
DepEd Advisory No. 002 s. 2023 : Research Fair 2023 of the University of the Philippines Academic League of Chemical Engineering Students Inc.

DepEd Advisory No. 002 s. 2023

Research Fair 2023 of the University of the Philippines Academic League of Chemical Engineering Students Inc.

Advisory No. 002, s. 2023

January 18, 2023

In compliance with DepEd Order (DO) No. 8, s. 2013

this advisory is issued not for endorsement per DO 28, s. 2001,

but only for the information of DepEd officials,

personnel/staff, as well as the concerned public.





The University of the Philippines Academic League of Chemical Engineering Students Inc. (UP ALCHEMES Inc.), a duly registered academic organization from the UP Diliman College of Engineering, will conduct the annual Research Fair 2023, with the theme, ZEPPELIN: Adventuring with the Youth to Greater Scientific Altitudes, from February 9 to 11, 2023.


In its 22nd year, Research Fair 2023 goes online to continue providing high school students with an avenue to invest their minds in scientific discovery and innovations through its established sub-events:


Title of Event


Research Competition (RC)


This is the core of the Research Fair. It celebrates the innovation, creativity, and scientific aptitude displayed by the participants in their research projects

·      Provide an avenue for high school students to promote their talents and scientific discoveries to their fellow peers, teachers, and the scientific community

·      Showcase what Filipino high school students can achieve through science and technology (S&T)

·      Encourage healthy discourse between students and professionals

·      Promote scientific professionalism and appreciation of S&T among the youth

·      Develop the capabilities of high school students in discovery and innovation through exposure to the field of research

National Science Conquest (NSC)


This is a friendly competition that tests participants’ knowledge and understanding of the various branches of science. Contestants go through various quiz bees and examinations to determine who reigns champion.

·      Distinguish students with scientific proficiency

·      Recognize emerging scientific discoveries and fields

·      Promote science and technology to students, as well as to the general public

Youth Science Convention (YSC)


This is a series of talks, webinars, and workshops where experts recognized in their respective scientific fields impart their knowledge and expertise to participants.

·      Enkindle a love and passion for research and science in the participants

·      Explore the significance of conducting research and its application in the industry and in different scientific fields

·      Help the youth develop practical skills that will not only aid them in future research but in many facets of their daily lives


Interested participants may access the registration and other event details through the Facebook page:


Participation of learners and teachers from public and private schools shall be purely voluntary and shall not hamper instructional time in compliance with the provisions of DepEd Order (DO) No. 34, s. 2022 titled School Calendar and Activities for the School Year 2022-2023 and DO 9, s. 2005 titled Instituting Measures to Increase Engaged Time-on-Task and Ensuring Compliance Therewith and the policy off-campus activities stated in DO 66, s. 2017.


For more information, contact:


Ms. Callista Joyce M. Cortez

Secretariat Head, Research Fair 2023

University of the Philippines Academic League of Chemical Engineering Students, Inc.

UP Diliman, Quezon City

Mobile Phone No.: 0977-482-3119

Email Addresses:

Facebook Page:



Full copy of DepEd Advisory No. 002 s. 2023 below:



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