
Guidance on DepEd Order Nos. 20 and 21 s. 2024 [Additional Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment (RSA) Guidelines] and Responses to Frequently Asked Questions on RSA – Memorandum DM-OUHROD-2025-0235

OFFICE OF THE UNDERSECRETARY HUMAN RESOURCE AND ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT  MEMORANDUM DM-OUHROD-2025-0235  TO :		REGIONAL DIRECTORS SCHOOLS DIVISION SUPERINTENDENTS  ATTENTION : MEMBERS OF HUMAN RESOURCE MERIT PROMOTION AND SELECTION BOARD (HRMPSB) All Others concerned  FROM	:	WILFREDO E. CABRAL Undersecretary Human Resource and Organizational Development  SUBJECT:	GUIDANCE ON DEPED ORDER NOs. 20 and 21 s. 2024 [ADDITIONAL RECRUITMENT, SELECTION, AND APPOINTMENT (RSA) GUIDELINES] and RESPONSES TO FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ON RSA  DATE : 	28 January 2025  In view of the recent issuance of the DepEd Order (DO) No. 020, s. 2024 titled Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment to Higher Teaching Positions and DO No. 021, s. 2024 titled Amendments to DO No. 007, s. 20.23, as well as the Online Orientation conducted by the Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development - Human Resource Development Division (BHROD-HRDD) last 23 January 2025, this Office issues the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the two (2) DOs, and Other Clarifications on DO No. 007, s. 2023. The FAQs aim to provide clarity and further guidance on the operational provisions of these policies to ensure their uniform implementation. Please see the following enclosure for your guidance:  1. Enclosure 1 - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on DO No. 020, s. 2024 •	Effectivity •	Scope and Coverage •	DO No. 20, s. 2024 in relation to the Implementation of EO 174, s. 2022 •	Qualification Standards •	Filling-up of Vacant Higher Teaching Positions o	Performance Rating o	Comparative Assessment Result (CAR) o	Three-Salary Grade Limitation 2. Enclosure 2 - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on DO No. 021, s. 2024 •	Effectivity •	Call for Applications •	Performance Rating •	Comparative Assessment Results - Registry of Qualified Applicants (CAR-RQA) •	Special Hiring Arrangements •	Filling-up of Vacant Teacher I Positions •	Substitute Teacher •	Appointment to School Principal Positions  3. Enclosure 3 - Other Clarifications or Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on DO No. 007, s. 2023 •	Application of Education •	Application of Learning and Development •	Qualifications acquired within the last promotion  Furthermore, the Power Point presentation and the recording of the online orientation can be found at: a. Presentation slides and DO Nos. 20 and 21, s. 2024 and Annexes (; and b. Video recording (   For more information on specific human resource actions, please direct your queries and concerns to the following Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development (BHROD) divisions, Department of Education Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, through these contact details:  BHROD Division and Contact Details	Specific HR action/concerns (RSA) BHROD - Human Resource Development Division (BHROD-HRDD) (02) 8470-6630	•	Recruitment, Selection, Appointment concerns •	Provisional Teachers [RA 10612, RA 10533] •	Other special hiring arrangements concerns (hiring, appointment, etc.) •	National Qualifying Examination and Certification (NQESH) BHROD - Personnel Division (BHROD-PD) (02) 8633-9345/ 8633-6682	•	Transfer of incumbent personnel •	Filling-up updating and monitoring in the GMIS •	Plantilla Management BHROD - School Effectiveness Division (BHROD-SED)  (02) 8633-5397	•	Allocation and creation of new teaching and AO II Items •	Waiving of items and deployment concerns under Special Hiring Arrangements [DMW and DOST] •	Filling-up updating and monitoring in the PMIS Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Memorandum are directed.  Enclosure 1  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on DepEd Order No. 020, s. 2024 Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment to Higher Teaching Positions  Effectivity  1. When is the effectivity of the DO No. 20, s. 2024?  A: The DOs shall take effect immediately after its publication to the DepEd Website and registration to ONAR  DepEd Order	Date Published	Effectivity DO 020, s. 2024	December 20, 2024	December 21, 2024  2. What is the publication date of the vacant positions to be covered by the DO upon its effectivity?  A: The policy shall apply to all higher teaching positions in the Elementary, JHS, and SHS levels that will be published and posted a day after the issuance of the DO.  All vacant positions that are published and posted prior to the issuance of the DO and all ongoing assessments shall continue to be governed by the previous/old guidelines, as applicable.   Scope and Coverage  3. Does DO No. 020, s. 2024 cover reclassification?  A: NO. DO No. 20, s. 2024 only covers natural vacancies and does not govern the reclassification of teaching positions.   The existing reclassification guidelines for teaching and school heads positions in the Elementary and JHS shall remain in effect unless otherwise modified or amended by subsequent policies.  4. Can we continue processing the Equivalents Record Form (ERF), Conversion to Master Teacher Positions, and requests for Reclassification of School Head Positions?  A: YES. There is no official issuance of a moratorium on the processing of reclassification of positions. Therefore, the processing of ERF, Conversion of Master Teacher Positions, and requests for Reclassification of School Head Positions continue as usual.  5. Can a SHS Teacher be promoted through the process of ERF?  A: NO. There are no existing guidelines for reclassification of SHS teaching positions.   They will be covered by the reclassification guidelines to be issued upon the full implementation of EO No. 174, s. 2022 and its IRR.  DO No. 020, s.2024 in relation to the Implementation of EO 174, s.2022  6. Is DO No. 20, s. 2024 already the Expanded Career Progression System?  A: DO No. 20, s. 2024 (RSA Guidelines for Higher Teaching Positions) is one of the enabling policies and mechanisms in the implementation of the ECP System as promotion through natural vacancy as one way of career advancement.  Full implementation of EO No. 174 and its IRR shall be realized once the transitory provisions and reclassification policy are likewise implemented.  7. In view of the implementation of the Expanded Career Progression (ECP) System pursuant to EOl 74, can we continue to fill-up vacant Head Teacher (HT) and Assistant School Principal (ASP) positions?  A: YES. Vacant HT and ASP Positions may still be filled-up until the DBMDepEd Joint Circular and DepEd Order on the full implementation of the ECP System are issued; provided that the implications of ECP System on HT and ASP incumbents are properly explained to the applicants.   Qualification Standards  8. Are the approved Qualification Standards (QS) for Teacher IV-VII and Master Teacher V available? How do they impact the implementation of DepEd Order No. 20, s. 2024?  A: The revised QS for existing positions (Teacher I-III & MT I-IV) and new QS for Teacher IV-VII & MTV are still for approval by the Civil Service Commission (CSC).  The existing CSC-approved QS are still in effect and shall be used in filling-up higher teaching positions per DO No. 20, s.2024.  Filling-up of Vacant Higher Teaching Positions  9. Given the absence of QS for Teacher IV to VII, who is eligible for promotion to Master Teacher I vacancies upon the effectivity of the DO?  A: Teacher I to Teacher III incumbents, who are currently holding the next-in-rank positions per existing System of Ranking Positions (SRP), may be promoted to MT I; provided, that they meet the QS of the position, subject to the guidelines specified in DO No. 020, s. 2024.  10. Can an external applicant apply to higher teaching positions?  A: YES, provided, that they meet the required QS of the position, subject to the criteria and assessment specified in DO No. 20, s. 2024.  11. What is the perfonnance period requirement before a teacher can be promoted to a higher teaching position?  A: A performance rating covering one (1) year complete performance rating period with at least Very Satisfactory (VS) in the latest rating period obtained in the current position is required.  12. How will the perfonnance of external applicants be assessed?  A: Comparable performance requirement shall be required for external applicants. Sustained performance of at least Very Satisfactory in the current and previous position/s shall be required; provided that the latest performance rating covering one ( 1) year complete performance rating period is obtained in the current or latest position. (Sec. 25{b) of DO No. 20, s. 2024)  13. Will the applicant with lacking period on the performance rating be disqualified?  A: The applicant's application shall not be accepted and the applicant shall not be included in the pool of official applicants. This shall be ensured by the HRMO/ sub-committee during the submission of application using Annex C-1 (Checklist of Requirements). Individuals who failed to submit complete mandatory documents (required performance rating period) on the set deadline shall not be included m the pool of official applicants. (Sec. 20 of DO No. 20, s. 2024)  14. Is there a cut-off score for an applicant to be included in the CAR of higher teaching positions?  A: YES. The CAR shall contain only the applicants who meet the cut-off score of 50 points based on the total scores obtained from the comparative assessment. (Sec. 48 of DO No. 20, s. 2024)  15. What is the validity of CAR for higher teaching positions?  A: The CAR for a particular published position shall be valid until filled, but not to extend beyond the validity of the publication of the said vacant position in the CSC Website.  Should no appointment be issued within the 9-month publication period, the SDS, through the HRMO, shall cause the re-publication and re-posting of the vacant position.  16. Will the three-salary grade limitation still be applicable for those who want to apply for higher teaching positions?  A: YES, subject to the proper assessment on the eligibility of the applicant to the exemptions specified in Sec. 97, of CSC ORA OHRA   (e.g., next-in-rank position to the vacant position as identified in the MSP and the System of Ranking Positions (SRP) of the agency)   Enclosure 2  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on DepEd Order No. 021, s. 2024 Amendments to DO No. 007, s. 2023  Effectivity  1. When is the effectivity of the DO?  A: The DO shall take effect immediately after its publication to the DepEd Website and registration to ONAR.  DepEd Order	Date Published	Effectivity DO 021, s. 2024	December 23, 2024	December 24, 2024  Call for Applications  2. When can Schools Division Offices (SDOs) start the Call for Applications for Teacher I position/s for a particular school year?  A: SDOs are authorized to initiate the Call for Applications for newly created positions as early as October of the previous year, depending on the usual volume of applications received by the SDO. This allows sufficient time for processing and ensures the timely filling of vacant positions for the upcoming school year.  Performance Rating  3. What is the period of the required performance rating for promotion in non-teaching, related-teaching, and school administration positions?  A: A performance rating covering one (1) complete performance cycle acquired in their current or latest position shall be required upon submission of application, except for promotion from first to second level entry positions.  Applicants whose previous job uses other performance appraisal tools in which rating period follows a semestral or quarterly cycle, one ( 1) year performance shall be equivalent to two (2) or four (4) performance ratings, respectively.  Comparative Assessment Results – Registry of Qualified Applicants (CAR-RQA)  4. How does the applicant sharing system work?  A: The applicant sharing system allows SDOs to extend the call for applications to nearby SDOs to attract remaining applicants from their CARRQA. Under this mechanism: o	The SDO seeking additional applicants shall coordinate with the nearby SDOs and shall notify/inform the remaining applicants in the CARRQA. o	Applicants shall express their intent apply and teach outside their current city/municipality to the receiving SDO. o	The applicant's CAR-RQA score from the originating SDO shall be honored by the accepting SDO. o	Applicants are not required to undergo a new assessment, provided they possess the appropriate specialization and other specific skills and qualifications requirements. o	The HRMPSB shall re-convene to deliberate and exercise an HRMPSB Resolution adopting the CAR-RQA scores of the applicants, and prepare a CAR-RQA containing the said applicants.  5. What happens to remaining applicants in the current CAR-RQA who were not appointed during the school year?  A: Remaining applicants in the current CAR-RQA, including those who did not meet the cut-off score, have the following options for the next school year's application: o	They may carry over their CAR-RQA scores to the succeeding hiring process. o	They may update their credentials without having to undergo the entire hiring process again.  To avail of these, applicants must submit a Letter of Intent indicating their participation in the succeeding hiring process for the next school year.  Special Hiring Arrangements  6. How are special hiring arrangements prioritized in DepEd's recruitment and appointment process?  A: Special hiring arrangements are governed by Section 58(c) of DO 007, s. 2023, as amended, and prioritize beneficiaries of specific laws, national policies, and/or agreements entered into by DepEd at the national level. Beneficiaries of the following programs are required to undergo assessment to identify their professional development needs but are exempted from the 50-point cut-off score provision:  o	4Ps Program (Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program) of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) o	 “Sa Pinas Ikaw ang Ma'am at Sir” (SPIMS) Employment Program of the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) o	RA 7687 and RA 10612 Scholarship Programs of the Department of Science and Technology- Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI)  Filling-up of Vacant Teacher I Positions 7. Can we post anticipated vacancies and fill up teaching positions resulting from promotions?  A: YES. Pursuant to CSC Resolution No. 1800582 dated June 13, 2018, the following exemptions on specific provisions in ORA OHRA apply to DepEd:  (Sec. 30) Posting of Anticipated Vacancies:  o	Anticipated vacancies in teaching positions may be published and posted earlier than the allowable period prior to the actual vacancy.  (Sec. 96) Filling Up Positions Resulting from Promotions: o	SDOs may fill vacancies resulting from promotions even while awaiting CSC approval or validation of the promotional appointment; provided, that the promotional appointment be annotated, as prior notice, to indicate that the appointee shall be reverted to their former position in case the promotional appointment of the previous position holder is disapproved or invalidated. o	Furthermore, appointments to Teacher I positions shall bear the notation that the appointment is subject to the CSC attestation of the promotional appointment of the previous position holder.  Substitute Teacher  8. How are substitute teachers hired?  A: A substitute teacher is appointed when a regular teacher incumbent is temporarily unable to perform the duties of the position. SDOs shall select candidate/s from the remaining CAR-RQA applicants, including those who did not meet the cut-off score. They will be assigned to the school of the incumbent and shall assume the position of Teacher I with a salary of SG-11.  Appointment to School Principal Positions  9. If only NQESH passers can be appointed to the Principal I position, are those in Category B considered passers who may also be appointed?  A: All FY 2021 Cat B qualifiers in the list provided in DepEd Memorandum No. 59, s.2024 are eligible to apply and may be appointed to the School Principal I position subject to the result of evaluative and eligibility assessment.  However, FY 2021 Cat B qualifiers with a descriptive rating of “Needing Intervention” must complete the required interventions before they can be considered for appointment.  You may refer to DM-OUHROD-2024-2127 and FAQs released by the BHROD on NQESH and Filling-up of Principal I Positions.  10. Are school principals appointed before the requirement of a DepEd-administered examination still eligible for promotion to higher School Principal positions without taking the NQESH or similar assessments?  A: Appointments to School Principal positions made at the time when a DepEd-administered examination is not yet required shall remain valid. Incumbents of such appointments, having been performing the function as School Principal shall be deemed to have passed the school head assessment and shall be eligible for promotion to higher Schools Principal positions without passing the NQESH or similar principalship assessment required by this issuance.   Enclosure 3  Other Clarifications or Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on DO No. 007, s. 2023 Guidelines on Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment in DepEd  Application of Education  1. How is the Application of Education evaluated?  A: Application of Education refers to the contribution/ s made by an applicant that has/have led to positive outcome in their current or previous workplace as a result of their learnings from. higher education earned.  Points shall be given to applicants who have earned higher education units or degrees beyond the minimum qualifications of the vacant position and have submitted the required Means of Verification (MOVs) for application of education.  Illustrative Example:  Vacant Position	Minimum Education Requirements (based on QS)	Required Application of Education (AE) Administrative Office IV	Bachelor’s degree relevant to the job	AE in Master’s degree or units earned towards completion of Master’s degree Chief Administrative Officer	Master’s degree or Certificate of Leadership and Management from the CSC	AE in Doctorate degree or units earned towards completion of Doctorate Degree  Application of Learning and Development  2. How is the Application of Learning and Development (L&D) evaluated in the hiring process?  A: Application of Learning and Development (L&D) refers to the positive outcomes resulting from the applicant's learnings gained through human resource development (HRD) interventions they have attended. Points are given for successful application of this learning in the applicant's current or previous roles, leading to significant positive results.  Higher value is given to L&D applications or interventions that are directly relevant to the position being filled. The intervention is considered relevant if it can be applied effectively to the operations of the functional unit where the position is based, in line with the unit's mandates.  Qualifications acquired within the last promotion  3. What criteria in DO No. 007, s. 2023 shall only be given points for qualifications acquired after the last promotion?  A: Points for training, outstanding accomplishments, application of education, and application of L&D shall be given for those acquired after the last promotion, subject to the guidelines stipulated in DO No. 007, s.2023. This may be verified in the applicant's Personal Data Sheet (PDS) based on the date of their latest appointment.







TO :                 REGIONAL DIRECTORS




All Others concerned




Human Resource and Organizational Development


SUBJECT:      GUIDANCE ON DEPED ORDER NOs. 20 and 21 s. 2024



DATE :            28 January 2025


In view of the recent issuance of the DepEd Order (DO) No. 020, s. 2024 titled Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment to Higher Teaching Positions and DO No. 021, s. 2024 titled Amendments to DO No. 007, s. 20.23, as well as the Online Orientation conducted by the Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development - Human Resource Development Division (BHROD-HRDD) last 23 January 2025, this Office issues the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on the two (2) DOs, and Other Clarifications on DO No. 007, s. 2023. The FAQs aim to provide clarity and further guidance on the operational provisions of these policies to ensure their uniform implementation. Please see the following enclosure for your guidance:


1. Enclosure 1 - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on DO No. 020, s. 2024

·      Effectivity

·      Scope and Coverage

·      DO No. 20, s. 2024 in relation to the Implementation of EO 174, s. 2022

·      Qualification Standards

·      Filling-up of Vacant Higher Teaching Positions

o   Performance Rating

o   Comparative Assessment Result (CAR)

o   Three-Salary Grade Limitation

2. Enclosure 2 - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on DO No. 021, s. 2024

·      Effectivity

·      Call for Applications

·      Performance Rating

·      Comparative Assessment Results - Registry of Qualified Applicants (CAR-RQA)

·      Special Hiring Arrangements

·      Filling-up of Vacant Teacher I Positions

·      Substitute Teacher

·      Appointment to School Principal Positions


3. Enclosure 3 - Other Clarifications or Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on DO No. 007, s. 2023

·      Application of Education

·      Application of Learning and Development

·      Qualifications acquired within the last promotion


Furthermore, the Power Point presentation and the recording of the online orientation can be found at:

a. Presentation slides and DO Nos. 20 and 21, s. 2024 and Annexes (; and

b. Video recording (


For more information on specific human resource actions, please direct your queries and concerns to the following Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development (BHROD) divisions, Department of Education Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, through these contact details:


BHROD Division and Contact Details

Specific HR action/concerns (RSA)

BHROD - Human Resource

Development Division (BHROD-HRDD)

(02) 8470-6630

·      Recruitment, Selection, Appointment concerns

·      Provisional Teachers [RA 10612, RA 10533]

·      Other special hiring arrangements concerns (hiring, appointment, etc.)

·      National Qualifying Examination and Certification (NQESH)

BHROD - Personnel Division


(02) 8633-9345/ 8633-6682

·      Transfer of incumbent personnel

·      Filling-up updating and monitoring in the GMIS

·      Plantilla Management

BHROD - School Effectiveness

Division (BHROD-SED)

(02) 8633-5397

·      Allocation and creation of new teaching and AO II Items

·      Waiving of items and deployment concerns under Special Hiring Arrangements [DMW and DOST]

·      Filling-up updating and monitoring in the PMIS

Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Memorandum are directed.


Enclosure 1


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on DepEd Order No. 020, s. 2024

Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment to Higher Teaching Positions




1. When is the effectivity of the DO No. 20, s. 2024?


A: The DOs shall take effect immediately after its publication to the DepEd Website and registration to ONAR


DepEd Order

Date Published


DO 020, s. 2024

December 20, 2024

December 21, 2024


2. What is the publication date of the vacant positions to be covered by the DO upon its effectivity?


A: The policy shall apply to all higher teaching positions in the Elementary, JHS, and SHS levels that will be published and posted a day after the issuance of the DO.


All vacant positions that are published and posted prior to the issuance of the DO and all ongoing assessments shall continue to be governed by the previous/old guidelines, as applicable.


 Scope and Coverage


3. Does DO No. 020, s. 2024 cover reclassification?


A: NO. DO No. 20, s. 2024 only covers natural vacancies and does not govern the reclassification of teaching positions


The existing reclassification guidelines for teaching and school heads positions in the Elementary and JHS shall remain in effect unless otherwise

modified or amended by subsequent policies.


4. Can we continue processing the Equivalents Record Form (ERF), Conversion to Master Teacher Positions, and requests for Reclassification of School Head Positions?


A: YES. There is no official issuance of a moratorium on the processing of reclassification of positions. Therefore, the processing of ERF, Conversion of Master Teacher Positions, and requests for Reclassification of School Head Positions continue as usual.


5. Can a SHS Teacher be promoted through the process of ERF?


A: NO. There are no existing guidelines for reclassification of SHS teaching positions. 


They will be covered by the reclassification guidelines to be issued upon the full implementation of EO No. 174, s. 2022 and its IRR.


DO No. 020, s.2024 in relation to the Implementation of EO 174, s.2022


6. Is DO No. 20, s. 2024 already the Expanded Career Progression System?


A: DO No. 20, s. 2024 (RSA Guidelines for Higher Teaching Positions) is one of the enabling policies and mechanisms in the implementation of the ECP System as promotion through natural vacancy as one way of career advancement.


Full implementation of EO No. 174 and its IRR shall be realized once the transitory provisions and reclassification policy are likewise implemented.


7. In view of the implementation of the Expanded Career Progression (ECP) System pursuant to EOl 74, can we continue to fill-up vacant Head Teacher (HT) and Assistant School Principal (ASP) positions?


A: YES. Vacant HT and ASP Positions may still be filled-up until the DBMDepEd Joint Circular and DepEd Order on the full implementation of the ECP System are issued; provided that the implications of ECP System on HT and ASP incumbents are properly explained to the applicants.


Qualification Standards


8. Are the approved Qualification Standards (QS) for Teacher IV-VII and Master Teacher V available? How do they impact the implementation of DepEd Order No. 20, s. 2024?


A: The revised QS for existing positions (Teacher I-III & MT I-IV) and new QS for Teacher IV-VII & MTV are still for approval by the Civil Service Commission (CSC).


The existing CSC-approved QS are still in effect and shall be used in filling-up higher teaching positions per DO No. 20, s.2024.


Filling-up of Vacant Higher Teaching Positions


9. Given the absence of QS for Teacher IV to VII, who is eligible for promotion to Master Teacher I vacancies upon the effectivity of the DO?


A: Teacher I to Teacher III incumbents, who are currently holding the next-in-rank positions per existing System of Ranking Positions (SRP), may be promoted to MT I; provided, that they meet the QS of the position, subject to the guidelines specified in DO No. 020, s. 2024.


10. Can an external applicant apply to higher teaching positions?


A: YES, provided, that they meet the required QS of the position, subject to the criteria and assessment specified in DO No. 20, s. 2024.


11. What is the perfonnance period requirement before a teacher can be promoted to a higher teaching position?


A: A performance rating covering one (1) year complete performance rating period with at least Very Satisfactory (VS) in the latest rating period obtained in the current position is required.


12. How will the perfonnance of external applicants be assessed?


A: Comparable performance requirement shall be required for external applicants. Sustained performance of at least Very Satisfactory in the current and previous position/s shall be required; provided that the latest performance rating covering one ( 1) year complete performance rating period is obtained in the current or latest position. (Sec. 25{b) of DO No. 20, s. 2024)


13. Will the applicant with lacking period on the performance rating be disqualified?


A: The applicant's application shall not be accepted and the applicant shall not be included in the pool of official applicants. This shall be ensured by the HRMO/ sub-committee during the submission of applicationusing Annex C-1 (Checklist of Requirements). Individuals who failed to submit complete mandatory documents (required performance rating period) on the set deadline shall not be included m the pool of official applicants. (Sec. 20 of DO No. 20, s. 2024)


14. Is there a cut-off score for an applicant to be included in the CAR of higher teaching positions?


A: YES. The CAR shall contain only the applicants who meet the cut-off score of 50 points based on the total scores obtained from the comparative assessment. (Sec. 48 of DO No. 20, s. 2024)


15. What is the validity of CAR for higher teaching positions?


A: The CAR for a particular published position shall be valid until filled, but not to extend beyond the validity of the publication of the said vacant position in the CSC Website.


Should no appointment be issued within the 9-month publication period, the SDS, through the HRMO, shall cause the re-publication and re-posting of the vacant position.


16. Will the three-salary grade limitation still be applicable for those who want to apply for higher teaching positions?


A: YES, subject to the proper assessment on the eligibility of the applicant to the exemptions specified in Sec. 97, of CSC ORA OHRA 


(e.g., next-in-rank position to the vacant position as identified in the MSP and the System of Ranking Positions (SRP) of the agency)



Enclosure 2


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on DepEd Order No. 021, s. 2024

Amendments to DO No. 007, s. 2023




1. When is the effectivity of the DO?


A: The DO shall take effect immediately after its publication to the DepEd Website and registration to ONAR.


DepEd Order

Date Published


DO 021, s. 2024

December 23, 2024

December 24, 2024


Call for Applications


2. When can Schools Division Offices (SDOs) start the Call for Applications for Teacher I position/s for a particular school year?


A: SDOs are authorized to initiate the Call for Applications for newly created positions as early as October of the previous year, depending on the usual volume of applications received by the SDO. This allows sufficient time for processing and ensures the timely filling of vacant positions for the upcoming school year.


Performance Rating


3. What is the period of the required performance rating for promotion in non-teaching, related-teaching, and school administration positions?


A: A performance rating covering one (1) complete performance cycle acquired in their current or latest position shall be required upon

submission of application, except for promotion from first to second level entry positions.


Applicants whose previous job uses other performance appraisal tools in which rating period follows a semestral or quarterly cycle, one ( 1) year performance shall be equivalent to two (2) or four (4) performance ratings, respectively.


Comparative Assessment Results – Registry of Qualified Applicants (CAR-RQA)


4. How does the applicant sharing system work?


A: The applicant sharing system allows SDOs to extend the call for applications to nearby SDOs to attract remaining applicants from their CARRQA. Under this mechanism:

o   The SDO seeking additional applicants shall coordinate with the nearby SDOs and shall notify/inform the remaining applicants in the CARRQA.

o   Applicants shall express their intent apply and teach outside their current city/municipality to the receiving SDO.

o   The applicant's CAR-RQA score from the originating SDO shall be honored by the accepting SDO.

o   Applicants are not required to undergo a new assessment, provided they possess the appropriate specialization and other specific skills and qualifications requirements.

o   The HRMPSB shall re-convene to deliberate and exercise an HRMPSB Resolution adopting the CAR-RQA scores of the applicants, and prepare a CAR-RQA containing the said applicants.


5. What happens to remaining applicants in the current CAR-RQA who were not appointed during the school year?


A: Remaining applicants in the current CAR-RQA, including those who did not meet the cut-off score, have the following options for the next school year's application:

o   They may carry over their CAR-RQA scores to the succeeding hiring process.

o   They may update their credentials without having to undergo the entire hiring process again.


To avail of these, applicants must submit a Letter of Intent indicating their participation in the succeeding hiring process for the next school year.


Special Hiring Arrangements


6. How are special hiring arrangements prioritized in DepEd's recruitment and appointment process?


A: Special hiring arrangements are governed by Section 58(c) of DO 007, s. 2023, as amended, and prioritize beneficiaries of specific laws, national policies, and/or agreements entered into by DepEd at the national level. Beneficiaries of the following programs are required to undergo assessment to identify their professional development needs but are exempted from the 50-point cut-off score provision:


o   4Ps Program (Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program) of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)

o    “Sa Pinas Ikaw ang Ma'am at Sir” (SPIMS) Employment Program of the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW)

o   RA 7687 and RA 10612 Scholarship Programs of the Department of Science and Technology- Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI)


Filling-up of Vacant Teacher I Positions

7. Can we post anticipated vacancies and fill up teaching positions resulting from promotions?


A: YES. Pursuant to CSC Resolution No. 1800582 dated June 13, 2018, the following exemptions on specific provisions in ORA OHRA apply to DepEd:


(Sec. 30) Posting of Anticipated Vacancies:


o   Anticipated vacancies in teaching positions may be published and posted earlier than the allowable period prior to the actual vacancy.


(Sec. 96) Filling Up Positions Resulting from Promotions:

o   SDOs may fill vacancies resulting from promotions even while awaiting CSC approval or validation of the promotional appointment; provided, that the promotional appointment be annotated, as prior notice, to indicate that the appointee shall be reverted to their former position in case the promotional appointment of the previous position holder is disapproved or invalidated.

o   Furthermore, appointments to Teacher I positions shall bear the notation that the appointment is subject to the CSC attestation of the promotional appointment of the previous position holder.


Substitute Teacher


8. How are substitute teachers hired?


A: A substitute teacher is appointed when a regular teacher incumbent is temporarily unable to perform the duties of the position. SDOs shall select candidate/s from the remaining CAR-RQA applicants, including those who did not meet the cut-off score. They will be assigned to the school of the incumbent and shall assume the position of Teacher I with a salary of SG-11.


Appointment to School Principal Positions


9. If only NQESH passers can be appointed to the Principal I position, are those in Category B considered passers who may also be appointed?


A: All FY 2021 Cat B qualifiers in the list provided in DepEd Memorandum No. 59, s.2024 are eligible to apply and may be appointed to the School Principal I position subject to the result of evaluative and eligibility assessment.


However, FY 2021 Cat B qualifiers with a descriptive rating of “Needing Intervention” must complete the required interventions before they can be considered for appointment.


You may refer to DM-OUHROD-2024-2127 and FAQs released by the BHROD on NQESH and Filling-up of Principal I Positions.


10. Are school principals appointed before the requirement of a DepEd-administered examination still eligible for promotion to higher School Principal positions without taking the NQESH or similar assessments?


A: Appointments to School Principal positions made at the time when a DepEd-administered examination is not yet required shall remain valid.

Incumbents of such appointments, having been performing the function as School Principal shall be deemed to have passed the school head assessment and shall be eligible for promotion to higher Schools Principal positions without passing the NQESH or similar principalship assessment required by this issuance.



Enclosure 3


Other Clarifications or Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on DO No. 007, s. 2023

Guidelines on Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment in DepEd


Application of Education


1. How is the Application of Education evaluated?


A: Application of Education refers to the contribution/ s made by an applicant that has/have led to positive outcome in their current or previous workplace as a result of their learnings from. higher education earned.


Points shall be given to applicants who have earned higher education units or degrees beyond the minimum qualifications of the vacant position and have submitted the required Means of Verification (MOVs) for application of education.


Illustrative Example:


Vacant Position

Minimum Education Requirements (based on QS)

Required Application of Education (AE)

Administrative Office IV

Bachelor’s degree relevant to the job

AE in Master’s degree or units earned towards completion of Master’s degree

Chief Administrative Officer

Master’s degree or Certificate of Leadership and Management from the CSC

AE in Doctorate degree or units earned towards completion of Doctorate Degree


Application of Learning and Development


2. How is the Application of Learning and Development (L&D) evaluated in the hiring process?


A: Application of Learning and Development (L&D) refers to the positive outcomes resulting from the applicant's learnings gained through human resource development (HRD) interventions they have attended. Points are given for successful application of this learning in the applicant's current or previous roles, leading to significant positive results.


Higher value is given to L&D applications or interventions that are directly relevant to the position being filled. The intervention is considered relevant if it can be applied effectively to the operations of the functional unit where the position is based, in line with the unit's mandates.


Qualifications acquired within the last promotion


3. What criteria in DO No. 007, s. 2023 shall only be given points for qualifications acquired after the last promotion?


A: Points for training, outstanding accomplishments, application of education, and application of L&D shall be given for those acquired after the last promotion, subject to the guidelines stipulated in DO No. 007, s.2023. This may be verified in the applicant's Personal Data Sheet (PDS) based on the date of their latest appointment.


Full copy of this Memorandum is found below:

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