
DepEd Memorandum No. 089, s. 2022 : Call for Nomination for the 2023 Princess Maha Chakri Award

DepEd Memorandum No. 089, s. 2022

Call for Nomination for the 2023 Princess Maha Chakri Award

DepEd Memorandum No. 089, s. 2022



05 OCT 2022



No. 089, s. 2022




To:      Undersecretaries

Assistant Secretaries

Bureau and Service Directors

Minister, Basic, Higher, and Technical Education, BARMM

Regional Directors

All Others Concerned


1. This refers to the Princess Maha Chakri Award (PMCA) which was launched in 2015 during Her Royal Highness (HRH) Maha Chakri Sirindhorn's 60th Anniversary Birthday Celebration in recognition of HRH's contribution, commitment and devotion to teachers and education, particularly the disadvantaged groups in Thailand and Southeast Asia.


2. The PMCA is an award given to outstanding teachers of 11 countries in Southeast Asia (ASEAN + Timor Leste) who have made significant impact to students' lives.


3. The Award is given every two years since 2015. The Princess Maha Chakri Award Foundation has worked closely with the Ministry of Education of 11 countries in the selection process. The PMCA Foundation provides general criteria that focuses on teachers who change student development and lives, particularly the disadvantaged groups in the remote areas, which is the main emphasis on HRH's work. Every two years, each Ministry of Education will submit their nominations to the PMCA Foundation and the Foundation will submit to HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhom for endorsement. Once the nominations are endorsed, the PMCA Committee Members will embark on a mission to meet with the teachers who receive the Award, and relevant stakeholders such as the High Officials at the Ministry of Education and the Thai Ambassador in the country.


4. The unique and most important aspect of the Award is the activities after receiving the Award which enable these PMCA recipients to expand their practices to improve themselves and help other teachers within their countries and beyond. The Award aims to promote excellent practices, and inspire and serve as examples for teachers in Southeast Asia.


5. The PMCA's General Criteria include the following:


a. Outstanding achievement which generates benefits to education and human development;

b. Active in teaching or administering at the primary or secondary levels; and

c. Has inspired fellow teachers with their dedication to students in the country.


6. The Philippines' Princess Maha Chakri Award Screening Committee include the following Criteria:


a. Participation in community and civic movements most especially where education is least accessible;

b. Innovation in teaching has benefited the communities where he/ she has taught; and

c. Ability to inspire, promote, and sustain the development of students and fellow teachers through their decision.


7. The Philippines' screening process shall undergo the following procedures:


a. PMCA Selection Committee composed of the Deputy Minister (Undersecretary), the Head of Bureau of Human Resource and Organization Development (BHROD). Head of the International Cooperation Office (ICO), and Head of the National Educators· Academy of the Philippines (NEAP);

b. One nominee from each region of the Philippines to be submitted to DepEd Central Office:

c. PMCA Selection Committee meeting convened to deliberate on the 17 nominations and select one awardee:

d. The Secretary approves the awardee chosen; and

e. The one chosen will be submitted to the PMCA Foundation for further review.


8. Public School Teacher applicants are directed to submit pertinent documents to their respective Department of Education (DepEd) regional offices (ROs) which shall likewise include the following:


a. Updated Personal Data Sheet (CS Form 212);

b. 1,500 words essay by the nominee why he/she should receive the Award:

c. Letter of nomination from the RO addressed to the Vice President and Secretary, Sara Z. Duterte. (Attention: Director Margarita Consolacion C. Ballesteros. International Cooperation Office) Signed by the Regional Director or duly authorized official; and

d. Matrix to summarize the activities done, awards received and accomplishments relevant to the award accompanied by supporting documents (spell out acronyms of organizers and topic/s or subjects of the training: certificates of training need not be submitted). Please see enclosure.


9. The ROs shall screen the submission based on the abovementioned criteria and nominate who will join the selection process by the Central Office (CO).


10. The ROs are then requested to forward their nominee's requirements and a letter of nomination to the DepEd International Cooperation Office (ICO) on or before October 31, 2022. The mailing address for the hard copies is mentioned below. while soft copies should be sent through email at with the subject line: Region _-Princess Maha Chakri Award 2023.


11. The letter of nomination should be signed by the regional director (or his/her official representative) and addressed to:


Sara Z. Duterte

Vice President and Secretary, Department of Education


Attention:        Margarita Consolacion C. Ballesteros

Director IV, International Cooperation Office

Ground Floor, Teodora Alonzo Building,


12. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.


By Authority of the Secretary




Undersecretary and Chief of Staff



Encl.: As stated



            DepEd Memorandum No. 052, s. 2022


To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

under the following subjects:








(Enclosure to DepEd Memorandum No. 089, s. 2022)







(Full name)


(Name of School)

(Schools Division)




Awards received/ Activities / Accomplishments relevant to the award

Description of the Award / Activity / Accomplishment









































Full copy of DepEd Memorandum No. 089, s. 2022:



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