SA Career Line, subject to applicable staffing standards and deployment parameters for School Principal positions. In order to advance to the position of School Principal I, the teacher must:

(a) meet the CSC-approved QS for the position,

(b) meet the desired proficiency level for school head as defined by the Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads (PPSSH), and 

(c) have passed the DepEd-administered school head assessment.


Section 18. Continuing Upwards in the SA Career Line.-Teachers opting for School Principal I shall continue upwards in the SA Career Line, without prejudice to the provisions of Section 12, Title IV.A of this IRR on Switching Career Lines.


The hiring and promotion of teachers in the SA Career Line shall be in accordance with the appropriate qualification, eligibility and competency requirements, assessments, and applicable staffing standards and deployment parameters for School Principal positions, as provided by existing policies and guidelines, laws, rules and regulations, and other issuances.


Title V.

Transitory Provisions


Section 19. Transition Period.-The transition period shall be three (3) years reckoned from the date of issuance of this IRR. The DBM, DepEd, CSC, and PRC shall execute the transitory provisions as stipulated herein and establish the necessary operational guidelines and mechanisms to ensure smooth transition and effective implementation of the ECP System.


Section 20. Conversion of Existing Vacant Positions.-In accordance with the “scrap and build” policy, the existing vacant positions shall be abolished and in their stead, Teacher I positions shall be created. The following guidelines shall observed:

(a) The existing vacant positions, with titles that conform with the position titles in the ECP System, shall be converted to Teacher I positions after one (1) year reckoned from the date of the issuance of this IRR. DepEd shall employ all necessary means to fill-up the unfilled positions within the one (1) year period.

(b) The existing vacant positions, with titles that do not conform with the position titles in the ECP System, shall be requested to the DBM for conversion to Teacher I positions


Section 21. Retitling of Existing Filled Positions to Positions in the ECP System.-The existing filled positions, with titles that do not conform to the position titles in the ECP System, shall be retitled to the positions of equivalent SGs in the ECP

System, as follows:


Current Position

Retitled Position

SG Level

Assistant School Principal III

School Principal II or Master Teacher III


Assistant School Principal II

Head Teacher VI

School Principal I or Master Teacher II


Assistant School Principal I

Head Teacher V

Special Education Teacher V

Master Teacher I


Head Teacher IV

Special Education Teacher IV

Teacher VII


Head Teacher III

Special Education Teacher III

Special Science Teacher II

Teacher VI


Head Teacher II

Special Education Teacher II

Teacher V


Head Teacher I

Special Education Teacher I

Teacher IV


Special Science Teacher I

Teacher III



Section 22. Promotion or Reclassification of Incumbents.-Qualified individuals, who at the time of the effectivity of this IRR are holding the current positions indicated in Section 21, Title V of this IRR, may be promoted or reclassified to appropriate positions in the ECP System that are commensurate to their qualifications and proficiency level, subject to the necessary assessments and applicable staffing standards and deployment parameters based on existing policies and guidelines, laws, rules and regulations, and other issuances.


Section 23. Incumbent Assistant School Principal III, Assistant School Principal II, and Head Teacher VI.-Qualified individuals, who, at the time of the effectivity of this IRR, are holding the positions of Assistant School Principal III, Assistant School Principal II, and Head Teacher VI shall be retitled to the appropriate position in the ECP System as stipulated in Section 21, Title V of this IRR. The following guidelines shall be observed:


(a) Incumbents who meet the required qualifications and competencies for school heads based on DepEd-administered school head assessment/s shall be retitled to the equivalent School Principal position and shall be given the following options in terms of functions upon the concurrence of the incumbent:

(i) Perform their existing functions in the same school by virtue of designation; or

(ii) Perform the functions of a School Head designate, subject to the provisions of Section 27, Part V of this IRR on the Designation and Redeployment of Excess Items and/or Personnel.


(b) Incumbents who do not meet the requirements as stipulated in Section 23(a) shall be retitled to the equivalent Master Teacher position, without prejudice to the provisions of Section 12, Title IV.A of this IRR on Switching Career Lines. They shall be given the following options in terms of functions upon the concurrence of the incumbent:

(i) Assume the functions attached to a Master Teacher position;

(ii) Perform their existing functions in the same school by virtue of designation; or

(iii) Perform the functions of a School Head designate, subject to the provisions of Section 27, Part V of this IRR on the Designation and Redeployment of Excess Items and/or Personnel.


For the duration. of the three (3)-year transition period,. Incumbents retitled to Master Teacher positions shall be regarded as on-stream candidates for the SA Career Line. As such, they shall be provided with professional development interventions to equip them with the necessary competencies to be full-fledged principals and shall be given priority in the promotion or reclassification to appropriate School Principal position commensurate to their qualifications and proficiency level, subject to existing laws, rules and regulations, and the guidelines to be formulated pursuant to EO No. 174, s. 2022, and this IRR.


Section 24. Incumbent Assistant School Principal I and Other Incumbent Head Teachers.-Qualified individuals, who, at the time of the effectivity of this IRR, are holding the positions of Assistant School Principal I and Head Teacher I to V shall be given the following options:


(a) To be retained in their current position title. As such, they shall perform the functions attached to position they are holding as defined in its job description and/ or designation.


Notwithstanding, incumbents who opted to retain their items shall be allowed to request the retiling of their position to the equivalent position in the ECP System any time within the three (3) year transition period.


Consistent with the provisions of Section 20(b), Part V of this IRR on the Conversion of Existing Vacant Positions, any position, with titles that do not conform with the position titles in the ECP System, shall be converted to Teacher I position upon the occurrence of natural vacancy.


(b)To be retitled to the equivalent position in the ECP System. As such, they shall be given the following options in terms of functions upon the concurrence of the incumbent:

(i) Assume the functions attached to the equivalent Teacher or Master Teacher position;

(ii) Perform their existing functions in the same school by virtue of designation; or

(iii) Perform the function as School Head designate, subject to the provisions of Section 27, Part V of this IRR on the Designation and Redeployment of Excess Items and/or Personnel.


For the duration of the three (3)-year transition period, incumbents, both of retained and retitled positions, shall be regarded as on-stream candidates for SA Career Lines. As such, they shall be provided with professional development interventions to equip them with the necessary competencies to be full-fledged principals and shall be given priority in the promotion or reclassification to School Principal I position, subject to existing laws, rules and regulations, and the guidelines to be formulated pursuant to EO No. 174, s. 2022, and this IRR. They shall be allowed to be promoted or reclassified to School Principal I without passing through the Master Teacher I position.


After the three (3)-year transition period, incumbents shall no longer be regarded as on-stream candidates. As such, incumbents of retitled positions shall be promoted or reclassified in accordance with the provisions under Title IV.A of this IRR on the Common Provisions for CT and SA Career Lines and the subsequent guidelines to be formulated pursuant to EO No. 174, s. 2022. They shall be allowed to choose between CT and SA Career Lines upon reaching the Master Teacher I position.


On the other hand, if after the three (3)-year transition period, on-stream candidates, who opted to retain their current position, fail to advance in their career or request the retitling of their current position to the equivalent position in the ECP System, the position they are holding shall be tagged as co-terminus to the incumbent (CTI), which shall be converted to Teacher I position upon the occurrence of natural vacancy consistent with the provisions of Section 20(b), Part V of this IRR on the Conversion of Existing Vacant Positions.


Section 25. Incumbent Special Education Teachers and Special Science Teachers.-The positions of Special Education Teachers (SpET) and Special Science Teachers (SST) shall be retitled to the equivalent position in the ECP System and shall maintain the parenthetical titles as SpET and SST. Incumbents of the said positions shall perform the same functions attached to their positions.


Section 26. Other lncumbents.-Qualified individuals shall be allowed to apply for appropriate positions in the ECP System commensurate to their qualifications and proficiency level, provided that they meet the CSC-approved QS,performance requirements, expected competencies, and such other requirements and qualifications in accordance with applicable policies and guidelines, laws, rules and regulations, and other issuances.


Section 27. Designation and Redeployment of Excess Items and/or lncumbents.-Staffing complement resulting from the retitling of positions, as stipulated above, shall be subject to redeployment of positions and/or personnel toschools with identified need in accordance with the applicable staffing standards and deployment parameters for Master Teacher and School Principal positions based on existing policies and guidelines, laws, rules and regulations, and other issuances.


Appropriate designation orders shall be issued to incumbents who opt to take on the functions of a School Head designate, Assistant School Principal designate, or Department Head designate, subject to applicable policies, rules and regulations, and

guidelines on designation.


Title VI.

Role of the Agencies


Section 28. DepEd.-In the implementation of EO No. 174, s. 2022, and the provisions of this IRR, the DepEd shall:


(a) Facilitate the conduct of public consultations in relation to the implementation of EO No. 174, s. 2022, and this IRR;

(b) Propose and recommend the QS for DepEd teaching positions, including those for the new position titles of Teacher IV, Teacher V, Teacher VI, Teacher VII, and Master Teacher V, for the review and approval of CSC;

(c) Coordinate with the DBM to ensure that effective policies, rules, regulations, procedures, mechanism&, and practices are in place for the DBM to administer and maintain the PCCS-TPESS, the PCCM, and the CPCS for the effective implementation of the ECP System, especially as regards the need to create, modify or reclassify positions, career progression, compensation scheme, and other matters thereto incidental;

(d) Define the criteria for teacher assessment and evaluation based on the PPST, PPSSH, and such other standards as it may deem applicable;

(e) Align the criteria for career progression with the system of recognition affirming the career stages achieved by teachers and school leaders based on professional standards, as may be established by the Teacher Education Council pursuant to RA 11713;

(f) Ensure that the teachers are equipped with the necessary learning and development interventions to enable them to qualify for promotion;

(g) Facilitate and provide in-service training for the continuous professional development of teachers through the NEAP and all NEAP accredited learning service providers;

(h) Assess teacher applicants for promotion or reclassification m accordance with criteria and guidelines set by DepEd;

(i) Capacitate and train the HRMOs, HRMPSBs, and other DepEd officials and personnel on the implementation ofEO No. 174, s. 2022, and this  IRR, especially as regards to the judicious, objective, and competency-based assessment of teacher applicants;

(j) Develop and facilitate the implementation of a comprehensive 8 communication and change management plan to ensure wide dissemination and smooth implementation of EO No. 174, s. 2022, and this IRR;

(k) Establish a comprehensive electronic information system to facilitate

(l) the collection, storage, and updating of data on teacher qualifications, and the processing of teacher applications; Propose the annual budget for the implementation of the ECP System in accordance with the existing planning and budgeting parameters, subject to the review and approval of DBM, prior to inclusion in the Annual General Appropriations Act (GAA);

(m) Monitor and evaluate the implementation of EO No. 174 and this IRR, including the utilization of available funds for each fiscal year;

(n) Harmonize, in coordination with CSC and PRC, the QS for teaching positions in the public school system, specifically in the elementary and secondary levels, including SHS teaching positions;

(o) Provide for equivalence in the duties, recognition, and compensation of professional teachers in the private sector, who may choose a career line under the ECP System;

(p) Act promptly to resolve any concern within its jurisdiction relative to the effective implementation of EO No. 174, s. 2022, and this IRR; and 

(q) Promulgate or issue, on its own or jointly with other concerned government agencies as may be appropriate, such rules, regulations, and guidance documents as may be necessary or incidental to the performance of the foregoing functions.


Section 29. CSC.-In the implementation of EO No. 174, s. 2022, and the provisions of this IRR, the CSC shall:


(a) Review and approve the proposals and recommendations of DepEd on the QS for DepEd teaching positions under the ECP System, including those for the new position titles of Teacher IV, Teacher V, Teacher VI, Teacher VII, and Master Teacher V;

(b) Harmonize, in coordination with DepEd and PRC, the QS for teaching positions in the public school system, specifically in the elementary and secondary levels, including SHS teaching positions;

(c) Act promptly to resolve any concern within its jurisdiction relative to the effective implementation of EO No. 174, s. 2022, and this IRR; and

(d) Promulgate or issue, on its own or jointly with other concerned government agencies as may be appropriate, such rules, regulations, and guidance documents as may be necessary or incidental to the performance of the foregoing functions.


Section 30. DBM.-In the implementation of EO No. 174, s. 2022, and the provisions of this IRR, the DBM shall:


(a) Create the new position titles of Teacher IV, Teacher V, Teacher VI, Teacher VII, and Master Teacher V and include the same in the Index of Occupational Services, Occupational Groups, Classes and SGs as recommended by DepEd;

(b) Amend or modify, in consultation and coordination with DepEd, the PCCS-TPESS and the PCCM under the CPCS, and administer the same in accordance with the ECP System;

(c) Review and approve the applications for reclassification of positions as endorsed and recommended by DepEd;

(d) Evaluate the proposed funding allocation for the implementation of the ECP System and reclassification of positions for further inclusion in the annual GAA;

(e) Act promptly to resolve any concern within its jurisdiction relative to the effective implementation of EO No. 174, s. 2022, and this IRR; and 

(f) Promulgate or issue, on its own or jointly with other concerned government agencies as may be appropriate, such rules, regulations, and guidance documents as may be necessary or incidental to the performance of the foregoing functions.


Section 31. PRC.-In the implementation of EO No. 174, s. 2022, and the provisions of this IRR, the PRC shall:


(a). Define the other career pathways for _professional teachers outside the public basic education school system;

(b) Harmonize, in coordination with DepEd and CSC, the QS for teaching positions in the public school system, specifically in the elementary and secondary levels, including SHS teaching positions;

(c) Act promptly to resolve any concern within its jurisdiction relative to the effective implementation of EO No. 174, s. 2022, and this IRR; and

(d) Promulgate or issue, on its own or jointly with other concerned government agencies as may be appropriate, such rules, regulations, and guidance documents as may be necessary or incidental to the performance of the foregoing functions.


Section 32. Interagency Committee.-The DepEd, DBM, CSC, and PRC shall periodically review the provisions of this IRR and its implementation in order to ensure its responsiveness towards achieving the objectives of EO No. 174, s. 2022.


For this purpose, an Interagency Committee (IAC) is hereby constituted, to be chaired by the Undersecretary for Human Resources and Organizational Development of the DepEd, and composed of representatives from the DBM, CSC and PRC, to be designated by their respective Heads of Agency. The DepEd Bureau of Human Resources and Organizational Development shall serve as the IAC Secretariat.


Title VII.

Final Provisions


Section 33. Funding.-For first year of implementation, the separate appropriations of the following objects of expenditure in the GAA shall be consolidated  


a. Reclassification of Positions;

b. Lump-sum for Equivalent Records Form; and 

c. Lump-sum for Master Teachers (creation and reclassification).


All approved applications for reclassification to higher teaching and school principal positions received within the subject fiscal year shall be charged to the lumpsum appropriations of the above objects of expenditure.


For the subsequent years thereafter, the annual appropriations for the Reclassification of Positions shall be determined and proposed by DepEd in accordance with the existing planning and budgeting parameters and guidelines, subject to the review and evaluation of the DBM, for further inclusion in the GAA.


The annual appropriations for the Reclassification of Positions shall be approved through the GAA, without prejudice to the regular creation of Teacher and School Principal items based on the applicable planning and deployment parameters.


Section 34. Construction and Interpretation.-The provisions of this IRR shall be liberally construed in order to promote and achieve the purposes and objectives of EO No. 174, s. 2022, and this IRR.


Section 35. Separability Clause.-If any provisions hereof shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid, the other sections or provisions not affected, thereby shall remain in full force and effect:


Section 36. Repealing Clause.-All issuances, guidelines, rules, and regulations which are inconsistent with this IRR are hereby repealed or amended accordingly.


Section 37. Effectivity.-This IRR shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official Gazette or a newspaper of general circulation, and shall remain in force until revoked or amended. Let certified copies of this IRR be registered with the Office of the National Administrative Register at the University of the Philippines Law Center, UP Dillman, Quezon City.




Department of Education




Department of Budget and Management




Civil Service Commission




Professional Regulation Commission






1 See Circular Letter No. 2007-6 dated February 19, 2007 re: Manual on Position Classification and Compensation.

2 See DBM Budget Circular No. 2018-3 dated July 30, 2018 re: Guidelines on the Reclassification of Positions

3 See Circular Letter No. 2007-6 dated February 19, 2007 re: Manual on Position Classification and Compensation

4 See id. at Chap.6.

5 See DepEd Order No. 24, s. 2020, re: National Adoption and Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads, and other related issuances.

6 See DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2017, re: National Adoption and Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers, and other related issuances.

7 §11, Rule IV, Omnibus Rules on Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions (Revised 2018), Civil Service Commission.

8 §3(k}, Republic Act (RA) No. 11713, re: Excellence in Teacher Education Act.

9 See DBM Budget Circular No. 2018-3 dated July 30, 2018 re: Guidelines on the Reclassification of Positions.

10 See Circular Letter No. 2007-6 dated February 19, 2007 re: Manual on Position Classification and Compensation.

11 See DBM Budget Circular No. 2018-3 dated July 30, 2018 re: Guidelines on the Reclassification of Positions.

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