
DepEd ORDER No. 027, s. 2022 : Conduct of Rapid Assessment in School Year 2021-2022 for Learning Recovery as well as in Preparation for the 2024 Baseline System Assessment

 17 JUN 2022



No. 027, s. 2022




To:      Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau and Service Directors
Minister of Basic Higher, and Technical Education, BARMM
Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads
All Other Concerned


1. The Department of Education (DepEd), through the Bureau of Education Assessment (BEA), with the assistance of regional offices (ROs) and schools division offices (SDOs), will administer the Early Language, Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (ELLNA), National Achievement Test for Grade 6 (NATG6), and National Achievement Test for Grade 12 (NATG12) for School Year (SY) 2021-2022 within the following testing windows:


National Assessment

Testing Window

Target Test Takers

Mode of Test Administration

Early Language, Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (ELLNA)

June 7-17, 2022

·      Current Grade 3 of SY 2021-2022

·      Public schools only



National Achievement Test for Grade 6 (NATG6)

June 7-17, 2022

·      Current Grade 6 of SY 2021-2022

·      Public and private schools



National Achievement Test for Grade 12 (NATG12)

June 13-21, 2022

·      Current Grade 12 of SY 2021-2022

·      Public and private schools




2. The conduct of the tests is pursuant to DepEd Order (DO) No. 029, s. 2021 titled School Calendar and Activities for School Year 2021−2022.


3. The test administration for SY 2021−2022 will serve as a rapid assessment to identify learning gaps and to design appropriate interventions, as well as preparation for establishing a new system assessment baseline in 2024.


4. As rapid assessment, the administration to a representative sample of schools and students before the end of SY 2021−2022 will serve as indicator for the Central Office of the learning gaps in the entire system. After the sampling test administration, the test instruments shall be furnished to all regions for administration in schools under their respective jurisdiction within SY 2022−2023 to facilitate school-based rapid assessment of learning gaps and to design regional, division, or school level interventions.


5. As preparation for establishing a new system assessment baseline in 2024, BEA in close coordination with the regional directors shall use the school-based administration of the test instruments in SY 2022−2023 as opportunity to create greater awareness of the national assessments by:


a. Sharing the testing framework as well as the anticipated testing dates and sampling design through a written document addressed to teachers and learners;

b. Providing familiarization materials; and

c. Facilitating information campaigns to encourage participation and generate support from the school communities, among others.


6. The system assessment to be administered at the end of the SY 2023−2024 shall constitute the new national assessment baseline for basic education. It shall be given to a census-based population, which refers to the inclusion of all regions, divisions, and schools in the test, while students who will take the test in the participating schools shall be randomly selected.


7. A new baseline is necessary to refine quality standards covered by the assessments, introduce hybrid test administration modalities such as paper-based and computer-based assessments in data collection, ensure alignment with school-based assessments through awareness raising, and identify complementary quality standards beyond those covered by the national assessments to ensure a holistic evaluation of education quality.


8. After the conduct of the 2024 baseline assessment, it shall be regularly administered every three years. During the interval years, the regional offices (ROs) through their Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD) coordinating with the Curriculum and Implementation Division (CID) of their schools division offices (SDOs), are allowed to implement local assessments, adopting an assessment framework and methodology in consultation with BEA.


9. Results of the system assessments shall be integrated in the Department’s main database and information systems, and shall be included in the monitoring and evaluation data for quality outcomes under the Basic Education Development Plan (BEDP) 2030.


Testing Centers for the Rapid Assessment


10. Following the conditions stated in DO 017, s. 2022 titled Guidelines on the Progressive Expansion of Face to Face Classes, and DepEd-DOH JMC No. 001, s. 2022 titled Revised Operational Guidelines on the Progressive Expansion of Face to Face Learning Modality, ELLNA, NATG6, and NATG12 shall be conducted as in-school activity where sample students and testing personnel use the school as the testing center provided that a safe school environment is established before, during, and after the test.


11. The SDOs, in coordination with ROs, shall determine the readiness of the testing centers, testing personnel, and sample students based on the School Safety Assessment Tool (SSAT) results.


12. Learners shall be allowed to participate in the said national test activities, regardless of their vaccination status, provided that all applicable COVID-19 health and safety protocols stipulated in DO 017, s. 2022 and DepEd-DOH JMC 001, s. 2022 are strictly adhered to such as securing signed written consent from the learners’ parent/legal guardian.


Sample Schools and Test Materials


13. The schools identified for the postponed March 2020 administration of ELLNA shall participate in the rapid assessment in June 2022. On the other hand, BEA shall provide guidelines on how to select the sample schools for NATG6.


14. The printed test materials that were delivered to SDOs in 2020 shall be used in the conduct of the ELLNA and NATG6 rapid assessment.


15. The authorized forwarder shall deliver the ELLNA and NATG6 test materials to SDOs that were not able to receive their test materials because of the COVID-19 lockdown, strict quarantine measures, and travel restrictions in 2020. The same authorized forwarder shall retrieve the test materials from all SDOs after the test administration.


16. BEA advised the SDOs to take all appropriate measures to secure and properly store the ELLNA and NATG6 test materials. For the upcoming test administration, the SDOs are requested to report to BEA issues needing immediate attention regarding the condition of the stored test materials, and other test-related concerns not covered in this Order.


17. With regard to NATG12, BEA shall identify the sample schools in select SDOs and the test shall be conducted using an online platform. 


National Orientation


18. BEA shall conduct a virtual orientation to Regional Testing Coordinators (RTCs) and Division Testing Coordinators (DTCs) of sample regions and schools divisions for the logistical preparation of testing centers to comply with the paper-based and computer-based testing requirements vis-à-vis health and safety protocols. The test administration guidelines and other matters relative to the activity shall also be discussed. BEA shall release an advisory regarding the schedule and details of the said orientation.


19. The schools division superintendent (SDS), through the DTCs, shall assign testing personnel who will serve as Chief Examiners, Room Supervisors, and Room Examiners during the test administration. It is preferred to involve testing personnel with very satisfactory performance in the conduct of national assessments and without records of violations of test integrity and national assessment policies.


20. The DTCs shall orient the Room Examiners including the support staff about the test administration guidelines and the health and safety protocols relative to the activity. 


Administrative and Financial Support


21. The RTCs and other RO personnel from the CLMD may monitor the test administration using local funds. It is preferred to have one regional monitor for every SDO to maintain compliance with the national test administration guidelines, test integrity, and health and safety protocols.


22. Should test irregularities arise, the SDS is required to investigate the security breach and submit the investigation report to the DepEd RO and BEA.


23. The Program Support Funds shall be downloaded to the SDOs for the successful implementation of the said assessment programs.


24. For more information, please contact the Bureau of Education Assessment- Education Assessment Division, through email at or at telephone number (02) 8631-2589.


Modification of Existing Assessment Guidelines


25. DO 7, s. 2012 (Discontinuing the Conduct of the Regional and Division Achievement Tests) is revoked, while DO 55, s. 2016 (Policy Guidelines on the National Assessment of Student Learning for the K to 12 Basic Education Program) is modified accordingly.


26. Immediate dissemination of and compliance with this Order is directed.








DepEd Order (Nos.: 55, s. 2016; 29, s. 2017 and 029, s. 2021)

(DepEd-DOH JMC 001, s. 2022)


To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

under the following subjects:








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