
DepEd Memorandum No. 104, s. 2022 : Creation of a Composite Team to Review the Evaluation and Procurement Guidelines for the Provision of Textbooks, Teachers’ Manuals, and Supplementary Learning Resources

DepEd Memorandum No. 104, s. 2022

Creation of a Composite Team to Review the Evaluation and Procurement Guidelines for the Provision of Textbooks, Teachers’ Manuals, and Supplementary Learning Resources

DepEd Memorandum No. 104, s. 2022



08 NOV 2022



No. 104, s. 2022


Creation of a Composite Team to Review the Evaluation and Procurement Guidelines for the Provision of Textbooks, Teachers’ Manuals, and Supplementary Learning Resources


To:      Undersecretaries

Assistant Secretaries

Minister, Basic, Higher, and Technical Education, BARMM

Bureau and Service Directors

Regional Directors

Schools Division Superintendents

Public and Private Elementary and Secondary School Heads

All Others Concerned


1. The Department of Education (DepEd) recognizes the importance of the continuous provision of quality learning resources (LR) which is crucial m the successful implementation of the K to 12 Basic Education Program.


2. To ensure that all public schools are provided with sufficient Textbooks, Teachers' Manuals, and other Supplementary Learning Resources in a timely and adequate manner, a Composite Team is created to review the guidelines governing the evaluation and acquisition of textbooks (TXs), teachers' manuals (TMs), and supplementary learning resources (SLRs).


3. The following comprises the members of the team:




Office / Designation


Dr. Gina O. Gonong

Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction


Christopher Lawrence S. Arnuco

Assistant Secretary for Procurement Management Services


Alma Ruby C. Torio

Assistant Secretary for Curriculum and Instruction

Francis Cesar B. Bringas

Assistant Secretary for Field Operations

Adonis R. Barraquias

Officer-in-Charge, Chief Administrative Officer for Procurement Management Service (ProcMS)

Ariz Delson Acay D. Cawilan

Director IV for Bureau of Learning Resources

Atty. Rhoan G.L. Orebia

Director IV for Legal Service


Besy C. Agamata

Chief Education Program Specialist – BLR-PD

Daisy Asuncion O. Santos

Chief Education Program Specialist – BLR-QAD


Ma. Teresa S. Fulgar

Chief Administrative Officer – PPMD

Nikki M. Salopaso

Legal Service

James Ronald G. Ybiernas

Officer-in-Charge, Supervising Administrative Officer-BAC Secretariat Division

Maria Leonor M. Barraquias

Senior Education Program Specialist – BLR-QAD

Robert P. Martin

Senior Education Program Specialist – BLR-QAD


4. The team is expected to perform the following tasks:


a. Review the evaluation and procurement guidelines governing the procurement ofTXs, TMs, and SLRs;

b. Suggest/ recommend strategies and propose amendments to the existing rules and regulations governing the evaluation and procurement guidelines of TXs, TMs, and SLRs;

c. Conduct an interface workshop to establish a harmonized terms of reference (TORs) among Central Office (CO) and field offices in the provision of learning resources;

d. Provide regular updates to the Management Committee (MAN COM) and Executive Committee (EXECOM);

e. Attend all meetings that will be called for by the team; and

f. Perform such other functions as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Memorandum, or as the Secretary may direct.


5. The members of the team, secretariat, and other needed personnel shall attend all meetings and workshops that will be called by the Chairperson. Marathon meetings and workshops shall be conducted to speed up the review of the evaluation and procurement guidelines of TXs, TMs, and SLRs.


6. The team may conduct regional consultations as needed.


7. The team may engage external experts to provide inputs and advise in reviewing the evaluation and procurement guidelines, subject to approval of the Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction.


8. To support the team, the designated secretariat is expected to perform the following functions:


a. Document all meetings conducted by the team and prepare minutes of every meeting for circulation to members two days after the meeting;

b. Arrange and coordinate the schedule of meetings, venues, and other administrative matters;

c. Prepare supplies and materials needed for meetings and workshops;

d. Provide regular updates on the status of the composite team work progress; and

e. Perform other functions that may be assigned by the team.


9. The team shall function until the approval of the guidelines in the evaluation and procurement of TXs, TMs, and SLRs.


10. Expenses that will be incurred by the composite team shall be charged to available LR Funds and/ or FLO Funds, subject to usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. Travel expenses of the team members shall be charged against their respective local funds.


11. This supersedes the DepEd Memorandum No.018 s. 2020. All other issuances inconsistent with this Memorandum are deemed revoked.


12. For queries and concerns, please coordinate with the Bureau of Learning Resources - Office of the Director through the email address:


13. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.


By Authority of the Secretary




Undersecretary and Chief of Staff




DepEd Memorandum No. 018, s. 2021


To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

under the following subjects:












Full copy of DepEd Memorandum No. 104, s. 2022:



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