
DepEd Memorandum No. 039, s. 2023 : Administration and Utilization of Digital Arts and Multimedia Tools in the Department of Education

DepEd Memorandum No. 039, s. 2023

Administration and Utilization of Digital Arts and Multimedia Tools in the Department of Education

DepEd Memorandum No. 039, s. 2023 Administration and Utilization of Digital Arts and Multimedia Tools in the Department of Education



JUL 07 2023



No. 039, s. 2023





To:      Undersecretaries

Assistant Secretaries

Bureau and Service Directors

Regional Directors

Schools Division Superintendents

Public Secondary School Heads

All Others Concerned


1.         In support of the MATA TAG agenda on taking steps to accelerate the delivery of basic education services and giving support for teachers to teach better, the Department of Education (DepEd) recognizes the importance of providing its employees with the necessary tools and resources to enhance teaching and learning, foster creativity and innovation, and increase productivity and efficiency. In line with this, the Department is distributing Adobe Creative Cloud (ACC) licenses.


2.         The following are eligible to be assigned ACC accounts subject to the limits per administrative unit set in the administration portal:


a. Central Office (CO) employees,

b. Regional Office (RO) and Schools Division Office (SDO) employees,

c. All DepEd public schools,

d. DepEd public school Teachers handling Grades 7-12 Arts & Design and Animation classes, and

e. Grades 11 and 12 DepEd public school learners currently enrolled in the Arts & Design Track and Animation specialization.


3.         Each license can be used to install applications in two devices but cannot be used simultaneously. The users can access Adobe services and download the applications through Employees' accounts, schools' <school_lD> accounts, and the students' <LRN>@<regional_tenant> account shall be used to sign in.


4.         The administrators shall be in charge of managing the accounts in their respective administrative units, with the following roles and responsibilities:


a. Information and Communications Technology Service (ICTS) shall:

i. act as the super administrators of ACC, with access to the full range of administrative tools and functions in the admin console;

ii. create administrative units, allocate the appropriate number of licenses, and assign the administrators;

iii. provide technical assistance and support regarding the administration of ACC to all Regional and Division Information Technology Officers;

iv. issue ACC licenses for eligible CO employees and all public school accounts using federated ID subject to the limits per administrative unit set in the administration portal;

v. revoke ACC licenses and delete accounts of employees who have been separated from service, no longer need the accounts for the performance of their duties, and those that have been deprioritized due to license limits;

vi. revoke ACC licenses and delete accounts of DepEd public schools that have been closed or merged;

vii. respond to queries and concerns raised by ACC users in the CO;

viii. perform routine audits to verify compliance with policies and guidelines regarding the proper utilization of ACC;

ix. delete unauthorized and ineligible accounts and administrators; and

x. monitor usage and performance of ACC, and troubleshoot any issues as needed.

b. Regional Information Technology Officers shall:

i. issue ACC licenses for eligible RO employees using federated ID subject to the limits per administrative unit set in the administration portal;

ii. revoke ACC licenses and delete accounts of employees who have been separated from service, no longer need the accounts for the performance of their duties, and those that have been deprioritized due to license limits;

iii. respond to queries and concerns raised by ACC users in the RO;

iv. ensure compliance with policies and guidelines for the appropriate use of ACC; and

v. monitor usage and performance of ACC in their region and report any issues to the ICTS as needed.

c. Division Information Technology Officers shall:

i. issue ACC licenses for eligible SDO employees, teaching personnel, and students using Federated ID subject to the limits per administrative unit set in the administration portal;

ii. revoke ACC licenses and delete accounts of employees and teachers who have been separated from service, no longer need the accounts for the performance of their duties, and those that have been deprioritized due to license limits;

iii. revoke ACC licenses and delete accounts of students who are no longer eligible because they are not enrolled in a DepEd public school within their division, or have changed track or specialization;

iv. respond to queries and concerns raised by ACC users in the SDO and schools;

v. ensure compliance with policies and guidelines for the appropriate use of ACC; and

vi. monitor usage and performance of ACC in their SDO and respective schools and report any issues to the ICTS as needed.


5.         The following shall be strictly followed for the use of ACC software.


a. All administrators and users must comply with relevant laws and regulations, including those related to intellectual property, privacy, and security.

b. ACC software must only be used for teaching, learning, operations, and governance purposes and must not be used for personal or commercial purposes.

c. All users are responsible for the content they create using ACC and must ensure that it is appropriate.

d. All users must comply with the license terms and conditions set by Adobe.

e. Users must not share their license with any other person or entity.


6.         Administrators shall receive appropriate training on their roles and responsibilities within the Adobe console, including license assignment procedures and importance of adhering to them.


7.         In cases of noncompliance with license assignment procedures including assigning license to unauthorized accounts and individuals or creating unauthorized administrators, the ICTS will provide written warnings and reminders documenting the noncompliance and shall delete the accounts immediately.


8.         The validity of these licenses is until April 5, 2024, unless revoked by the appropriate administrator. These guidelines will continue to be valid for further extensions beyond the abovementioned date unless otherwise rescinded.


9.         For queries or concerns,


a. CO personnel may contact the ICTS - User Support Division,

b. RO personnel may contact their respective Information and Communications Technology Unit, and

c. SDO and school personnel may contact their respective Division Information Technology Officers.


10.       Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.


By Authority of the Secretary:




Undersecretary for Administration






To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

under the following subjects:












A full copy of DepEd Memorandum No. 039, s. 2023 below:

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