
Summary of DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016

Summary of DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016

Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to 12 Basic Education Program


The policy is quite long and we’re pretty sure that most of our teachers and aspiring to become teachers would find this DepEd Order – at first glance – quite discouraging to read. And that is why we thought of making a short brief regarding this highly significant policy.


1. All Lesson Plans shall answer the following questions: 


(a) What should be taught? 

(b) How it should be taught? 

(c) How should learning be assessed?


What Should be Taught?

- teachers must have deep understanding of the Curriculum Guide (CG) which will be followed for synchronization of teaching & learning process.


How it Shout be Taught?

- teachers must use different instructional strategies and instructional methods in delivery of "what should be taught?


How Should Learning be Assessed?

- Preparation of lesson plans should be in toe to toe with preparation of formative assessment plans which specifically targets the objectives as indicated in DO 8 s. 2015


2. Parts of the Lesson Plan


(a) Before the Lesson 
- this includes: Review, Clarification of Concepts from previous lesson, Introducing of New Lesson, Connecting previous lesson with new lesson, and Stating of Lesson Objectives to learners.
(b) Lesson Proper 
- main part of the lesson. Explaining, modeling, demonstrating and illustrating of concepts, ideas, skills or processes that students should internalize.

(c) After the Lesson 

- or lesson closing; "end" of the lesson. Teachers may either summarize or ask the students to summarize what has been learned. Lesson mastery is assessed during this part.


3. Instructional Models, Strategies and Methods

-Instructional Model refers to the teacher's philosophical orientation in teaching i.e. Theories of learning

-Instructional Strategy refers to the teaching approach influenced by the different theories of learning. i.e. What is used inside the classroom to achieve the objectives of the lesson.

-Instructional Method refers to the specific activity done by the teacher and learners in the classroom.



- Direct Instruction

- Indirect Instruction

- Interactive Instruction

- Experiential Instruction

- Independent Study


4. Emphasis of K to 12 Features such as (a) Spiral Progression, (b) Constructivism, (c) Differentiated Instruction and (d) Contextualization


5. ICT Integration

- preparation of daily lessons may be computerized or handwritten. Schools are (encouraged) to use ICTs to store the lessons made by the teachers. Creation of a databank/database of lesson plans and the like. Teachers may use ICT in integrating different parts of the lesson. 


6. Daily Lesson Log (DLL)

- teachers with at least 1 year of teaching experience (private or public) are not required to make a Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) instead they are required to fill out a weekly Daily Lesson Log (DLL). 


7. Specified Parts of the DLL


a) Objectives

b) Content

c) Learning Resources

d) Procedures (10 parts that needs to be accomplished within the course of the week) such as:

- review, connecting of new lesson from old.

- establishing purpose for the lesson in order to motivate learners.

- presenting examples/instances for the purpose of clarification of concepts.

- discussing new concepts leading to first formative assessment.

- continuation of the discussion of new concepts leading to the second formative assessment to show depth in the lesson.

- developing mastery, which leads to the third formative assessment.

- finding practical application of concepts and skills.

- making generalization & abstractions

- evaluating learning from the three types of objectives and

- additional activities for application or remediation based on the formative assessments.

e) Remarks

f) Reflection

- requires teachers to reflect on and assess the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process. The teacher should make notes on the number of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation, those who require additional activities for remediation etc.


8. Newly-Hired Teachers shall use the DLP for 1 year until after they have received a rating of "Very Satisfactory" within the RPMS.


9. DLL/DLP shall be part of the RPMS


10. DepEd Ownership Clause

- No part of this DepEd Order in any form or means should be sold or used to obtain profit or equivalent by an individual or group. Any violation shall be dealt with accordingly.


And that’s about it! 


If you wish to read the whole DepEd Order along with its enclosure and downloadable annexes, then you can click here:


DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016

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