
DepEd Memorandum 016, s. 2025 - National Science and Technology Fair for School Year 2024-2025

DepEd Memorandum 016, s. 2025

National Science and Technology Fair for School Year 2024-2025


DepEd Memorandum 016, s. 2025 - National Science and Technology Fair for School Year 2024-2025


FEB 05 2025



No. 016, s. 2025




To:      Undersecretaries

Assistant Secretaries

Minister, Basic, Higher, and Technical Education, BARMM

Bureau and Service Directors

Regional Directors

Schools Division Superintendents

Public and Private Secondary School Heads

All Others Concerned


1. The Department of Education (DepEd) is committed to honing learners' scientific and research skills through a nationwide Science and Technology Fair (STF). This year's fair envisions participating learners to develop innovative solutions to promote environmental well-being. The theme, Towards a Shared Vision: Exploring the Future for a Better Tomorrow, encourages forward-thinking and collaborative efforts to explore practical approaches to address global challenges, underscoring the importance of shared responsibility and actionable steps in achieving long-term sustainable goals.


2. The Department announces the conduct of the National Science and Technology Fair (NSTF) for the School Year (SY) 2024-2025 from March 10 to 14, 2025 (exclusive of travel time) in the National Capital Region (NCR). The delegates are expected to be at the venue on March 10, 2025. The first meal will be dinner on March 10, 2025, and the last meal will be lunch on March 14, 2025.


3. The NSTF aims to


a. develop and strengthen the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) skills of learners through the conduct of research projects that address local, national, and/ or global issues, concerns, and problems;

b. provide an avenue for Junior and Senior High School learners to communicate research findings and showcase their investigations and innovations to the STEM community and the public;

c. foster a culture of creativity and innovation among the youth;

d. promote STEM awareness and interest of the learners, teachers, and the public;

e. provide an opportunity to establish research networks and collaborations among learners, teachers, researchers, entrepreneurs, scientists, higher education and research institutions, government agencies/units, industries and communities; and

f. identify the most creative and innovative student researchers who shall be the recipients of various awards, as well as the members of the Philippine team who will participate in international STEM research and innovation fairs.


4. The NSTF shall include the following activities:


a. Tuklas - a STEM research competition with four categories: ( 1) Life Science, (2) Physical Science, (3) Robotics and Intelligent Machines, and (4) Mathematics and Computational Science-that provides Junior and Senior High School learners opportunities to showcase their research projects based on their field of interest and/or real-world problems, issues and concerns.


b. STEM Innovation Expo - a STEM Innovation competition that aims to recognize the most creative and market-viable project addressing major issues in food safety, water conservation, renewable energy, cyber security, road safety, health, disaster mitigation, agriculture, and environment.


c. STEM Academy - a conference designed to provide the participants with learning opportunities and experiences through various talks promoting innovation, creativity, and excellence in the fields of STEM.


d. Agham Bayanihan - a public community exhibition of the partners in STEM Research and Innovation showcasing their latest innovative products, technologies, and services offered to the different sectors of the community.


e. On-the-Spot Poster Making Contest - a two-hour competition that empowers learners to express their ideas visually and engage with real-world problems. This contest encourages critical thinking, creativity, and innovation.


f. Regional Shoutout - a short public expression of greeting, celebration, and acknowledgment by each region for their NSTF participants during the actual event after their 30-second video presentation. Science and Technology Fairs from the school to the regional level shall conduct similar activities in preparation for the NSTF.


5. The official participants of the NSTF shall only be the Rank 1 Regional Winners in each- of the individual and team- categories. approved by the national Screening Review Committee (SRC). Substitutes shall not be allowed. The overall composition of the official delegates from each region shall be broken down as follows:




Official Delegates

Number of Student-Participants per Region

Other Official Participants per Region


Life Science

·      Individual

·      Team




·      Regional Director/Assistant Regional Director/Chief Education Program Supervisor

·      Regional Education Program Supervisor for Science/Mathematics

·      Research advisers of student-finalist/s or Division Mathematics/Science Supervisors

Robotics and Intelligent Machines

·      Individual

·      Team





Mathematics and Computational Science

·      Individual

·      Team






Maximum of 20

Maximum of 5

Maximum Number of Delegates per Region




6. The enclosed guidelines shall guide students, researchers, teachers, school heads, division and regional Mathematics and Science supervisors, chief education program supervisors, schools division superintendents, and regional directors (RDs) in implementing and organizing STF. All schools are invited to participate in the Division Science and Technology Fair (DSTF) to qualify for the Regional Science and Technology Fair (RSTF).


7. Focal persons, division-level Mathematics and Science supervisors under the Curriculum Implementation Division, and regional Mathematics and Science supervisors under the Curriculum and Learning Management Division, shall lead the conduct of the STF at the school, division, and regional levels, respectively. Expenses incurred during the STF from the school to the regional level shall be charged to local funds. Compliance with DepEd Order No. 9, s. 2005 on Instituting Measures to Increase Engaged Time-on-Task shall be ensured.


8. The following documents are enclosed for information and guidance:



Enclosure No. 1

Guidelines on the National Science and

Technology Fair 2024-2025

Enclosure No. 2

Schematic Diagram of the Flow of STF Activities

Enclosure No. 3

Tuklas Research Paper Format

Enclosure No. 4

Tuklas Project Poster Display Format and Safety


Sample Abstracts

Enclosure No. 5

STEM Innovation Expo Paper Format

Enclosure No. 6

Checkpoints for SRC Review

Enclosure No. 7

Learners Media Release Consent Form

Enclosure No. 8

Non-Disclosure Agreement Form

Enclosure No. 9

Report of the Conduct of the STF List of Forms

and Documents Required for Submission in all

Levels of Competition

Enclosure No. 10

Official List of Participants Template

Enclosure No. 11

Project Labeling and Coding

Enclosure No. 12

Board of Judges Waiver Form

Enclosure No. 13

Scientific Review Committee Waiver Form

Enclosure No. 14

Review and Recommendation Report

Enclosure No. 15

Project Evaluation Form

Enclosure No. 16

Board of Judges Individual Score Sheet

Enclosure No. 17

Board of Judges Consolidated Score Sheet

Enclosure No. 18

STEM Innovation Expo Evaluation Form

Enclosure No. 19

Project Poster Display Evaluation Form

Enclosure No. 20

On-the-Spot Poster Making Contest Evaluation


Enclosure No. 21

Calendar of Important STF Activities and




9. The regional Mathematics and Science supervisors are requested to submit to the Bureau of Curriculum Development of DepEd Central Office (CO) the complete reports on the conduct of the RSTF using the format provided in Enclosure Nos. 9 and 11 on or before February 10, 2025, through the email address Failure to submit the complete report and projects on time shall disqualify the region from participating in the national fair.


10. The winners in all contest categories shall be recognized based on the sum of rankings given by all three members of the Board of Judges (BOJ). The participant or team with the lowest total ranking across the three judges will be declared the winner. In the event of a tie, the assigned BOJ for the category shall deliberate to break the tie.


11. The decision of the BOJs is final and irrevocable.


12. Travel and incidental expenses incurred by participants or official delegates per region shall be charged to local funds or other sources; whereas, all expenses of the DepEd CO personnel related to the conduct of the NSTF, board and lodging of the National Technical Working Group (NTWG), and official guests and participants, materials, transportation and communication relative to the activities, prizes and cash awards, and honoraria of the BOJ, and external or non-DepEd resource persons shall be charged to the Basic Education Curriculum Funds, subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations.


13. Funds shall be downloaded to the host region or division to cover the cost of the following:


a. board and lodging ofNTWG, BOJs, and official guests and participants;

b. support fund for travel expenses of NTWG and BOJs;

c. meals of NTWG, BOJs, and official guests and participants;

d. rental of venues and equipment;

e. service vehicles for NTWG and guests;

f. payment for utilities;

g. supplies and materials;

h. tokens, medals, plaques, cash prizes, and certificates; and

i. contingency and other related expenses incurred in the conduct of the NSTF.


14. A Statement of Expenditures by the host division or region audited by the local Commission on Audit and noted by the RD shall be submitted to the Chief of Accounting Division of the DepEd CO a month after the activity is conducted.


15. For more information, please contact the following:


Office or the Undersecretary tor Curriculum and Teaching

Email Address:

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Curriculum and Teaching

Email Address:

Bureau of Curriculum Development

Email Address:

Mr. Jios Ver D. Temporal

Focal Person, National Science and Technology Fair

Email Address:


16. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.








            As stated



            DepEd Order (No. 9, s. 2005)

DepEd Memorandum No. 068, s. 2023


To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

under the following subjects:










A full copy of DepEd Memorandum No. 016, s. 2025 below:

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