
DepEd Order No. 020, s. 2023 : Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Voucher Program

DepEd Order No. 020, s. 2023

Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Voucher Program


DepEd Order No. 020, s. 2023 : Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Voucher Program


JUL 26 2023



No. 020, s. 2023




To:      Undersecretaries

Assistant Secretaries

Minister, Basic, Higher, and Technical Education, BARMM

Bureau and Service Directors

Regional Directors

Schools Division Superintendents

Public and Private Secondary School Heads

All Others Concerned


1. The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the enclosed Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Voucher Program (SHS VP) to provide details on the processes and activities in relation to the VP-participating SHSs. This includes accepting qualified voucher recipients, requirements and application process, redemption, creating billing statements and payment of subsidies, and other SHS VP information.


2. The procedures, activities, and timelines provided in this policy shall guide the DepEd Central Office and its stakeholders in efficiently and effectively implementing the SHS VP and shall assist the incoming SHS learners in the application to the SHS VP.


3. All DepEd Orders, Memoranda, and other related issuances, rules, regulations, and provisions which are inconsistent with these guidelines are repealed, rescinded, or modified accordingly.


4. This DepEd Order shall take effect upon its approval, issuance, and publication on the DepEd website. Certified copies of this Order shall be registered with the Office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR) at the University of the Philippines Law Center (UP LC), UP Diliman, Quezon City.


5. For more information, please contact the Office of the Undersecretary for Finance, Department of Education Central Office, DepEd. Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City through email at, or the Government Assistance and Subsidies Office through email at


6. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.




Vice President of the Republic of the Philippines

Secretary of the Department of Education



            As stated



DepEd Order Nos. 032 and 006, s. 2022; 1, s. 2016; and 46 and 11, s. 2015


To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

under the following subjects:











(Enclosure to DepEd Order No. 020, s. 2023)






Republic Act (RA) No. 10533, otherwise known as the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, lengthened Philippine basic education from ten (10) to thirteen (13) years with the addition of Kindergarten, and Grades 11 and 12 in Senior High School {SHS). Grade 11 was introduced in School Year (SY) 2016-2017, Grade 12 in SY 2017-2018.


The 1987 Constitution, particularly Article XIV, Section 1, guarantees the right of every Filipino to accessible and quality basic education, while Article XIV, Section 2.3 mandates the State to establish, among others, subsidies, and other incentives to deserving students in both public and private schools, especially to the underprivileged. RA No. 10533 upholds both of said provisions by explicitly expanding the assistance programs under the Government Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private Education (EGASTPE Law or RA No. 8545, which amends RA No. No. 6728) to extend the benefits accorded by E-GASTPE to qualified learners in Grades 11 and 12. RA No. 10533 further mandates the Department of Education (DepEd) to formulate programs to enact the abovementioned law based on the principles of public-private partnership.


In this regard, DepEd developed the Senior High School Voucher Program (SHS VP), a program of financial assistance wherein subsidies in the form of vouchers are provided to qualified SHS learners in VP-participating SHSs. DepEd Order (DO) No. 11, s. 2015 provided the policy guidelines on the implementation of SHS VP which guidelines categorized the learners into two: those who automatically qualify for SHS VP, and those who shall undergo application, subject to additional guidelines that DepEd will issue for that purpose.


The most recent policy on the implementation of the SHS VP was issued in 2017, providing details on the processes and activities in relation to the VP-participating SHSs. Every year, the Department issues a separate policy on the eligibility and application process to the SHS VP valid for a specific SY only. Considering the significant changes in the basic education due to the challenges, issues, advancements, and trends over the past years, and to avoid issuance of a separate policy on SHS VP applications, this DepEd Order aims to provide updates on the implementation of the SHS VP which includes the application process to the program and, henceforth, will be multiyear in application.




These guidelines shall be applicable nationally including the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), and provide details on the processes and activities in relation to the VP-participating SHSs. This includes accepting qualified voucher recipients, requirements and application process, redemption, creating billing statements and payment of subsidies, and other SHS VP information. Homeschooling and Philippine Schools Overseas (PSOs) shall not be covered by these guidelines.




For purposes of these guidelines, the terms listed below are defined as follows:


a. Basic Education Information System (BEIS) - An information management system and database maintained by DepEd on basic education schools in the country.


b. Career Track- The general categories that each different field to study belongs to. There are four career tracks: Academic, Technical-Vocational Livelihood/Technical-Vocational Education (TVL/TVE), Arts and Design, and Sports.


c. Digital Signature - A secure type of electronic signature consisting of a transformation of an electronic document or an electronic data message using an asymmetric or public cryptosystem such that a person having the initial untransformed electronic document and the signer's public key can accurately determine:

i. whether the transformation was created using the private key that correspondents to the signer's public key; and

ii. whether the initial electronic document had been altered after the transformation was made.


d. Education Service Contracting (ESC) grantees - A learner who participates in the ESC program, a program of financial assistance by DepEd for learners in certified private Junior High Schools (JHS).


e. Electronic Signature -Any distinctive mark, characteristic and/or sound in electronic form, secured and non-secured, representing the identity of a person and attached with electronic data message or electronic document.


f. Grade 10 completer -A learner who is expected to complete JHS in formal or Alternative Learning System (ALS) at the end of SY 2022-2023 or had completed Grade 10 not earlier than 2016 and had not previously enrolled for Grade 11.


g. Learner Information System (LIS) - An information management system and database maintained by DepEd to track and monitor learners in basic education.


h. Learning Strands - The different learning areas of expertise under the program.


1. Monitoring Findings - Result of the monitoring activity conducted on the VP-participating SHS. Monitoring findings may involve issues, deficiencies, non-conformities, non-compliances, among others, and are usually adverse.


j. Online Voucher Application Portal (OVAP) - A system used to receive online applications for the SHS VP.


k. Philippine National Public Key Infrastructure (PNPKI) - A virtual key that lets its user encrypt or conceal data into a code embed important transactions like email exchange in order to protect it from hackers.


1. Public schools - An educational provider that is either directly operated by DepEd or are State Universities and Colleges/ Local Universities and Colleges (SUCs/LUCs) that are not directly operated by DepEd.


m. Qualified Voucher Applicant (QVA) - A voucher applicant whose application is approved, and thus, is considered a Qualified Voucher Recipient.


n. Qualified Voucher Applicant (QVA) Certificate -A document received by the QVA through the OV AP once the application is approved. The QVA Certificate is used to redeem the voucher.


o. Qualified Voucher Recipient (QVR) -A Grade 10 completer who is eligible to avail of the voucher because they are either an automatically qualified learner or a QVA.


p. Refund -The repayment made by the VP-participating SHS due to DepEd.


q. Reimbursement - The repayment made by VP-participating SHS to VPBs who paid voucher amounts in advance.


r. Shifter - A learner who shifts or changes to a different career track or learning strand.


s. Transferee - A learner who transfer to a different SHS.


t. Voucher - A subsidy given by the State to qualified Grade 10 completers to enable them to enroll at a VP-participating SHS of their choice. The assistance helps to defray the cost of tuition and other published fees charged by a VP-participating SHS. The subsidy is not given to the learner as cash; DepEd instead pays directly to the VP-participating SHS where the learner enrolls.


u. Voucher Applicant (VA) - A Grade 10 completer who needs to apply to qualify for a voucher.


v. Voucher Management System (VMS) - An information management system maintained by PEAC for VP-participating SHSs to create and track billing statements and payments.


w. VP-participating SHS - An educational provider that is not directly operated by DepEd but has been granted by DepEd with a permit or government recognition to operate SHS, and has met the requirements for participation in the SHS VP.


x. Voucher Program Beneficiary (VPB) - A QVR who avails of the voucher through successful voucher redemption.


y. Voucher Redemption - The act of availing of the voucher by enrolling at a VP-participating SHS in any of the DepEd-approved learning delivery options.




It is the policy of the Department to uphold the right of every Filipino to quality basic education by providing access whether through public provision or programs and arrangements based on the principles of public-private partnership.


One program of assistance is the SHS VP which aims to increase access to SHS thereby providing greater choice to learners and their families in deciding the SHS program that caters to their needs and career goals. In accordance with Section 22 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA No. 10533, DepEd shall make SHS VP available primarily to Grade 10 completers in public schools but shall also make it available to qualified Grade 10 completers in private educational institutions, subject to compliance with the qualifications and guidelines provided in this DepEd Order.


Pursuant to RA No. 6728, otherwise known as the Government Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private Education Act, as amended by RA No. 8545, otherwise known as the Expanded Government Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private Education Act, preference shall be given to underprivileged students in the provision of government assistance and support.




The following learners are eligible for the SHS VP:

i. Learners who completed JHS in public schools operated by DepEd, or in public and private educational institutions not directly operated by DepEd but granted by DepEd with a permit or government recognition to operate, excluding homeschooling and Philippine Schools Overseas (PSOs).


ii. Learners who completed Grade 10 as passers of the Alternative Learning System Accreditation and Equivalency (ALS A&E) Test or as passers of the Presentation Portfolio Assessment.


iii. Learners who completed Grade 10 as passers of the Philippine Education Placement Test (PEPT).


For brevity, these learners shall be referred to as Grade 10 completers. Grade 10 completers are subdivided into (1) automatically qualified learners, and (2) voucher applicants.


1. Automatically Qualified Learners


Only Grade 10 completers who fall under the categories below automatically qualify for vouchers and are considered Qualified Voucher Recipients (QVRs), thus, do not need to apply for vouchers:


a. Category A: All Grade 10 completers from the preceding SY in Public Schools

b. Category B: All Grade 10 completers from the preceding SY in Private Schools who are ESC grantees


2. Voucher Applicants


The learners in the categories below need to apply for vouchers and shall be referred to as Voucher Applicants (VAs) whose application shall be evaluated using set parameters, and subject to the availability of funds:


a. Category C: All Grade 10 completers from the preceding SY in Private Schools who are not ESC grantees

b. Category D: All Grade 10 completers who completed Grade 10 prior to the previous SYs but not earlier than 2016 and had not previously enrolled for Grade 11

c. Category E: Learners who had passed the ALS A&E Test for Grade 10 not earlier than 2018 and had not previously enrolled for Grade 11, or ALS learners who passed the Portfolio Assessment for Grade 10

d. Category F: Learners who passed the PEPI' for Grade 10 not earlier than 2016 and had not previously enrolled for Grade 11, or learners who will take the PEPf for Grade 10 in the upcoming SY DepEd may give additional vouchers subject to the availability of funds and criteria set by the GAS Composite Team through a Resolution.




Learners that fall under the following circumstances are not eligible for the SHS VP:


i. Learners who graduated from High School in 2015 or earlier

ii. Incoming Grade 12 learners who were not part of SHS VP in Grade 11. However, DepEd may consider/allow them in exceptional cases through a Resolution by the GAS CT

iii. Non-Filipino learners


The table below may be used for easy reference:


Table 1. Eligibility Guide


Not eligible

Automatically Qualified Learners

(No need to apply)

Voucher Applicants

(Need to apply)

Learners who graduated High School in 2015 or Earlier

Category A: Grade 10 completers from the preceding SY in public schools

Category C: All Grade 10 completers from the preceding SY in Private Schools who are not ESC Grantees

Incoming Grade 12 learners who were not part of SHS VP in Grade 11

Category B: Grade 10 completers from the preceding SY who are ESC grantees

Category D: All Grade 10 completers who completed Grade 10 prior to the previous SYs but not earlier than 2016 and had not previously enrolled for Grade 11

Non-Filipino learners


Category E: Learners who had passed the ALS A&E Test for Grade 10 not earlier than 2018 and had not previously enrolled for Grade 11, or ALS learners who passed the Portfolio Assessment for Grade 10



Category F: Learners who passed the PEPI' for Grade 10 not earlier than 2016 and had not previously enrolled for Grade 11, or learners who will take the PEPT for Grade 10 in the upcoming SY


For VAs under Categories E and F, the release of the QVA Certificate is contingent upon the submission of the Certificate of Rating or Certificate of Completion through the system.




Applications shall be submitted online via the Online Voucher Application Portal (OVAP) at VAs are highly discouraged from submitting multiple applications. Manual applications and those submitted directly to DepEd shall not be accepted.


The table below enumerates the steps for online application.


Table 2. Voucher Application Procedure

Online Application

1. Access OVAP at Follow the instructions to create an OVAP account. VAs must use a working email address they have access to.

NOTE: An account is not yet an application.

2. Wait for a confirmation email that shall be sent to the VA's email address. Upon receipt of the confirmation email, click on the link provided to access the OV AP as a registered user.

3. Complete the electronic Voucher Application Form (VAF-1). VAs may do this in parts but must ensure chances are saved b section.

4. Scan or take a picture and upload the following required documents in the OVAP:

a. Recent 2x2 colored ID photo

b. Notarized Affidavit* of occupation and income for ALL that apply: both parents, guardian/s, and other person/s helping send the VA to school, if any

c. Signed Parent Consent Form** for VAs below 18 years old at the time of the submission of the application

d. Certificate of Financial Assistance*** received from the JHS, if applicable

e. Certificate of Rating or Certificate of Completion for Category E applicants; and

Certificate of Rating for Category F applicants

5. Click the attestation button and submit the application. An application is not considered complete until it is attested.

6. Check the result of application thru OVAP. VAs with approved applications become eligible for the voucher and shall be called qualified Voucher Applicants (QVAs).

7. Download the QVA Certificate from OVAP. The QVA Certificate is required for voucher redemption. QV As shall submit their QVA Certificate to the SHS they decide to enroll at as proof that they are entitled to the voucher.

*Attached as Annex 1 is a template for the Affidavit stating the occupation and income of the applicant's parents or guardian/ s, which needs to be notarized.

** Attached as Annex 2 is the Parent Consent Form. The Parent Consent Form is required for VAs below 18 years old at the time of the submission of the application.

*** Attached as Annex 3 is a template for the Certificate of Financial Assistance.




It is the responsibility of the VA to ensure that his or her application is complete, correct, and attested, and that it is received on or before the deadline. It is likewise the responsibility of the VA to track the status of the application. VAs may check the status of their application by accessing their account on OVAP.


For any inquiries on the application, VAs may email the PEAC National Secretariat at




All application forms submitted by VAs shall be processed and validated on or before the set deadline. The results shall then be forwarded to DepEd for approval.


The following applications shall not be processed:

1. Applications completed/submitted after the deadline.

2. Unattested applications.

3. Applications submitted by the learners from Categories A and B.

4. Applications by learners who are not eligible for the SHS VP:

a. Learners who graduated High School in 2015 or earlier;

b. Incoming Grade 12 learners who were not part of SHS VP in Grade 11; and

c. Non-Filipino learners.


Grounds for disqualification to SHS VP:

1. False information in application and/ or supporting documents.

2. Failure of submitted supporting documents to support information declared in the VAF-1.

3. Failure to submit proof of eligibility to enroll for Grade 11 as ALS Qualifier.

4. Failure to submit proof of eligibility to enroll for Grade 11 as PEPT Qualifier.

5. Enrollment in SUCs/LUCs.




Results shall be posted on OV AP and may be accessed by V As. VAs shall not be notified of the results; it is the responsibility of the VA to check the results of the application on OVAP. Announcements on the posting of results shall be made on the PEAC NS and DepEd websites, and other available media.


For VAs who fall under Categories E and F, being a QVA is contingent upon the results of the ALS A&E Test or Presentation Portfolio Assessment, and PEPT, respectively. VAs who has successful SHS VP applications but do not pass the ALS A&E Test or Presentation Portfolio Assessment, and PEPT in time for the upcoming SY shall not be entitled to voucher redemption and will not be VPBs.


Submission of additional supporting documents may be requested by DepEd, PEAC, and schools to support the details in the VA's Notarized Affidavit, such as the parents' Certificate of Employment, and Income Tax Return during the conduct of spot checks to ensure the veracity of the VA's submission.




Pursuant to Section 32 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA No. 10533 otherwise known as the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 specifically provides that the transition period for non-DepEd public schools or SUCs/LUCs in the implementation of SHS VP is until the end of SY 2021-2022. This was supported by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) by its issuance of CHED Memorandum Order Nos. 32 and 33, s. 2015 and 35, s. 2016 which states that the engagement of SUCs and LUCs in basic education through SHS shall be limited to the K-12 transition period only which is from SY 2016-2017 to SY 2020-2021 only.


Beginning SY 2023-2024, there should be no more GASTPE beneficiaries from SUCs/LUCs, except those who will be entering Grade 12 in SY 2023-2024 to finish their Basic Education. SUCs and LUCs with laboratory school can accept enrollees but will no longer receive vouchers.




QVRs redeem the voucher by enrolling for Grade 11 at a VP-participating private SHS. As with any learner, the QVR must satisfy the requirements for admission set by the VP-participating private SHS. A QVR who successfully enrolls at a VP-participating private SHS becomes a voucher program beneficiary (VPB). Upon enrollment, QVRs must present to their chosen VP-participating private SHS the following documentary evidence as proof of their eligibility.


A list of SHS VP-participating schools can be accessed in Below is the list of documentary requirements needed when redeeming vouchers in a VP-participating SHS:


Table 3. Documentary Evidence of Eligibility

QVR Category


Where to obtain document

Category A

Report card bearing a Learner Reference Number

Junior high school

Category B

a. ESC Certificate

b. Grade 10 Report card

Junior high school or PEAC NS

Category C and D

a. QVA Certificate

b. Grade 10 Report card


b. Junior high school

Category E

a. Certificate of Rating (COR) – for those who passed the ALS A&E Test for Grade 10, not earlier than 2018

b. Certificate of Completion – with ALS Portfolio Assessment Certificate Number for those who passed the Presentation Portfolio Assessment

c. QVA Certificate

a. DepEd-Bureau of Educational Assessment (BEA)

b. DepEd Schools Division Office where the ALS learner took the Presentation Portfolio Assessment


Category F

a. COR – PEPT for Grade 10

b. QVA Certificate

a. DepEd-BEA



Voucher redemption begins on September 22, 2023, and ends on October 11, 2023. Vouchers not redeemed within the prescribed period shall no longer be valid. A separate memorandum on the schedule of voucher redemption for the succeeding school years shall be issued along with the

schedule of SHS VP application.


The voucher covers only two school years - Grades 11 and 12, regardless of the number of school years it takes for the recipient to complete SHS.




The applicable voucher amount is determined by the category of the QVR, and the location, type, and fees of the VP-participating SHS where the QVR will enroll. The maximum voucher amounts are shown in the table below:


Table 4. Maximum applicable voucher amount (in PHP per student per school year)


Location of Non-DepEd SHS

QVR Category

Voucher Amount

(Philippine Peso)

National Capital Region


Categories A, E, F


Categories B, C, D


Highly urbanized cities (HUCs) outside of NCR

Categories A, E, F


Categories B, C, D


All other locations

Categories A, E, F


Categories B, C, D



Voucher amounts represent the maximum payment a VP-participating SHS shall be paid per VPB per school year. VP-participating SHS receive voucher payments based on the total school fees they charge or the maximum voucher amount applicable, whichever is lower.


The subsidy values and tiering across geographic area shall be reviewed every three (3) years based on the criteria recommended by the GAS Composite Team.




VAs are advised to be mindful of significant dates in the SHS VP. Below is the schedule for SY 2023-2024 only:


Table 5 Schedule of SHS VP Application implementation for SY 2023-2024



July 28, 2023

Start of voucher application period which includes VA OVAP Account Creation & Application Submission

August 16, 2023

Deadline for creation of accounts on OVAP

August 18, 2023

Deadline for submission of applications on OVAP

September 22, 2023

Posting of application results in the QVA Account Panel and start of voucher redemption


The schedule of SHS VP application for the succeeding school years shall be issued through a memorandum.




After enrollment, the VPBs may continue to participate in the SHS VP, transfer school, shift tracks or strands or leave formal schooling.


a. Continuing Participants


VPBs are considered continuing participants and retain their subsidy if they are promoted to Grade 12 and continue to study in a VP-participating SHS. No maintaining grades are required from VPBs within the SY.


VPBs lose their subsidy if they do any of the following:

1. Drop out in the middle of the SY;

2. Do not reenroll in the following SY;

3. Fail to be promoted to the next grade level or are retained in the same grade level;

4. Transfer to another SHS within the SY;

5. Transfer to a DepEd SHS; and

6. Transfer to an SUC/LUC.


VPBs who drop out due to pregnancy, prolonged illness, accident, force majeure, or death of a parent or guardian may be reinstated in the SHS VP, provided they submit relevant documents to PEAC to support their claim i.e. for illness, a medical certificate issued by a licensed medical doctor.


b. Transferees


VPBs are considered transferees if they transfer to a different SHS. Transfers are allowed, but VPBs lose their subsidy when they transfer to a non-VP-participating SHS. VPBs need to satisfy the requirements for admission set by the accepting non-DepEd SHS.


Transfers where the applicable voucher value of the releasing VP-participating SHS is different from that of the accepting VP-participating SHS are allowed. The accepting VP-participating SHS shall be paid the lower of the two applicable voucher values. 


Involuntary transfers within the school year, such as when a school closes or is terminated from further participation in the SHS VP, are allowed and considered special cases. Such cases shall be dealt with individually. VP-participating SHS that close shall promptly inform DepEd and PEAC so that their VPBs are not disenfranchised.


c. Shifters


VPBs are considered shifters if they shift to a different career track or learning strand. VPBs who wish to retain their voucher subsidy may shift to another career track or learning strand:

1. After the first semester of Grade 11 in the same VP-participating SHS

2. After completing Grade 11 in the same VP-participating SHS or in another VP-participating SHS


VP-participating SHS shall ensure that shifters meet the required competencies of their new track or strand.


A VPB who transfers to a different VP-participating SHS and shifts to a different track or strand will be tagged as both a Transferee and a Shifter.




Private SHSs with SHS permit issued by DepEd are eligible to participate in the SHS VP. It becomes a VP-participating SHS by accepting QVRs as its learners.


Each VP-participating SHS is required to:


a. Attend to the annual orientation on the SHS VP Guidelines and SHS VMS. The PEAC NS shall inform the VP-participating SHS of the schedule of the orientations by the first week of March and conduct them in every region in April or May. Access to VMS shall be denied to schools that failed to attend the orientation.

b. Conduct an orientation on the SHS VP to new VPBs and their parents and/or guardians at the start of each SY. The VP-participating SHS shall keep a copy of the orientation program and attendance sheet as proof of the conduct of activity.

c. Open and maintain an account with the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) specifically for the SHS VP. The account name shall be name of the school as indicated in the SHS permit, suffixed by "SHS VP". VP-participating SHS shall directly coordinate with any LBP branch on the details of requirements to open an account.

d. Prepare the VPB Folders of all VPBs billed. The following are the documents to be filed in the VPB Folder:


Table 6. Documents for Filing in the VPB Folder

Type of VPB

Grade 11 VPB Folder

Transfer-in Grade 12 VPB Folder

Category A

1. Grade 10 Report Card

2. Photocopy of PSA Birth Certificate

3. 2x2 ID Photo

1. VPB Transfer-out Certificate issued by previous school

2. Grade 11 Report Card

3. Photocopy of PSA Birth Certificate

4. 2x2 ID Photo

Category B

1. Grade 10 Report Card

2. Photocopy of PSA Birth Certificate 

3. ESC Certificate for Grade 10 Completers 

4. 2x2 ID Photo

Category C

1. Grade 10 Report Card

2. Photocopy of PSA Birth Certificate

3. QVA Certificate

4. 2x2 ID Photo

Category D

1. Grade 10 Report Card

2. Photocopy of PSA Birth Certificate

3. QVA Certificate

4. 2x2 ID Photo

Category D

1. Grade 10 Report Card

2. Photocopy of PSA Birth Certificate

3. QVA Certificate

4. 2x2 ID Photo

Category E

1. Grade 10 Report Card

2. Photocopy of PSA Birth Certificate

3. QVA Certificate

4. Certificate of Rating for those who passed the ALS A&E Test for Grade 10, not earlier than 2018 or Certificate of Completion – with ALS Portfolio Assessment Certificate Number for those who passed the Presentation

Portfolio Assessment

5. 2x2 ID Photo

Category F

1. Grade 10 Report Card

2. Photocopy of PSA Birth Certificate

3. QVA Certificate

4. Certificate of Rating - PEPT for Grade 10

5. 2x2 ID Photo




DepEd BEIS, LIS, and VMS are the three working systems used in the SHS VP. All three systems are linked through a single sign on service (SSO Service) at Username and passwords to the SSO Service are obtained from the school's respective DepEd Division Offices through the Schools Governance and Operations Division- Planning Service Unit or the Division IT Officer.


The processes and the systems that the schools will use are detailed as follows:


a. Encode or Update VP-participating SHS information. – VP-participating SHS shall log in to the BEIS to encode or update school-related data required by DepEd.


b. Encode or Update and download SHS learner information. – VP-participating SHS shall encode or update the data required on all their SHS learners in LIS. [For details, schools may refer to DepEd Order No. 34, s. 2016] Schools shall ensure that the tagged QVRs are in fact enrolled in the school for the semester (that is, they are school's VPBs).


The list of SHS learners shall be downloaded in a file after encoding and/ or



c. Create Billing Statements. - Schools create billing statements to obtain the subsidy for the VPBs they accept.


Orientation. - An orientation shall be conducted in every region prior to the start of the school year to instruct the point persons of VP-participating SHS on the documentary requirements and online procedures. Attendance to the orientation is a prerequisite to the access of the VMS billing facility. Non-attendance to the orientation without valid reason shall result to late access in the VMS billing facility, and if repeated for two (2) consecutive school years, it shall be considered a monitoring finding.


The billing period for the SHS VP shall begin 30 days after the opening of classes. As such, all VP-participating SHS shall be required to encode the date of opening of their classes in the VMS.


One Tranche Payment. - Effective SY 2023-2024, all GASTPE programs billing statements shall be created and disbursed once for the SY under the following conditions:


1. All Billing Statements must be received by the DepEd Central Office on or before the deadline set by the latter; and 

2. Subject to availability of funds.


Billing statements of the VP-participating SHSs with monitoring findings shall not be endorsed to DepEd Central Office unless otherwise resolved at the level of or recommended by the PEAC, to avoid release of payment to the VP-participating SHSs with monitoring findings. Only billing statements that are complete and verified shall be accepted by the DepEd Central Office.


Use of Digital Signature through PNPKI; Full Implementation by SY 2024-2025. - In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, DepEd has allowed the use of electronic signature in the submitted billing statements at the Central Office. However, in order to ensure authenticity, confidentiality, and integrity of the information in the created billing statements, and pursuant to Executive Order (EO) No. 810, s. 2009 otherwise known as Institutionalizing the Certification Scheme for Digital Signatures and Directing Application of Digital Signatures in E-Government Services issued on June 15, 2009 and the Department of Information and Communications Technology's (DICT) Department Circular No. 006-2020 or the Guidelines on the Application and Issuance of PNPKI Digital Certificates for External Clients during the State of Public Health Emergency issued on April 20, 2020, DepEd shall require the use of Digital Signature through the Philippine National Public Key Infrastructure (PNPKI) service, with full implementation in SY 2024-2025 with the following transition period:


Table 7. Transition period for the implementation of the digital signature



3rd Quarter of 2023

PEAC NS shall issue an Advisory to the VP-participating SHSs on the use of digital signature.

4th Quarter of 2023

Orientation and acceptance of applications for the digital signature

1st to 2nd Quarter of 2024

Modification of the VMS by PEAC NS in preparation for the use of digital signature

SY 2024-2025

Full implementation of the sue of digital signature


Upon effectivity of the full implementation in SY 2024-2025, DepEd will only accept billing statements with PNPKI digital signature.


DepEd shall partner with the DICT and coordinate with the PEAC NS on the conduct of the orientation to the VP-participating SHSs to ensure their readiness in compliance with the Commission on Audit (COA) Circular No. 2021-006 or the Guidelines on the Use of Electronic Documents, Electronic Signatures, and Digital Signatures in Government Transactions issued on

September 6, 2021.


Use of Electronic Signature. - VP-participating SHSs may still continue to use electronic signature for SY 2023-2024, provided that the PEAC NS shall use the PNPKI digital signature in the PEAC Processed List of VP Billing Statements for Payment.


All developments on the transition and implementation of the PNPKI digital signature shall be communicated to the VP-participating SHSs during the Orientation on the SHS Voucher Program Guidelines and the Voucher Management System, and through other available channels.


d. Process billing statement.


VP-participating SHS shall submit their electronic billing statements and supporting documents to the PEAC RS through the VMS.


The PEAC RS shall process the billing statements in the order it is received and verifies that the billing statement and supporting documents are complete and in order. The PEAC Regional Program Director (PEAC RPO) affixes their signature through the VMS and forwards these to the DepEd Regional Office (DepEd RO) for signature of the DepEd Regional Director (DepEd RD).


The DepEd RO shall inspect the billing statements received, once verified, the DepEd RD affixes their signature to the billing statement using the VMS. The PEAC RPD and the DepEd RD may authorize alternate signatories to sign the billing statements. The VMS automatically forwards billing statements signed by the DepEd RD to the PEAC NS.


The PEAC NS verifies that the billing statement packages are in order through the VMS. The PEAC Executive Director affixes their signature in the billing statements through the VMS. The electronically signed billing statements and supporting documents are prepared in batches and submits these along with a List of Schools for Payment to GASO of DepEd.


GASO checks that the submitted billing statement packages and the List of Schools for Payment are in order. DepEd Accounting Division prepares the Payroll and Obligation Request Status (ORS). Once endorsed and approved by DepEd authorities, DepEd pays the VP-participating SHS through their accounts with LBP.


Table 8. Schedule of Submission of Billing Statements for SY 2023-2024



October 17, 2023

Last day to create billing statements in VMS

October 24, 2023

Submission to PEAC Regional Secretariat

November 14, 2023

Submission to PEAC National Secretariat

November 28, 2023

Submission to DepEd Central Office for Payment


The schedule of submission of billing statements for the succeeding school            years shall be issued through a memorandum.


e. Monitor Billing Statements.


VP-participating SHSs can monitor the status of all their billing statements in the VMS. The PEAC RS, the PEAC NS and the DepEd Accounting Division/GASO update the status in the VMS as the billing statement package is processed at their offices. The different statuses and the office that handles the billing statement package at a given status are shown below:


Table 9 Processing time of billing statements



Handling Unit

Approximate Processing Time

On Process (School)

VP-participating SHS


On Process (PEAC Regional Secretariat)


Seven (7) calendar days upon receipt from the VP-participating SHS

On Hold (PEAC Regional Secretariat)


Additional seven (7) calendar days for submission of other documents

Submitted to DepEd RO for Signature

DepEd RO

Seven (7) calendar days upon receipt from the PEAC Regional Secretariat

Submitted to PEAC National Secretariat


Seven (7) calendar days upon receipt from DepEd RO

Received by PEAC National Secretariat


Seven (7) calendar days upon receipt from PEAC National Secretariat

Submitted to DepEd


Thirty (30) to Forty-five (45) calendar days upon receipt at the DepEd Central Office

Payment Released


An "On Hold" status indicates an issue with the billing statement package. In such cases, VP-participating SHSs are enjoined to proactively follow-up with the unit concerned.


f. Refund excess payment.


A refund is due to DepEd when its payments exceed what is due to a VP-participating SHS owing to:

a. inadvertent errors

b. when VPBs drop out before the end of first semester

c. when VPBs transferred to another school before the end of first semester


Below are the steps to process refunds:


1. The VP-participating SHS shall send PEAC NS a bank check payable to the Department of Education OSEC and a letter explaining the reason for the refund;

2. The PEAC NS shall review the documents and endorse the same to DepEd Central Office-Accounting Division;

3. DepEd shall issue official receipts for cleared check refunds. These will be delivered to PEAC NS for further delivery to the schools concerned. 


VP-participating SHSs shall refund within thirty (30) calendar days upon receipt of the letter from PEAC NS requiring refund.




A.   Monitoring


The PEAC NS and/ or the GAS CT through the GASO shall monitor VP-participating SHSs. Monitoring is done through unannounced visits. VP-participating SHSs are subject to such visits and cannot refuse the monitoring terms.


Table 10. Monitors

Frequency of Monitoring






Regional Program Committee


VP-participating SHS is required to gather all their VPBs for a roll call and/or present the following documents for inspection:

·      Class Record

·      DepEd School Form 1

·      DepEd School Form 2

·      Photocopy of PSA Certified Birth Certificate

·      VPB Folder

·      Orientation Attendance Sheet



A developed M&E tool shall be used by the team intended for the following respondents:

·      DepEd Region/Division

·      VP-participating SHS Head

·      VP-participating SHS Teachers

·      Parents/Guardians of VPBs

·      VPBs


Joint monitoring of GAS CT chairperson/members, representatives from PEAC, GASO, Regional Program Committee

Overall implementation of the SHS VP


The monitoring team may require other documents from the VP-participating SHS to verify its VPBs.


The PEAC NS shall report the results of its monitoring visits at the quarterly meetings of the PEAC with DepEd and shall provide a separate written report with the actions taken on the monitoring findings to DepEd. GASO shall also provide a copy of the result of monitoring and recommended actions to DepEd RO and GAS CT copy furnished PEAC.


B. Post-Billing Audit


The PEAC shall conduct a post-billing audit of all billed VPBs of VP-participating SHS. The post-billing audit involves crosschecking of the VPBs information in the LIS. The VP-participating SHSs shall ensure that there are no discrepancies in the VPBs billed and their details in DepEd's LIS. Discrepancies in the VPBs billed shall be considered an offense and shall result in sanctions against the VP-participating SHS.


C. Process for Monitoring Findings


I. Processing of monitoring findings based on reports submitted by the PEAC Monitoring Teams shall be done in the following manner:


1. The PEAC Monitoring Committee (PMC) headed by the Executive Director shall report the VP-participating SHSs with monitoring findings and their recommended sanction to PEAC. 


2. The PEAC shall recommend the sanctions for VP-participating SHS with monitoring findings and its date/SY of effectivity.


3. The PEAC shall forward to DepEd Regional Director (DepEd RD), copy furnished GASO, the list of VP-participating SHS with monitoring findings detailing the recommended sanctions, monitoring findings, and violations committed by the VP-participating SHS.


4. The DepEd RD, upon receipt of the monitoring findings and the recommended sanctions from the PEAC, shall issue a Show Cause Order to the VP-participating SHS requiring them to explain or justify within a non-extendable period of ten (10) calendar days from receipt of the Show Cause Order why they should not be sanctioned.


5. Upon receipt of the DepEd RD of the VP-participating SHS's affidavit or comments and/ or other documents, DepEd RO shall conduct an investigation within a period of thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of the affidavit/ comment. The failure to submit an affidavit/ comment shall be considered a waiver thereof, and the investigation may be completed even without the affidavit/ comment/ explanation.


6. DepEd RD shall inform, through a courier or registered mail, the VP-participating SHS, copy furnished GASO and PEAC, on its decision. If the VP-participating SHS does not file a request for reconsideration within ten ( 10) calendar days, the decision is deemed final and executory.


7. The DepEd RD shall decide on the request for reconsideration within a period of fifteen ( 15) calendar days upon receipt of the request for reconsideration.


8. The schools may appeal the application of any sanction imposed by the DepEd RD to the Secretary, copy furnished GASO, within fifteen ( 15} calendar days from receipt of notice of such sanction.


II. Processing of monitoring findings based on the monitoring activities conducted by the RPComs or Field Offices. – The PEAC RS and DepEd RO shall regularly conduct monitoring activities to the VP-participating SHSs within their region of jurisdiction, whether in a joint monitoring activity as RPCom or a separate monitoring activity by the DepEd RO. The procedure in handling monitoring findings in the regions shall follow Section XVIII C. I. 4 to 8 of this DepEd Order.


VPBs disenfranchised by the sanctions shall be allowed to transfer to another VP- participating SHS without losing their voucher provided that they transfer right after the effectivity of the sanction imposed to the VP-participating SHS.




Program violations as well as acts of VP-participating SHSs that defraud government and/ or its VPBs are sanctioned, after due process.


a. Program. violations are as follows:


1. Falsification of data or information in any of the program forms, database fields or submitted documents.

2. Padding and/or inclusion of "ghost students" in the list of VPBs discovered during monitoring visits.


Ghost students refer to the following:

a. Significant number of absent VPBs during a monitoring visit whose absence cannot be satisfactorily explained by the school officials.

b. VPBs billed under a specific school campus/unit/delivery mode but attend classes in a different school campus/ unit/ delivery mode.

c. VPBs listed as "enrolled" but have not attended classes since the start of the semester.

d. VPBs listed multiple times in the same school or in different VP-participating SHSs.


3. Charging VPBs in excess of total school fees declared in the VMS.

4. Non-reimbursement or undue delay in reimbursing school fees advanced by VPBs after the VP-participating SHS has been paid by DepEd. VP-participating SHSs are expected to reimburse the payment advanced by the VPBs within thirty (30) days from receipt of the payment from DepEd.

5. Creation or submission of billing statements from prior SYs.

6. Non-refund by the VP-Participating SHS.

7. Non-compliance with the documentary requirements of the SHSVP

8. Billing of Unqualified VPBs:

i. VP-participating SHS with billed VPBs who have not presented any documents showing proof of enrollment in the school.

ii. VP-participating SHS with billed VPBs who have not reported to the school for at least thirty (30) days from the opening of classes for the school year monitored.

iii. VP-participating SHS with billed VPBs who are reporting in another campus.

iv. VP-participating SHS with incomplete documents as required by the SHS VP.

v. VP-participating SHS with billed VPBs who are not qualified to participate in the SHS VP (e.g. foreign students, repeaters).

9. VP-participating SHS that failed to attend the orientation for two (2) consecutive school years.

10. Refusal of the VP-Participating SHS or failure to attend/present themselves during school visits.


b. Sanctions


Consistent with Section 189 of DO 88, s. 2010, as amended by DO 41, s. 2022, the following are the sanctions that may be imposed for any violation of the rules and regulations of SHS VP:


i. Suspension of the school's participation in the SHS VP; and

ii. Disqualification from any financial grant or subsidy from the Department.


Application of sanctions and penalties for violations of the rules and regulations of SHS VP shall be consistent with the gravity of the offense or violation committed by school.


The procedural guidelines on the imposition of the sanctions shall be provided through a separate issuance.


All VP-participating SHS shall be required to refund the total amount of SHS VP payments released for the VPBs with findings.


VP-participating SHS found to have infractions shall automatically be under probation and be subject to close monitoring for the succeeding school year. A school under probation must undertake corrective measures to ensure that the noted deficiencies are remedied. If the same deficiencies are found during the next monitoring, the school will be deemed as a reoffending school, in which case, a higher penalty may be imposed.


A "reoffending school" is a VP-participating SHS which, at the time of the repeat monitoring, had previous violation/s within the past four (4) school years regardless of the category of offense.


Violations analogous to the list above may also be sanctioned. The PEAC through the PEAC NS shall report violations of program policies and guidelines, as well as other concerns affecting the proper implementation of this program, in accordance with the procedures under the relevant policies and issuances of DepEd or, in the absence thereof, to endorse a recommended action to DepEd for final decision. Finally, violations of the SHS VP guidelines may bar the VP-participating SHS from other financial grant or subsidy of DepEd without prejudice to administrative and criminal charges that may be filed against the school and/ or its responsible officers under existing laws and DepEd policies and issuances.


VP-participating SHS terminated from the program due to falsification of documents and padding/inclusion of ghost students will not be reinstated in the program. VP-participating SHS terminated from the program under other program violations, may re-apply as participating SHS subject to validation, assessment/ evaluation, and after three (3) years from the effectivity of its termination.


In all matters that may result in the imposition of sanctions against schools, administrative due process shall in all instances be observed.




1. DepEd is the institutional owner of the SHS VP. It implements SHS VP to fulfill RA No.10533 or the K to 12 reform agenda of the government.


a. Pursuant to DepEd Order (DO) No. 6, s. 2022 entitled, Reconstitution of the Government Assistance and Subsidies Composite Team, the Government Assistance and Subsidies Composite Team (GAS CT) has the following responsibilities:


i. Set the necessary policies and directives for the GAS Programs, one of which is the SHS VP;

ii. Perform monitoring and oversight functions on the co-implementation of PEAC of the SHS VP in private schools, through the designated alternate of the Secretary in the PEAC;

iii. Ensure the annual, as well as long-term funding requirements for the SHS VP is supported and provided by their inclusion in the DepEd's annual budget;

iv. Process and ensure prompt release of the entitlements of the learners through participating SHSs with complete billing documents;

v. Conduct monitoring and evaluation activities and report to appropriate authorities the performance of the SHS VP including but not limited to PEAC, the private-participating

SHSs, and the DepEd field offices, as well as report other concerns in connection with or relating to SHS VP and its stakeholders; and

vi. Work with PEAC, through the alternate representative of the Secretary, on the updating and management of the information systems for SHS VP, including providing access to data, documents, and other information that are pertinent to the SHS VP.


The GAS CT shall also ensure that the applications for the SHS VP are processed, and results are promptly released.


b. The GAS Technical Working Group (TWG) shall support the GAS CT in the review of policy and funding requirements of the GAS programs which includes the SHS VP.


c. As provided in DO 6, s. 2022, the Government Assistance and Subsidies Office (GASO) at the DepEd Central Office has the following responsibilities:


i. Provide staff support to the GAS CT in the performance of its functions, and serve as secretariat during GAS CT meetings;

ii. Disseminates necessary information through issuances, memoranda, and communications with regard to policies and directives set by the GAS CT for SHS VP;

iii. Ensure that the validation, approval, billing and payment processes of the SHS VP are implemented in accordance with DepEd policies and guidelines;

iv. Implement action plans and optimize processing of program-related financial transactions through streamlined processing system;

v. Ensure a dedicated team to answer financial-related matters and concern and ensure service level agreements are met I processing payments;

vi. Provide periodic reporting on finance-related transactions;

vii. Prepare and update data analytics of finance-related transactions for monitoring and evaluation of SHS VP;

viii. Coordinate with the Private Education Office (PEO), other concerned DepEd offices, and the alternate representative of the Secretary to the PEAC in matters concerning SHS VP; and

ix. Regularly monitor the availability of allotment, obligation, and disbursement of payments to VP-participating SHS.


GASO shall conduct the final validation of the applications for the SHS VP submitted at the Central Office. GASO shall attend to the queries/ clarifications raised by stakeholders before, during and after the application period. GASO is responsible for the endorsement of the final list for approval of the GAS CT Chairperson.


d. At the DepEd Regional Offices (RO), the Regional Director shall designate the office to spearhead the implementation of this policy, and shall have the following responsibilities:


i. Coordinate with GASO, PEAC NS, PEAC RS on the implementation of the SHS VP, including the conduct of regional orientations;

ii. Check and validate the submitted billing statements;

iii. Assist the Regional Director during the Regional Program Committee assemblies, meetings, or monitoring activities; and

iv. Establish a mechanism for promoting the GAS programs particularly the SHS VP.


e. At the Schools Division Office (SDO), the Schools Division Superintendent shall designate the office to spearhead the implementation of this policy and shall have the following



i. Assist the private VP-participating schools with necessary information and/ or provides clarification on the implementation of the SHS VP;

ii. Ensure that the VP-participating SHSs conduct orientation on the SHS VP ;

iii. Ensure the schools' compliance with the guidelines on GAS programs particularly with SHS VP;

iv. Provide assistance for them to be able to encode and update data in the BEIS and LIS; and

v. Establish a mechanism for promoting the GAS programs particularly the SHS VP.


2. The Private Education Assistance Committee (PEAC) shall coordinate with DepEd and other stakeholders to ensure that applications are processed, and results are promptly released. PEAC is represented nationally by its National Secretariat (PEAC NS).


Specifically, the PEAC NS has the following responsibilities:

i. Provide the infrastructure, systems, coordination and controls required for the implementation of the SHS VP;

ii. Provide in-service training of teachers in VP-participating SHSs;

iii. Conduct orientation conferences on SHS VP policies, guidelines, procedures, and other related matters for Regional Program Committees, the DepEd SDOs concerns, VP-participating SHSs, and other concerned entities and individuals;

iv. Process billing statements and monitoring of VP-participating SHSs; and

v. Report violations of program policies and guidelines, as well as other concerns affecting the program's implementation in accordance with the procedures under relevant issuances of DepEd or, in the absence thereof, to endorse a recommended action to DepEd for final decision


Moreover, its field counterpart, the PEAC Regional Secretariats (RS) conducts the field audits, training, and mentoring sessions as may be needed by their regions.


3. The Regional Program. Committees (RPComs) as established through DO 18, s. 2016, shall oversee the compliance of VP-participating SHSs in their regions with the policies and guidelines of the GASTPE programs, including the SHS VP. It is responsible in the resolution of the problems that may occur and/or recommend measures to improve program implementation. It is composed of the representatives from DepEd and PEAC RS with the Regional Director as the Chairperson and the PEAC Regional Director as Co-chairperson.


4. Schools shall provide learners and parents with information, guidance, and assistance on the SHS VP and the application process. They shall process documents requested by the learners, conduct orientations on SHS VP, and provide resources to facilitate voucher applications, and may provide career guidance programs. VP-participating SHS shall uphold student choice in the SHS VP and shall not impose their preferences on learners or otherwise engage in practices that undermine student choice. They must promptly encode complete and accurate information required in the BEIS, LIS, and VMS. Prepare billing statement packages and must comply with

these program guidelines.


5. Learners and their parents/guardians are responsible for their own voucher applications and choice of SHS. They shall ensure that forms are correctly filled, documents are complete, and attested applications are submitted on or before the deadline. They are also responsible for checking the results of their application once the results have been announced. Learners who are QVRs are responsible for redeeming their vouchers within the prescribed redemption period.




DepEd Central Office and PEAC shall conduct regular monitoring on VP-participating SHSs and learners to ensure program compliance. DepEd Schools Division Offices and Regional Offices as well as PEAC Regional Secretariats, as members of the Regional Program Committee, shall provide feedback including complaints, queries, actions taken and/or recommendations, if necessary-, on the implementation of the SHS VP guidelines to the DepEd Central Office through the GASO and the PEAC NS, respectively. For any concerns, voucher applicants may also communicate their feedback through the DepEd Public Assistance Action Center and its counterparts in the field.


PEAC shall monitor the conduct of SHS VP, with regular process checks, to meet standards on turnaround times and data integrity. It shall prepare and submit interim reports as may be required by DepEd to improve future implementations of the GASTPE programs including the SHS VP. DepEd shall convene the RPComs annually to review the implementation processes in the SHS VP.


A period review of these guidelines shall be conducted to further enhance the provisions stipulated herein and ensure effectiveness of the programs.




This DepEd Order shall take effect immediately upon its approval and shall remain in force and in effect, unless sooner repealed, amended, or rescinded. Certified copies of this Order shall be registered with the office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR) at the University of the Philippines Law Center (UP LC), UP Diliman, Quezon City.


All DepEd Orders, Memoranda, and other related issuances, rules, regulations and provisions which are inconsistent with these guidelines are hereby repealed, rescinded, or modified accordingly.




CHED Memorandum Order No. 35, s. 2016: "Guidelines for Operation of Senior High School (SHS) in State Universities and Colleges and Local Universities and Colleges"


CHED Memorandum Order No. 33, s. 2015: "'Guidelines for Senior High School (SHS) Program Implementation of Local Universities and Colleges"


CHED Memorandum Order No. 32, s. 2015: "Guidelines for Senior High School (SHS) Program Implementation of State Universities and Colleges"


COA Circular No. 2021-006: "Guidelines on the Use of Electronic Documents, Electronic Signatures, and Digital Signatures in Government Transactions"


DepEd Order No. 32, s. 2022: "Guidelines on Eligibility and Application for the Senior High School Voucher Program for School Year 2022-2023:


DepEd Order No. 6, s. 2022: "Reconstitution of the Government Assistance

and Subsidies Composite Team"


DepEd Order No. 19, s. 2017: «Guidelines an the Implementation of the Senior High School Voucher Program Effective School Year 2017-2018"


DepEd Order No. 1, s. 2016: "Clarifications on the Senior High School (SHS) Voucher Program and with Public and Private SHS Providers"


DepEd Order No. 46, s. 2015: "Detailed Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School (SHS) Voucher Program"


DepEd Order No. 11, s. 2015: "Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School (SHS) Voucher Program Under the Government Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private Education (GASTPE) Program


DICT Department Circular No. 006- 2020: "Guidelines on the Application and Issuance of PNPKI Digital Certificates for External Clients during the State of Public Health Emergency"


Executive Order No. 810, s. 2009: "Institutionalizing the Certification Scheme and Directing the Application of Digital Signatures in E-Government Services"


List of Annexes

Annex 1-A: Affidavit of Family's Financial Capacity for minor applicants

Annex 1-B: Affidavit of Family's Financial Capacity for applicants of legal age

Annex 2: Parent Consent Form

Annex 3: Certificate of Financial Assistance


A full copy of DepEd Order No. 020, s. 2023 below:

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