
DepEd Memorandum No. 033, s. 2023 : Learners' Convergence PH 2023

DepEd Memorandum No. 033, s. 2023

Learners' Convergence PH 2023

DepEd Memorandum No. 033, s. 2023 : Learners' Convergence PH 2023


MAY 31 2023



No. 033, s. 2023




To:      Undersecretaries

Assistant Secretaries

Minister, Basic, Higher, and Technical Education, BARMM

Bureau and Service Directors 

Regional Directors

Schools Division Superintendents

Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads

All Others Concerned


1. The Department of Education (DepEd), through the Bureau of Learner Support Services (BLSS) shall conduct the Leamers' Convergence (LearnCon) PH 2023, with the theme, SaMakabata: Sentro ng Karunungan, Huwaran ng Kagalingan, from July 29 to August 3, 2023, in Marikina City, Metro Manila.


2. The Learn Con PH 2023, a component event of the Palarong Pambansa 2023, seeks to gather select high school learners, youth leaders and formators, and education stakeholders with diverse backgrounds representing the 228 schools division offices (SDO) from 17 regions of the country, and allow the learner participants the opportunity to learn not only from the key speakers and activities but also learn by engaging with one another, especially understanding different cultures across regions.


3. The LearnCon PH 2023 was developed in response to the DepEd thrust to reassess, realign, and refocus its learner-related initiatives to be more responsive to the needs of the learner. It will also serve as a launching pad for the services being done by the Operations strand, in line with the commitment of DepEd to the MATATAG: Bansang Makabata, Batang Makabansa education agenda: We will take good care of learners by promoting learner well-being, inclusive education, and a positive learning environment. Thus, the activity aims to:


a. communicate the policy and program priorities of the Department to learners and education stakeholders (relevant DepEd issuances, key programs, projects, and opportunities);


b. revitalize learners' participation in achieving quality and inclusive education by spearheading conversations about pressing and relevant issues for the learners as emerging youth leaders;


c. provide learners from across SDOs and regions with a face to face avenue to dialogue, share, and collaborate ideas, insights, lessons learned, and best practices in learners' involvement in public and civic affairs;


d. collaborate and build a strong network across different sectors to deliver real, responsive, and impactful change;


e. offer meaningful opportunities for the learners to learn about their role in nation-building, and provide a safe space where they can build a network of like-minded individuals interested in, but not limited to leadership, governance, and civic engagement; health and well-being; gender and social inclusion; climate action, environmental protection, and agriculture; innovation, entrepreneurship, and future readiness; and culture, arts, and peace;


f. gather learner inputs for the co-creation of the National Action Plan that may address the issues and concerns faced by Filipino learners across regions; and


g. enjoy the right to respect the well-being in a learning opportunity including the right to participate in matters that concern them and to have those views seriously considered.


4. This year's learner engagement shall be co-led by the DepEd BLSS-School Health Division (BLSS-SHD), BLSS-School Sports Division (BLSS-SSD), Learners' Rights and Protection Office (LRPO), and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Service (DRRMS). It shall be hosted by the SDO of Marikina City, together with the local government unit (LGU) of Marikina City, and the DepEd Regional Office-National Capital Region (NCR).


5. The schedule of the activities shall fall under the school year break. Please be guided by the recommended schedule of activities below:




Delegation Arrival, Registration, and Preparation

July 29, 2023

Grand Opening, Plenary Sessions, Panel Discussions, and Campfire Session

July 30, 2023

Thematic Learning Sessions and Attendance at the Palarong Pambansa 2023 Opening Ceremony

July 31, 2023

Simultaneous Sessions and Preparation of Outputs

August 1, 2023

Output Presentations, Convergence Night, and Closing Ceremonies

August 2, 2023

Departure of the Participants

August 3, 2023


6. The Undersecretary for Operations shall create a steering committee that shall be responsible for the overall direction and oversight of the conduct of the LearnCon PH 2023.


7. The BLSS-YFD shall manage the overall planning, preparation, implementation, and evaluation of the LearnCon PH 2023, and shall work in close coordination with the SDO of Marikina City, NCR, and the LGU of Marikina City, which shall provide the necessary administrative and logistical support and assistance to the activity.


8. The BLSS-YFD shall convene the different Working Committees, which will be composed of members representing various offices in DepEd, LGU, host region, and division, to assist in the implementation of all preparatory activities, the event proper, and event evaluation and monitoring.


9. Separate administrative guidelines shall be issued through a memorandum by the Office of the Undersecretary for Operations regarding the criteria and registration of participants, requirements, specific details, and procedures for the conduct of the event.


10. There shall be no registration fee for the LearnCon PH 2023. Expenses for the board and lodging of selected participants and chaperones from the division offices (including Project Development Officers [PDOs] designated as Youth Formation Coordinators) assigned by the schools division superintendents (SDS) shall be charged to the Learning Service Provider (LSP) 2023 Funds. Travel expenses and other incidental expenses of selected participants and PDOs shall be charged to Local Funds, Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE), Local School Board-Special Education Fund (LSB-SEF), and other fund source/s, subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. The cost of attendance of the Executive Committee and Management Committee members, as well as the representatives of the various offices invite  to the LearnCon PH 2023, shall be charged to their respective Local Office Funds.


11. Fund support to cover all LearnCon PH 2023 expenses including venues, as well as the board and lodging, transportation, and other expenses of the members of the Working Committees relevant to the actual conduct of the LearnCon PH 2023, shall be downloaded to the SDO Marikina City for hosting the event charged to the LSP 2023 Funds subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations.


12. The regional and division offices shall ensure strict observance of the conduct of in-person activities pursuant to DepEd Order (DO) 003, s. 2023 (An Order Allowing the Conduct of In-person Activities in Schools), and DO 66, s. 2017 (Implementing Guidelines on the Conduct of Off-campus Activities), and observe protection for learners against any form of abuse, violence, exploitation and discrimination, and bullying pursuant to DO 40, s. 2012 (DepEd Child Protection Policy) and DO 031, s. 2022 (Child Rights Policy: Adopting the Rights-Based Education Framework in Philippine Basic Education).


13. For inquiries and concerns, please contact the Bureau of Learner Support Services-Youth Formation Divisionthrough Mr. Rovin James F. Canja, Project Development Officer IV, and Mr. Arman Jay B. Dudas, Senior Technical Assistant II, through email at or at telephone number (02) 8637-9814.


14. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.




By Authority of the Secretary:








DepEd Order (Nos.003, s. 2023;031, s. 2022;66,s. 2017; and DO 40, s. 2012)


To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

under the following subjects:










A full copy of DepEd Memorandum No. 033, s. 2023 below:

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