
DepEd Memorandum No. 100, s. 2022 : 2022 Results of the Fiscal Year 2021 National Qualifying Examination for School Heads

DepEd Memorandum No. 100, s. 2022

2022 Results of the Fiscal Year 2021 National Qualifying Examination for School Heads



17 OCT 2022



No. 100, s. 2022




To:      Undersecretaries

Assistant Secretaries

Bureau and Service Directors

Regional Directors

Schools Division Superintendents

Public and Private Elementary and Secondary School Heads

All Others Concerned


1. The Department of Education (DepEd), through the Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development (BHROD), announces the Results of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 National Qualifying Examination for School Heads(NQESH), which was successfully conducted through a remote online modality on July 31, 2022. From 6,000 examinees, there were 5,966 (99.43%) who were admitted to the online platform and took the test, of which 5,954 (99.80%) were able to complete the examination.


2. The examination consists of conceptual and situational critical thinking questions aligned with the standards set by the Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads (PPSSH) as stipulated in DepEd Order No. 024 s. 2020 or the National Adoption and Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads using the Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome (SOLO) taxonomy as an underpinning framework.


3. In determining the qualified examinees, the responses of the examinees were quantitatively analyzed employing the Rasch Model. The procedure computes question difficulty and candidate ability on the same scale. The questions in NQESH were of widely varying levels of difficulty and this characteristic of the examination was considered in computing the NQESH takers' overall scores. This procedure identifies the proficiency of takers' understanding in becoming a school head instead of the usual pass or fail scores.


The candidate's ability scores produced by the Rasch Model were transformed from the logit scale to construct an order of merit expressed on a numerical scale that ranges from O to 100 percent, which is used to identify those qualifying or progressing to the next stage of the selection process for school heads. The order of merit can be thought of as a Dimension of Preparedness for aspiring school heads. The procedure applied does not employ constructs such as pass or fail grades as these constructs have become less appropriate for the selection of prospective school heads. Instead, three categories of achievement were identified as Category A, Category B, and Category C.


4. The following describes the qualification status of takers depending on their Category rating:



No. of Examinees


Category A

2,203 (36.93%)

ELIGIBLE to the next stage for Principal 1 positions (such as interview and paper screening).

Category B

2,096 (35.10%)

MAY TAKE the next NQESH in 2023 after the provision of coaching/outstanding Principal. They shall be prioritized to be designated as Officer-in-Charge/Teacher-in-Charge in case of deficiency of eligible Principal I applicants.

Category C

1,667 (28%)

MUST UNDERTAKE an intensive School Heads Development Program (SHDP)through NEAP or authorized external service providers before they are allowed to retake the NQESH in 2024.


5. Further information concerning the findings generated by the Rasch Analysis of NQESH shall be forwarded to the National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) and its regional counterparts as a reference to assist in designing development programs for aspiring principals.


6. Details of the qualifiers are provided in the following enclosures:


Enclosure No. 1 NQESH FY 2021 National and Regional Top Performers,

Enclosure No. 2 - Official List for Category A,

Enclosure No. 3 - Official List per Region for Category B, and

Enclosure No. 4 - Official List per Region for Category C.


7. Release of an individual certificate to all test takers, including appropriate Human Resource (HR) actions and Learning & Development (L&D) interventions will be announced through a subsequent issuance from the Office of the Undersecretary for Human Resource and Development, NEAP, Teacher Education Council Secretariat, and DepEd Employees' Association Coordinating Office.


8. For more information, all concerned may contact the Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development-Human Resource and Development Division through email at


9. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.


By Authority of the Secretary




Undersecretary and Chief of Staff



Encl.: As stated



DepEd Order (No. 024, 2020)

DepEd Memorandum No. 033, s. 2022


To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

under the following subjects:











(Enclosure No. 1 to DepEd Memorandum No. 100, s. 2022)


(Enclosure No. 2 to DepEd Memorandum No. 100, s. 2022)


(Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. 100, s. 2022)


(Enclosure No. 4 to DepEd Memorandum No. 100, s. 2022)



Full copy of DepEd Memorandum No. 100, s. 2022:

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