
DepEd Order No. 012, s. 2023 : Interim Guidelines for the Educational Service Contracting Program for School Years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024

DepEd Order No. 012, s. 2023

Interim Guidelines for the Educational Service Contracting Program for School Years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024

DepEd Order No. 012, s. 2023 : Interim Guidelines for the Educational Service Contracting Program for School Years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024


JUL 03 2023



No. 012, s. 2023




To:      Undersecretaries

Assistant Secretaries

Bureau and Service Directors

Regional Directors

Schools Division Superintendents

Public and Private Elementary and Secondary School Heads

All Others Concerned


1. The Department of Education {DepEd) upholds the right of every Filipino to quality basic education by providing access whether through public or private educational institutions. DepEd, pursuant to its constitutional mandate, maintains and supports a complete, adequate, and integrated system of education relevant to the needs of the people and society. As such, it exercises reasonable supervision and regulation of all educational institutions in the basic education sector.


2. The Department recognizes the complementary roles of public and private educational institutions in the educational system. In support thereof, DepEd implements several programs under the Government Assistance and Subsidies (GAS). Through said programs, the Department provides financial support to ensure that private education remains a viable option for learners. This contributes to the overall goal of improving access to quality basic education.


3. Given the unprecedented crisis brought about by the COVID-19 Pandemic, existing policies on private school regulation as well as guidelines on GAS programs must be reviewed, and if necessary, amended to remain relevant and responsive to the needs of private schools, learners, and teachers, in support of basic education continuity. The continuing COVID-19 Pandemic poses a significant challenge to the operations of private schools, and continued participation of schools, learners, and teachers in the GAS programs, namely: the Education Service Contracting (ESC) Program, Teachers' Salary Subsidy (TSS) Program, and Senior High School Voucher Program (SHS VP). In view thereof, DepEd Order (DO) No. 039, s. 2020 titled Special Provisions on Private School Voluntary Closures and Participation in Government Assistance and Subsidies Programs in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic (Amends Certain Provisions of DepEd Order No. 88, s. 2010) was issued effective School Year (SY) 2020-2021.


4. Given the continuing effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the education sector, these special provisions are issued to amend pertinent provisions of DO 88, s. 2010 titled 2010 Revised Manual of Regulations for Private Schools in Basic Education as amended by DO 11, s. 2011 titled Amendments to the 2010 Revised Manual of Regulations for Private Schools in Basic Education and existing issuances on the GAS programs, and extend assistance to beneficiaries of the GAS programs. In view thereof, DO 002, s. 2022 titled Interim Guidelines on Private School Voluntary Closures and Participation in Government Assistance and Subsidies Programs in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic Effective School Year 2021-2022 was issued effective School Year {SY) 2020-2021 only.


5. Due to the aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Department continues to receive requests from private schools to allow new ESC Program Grantees in the upper grade levels. Granting this request would unburden private junior high schools experiencing financial issues due to the decline in their enrollment caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic. In addition, allowing new ESC grantees in the upper grade levels will temper the decline in utilization of program funds.


6. DO 20, s. 2017 titled Guidelines on the Implementation of the Educational Service Contracting and Teachers' Salary Subsidy (TSS) Programs in Junior High School (JBS) Effective School Year 2017-2018, Section VII, Item A., Terms of the ESC Grant is amended. Accordingly, the following interim guidelines shall apply only for learners participating in the ESC Program for SY 2022-2023 and SY 2023-2024:


a. An ESC-participating school shall be allowed to have new ESC grantees in the higher grade levels (Grades 8-10) SY 2022-2023 and SY 2023-2024, provided the school has available Grade 7 slots. In the selection of grantees, the following prioritization shall be observed:

i. transfer-in students from public high schools,

ii. non-ESC students in the same ESC-participating school whose families were significantly affected by the pandemic, and

iii. transfer-in students from non-ESC-participating schools.


7. This Order shall apply only for SY 2022-2023 and SY 2023-2024.


8. All DepEd. Orders and other related issuances, rules and regulations and provisions which are inconsistent with this Order are repealed, rescinded, or modified accordingly.


9. This DepEd Order shall take effect immediately upon its issuance. Its certified copies shall be registered with the Office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR) at the University of the Philippines Law Center (UP LC), UP Dillman, Quezon City.


10. For more information, please contact the Office of the Undersecretary for Finance through email at or the Government Assistance and Subsidies Office through email at


11. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed




Vice President of the Philippines

Secretary of the Department of Education




DepEd Order (Nos. 039, s. 2020, 88, s. 2010, 11, s. 2011, 002, s. 2022, and 20, s. 2017)


To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

under the following subjects:












A full copy of DepEd Order No. 012, s. 2023 below:

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