
DepEd Memorandum No. 056, s. 2022 : 6th DokyuBata Video Documentary Contest

DepEd Memorandum No. 056, s. 2022

6th DokyuBata Video Documentary Contest

22 JUN 2022



No. 056, s. 2022




To:      Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Minister, Basic, Higher and Technical Education, BARMM
Bureau and Service Directors
Regional Directors
School Division Superintendents
Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads
All Others Concerned


1. The National Council for Children's Television (NCCT), an attached agency of the Department of Education (DepEd), recognizes the role of children in nationbuilding, as well as the importance and impact of television programs that can influence their values and shape their well-being. The primary mandate of NCCT-to produce quality television programs that reflect the needs, concerns, and interests of Filipino children is the ultimate reason why DokyuBata was created.


2. DokyuBata: Isang Pagdiriwang ng Dokumentaryong Pantelebisyon Para sa Batang Filipino is an annual video documentary contest that started in 2017. It aims to


a. provide an avenue where aspiring young television documentarists can showcase and share their talents;

b. raise awareness on the value and necessity of child-friendly television content and highlight the feasibility of producing quality programs;

c. encourage the children, youth and professionals to promulgate meaningful television content by exposing them to quality documentaries;

d. promote child participation on pressing issues that directly affect their total development; and

e. encourage the participation of the citizenry in creating child-friendly quality programs.


3. With its sixth-year theme, Sa Mundo ng Social Media, Ligtas Ka Ba?, NCCT will launch the following six major activities:


DokyuBata Masterclass

July 2022 (date to be announced)

DokyuBata TV

August 2022-October 2022

DokyuBata Classroom

August 2022 (date to be announced)

DokyuBata Rewind

September 26-28, 2022

DokyuBata Virtual Screening

November 8-10, 2022

DokyuBata National Awarding Ceremony

November 11, 2022


4. Each school offering SPA - Media Arts program is required to send at least one DokyuBata entry. The documentary should adhere to the theme "Sa Mundo ng Social Media, Ligtas Ka Ba?'. Further, schools that do not offer SPA are also encouraged to participate in the competition.


5. In line with DokyuBata Masterclass, there will be a 3-day workshop in July to train aspiring documentary filmmakers and help them in creating excellent documentaries. Each school offering Special Program for the Arts (SPA) must  be represented by a student, who may be the writer or director, and a teacher who will serve as his/her supervisor and coach. Schools that do not offer SPA are also encouraged to participate in the competition.


6. The competition has three competing divisions and is open to junior or senior high school students, educators, government officials, representatives from the youth sector, film documentarists, and content creators all over the country.


a. Children Division

i. Open to children aged 12-17 years old

ii. Video documentaries must have a maximum running time of five minutes.


b. Young Adult Division

i. Open to youth aged 18-23 years old

ii. Video documentaries must have a maximum running time of 10 minutes.


c. Adult Division

i. Open to individuals aged 24 years old and above

ii. Video documentaries must have a maximum running time of 15 minutes.


7. Participants to the DokyuBata Masterclass shall register through, either individually through their representatives.


8. The 6th DokyuBata Contest Mechanics and highlights of the contest are provided in the enclosure. The competition will accept submissions from July 4, 2022 to September 5, 2022. The deadline for the submission of entries is on September 5, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.


9. For more information, please contact Ms. Flor Capadusa, Project Development Officer I, National Council for Children’s Television, 4/F, AL Building, #1 Campanilla Street, Barangay Mariana, New Matina, Quezon City through email at and


10. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.







As stated



DepEd Memorandum No. 033, s. 2021


To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

under the following subjects:









(Enclosure No. 1 to DepEd Memorandum No. 056, s. 2022)


National Council for Children's Television an attached agency of the Department of Education


6th DokyuBata Video Documentary Contest



The State recognizes the vital role of the youth in nation-building and shall promote and protect their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being by enhancing their over-all development, taking into account sectoral needs and conditions in the development of educational, cultural, recreational pol1icies and programs addressed to them. Likewise, the State recognizes the importance and impact of broadcast media, particularly television programs on the value formation and intellectual development of children and must take steps to support and protect children's interests by providing television programs that reflect their needs, concerns, and interests, without exploiting them. The State further recognizes broadcasting as a form of mass communication guaranteed by the Constitution, the exercise of which is impressed with public interest, and which imposes upon the broadcast industry the social responsibility of ensuring that its activities serve the interest and welfare of the Filipino people.1


The National Council. for Children's Television (NCCT) is mandated to formulate policies on children's media programs and recommend plans and priorities for the government towards the promotion, development, production, and broadcasting of child-friendly programs for children.


In fact the 1987 Philippine Constitution mandates the State to defend the right of children to assistance, including proper care and nutrition and special protection from all forms of neglect, abuse cruelty exploitation, and other conditions prejudicial to their development.2


In a study conducted by the NCCT in 2015 84% of Filipino children consider television as their primary source of information with telenovela as their most-watched television program. Children in areas with access only to free-to-air television (transmitted over the air without charge), do not have enough choices of what programs to watch. These young minds are greatly influenced by television, but the choice is limited to only what the network's programming offers.


Thus, NCCT created DokyuBata in order to produce quality television programs that will truly reflect the needs, concerns, and interest of Filipino children.


A. DokyuBata: lsang Pagdiriwang ng Dokumentaryong Pantelebisyon Para sa Batang Pilipino"


DokyuBata is an annual video documentary contest that started in 2017. Generally, video documentary is cost efficient as even students can create their own without having to go through the stringent process of production in contrast to what is done in mainstream media, films, clips, and other commercialized videos. The NCCT believes that through this kind of child-friendly competition, children will be able to create a platform where they can actively and creatively

express their thoughts.


B. Specifically, DokyuBata aims to:


1. provide an avenue where aspiring young television documentarists can showcase and share their talents;

2. raise stakeholders' awareness of the value and necessity of child-friendly television content and highlight the feasibility of producing quality programs;

3. encourage children, youth, and professionals to promulgate meaningful television content by exposing them to quality documentaries;

4. promote child participation on pressing issues that directly affect their total development;

5. encourage the participation of the citizenry in creating child-friendly quality programs; and

6. capture stories that advocate gender equality and sensitivity.


With the increasing number of technological innovations, the young generation can now be recognized as prosumers because they consume and produce content simultaneously. Through DokyuBata, children (not less than 12 years old) and adults now have the chance to produce child-friendly media content and become the State's partner in building a well-informed and media-literate nation.


C. For this year, the NCCT prepared six (6) major DokyuBata activities, namely:


1. DokyuBata TV - a television program showcasing selected DokyuBata entries. All winners will get a chance to be featured in DokyuBata TV.


Target: Viewing of the program through NCCT's Broadcast Television Network partner/s will be encouraged among the students and teachers.


2. DokyuBata Masterclass - a 3-day workshop held every July to train aspiring documentary filmmakers and help them create excellent documentaries.


Target: Each school offering a Special Program for the Arts (SPA) must be represented by a student, who may be the writer or director, and a teacher who will serve as his/her supervisor and coach. No registration fee in any amount shall be collected. E-certificates will be provided to those who completed the requirements of DokyuBata Masterclass, and will eventually join the DokyuBata Video Documentary Contest.


3. DokyuBata Classroom - a workshop and talkback session on Gender Fair Language and Images (GFLI) and other techniques in creating documentaries.


Target: Participation of students and teachers is highly encouraged. E-certificates will be provided to participants who completed the requirements. 


4. DokyuBata Rewind - features Gawad Ramon "Bong" Osorio (GRBO) finalists who shared the journey and impact of their documentaries toward their production team, the subject of their case study, and the community.


Target: Students and teachers is highly encouraged to watch DokyuBata Rewind on the NCCT Facebook page and NCCT YouTube Channel.


5. DokyuBata Virtual Screening - a 3-day online screening of each division's Top 10 finalists via the NCCT Facebook page and NCCT YouTube channel.


Target: Students and teachers are encouraged to watch and cast their votes for the Audience Choice Award.


6. DokyuBata Awarding Ceremony - will be conducted virtually and will be streamed live via NCCT online channels and pages.


Target: Students and teachers are encouraged to watch the virtual awarding and express their support to their teammates/schoolmates through the live chatbox.


II. DOKYUBATA 2022 THEME: "Sa Mundo ng Social Media, Ligtas Ka Ba?"


For adults, social media has been a way of life, while kids are caught between reality and the digital world. DokyuBata 2022 seeks not only to promote awareness but more so to guide the public on how one can safeguard the children's welfare through child-friendly programs.


According to the Digital 2021: Philippines report released by the Datareportal in January 20213, there were 89 million social media users in the country. Comparatively, between year's 2020 and 2021, there was an increase of 22%, which makes 80% of the total population of the Philippines social media users. Data showed that the Philippines is an active social media user in this digital age. The internet transformed new economies and created a hub of information accessible to all.


Social media is quickly shaping the world, but whether the Philippines is on the safe side or not remains to be the underlying question in this digital era. Hence, this is what the NCCT through the DokyuBata 2022 theme, "Sa Mundo ng Social Media, Ligtas Ka Ba?", seeks to determine. Doubtless, issues on cyber wellness, cyberbullying, digital citizenship and children's rights are prevalent. The constant development in social media may either weaken or strengthen the vulnerability of children which, worse, may lead to abuse and exploitation. On an affirmative note, the present digital space will surely develop the children's skills and talents which may be of great contribution in building a resilient nation.


In order to ensure the achievement of (1) Good Health and Well-Being; and (2) Quality Education - which are considered as the two sustainable development goals - the 2022 DokyuBata theme shall focus on four (4) major areas namely: (a) Cyber Wellness, (b) Cyberbullying, (c) Digital Citizenship, and (d) Children's Rights.


All divisions (Children, Young Adult, and Adult) can participate and choose one issue from the identified subtopics. The subtopics listed below will serve as a guide for documentarists:


A. Cyber Wellness


• Understanding the cyber world and the impact on children as digital citizens

• Promotion of positive well-being amongst internet users, especially children

• Cyber wellness initiatives in the family and community

• Raising awareness on Gender Fair Language and Images to break stereotypes and create a safe online space for all genders


B. Cyberbullying


• Relevant laws and practical help to counter cyberbullying

• Effects of cyberbullying on the social development of children

• Safeguarding children from cyberbullying

• Harmful environment in online gaming platforms


C. Digital Citizenship


• Internet access as a basic human right

• Accessibility of truthful and legitimate information

• Career paths and industries created by social media

• Impact on human interaction and communication

• Effect on literacy and language of children

• Cultural impact of digital shift to children

• Virtual peer pressure in terms of producing content, self-image, and selfesteem

• Digital law, rights and responsibilities

• Safety measures of distance learning


D. Children's Rights


• The role of social media in promoting children's rights.

• Creating a safe online environment for children.

• Child protection and children's rights in the digital world.

• Exposure of minors to social media


Understanding social media as a tool for information, communication, and technology is crucial in safeguarding the welfare of Filipino children. DokyuBata, in its 6th year, continues to be an avenue for children and Filipino families to participate in the realization of our country toward social awareness and coping with social change. NCCT's DokyuBata call to action is to empower Filipino children through child-friendly documentaries. 




A. Citizenship - Only Filipino citizens can join DokyuBata 2022 Video Documentary Contest

B. Age - minimum age requirement depends upon the category/division which the concerned participant intended to join:


• Children Division (12-17 years old)

• Young Adult Division (18-23 years old)

• Adult Division (24 years old and above)


C. The competition is open for both individual and group participants. For the group participants, the production team must be composed of a maximum of 10 members who may or may not belong to the same school, community, or organization.


D. For individual participants, a production name is required.




The competition is open to all Filipino children, young adults, and even adults. Out of school youths and professionals can also join. Entrants must focus their documentaries on the approved 2022 theme. The competition is divided into three categories:








12 to 17 yrs. Old

5 minutes


Young Adult

18 to 23 yrs. Old

10 minutes



24 yrs. old and above

15 minutes




The period for the submission of entries is from July 4, 2022 until 11 :59 PM of September 5, 2022 only. Late submission of entries, regardless of reasons, will not be entertained.


All entries received will undergo a uniform evaluation to be narrowed down into Top 15 (Shortlist) per division. The Shortlist will be forwarded to the Judges to determine the Top 10 (Finalists). The result will be featured during the Virtual Screening on November 8-10, 2022From the Finalists, the judges will identify the Major and Special awardees. The virtual DokyuBata Awarding Ceremony will be on November 11, 2022.




A. Entries will be judged according to the following criteria:

• Content/Adherence to the Theme    30 points

• Originality and Creativity                25 points

• Production Quality                           25 points

• Overall Impact                                 20 points


The screening committee composed of the NCCT Secretariat and other members of the Board of Judges shall shortlist the entries to the Top 15 and narrow them down to the Top 10 for the three (3) categories following the abovementioned criteria.


B. The Board of Judges shall be composed of:

• NCCT Council member

• Content Creator

• Documentarist (Local)

• Documentarist (International)

• Technical Expert (Cinematography/Editing)

• Partner Agency

• Partner NGO/International NGO


The decision of the Board of Judges shall be final and irrevocable.


C. For the Audience Choice Award:


 Voting through the NCCT Facebook Page

1. Subscribe to NCCT Facebook page.

2. Like react (or any reactions), and share the documentary poster.

3. All reactions and shares will comprise 50% of the total points of your chosen documentary for the Audience Choice Award.

4. Voting through the NCCT Facebook Page will be closed 24 hours after the virtual screening schedule.


 Voting through Google Form

1. The accumulated votes will comprise 50% of the total points of your chosen documentary for the Audience Choice Award.

2. The link will be provided during the screening date of each division and the nomination will last for 24-hours, after the screening schedule.


D. Finalists will be notified via telephone or mobile call/text and electronic mail. An official announcement will also be posted on the official Facebook page of the National Council for Children's Television (








Best Documentary

P30,000.00 + trophy and certificate

P30,000.00 + trophy and certificate

P30,000.00 + trophy and certificate

2nd Best Documentary

P25,000.00 + trophy and certificate

P25,000.00 + trophy and certificate

P25,000.00 + trophy and certificate

3rd Best Documentary

P20,000.00 + trophy and certificate

P20,000.00 + trophy and certificate

P20,000.00 + trophy and certificate

Best Direction

P10,000.00 + trophy and certificate

P10,000.00 + trophy and certificate

P10,000.00 + trophy and certificate

Best Story

P10,000.00 + trophy and certificate

P10,000.00 + trophy and certificate

P10,000.00 + trophy and certificate

Gawad Ramon “Bong” Osorio

P10,000.00 + trophy and certificate

P10,000.00 + trophy and certificate

P10,000.00 + trophy and certificate

Most Child-Friendly Documentary

P5,000.00 + trophy and certificate

P5,000.00 + trophy and certificate

P5,000.00 + trophy and certificate

Audience Choice

P5,000.00 + trophy and certificate

P5,000.00 + trophy and certificate

P5,000.00 + trophy and certificate

Gender Sensitive Documentary

Special Citation + plaque and certificate

Special Citation + plaque and certificate

Special Citation + plaque and certificate

Best Poster

Special Citation + plaque and certificate

Special Citation + plaque and certificate

Special Citation + plaque and certificate


In addition to the foregoing:


A. Awardees will also get a chance to be aired/featured on NCCT's DokyuBata TV and other media partners.

B. The Finalists will be featured during the DokyuBata 2022 Virtual Screening and Awarding Ceremony.

C. Certificates of Participation will be given to every production team member as well as to the supervising adult of all finalists.

D. Prizes are tax-free and will be sent to the recipients via bank deposit and/or courier service delivery.




A. General Requirements/Reminders


1. Entries must be in a documentary genre--facts-based.

2. Documentaries must be for children and/or young adults, and not necessarily about them.

3. Use of copyrighted material is strictly prohibited. Participants will be liable for any claim of infringement related to the materials included in the entry. Music used should be original, licensed, or in the public domain.

4. Entries must revolve around the given theme.

5. Entries must comply with the running time requirement for each division inclusive of both opening and closing credits.

6. Entries must follow the format of the Opening Credits guidelines (See Section XI for the Guidelines).

7. The production team does not include the cast of actors.

8. The production team of the Children Division entries must have at least one supervising adult (e.g., parent, faculty member, barangay official/employee, organization officer) who must be a person of legal age.


The role of the supervising adult shall only be limited to logistical guidance (i.e., chaperone, minimal technical help, and guarantor of output's authenticity and compliance to fair use and copyright guidelines.)


However, minimal supervision from adults is requested in all stages of production so that the outputs may reflect the genuine talent, skills, and worldview of the participants.


9. No promotion or opposition of any product, person, service, or political beliefs.

10. Content must be child-friendly, or for a general audience. (See Appendix for the Child-Friendly Content Standards or visit the NCCT website for more details)

11. Participant/s or Production Team can only submit one entry.

12. Health and safety first. Obey and follow IATF rules during the production phase.

13. Creativity is encouraged even at-home quarantine. The use of animation and computer graphic effects are allowed. Your health is of utmost importance.

14. NCCT is not liable for any quarantine violation committed and illness acquired by the participants during the production phase.


B. Audio and Video Requirements


1. Must have a minimum resolution of 1920x1080 (16:9).

2. Videos must feature original footage and may or may not have dialogues or hosts.

3. Please make sure to secure permission when using footage that you do not own.

4. Dialogues in the videos may be in any vernacular. However, English subtitles must be provided when the spoken language in the video is neither English nor Filipino.


a. Preferred fonts (SD or HD): Arial, Gill Sans, and/or Tahoma

b. Required Font Size: 26 (SD); 28 (HD)

c. Maximum of 38 characters per line, no ghost box, no shadow

d. Subtitles must stay within text safe areas

e. Maximum of two (2) lines per subtitle; top line should be longer

f. Per line should at least stay for two (2) seconds, but may stay longer if there are no succeeding subtitles to be flashed.


5. Music or musical score used in the video must be original (i.e., composition of the production team), or royalty-free music with proper citation in the credits.

6. No logo or watermark of any editing software shall be visible in the video.




1. Participants warrant that they have read, understood, and agreed to abide by the rules and regulations of DokyuBata.

2. Entries to be included as Finalists will become the property of both the National Council for Children's Television and the producers/participants.

3. The participants hereby grant NCCT the right to copy, edit, and use the materials for educational and informational purposes in perpetuity.

4. The owners cannot use or publish the materials until after the Screening and Awarding ceremonies. The winning entries of the Finalists can be shown to the owners' personal websites, blogs, and social media accounts provided that NCCT and DokyuBata logos are present.

5. NCCT reserves the right to amend the rules and revise the mechanics of DokyuBata upon notice to the public.




1. The competition will accept submissions from July 4, 2022 to September 5, 2022. The deadline for the submission of entries is on September 5, 2022 at 11 :59 P.M. There is no entry fee for submission.


2. Accomplish the DokyuBata 2022 Online Entry Form and wait for the drive link to be sent by the DokyuBata Team.


3. Entries and requirements may be uploaded to the link sent by the DokyuBata Team. Please follow these steps once you have access to the drive:


a. Create a Main Folder with this filename format:

(DB2022Entry_ Title of the Documentary_Production Team Name)

Ex. DB2022Entry _Makabata_J uanDelaCruzProduction

b. Inside the Main Folder, create separate folders for the Documentary, Documents, and Production Photos.


4. Each member of the production team, as well as the supervising adult, must submit a photocopy/scanned of any document of identification (e.g., valid ID, birth certificate, passport, barangay tax certificate/cedula, etc.)


5. Each submission requires the following:

a. Accomplishment of the DokyuBata 2022 Online Entry Form.

b. Documentary entry. The video must be in avi, mov, or mp4 container.

c. Copy of accomplished DokyuBata 2022 Official Entry Form and Checklist/Release Form.

d. Proof of identification of the members and supervising adult of the production team.

e. Three to five photos documenting the actual production and editing of the entry. Please observe quarantine protocols.

6. Receipt of submission and entries shall be acknowledged and notified via electronic mail.

7. Only the production team members, cast, supervising adult, school, community, or organization of shortlisted entries will be given a Certificate of Participation.

8. For inquiries, contact NCCT DokyuBata Team at 0922-290-0067, or email at




1. Credits must only be at the beginning of the video; still (non-moving); exactly five (5) seconds in length; and without background music or countdown bleep.


2. All text must be of readable font size and style (e.g., Helvetica, Arial, Calibri); must be of white font on a black background; and listed in an order as in the following examples.


3. If the music used is not an original composition of the production team members (i.e., under Creative Commons license), the supervising adult/s must ensure that it is properly attributed in the credits. Resource guides to fair use and proper attribution may be found online.


*If music is an original composition of the production team

(Figure 1)


Created by students/citizens/members of Production Name

for DokyuBata Festival 2022


Director: Team Member

Screenwriter: Team Member

Videographer / Cinematographer: Team Member

Editor: Team Member

Production Designer: Team Member

Musical Composer: Team Member

Production Staff: Team Member

Supervising Adult: Team Member (if applicable)

Lead Cast: Team Member


*If music is an Royaly-Free

(Figure 2)


Created by students/citizens/members of Production Name

for DokyuBata Festival 2022


Director: Team Member

Screenwriter: Team Member

Videographer / Cinematographer: Team Member

Editor: Team Member

Production Designer: Team Member

Musical Composer: Team Member

Production Staff: Team Member

Supervising Adult: Team Member (if applicable)

Lead Cast: Team Member


This video features the composition “Music Title” by Author, under (specify Creative Commons license).


*Salin sa Pilipino

(Figure 3)


Nilikha ng mga mag-aaral/residente/kasapi ng Production Name

para sa DokyuBata Festival 2022


Direktor: Pangalan

Manunulat: Pangalan

Bideograpo / Sinematograpo: Pangalan

Editor: Pangalan

Taga-Disenyo ng Produksiyon: Pangalan

Kompositor ng Musika: Pangalan

Katuwang sa Produksiyon: Pangalan

Tagapaggabay: Pangalan

Mga Nagsipagganap: Pangalan


• Kindly make sure that your place of origin is indicated in the byline especially if it is not mentioned in the Institution Name (e.g., Created by students of Mariano Ponce National High School, Baliuag, Bulacan; Nilikha ng mga residente ng Barangay Casili, Consolacion, Cebu; Nilikha ng mga kasapi ng Samahan ng mga Kabataang Dabawenyo)


• Suggested translation of attribution in Figure No. 2: "Ginamit sa produksiyong ito ang komposisyong "Pamagat" ni "Kompositor", sa bisa ng [partikular na Creative Commons license]."






DokyuBata TV

August 2022

Registrartion to DokyuBata Masterclass

4th week of June 2022*

Dokyubata Masterclass

3rd week – 4th week of July 2022*

Call for Entries

July 4, 2022

DokyuBata Classroom

1st week of July 2022

Deadline of Entries

September 5, 2022

Shortlist of Entries – Top 15

September 12-16, 2022

Judging of Entries – Top 10

September 19-23, 2022

Announcement of Top 10 (Finalists)

Voting of Audience Choice Award – Facebook

September 26, 2022

DokyuBata Rewind

September 26-28, 2022

DokyuBata Classroom for Top 10 (Finalists)

September 30, 2022

Deadline of Revised Documentaries of Top 10 (Finalists) for Virtual Screening

October 28, 2022

Virtual Screening Children Division (Top 10)

Voting of Audience Choice Award – Google Form

November 8, 2022

Virtual Screening Young Adult Division (Top 10)

Voting of Audience Choice Award – Google Form

November 9, 2022

Virtual Screening Adult Division (Top 10)

Voting of Audience Choice Award – Google Form

November 10, 2022

Virtual Awarding ceremony

November 11, 2022

Publicity and Delivery of Prizes

3rd week of November to 1st week of December 2022*

*Schedule to be announced upon finalization





C. Criteria of a Child-Friendly Television (CFTV) Content of the Child-Friendly Content Standards


A television content which may not be specifically produced for viewing by children, but which serves to further the positive development of children and contain no elements that may result in physical, mental, and emotional harm to them. It includes various formats and genre that appeal to children and are made available for all ages.


A child-friendly television program shall meet the following criteria:


i. Theme - The theme or underlying message of the program must be suitable for children. The program should not contain themes the portrayal or depiction of which are suitable only for adults such as adultery, concubinage, pornography, prostitution, incest, rape, fraud, robbery, gun running, arson, kidnapping, sedition, subversion, treason, betrayal of country, abortion, murder, euthanasia, and other heinous crimes;


ii. Values - The important and fundamental beliefs of what is good or bad, right or wrong, desirable or undesirable, depicted in the program must not be contrary to the best interest of the Filipino child. The program must promote positive Filipino cultural values for emotional, moral, spiritual, mental, or physical development of the child. Filipino cultural values include respect for children toward other children, children toward adults, adults toward children, and adults toward adults, regardless of race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual preference, physical or mental disabilities. It must also display respect and care for the environment and other living beings;


iii. Dialogue - The dialogue, whether in words or gestures, must not promote or encourage children to speak or behave disrespectfully toward other persons or animals;


iv. Language - The language used, which could be oral or written, must not be vulgar, profane, offensive, sexually suggestive, derogatory or demeaning of a person or animal;


v. Nutrition - Depictions or references to food and beverages, which could either be direct or implied, must not promote or condone unhealthy eating;


vi. Sex and Nudity - The program does not portray or depict the sexual act, the sexual organ and other sensitive parts of the body or depict acts and images that are sexually suggestive or appropriate only for adult audiences;


vii. Violence - There must be no depiction of behavior, attack, confrontation, clash, using or involving the use of physical force with the deliberate intent to damage, hurt, or kill someone or something, with likely effect of inducing or eliciting emotions in children, either of short-term or of great intensity, such as empathy, anger, elevated excitement, conditioned fear, nightmares, tantrums, desensitization, and other trauma-related symptoms.


viii. Substance Use - Scenes must not depict images and messages, with the aim, effect or likely effect of promoting, directly or indirectly, a tobacco company, tobacco brand, a tobacco product or tobacco use, heated tobacco products (HTPs), Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS), Electronic Non-Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENNDS), electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), electronic shisha (e-shisha) vapes, and other similar devices, alcohol, stimulants, narcotics, inhalants, depressants, and hallucinogens and other prohibited drugs and chemicals;


ix. Gambling - Scenes must not depict images or messages, directly or indirectly, of wagering of money or the betting or staking of something of value with consciousness of risk and hope of gain, on the outcome of a game, a contest, or an uncertain event whose result may be determined by chance or accident or have an unexpected result by reason of the bettor's miscalculation. It includes scenes that suggest wagering as a good or desirable act or behavior.4





1 RA 8370, Section 2 - Declaration of Policy

2 Article XV, sec. 3 of the Philippine Government Constitution


4 Glimne, Dan. "Gambling," Encyclopedia Britannica, 2019, Accessed 8 Aug 2019.

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