
DepEd Order No. 006, s. 2023 : Guidelines on the Implementation of the Joint Delivery Voucher Program for Senior High School Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Specializations for School Year 2022-2023

DepEd Order No. 006, s. 2023

Guidelines on the Implementation of the Joint Delivery Voucher Program for Senior High School Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Specializations for School Year 2022-2023

DepEd Order No. 006, s. 2023 : Guidelines on the Implementation of the Joint Delivery Voucher Program for Senior High School Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Specializations for School Year 2022-2023



MAR 21 2023



No. 006, s. 2023




To:      Undersecretaries

Assistant Secretaries

Bureau and Service Directors

Regional Directors

Schools Division Superintendents

All Others Concerned


1. The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the enclosed Guidelines on the Implementation of the Joint Delivery Voucher Program for Senior High School (SHS) Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) Specializations for School Year (SY) 2022-2023. This is pursuant to pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA) No. 10533 or the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 and RA 11936 or the General

Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2023.


2. The guidelines aim to enhance the capability of DepEd SHSs to implement the 1VL track through partnerships with institutions, which are equipped with necessary resources (teachers, workshops, tools and equipment) to cany out the program. 


3. These guidelines shall be effective immediately, and shall remain in force and in effect for the duration of the program for SY 2022-2023. Its certified copies shall be registered with the Office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR) at the University of the Philippines Law Center (UP LC), UP Dillman, Quezon City.


4. For more information, please contact the Office of the Director IV, Finance Service, Ground Floor Alonzo Building, Department of Education Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City through email at or at telephone numbers (02) 8636-5172.


5. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.





Vice President of the Republic of the Philippines

Secretary of the Department of Education




            As stated



DepEd Order No. 040, s. 2021


To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

under the following subjects:













(Enclosure to DepEd Order No. 006, s. 2023)






1. Republic Act (RA) No. 10533 or the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 recognizes the constitutional mandate of the State to "establish, maintain and support a complete adequate and integrated system of education relevant to the needs of the people, the country and society-at-large."


2. RA 10533 thus directs the State to "create a functional basic education system that will develop productive and responsible citizens equipped with the essential competencies, skills and values for both lifelong learning and employment." To achieve this, the state is further instructed to "broaden the goals of high school education for college preparation, vocational and technical career opportunities as well as creative arts, sports and entrepreneurial employment in a rapidly changing and increasingly globalized environment."


3. Pursuant to these mandates, among the hallmarks of the K to 12 Basic Education Program is the Senior High School (SHS), which provides for a Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) Track along with three (3) other SHS Tracks, namely: Academic Track, Sports Track, and Arts & Design Track. The TVL Track has four (4) strands: Agri-Fishery Arts (AFA}, Home Economics (HE), Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and Industrial Arts (IA) that offer various specializations.


4. In RA 10533, it is provided under Section 12 (Transitory Provisions) thereof that the Department of Education (DepEd), Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), Technical Vocational Institutions (TVIs), and Higher Education Institutions (HEis) shall coordinate closely with one another to implement strategies to ensure that the academic, physical, financial and human resource capabilities not only of HEis, but also of TVIs, are utilized and not adversely affected." In conjunction, there is a need to address transitory shortage in workshops, tools, equipment and teachers for the TVL Track in DepEd public Senior High Schools (SHSs).


5. Sec. 10 of RA 10533 (Expansion of E-GASTPE Beneficiaries) also stated that the benefits accorded by Republic Act. No. 8545, or the Expanded Government Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private Education Act, shall be extended to qualified students enrolled under the enhanced basic education. The DepEd shall engage the services of private education institutions and non-DepEd schools offering senior high school through the programs under RA 8545 and other financial arrangements formulated by the DepEd and the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) based on the principles of public-private partnership.


6. Operating on this premise, the Joint Delivery Voucher Program for Senior High School Technical Vocational and Livelihood Specializations (JDVP-TVL) promotes partnerships between DepEd and partner institutions as stipulated in RA 10533. Under this law, the invaluable contribution that the private schools have made and will make to education and the complementary roles of public and private educational institutions are recognized towards the fulfillment of the mandate of the State to promote and make quality education accessible to all Filipino citizens. The State then undertook to provide general mechanism to maximize the use of existing resources of private education.


7. The said general mechanism under the E-GASTPE law was made more specific by the FY 2023 GAA by appropriating funds for JDVP-TVL intended to enable select DepEd public SHS students taking TVL Track to take their TVL subjects in private or non-DepEd public SHS subject to these guidelines. In addition, pursuant to Section 24 (Participating Schools), Rule VI (E-GASTPE Beneficiaries and Other Financing Arrangements with Private Educational Institutions and non-DepEd Public Schools) of RA 11936, the providers are expanded to include private TVIs, subject to the issuance of these guidelines.


8. This JDVP-TVL is designed to optimize TVL learning by allowing SHS students enrolled in public schools to avail of vouchers and take their TVL specializations in partner institutions from either private or non-DepEd public SHSs, as well as TVIs, offering their desired specializations.


9. The JDVP-TVL partners and recipient schools may now conduct in-person training and education of the select learner-beneficiaries and full in-person training and education, starting November 2, 2022 through DepEd Order No. 34, s. 2022. However, if there are situation calls for the health and safety of the learners, the schools/TVIs shall implement the provisions stated in DepEd Order No. 39, 2. 2022.


10. The Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) conducted shows that one of the challenges encountered in the implementation of the program during the pandemic is the difficulty in finding partners, particularly in rural areas where only 80% of the participating schools have accessible JDVP partners. Thus, DepEd Order No. 04, s. 2021 was issued to allow potential JDVP partners whose locations are beyond the eight-kilometer (8 km) radius from the listed qualified DepEd public SHSs to participate in the program, provided that they meet the basic requirements, they have the capacity to provide the education and training to the JDVP-TVL learner-beneficiaries, and that they are situated within the concerned region. However, the concerned SDO has to submit a justification letter duly signed by the Schools Division Superintendent (SDS) for selecting eligible JDVP partners situated beyond the eight-kilometer (8 km) radius from the location of the identified possible partner DepEd public SHSs.




11. The JDVP-TVL Guidelines cover Grade 12 students enrolled in DepEd public SHSs under the TVL track who will be allowed to take their TVL specialization subjects in eligible private or non-DepEd public SHSs and private TVIs for School Year 2022-2023. This shall guide concerned offices in the Central Office (CO), Regional Office (RO), SDO, and schools in the program implementation.


12. These Guidelines shall likewise cover the school years subsequent to the implementation of the JDVP-TVL in SY 2022-2023, subject to such amendments or revisions that may be introduced for purposes of improving and enhancing the JDVP-TVL implementation based on the M&E data and other relevant information.




13. The DepEd issues the Guidelines on the Implementation of the JDVP-TVL with the primary objective of enhancing the capability of DepEd SHSs to implement the TVL track through partnerships with partner institutions that are equipped with necessary resources (teachers, workshops, tools and equipment) to carry out the program. Specifically, the JDVP-TVL aims to:


a. enable the learners to complete their respective TVL specialization subjects through the JDVP-TVL Partners;

b. provide an appropriate learning environment required of the specialization; and

c. address delays in the provision of the necessary resources for TVL Specializations.


14. The JDVP-TVL is consistent with RA 8545, both in terms of policy and form of assistance. Under this law, the invaluable contribution that the private schools have made and will make to education and the complementary roles of public and private educational institutions are recognized towards the fulfillment of the mandate of the State to promote and make quality education accessible to all Filipino citizens. The State then undertook to provide mechanisms to maximize the use of existing resources of private education.




A. Brief Description of the Program


15. The JDVP-TVL is a tuition fee assistance to Grade 12 students in DepEd public SHSs, which have been identified as having inadequate facilities, equipment, tools and teachers relevant to the implementation of TVL specializations. 16. The tuition fee assistance shall be in the form of JDVP-TVL voucher given to learner-beneficiaries to enable them to cross-enroll for the completion of TVL specializations in eligible private SHSs, non-DepEd public SHSs, or private TVIs' (JDVP-TVL Partners).


17. The JDVP-TVL voucher amount shall be paid by DepEd upon its validation of billing statements submitted by JDVP-TVL Partners based on training services rendered for learner-beneficiaries.


18. Payment will be made directly to the bank account of JDVP-TVL partners and not through the learner-beneficiaries.


B. Learner-Beneficiaries


19. The beneficiaries are the Grade 12 students enrolled in the TVLTrack in identified DepEd public SHSs for SY 2022-2023. The said DepEd public SHSs must be assessed and selected by their respective SDOs and ROs based on the following criteria:


a. Have been offering SHS-TVL for the past four to five years;

b. Have been ascertained to have inadequate facilities, equipment, tools and teachers for any TVL specialization for the past two or three years; and

c. Are located in areas where there are accessible private SHSs, non-DepEd public SHSs, or private TVIs, which can provide further instructions and training to learners to complete their needed TVL competencies and skills. 


20. The consolidated list of qualified SHSs shall be prepared by the Government Assistance and Subsidies Office (GASO) through a series of validation with the concerned SDOs and ROs.


C. Amount and Coverage of Vouchers


21. A JDVP-TVL voucher shall be granted to the beneficiaries in the qualified public SHSs in the amount of twelve thousand five hundred fifty pesos (P12,550.00) per learner-beneficiary.


22. The JDVP-TVL voucher shall cover the training costs for 320 hours per learner in any one or combination of one to four specializations taking into consideration TESDA Circular No. 12, s. 2017 and the TVL Specialization already taken. This shall cover tuition and other expenses (e.g. learning materials, consumables for the workshop, operational and miscellaneous) for the TVL training needed to complete the applicable specializations for Grade 12 and subsidy for the assessment fee.


23. The voucher subsidy for the assessment fee in the amount of Php 550.00 shall be limited to one National Certification (NC). The learner-beneficiary shall take the NC of his or her choice in any Assessment Center (AC) which must be conducted before the end of the school year. However, if the learner-beneficiary takes more than one NC or if the NC assessment fee exceeds the total cost of the assessment subsidy, the partner institution may cover the said fee, or the school-recipient may request the assistance of the LGU.


24. The JDVP-TVL Partners shall coordinate and make necessary arrangements with the AC regarding the schedule of assessment which must be considered not later than the end of the school year.


25. The total amount that may be assessed by the JDVP-TVL Partners per learner-beneficiary shall be based on the average training cost under HE, AFA, IA, ICT and the amount of the assessment fee shall not exceed Php 550.00.


D. JDVP-TVL Partners


26. Interested private SHSs, non-DepEd public SHSs, and TESDA-accredited private TVIs shall write a letter of intent to participate in the program to the SDO where they are located and shall copy furnish the respective RO the following week after the national orientation. The letter of intent shall use the attached application form template (Annex 1), which shall be submitted along with the following documents through email or via courier.


Potential JDVP-TVL Partners


For Private SHS/Non-DepEd Public SHS

·      Certified true copy of the Provisional Permit to offer SHS-1VL issued by DepEd

·      Board Resolution indicating the intention to participate and to comply with SHS-1VL Curriculum Learning Standards, including absorptive capacity of 25 learners per class, Pedagogical Requirements, and Policies on Assessment and Rating System based on DepEd Order (DO) No. 8, s. 2015

·      Attestation that the applicant partner is within the eight-kilometer (8 km) radius from the listed qualified DepEd public SHS.

·      For the applicant partner situated beyond the eight-kilometer (8 km) radius, an attestation of their exact location

·      Training Plan indicating the indicating the Learning Delivery Modalities to be employed (flexible learning delivery mode/ Distance Learning Delivery Modalities (DLDM) to be employed and the plan in conducting in-person training and education/assessment

For Private TVI

·      Certified true copy of TES DA accreditation

·      Board Resolution indicating the intention to participate and to comply with SHS-TVL Curriculum Learning Standards, including absorptive capacity of 25 learners per class, Pedagogical Requirements, and Policies on Assessment and Rating System based on DO 8, s. 2015

·      Attestation that the applicant partner is within the eight-kilometer (8 km) radius from the listed qualified DepEd public SHS.

·      For the applicant partner situated beyond the eight-kilometer (8 km) radius, an attestation of their exact location

·      Certificate of Recognition from TESDA that it has the capacity to deliver the registered program with the preferred flexible learning mode, as indicated in the updated curriculum and Training Plan (TESDA Circular No. 62, s. 2020)

·      Training Plan shall include the in-person training and education of the select learner-beneficiaries and full in-person training and education through DepEd Order (DO) No. 35, s. 2022 and the plan in conducting in-person education/assessment.


27. The potential JDVP-TVL partners whose locations are beyond the eight-kilometer (8 km) radius from the listed qualified DepEd public SHSs may apply to participate in the program, provided that they meet the basic requirements, the capacity demands to provide the education and training to the JDVP-TVL learner-beneficiaries, and situated within the concerned region.


The JDVP-TVL Partners located beyond the eight-kilometer (8 km) radius from the listed qualified DepEd public SHS may apply to participate in the program and may be considered by the SDO to conduct education and training provided that they shall shoulder the accident insurance coverage for each learner-beneficiary which includes the time of travel from the DepEd public SHS to the location where the JDVP-TVL Partner is situated and vice versa, class duration and stay and shall meet any of the following provisions:


  • Availability of Mobile TVL Laboratories provided that the cost of electricity is to be borne by the JDVP-TVL Partners;
  • Availability of free dormitories for the learner-beneficiaries during the conduct of education and training if the distance does not fall in the eight-kilometer (8 km) radius; and
  • Transportation services.


28. Within five (5) working days from receipt of the application, the SDO shall assess and validate the documents/requirements submitted and, if warranted, issue a Certificate of Eligibility to the JDVP-TVL Partner using the attached template (Annex 2).


29. The SDO shall email a list of eligible application to the RO and GASO after the one-week assessment of applicants. 


E. JDVP-TVL Voucher Issuance, Utilization and Implementation


30. The participating school shall prepare the list of identified learner-beneficiaries using the template provided in the memorandum for the implementation of the program. Such list shall be submitted to the SDOs for validation purposes. The validated list of learner-beneficiaries shall be consolidated by the ROs to be forwarded to GASO. The participating DepEd public SHSs shall prepare a list of students to be excluded from the program due to reasons (e.g. drop-out, transferring to another school) using the template found in Annex 3A. Upon submission, the SDO shall validate the enrollment status of the learner-beneficiaries and shall then consolidate and submit the data to the GASO, copy-furnish the RO using Annex 3B, together with the written justification letter on the exclusion from the program signed by the SDS.


31. Based on the validated lists and for purposes of tracking the number of learner-beneficiaries and the actual cost of specialization, the GASO shall assign a set of unique control numbers of the JDVP-TVL voucher to the RO. The RO shall then assign these unique control numbers to each learner-beneficiary. The control numbers assigned by the RO will then be distributed through SDOs. The voucher codes are non-transferable from one learner-beneficiary to another.


32. For any replacement(s) and/ or alteration(s) on the master list, the DepEd SHSs must coordinate with the SDO and RO for approval. Once the request is approved, the RO shall send the revalidated master list to the GASO. The replacement(s) / alteration(s) should not exceed two revisions. If exceeded two revisions, the succeeding revision shall be subjected for approval of the CO, together with a written justification letter signed by the SDS and recommendation by the Regional Director (RD).


33. A certification indicating the least mastered competencies and skills of the learner-beneficiaries (Annex 4) shall be prepared by the TVL teacher and shall be duly noted by the School Head (SH). It will serve as a reference of the JDVP-TVL Partner on the necessary trainings for learner-beneficiaries. This shall then be issued to the learner-beneficiaries.


34. The SDO shall furnish the list of JDVP-TVL Partners to the qualified DepEd public SHSs through email or hard copy.


35. The RO shall issue the voucher (Annex 5) to the qualified learner-beneficiaries through the SDO. The voucher entitles the learner-beneficiary to take 320 hours in any one or a combination of 1 to 4 specializations. The learner-beneficiaries are prohibited to transfer from one JDVP-TVL Partner to another during the implementation of the program.


36. The SDO shall conduct an online orientation on the guidelines to the participating JDVP-TVL Partners and participating DepEd public SHSs. The SDO shall inform these schools of the schedule of orientations and shall keep a copy of the orientation program and proof of attendance as evidence of the activity. Copies of Annex 4 shall be disseminated during the orientation.


37. GASO and OUF will release a proposed timeline of activities for the JDVP-TVL SY 2022-2023 regarding the online national orientation on the guidelines, consolidation of the list of learner-beneficiaries, DepEd SHSs, and TVI Partners, the obligation of the funds, and for the disbursement and payment of the vouchers.


38. The DepEd public SHS Head shall:


a. conduct an orientation (face-to-face, virtual or blended) with the learner-beneficiaries and their parents, teachers, representatives of the Parents and Teachers Association (PT A), and the JDVP-TVL trainers on the Guidelines and Curriculum Guide which indicates the learning standards, pedagogies, education and training class schedule, formative and summative assessment, reporting mechanism of learner's rating and monitoring arrangement of their respective learners' attendance and participation, flexible learning delivery mode, and other assistance needed by the teacher/ trainer to ensure maximum learning. She or He shall also keep a copy of the orientation program and proof of attendance as evidence of the conducted activity;

b. secure parents' consent for all the learner-beneficiaries;

c. arrange an education and training schedule with the JDVP-TVL Partner that is convenient and responsive to the needs of the learner-beneficiaries, which shall not exceed eight (8) hours daily; and

d. assign a teacher-coordinator (TVL Teacher) to regularly confer with the trainer of the JDVP-TVL Partners on the implementation of the agreements discussed during the orientation and monitor the attendance and participation of the learner-beneficiaries.


39. The JDVP-TVL Partners shall:


a. attend the orientation (face-to-face, virtual or blended) that will be conducted by the SDO and partner school;

b. receive a copy of the list of learner-beneficiaries during the SDO orientation;

c. prepare the education and training schedule and the flexible learning delivery mode with the DepEd public SHS;

d. assign trainers and trainer-coordinator for the program;

e. orient the learner-beneficiaries on school rules and expectations, including care and safety in handling equipment and tools;

f. provide the needed education and training of the learner-beneficiary for a maximum of 320 hours or a minimum of 80 hours per TVL Specialization;

g. email to the GASO, copy furnish the DepEd public SHSs, SDO and RO, the list of the enrolled learner-beneficiaries with the specializations within a week after the start of education and training;

h. monitor the delivery of the education and training by the assigned trainers and participation of the learner-beneficiaries;

i. submit the rating of the learner-beneficiaries covering the period of education and training;

J. exercise due diligence to ensure the protection and safety of the learners and beneficiaries;

k. guide and assist the learner-beneficiaries as regards their choice of NC and AC;

l. pay the cost of the AC fee chargeable against the voucher; and m.submit to the concerned public-school heads and SDOs through the JDVP-TVL coordinators, copy furnished the GASO through email at, the end-of-activity reports, certified true and correct by an authorized representative, a week after the conduct of education and training.


40. The Reports provided in paragraph 39 (m) shall contain the following:


a. Validated list of JDVP-TVL learner-beneficiaries who are registered in their school and the status of completion of education and training (i.e., completed, dropped from the rolls as of [date] and reason, etc.);

b. Summary of learners' competencies and equivalent ratings of the learner-beneficiaries per specialization per DepEd public SHS (Annex 6);

c. Summary of Assessment Results certified correct by authorized official of the AC, including the Registry of Workers Assessed and Certified (RWAC);

d. Summary of the learner-beneficiaries' daily attendance in the education and training; and

e. Narrative report using the template in Annex 7.




41. The JDVP-TVL Partners shall be paid through the List of Due and Demandable Accounts Payable (LDDAP)-ADAby the CO based on the validated billing statements using the templates in Annex 8, 9 and 10. Payments will be deposited through the account number provided in the billing statement. JDVP-TVL Partners are encouraged to open a Landbank of the Philippines (LBP) Account with the name of the school as Account Name.




Estimated Processing Time

1.     After twenty (20) days from the start of education and training or from the date of enrollment to the partner schools, the JDVP Partner shall accomplish four (4) original billing statements and secure from the SDO a certification of submission of all program reports.


The four (4) original billing statements shall be signed by the following authorities:


a. Public SHS Faculty Association President/Representative

b. Public SHS Head

c. JDVP-TVL Partner School Head

d. SDS

e. RD /Representative

f. Director N of the FS, DepEd CO


The ROs, SDOs and the Head of the recipient public SHSs shall make sure that each learner-beneficiary will complete the 320 hours of education and training facilitated by the JDVP Partners despite the early submission of the billing statements.

JDVP Partner SDO

Two (2) weeks

2.     A week after the submission of pertinent documents by the JDVP-TVL Partners, the SDO shall submit to the RO the summary of the JDVP-TVL payments with the four (4) original billing statements and the corresponding SDO-issued certification for the JDVP-TVL Partners.


As soon as the four (4) original billing statements are validated and signed by the respective RDs, only two (2) copies will be submitted to the CO, while one ( 1) copy will remain in the RO, and another copy will be returned to the SDO.



Two (2) weeks

3.     Upon review of the documents, the RO shall submit to the GASO the regional summary of the JDVP-TVL payment with the two (2) original billing statements and the SDO-issued certification.



Two (2) weeks

4.     The GASO shall review the submission of the RO and, if found in order, forward the same to the Office of the Undersecretary for Finance for payment to the JDVP- TVL partner.



Division Accounting

Division OUF


Four (4) to six (6) weeks

5.     All other costs, except for the Focus Group Discussions (FGDs)/post-conference to be conducted by the GASO, shall be charged against local funds subject to the usual accounting and auditing procedures.




Eligible Public SHS

Budget Division

Finance Service 

Two (2) weeks


42. The hard copies of the Annexes 8, 9 and 10 signed by the concerned authorities shall be submitted to the Office of the Director of the Finance Service through the JDVP-TVL Unit, while the scanned copies with signatures of the SDS and RD shall be sent to a week after the conduct of education and training.


43. The JDVP-TVL Task Force will be in-charge of key functions such as Project Operating Planning, Project Monitoring and Evaluation, and Project Operation Management.




44. The Quality Assurance Division (QAD) of the RO and the School Governance and Operations Division (SGOD) of the SDO shall collaborate with the Regional and Division JDVP Coordinators for the M&E of the JDVP implementation.


45. The SDO, through the SGOD in coordination with the SDO-JDVP Coordinator, SHs of the recipient public SHSs and the TVL teachers shall monitor and evaluate the implementation of the program from the beginning until its completion. Reports shall be submitted to the RO. The QAD with the help of the RO-JDVP Coordinator shall consolidate the report to be submitted to the CO through the JDVP Task Force.


46. As soon as the SDO/SDO-JDVP Coordinator submits the complete report of their M&E, JDVP coordinators shall conduct policy M&E with technical assistance (TA) from the QAD and SGOD. This is to validate, assess, and provide necessary assistance to concerned SDOs as well as specify the scope and alignment of M&E activities relevant to the program implementation per governance level.


47. The CO, through the GASO and JDVP Unit shall provide TA, such as orientation to the ROs and the SDOs, to ensure smooth implementation of the program. It shall also conduct monitoring and evaluation activities of the program policy and the program implementation using Annex 11.


48. ROs and their SDOs shall validate and monitor selection of the participating DepEd public SHS-TVL, certification of JDVP-TVL Partners and the implementation arrangements including payment of vouchers. They shall also provide TA such as orientation to SHs, teachers and staff of the participating schools, and shall recommend to the GASO specific measures to improve implementation guidelines for succeeding school years.




49. Complaints and queries regarding selection and screening of recipient schools, learner-beneficiaries, JDVP-TVL Partners, welfare of the learner-beneficiaries during the conduct of education and training, replacement of learner-beneficiaries, conduct of M&E and other related concerns which are within the jurisdiction of the school and division level shall be addressed by the SDO. If the concerned matters are not resolved within the division level, the ROs shall step forward to resolve the issues or the problems. Legal matters shall be referred to the Legal Counsel of the SDO or the RO.


50. The CO shall only handle matters concerning the formulation and issuance of policy and standards, the processing of voucher payment subsidy, and all other related issues and concerns within the jurisdiction of the CO as stated in the guidelines. Matters with legal implications shall be referred to the Legal Office of the CO.




51. This policy shall take effect immediately and shall be registered with the Office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR) at the University of the Philippines (UP) Law Center, UP Diliman, Quezon City.




Full copy of DepEd Order No. 006, s. 2023 below:

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