
Automated E-Class Record for Academic Teachers in SY 2024-2025 | iSF-EClass Record X-Plus

It's 2024, and you’re still battling E-class record Excel spreadsheets like it's 1999. 

When the Department of Education rolled out the Electronic Class Record (eCR) system nearly a decade ago, I didn't think much of it. It’s just another government initiative that would probably get updated and developed over time. But, I was definitely wrong. Here we are, years later, and this well-intentioned but deeply flawed system has become the bane of every Filipino teacher's student performance recording system.


Let's get one thing straight - the eCR isn't inherently evil. It's a basic Excel template designed to standardize grade recording across the country. Sounds harmless enough. The problem? It's about as user-friendly as a cactus.


Here's the scenario: each subject, for each quarter, requires its own file. For a teacher with a full load of eight classes, that's 32 separate files to juggle. And heaven help you if you teach MAPEH (Music, Arts, PE, and Health) - you're looking at a mind-numbing 128 files per year.


It's not just the sheer number that's the issue. It's the constant switching, searching, and second-guessing. 


Yung tipong sa kalagitnaan ng pag-encode biglang papasok sa utak mo na…


"Wait, did I just input Juan's Science grade into Maria's Math file?" 


It's enough to make you want to grab your laptop and throw it out the window and go back to good old-fashioned paper records.


The irony is palpable. In trying to simplify our lives, DepEd has inadvertently created a digital labyrinth that would make Daedalus proud. We're spending more time navigating files than actually teaching or, God forbid, having a life outside school.


Now, I'm no tech wizard, but surely there's a better way. A single file that can handle multiple subjects and quarters? A user-friendly platform that doesn't require an advanced degree in data management? Anything would be an improvement over this digital gymnastics routine that even Carlos Yulo would get dizzy and tipsy over!


Don't get me wrong – as part of the team that designed it, I do appreciate DepEd's efforts to modernize without leaving any teacher behind just because of an outdated laptop they own. But sometimes, in the pursuit of progress, we overcomplicate things if we fail to upgrade it through time. We need a system that works for real teachers in real classrooms, not just on paper (or should I say, on screen).


That is why even during the initial release of the eCR, I also launched my first digital project, the Integrated School Forms which aimed to resolve all these concerns as effective and efficient as possible. A few days ago, I broadcasted here in our social media channels the Automated E-Class Record for classroom advisers version 9.1 and 9.2 which the latter had an automated School Form 9 generator with it. If you haven’t watched that, you can watch the video again which is published on our YouTube channel where you can also find the download links of the file on the description boxes.


And for today, I’m going to share to you the Automated E-Class Record for Academic Teachers. Teachers who handle multiple grade levels or multiple learning areas every day for the whole school year. Today, I’m going to share to you an E-Class Record that will handle even the most problematic MAPEH class records so that you don’t need to handle 32 files per class and instead use ONLY 1 File for all of your classes, learning areas, and even in multiple grade levels!


So, let me introduce to you, the Integrated School Forms Electronic Class Record X-Plus!




This template is no longer distributed for FREE due to several people trying to monetize from it. As such, we have to distribute it via subscription purchase. If you like to use this template, download it through the link below. Instructions to fully use the template are already provided when you open the file and reach the WELCOME PAGE section.  

To purchase a subscription to the template, send your payments via GCash to 0916-192-5905 for a yearly subscription plan of P349.00 ONLY. Once done, send a screenshot of your payment to our Facebook Page @IntegratedSchoolForms along with the downloaded Automated iSF-EClass Record v9.1 or Automated iSF-EClass Record PLUS v9.2 template, so that we will know that you did download the file from this website. We will activate the sheet for you to use the full template. 


If you're a class adviser, the Automated iSF-EClass Record versions 9.1 or 9.2 with Automated School Form 9 would be better for you. You can learn more about that and download your chosen file by clicking here.


Please test the file according to your Windows version first before purchasing the yearly subscription. Once you have confirmed that the template is working in your system, the subscription is no longer refundable since the activation only happens once and when you receive it, we no longer have control over it's distribution.


If you are having issues enabling or unblocking the Macro-Based templates we use in our Automated Templates, please click here to read an article and tutorial to address this problem. 

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