
DepEd Order No. 050, s. 2022 : Amendment to DepEd Order No. 44, s. 2022, and the Issuance of Operational Guidelines for the Approval of the Extension of the Implementation of Blended Learning Modality in Select Public Elementary and Secondary Schools Beyond November 2, 2022

DepEd Order No. 050, s. 2022

Amendment to DepEd Order No. 44, s. 2022, and the Issuance of Operational Guidelines for the Approval of the Extension of the Implementation of Blended Learning Modality in Select Public Elementary and Secondary Schools Beyond November 2, 2022

DepEd Order No. 050, s. 2022


03 NOV 2022



No. 050, s. 2022




To:      Undersecretaries

Assistant Secretaries

Bureau and Service Directors

Regional Directors

Schools Division Superintendents

Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads

All Others Concerned


1. The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the Amendment to DepEd Order (DO) No. 44, s. 2022, titled Amendment to DepEd Order No. 034, s. 2022 (School Calendar and Activities for the School Year 2022-2023). Additionally, in consultation with the field offices, the Department issues the Operational Guidelines for the Approval of the Extension of the Implementation of Blended Learning Modality in Select Public Elementary and Secondary Schools Beyond November 2, 2022.


2. Public elementary and secondary schools that are unable to comply with the mandated five days of in-person classes due to exceptional circumstance(s) are required to submit their request for continuation or adoption of the blended learning modality beyond November 2, 2022. Nonetheless, schools can continue to implement the blended learning modality during the pendency of the request. Full distance learning for a period of time due to emergencies, calamities, and disasters shall be considered blended learning for the purposes of this DO.


3. The approving authority for the implementation of blended learning modality in select public elementary and secondary schools beyond November 2, 2022, shall be the schools division superintendent (SDS), whose decision shall be subject to review by the regional director (RD). Thus, Item No. 17 of DO 034, s. 2022, as amended by DO 044, s. 2022, is further amended and shall read as follows:

17. Starting November 2, 2022, all public schools shall have transitioned to five days of in-person classes. After the said date, no public school shall be allowed to implement purely distance learning or blended learning, except for those that are expressly provided an exemption by the schools division superintendent, those whose classes are automatically cancelled due to disaster and calamities, and those implementing Alternative Delivery Modes, as provided for in DO 021, s. 2019, titled Policy Guidelines on the K to 12 Basic Education Program, and DO 001, s. 2022 titled Revised Policy Guidelines on Homeschooling Program. A separate DepEd Order shall be issued relative to the exemption that will be provided by the SDS.


4. DO 034, s. 2022 directs schools to maintain full operational capacity and accommodate 100 percent of their learner population in five days of in-person classes. However, some public elementary and secondary schools may be temporarily unable to comply with the requirement of five days of in-person classes due to circumstances beyond their control, such as, but not limited to:


a. Delays in the repair or construction of school facilities due to calamities (e.g., typhoons, earthquakes, floods, fires, landslides, etc.) that affect the overall absorptive capacity of the school;


b. Immediate need for relocation of the school due to a determination and certification by the Mines and Geosciences Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources or any other appropriate government agency that such school site is unsafe for occupancy and use by the learners;


c. Shortage of basic education inputs and resources (e.g., teachers, classrooms, furniture, etc.) that cannot be addressed by existing measures of the Department;


d. Existence of unfavorable peace and order situation in the area where the school is located; and


e. Use of the classroom as a temporary evacuation center.


Exceptional circumstances do not mean to include suspension of classes due to extra-curricular activities or the use of classrooms as billeting areas for events.


5. The requesting school shall:


a. Substantiate in writing the exceptional circumstance(s) attendant to the school's situation;


b. Provide a comprehensive situational analysis, prepared and attested by the school head, specifying, among others, that all possible ways and means for the school to comply with the mandatory five days of in-person classes have been exhausted;


c. Indicate the school's duly established mechanisms, distance learning platforms, learning resources, and learning management of rotational in-person classes, including class program, teacher loading, and deployment; and


d. Provide a timeline for the school's implementation of the learning modality, inclusive of the period of extension.


6. The requesting school shall submit its request with all documentary requirements to the concerned SDS for approval. After review and evaluation, the SDS shall have the authority to approve such request of public elementary and secondary schools for the implementation of blended learning modality due to exceptional circumstances.


7. The grant or denial of such request by the SDS, as abovementioned, shall be final, unless it is reversed and overturned by review of the RD.


8. Upon the resolution or the exceptional circumstances referred to in Item No. 4 above, such public elementary or secondary schools that are allowed to conduct blended learning modalities pursuant to DO 44, s. 2022 shall immediately implement the five days of in-person classes.


9. For monitoring purposes, all SDSs are directed to submit regular monthly reports to their RDs on the implementation of the five days in-person classes and the list of schools approved for the continuation or adoption of the blended learning modalities. In turn, the RDs shall submit a monthly consolidated report of the same to the Office of the Undersecretary for Governance and Field Operations.


10. In connection with the exercise of their authority, the foregoing officials are enjoined to observe the relevant laws, policies, rules, and regulations to ensure the legality and validity of all their acts performed pursuant to this Order. All concerned DepEd officials and employees shall give their full support and cooperation to the foregoing officials in the exercise of their duties and responsibilities.


11. The foregoing officials shall continue to be under the supervision and control of the Secretary. Nothing in this Order shall preclude the Secretary from exercising her authority and mandate under Republic Act No. 9155, Executive Order No. 292, s. 1987, and other existing laws.


12. The provisions of existing DepEd issuances inconsistent with this Order are amended or modified accordingly. The provisions of this Order shall take effect immediately and shall remain in force until revoked or rescinded.


13. For more information, please contact the Office of the Undersecretary for Governance and Field Operations, Room 101, Rizal Building, Department of Education Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City through email at or at telephone number (02) 8633-5313.


14. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.





Vice President and Secretary





            DepEd Order (Nos. 044, 034, and 001, s. 2022; and 021, s. 2019)


To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

under the following subjects:














Full copy of DepEd Order No. 050, s. 2022:



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