
DepEd Order No. 043, s. 2022 : Omnibus Travel Guidelines for All Personnel of the Department of Education

DepEd Order No. 043, s. 2022

Omnibus Travel Guidelines for All Personnel of the Department of Education

DepEd Order No. 043, s. 2022



10 OCT 2022



No. 043, s. 2022




To:      Undersecretaries

Assistant Secretaries

Bureau and Service Directors

Regional Directors

Schools Division Superintendents

Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads

All Others Concerned


1. The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the enclosed Omnibus Travel Guidelines for All Personnel of the Department of Education to clarify the processes and prescribe the requirements for all travels of DepEd personnel, whether foreign/local or official/ personal.


2. For more information, please contact the Office of Undersecretary for Human Resource and Organizational Development, Department of Education Central Office, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City through email at or at telephone numbers (02) 8636-6549 and (02) 8631-8494.


3. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.





Vice President and Secretary



Encl.: As stated



            DepEd Order Nos. 022, s. 2019 and 14, s. 2010


To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

under the following subjects:












(Enclosure to DepEd Order No. 043, s. 2022)






DepEd faithfully abides by the various policy pronouncements on austerity and fiscal conservation in the Government. It is the mandate of DepEd to ensure that public funds are expended with utmost prudence and that no irregular, unnecessary, extravagant, excessive, and unconscionable expenses are incurred by the Government.


Meanwhile, Section 21 of Executive Order No. 77, s. 2019 directs all Department Secretaries to cause the preparation and issuance of internal guidelines on local and foreign travels of personnel in national government agencies (NG As) to ensure the judicious use of public funds, among others.


Currently, the guidelines and regulations on travels in DepEd are contained in various orders and memoranda issued by the Department. This Department Order is being issued to consolidate, harmonize, and update these issuances in view of the above policy.




This DepEd Order provides guidelines and regulations on foreign and local travel, whether official or personal, of DepEd officials and personnel in all governance levels and all other offices and attached agencies. This DepEd Order likewise covers allowances and expenses for said travels.




For purposes of this Order, these terms are defined as follows:


a. Attached Agencies refers to agencies wherein the DepEd is a member of the governing board, such as, the Early Childhood Care and Development Council (ECCD Council). National Book Development Board (NBDB), National Council for Children's Television (NCCT), and the National Museum.


b. Approving Authority refers to the DepEd official designated as Approving Authority in the existing Department Order on the delegation of signing authorities.


c. Head of Office refers to the immediate head of the unit, section, division, bureau, or office where the employee is reporting. The head of office of DepEd officials shall be that official next higher in rank within the same strand, division, bureau, or office.


d. Official Travel refers to trips of government officials or employees pursuant to a legitimate government function or interest.


e. Permanent Official Station refers to the place where the office or regular place of business/work of an official or employee is permanently located and where the official or employee is expected to stay most of the time as required by the nature and the duties and responsibilities of the position of such official or employee.


f. Personal Travel refers to private trips of government officials or employees for a purely personal purpose and undertaken without cost to the government.


g. Recommending Authority refers to the DepEd official designated in the existing Department Order on the delegation of signing authorities to recommend approval to the Approving Authority.


h. Transportation Expenses refers to the actual fares of the authorized modes of transportation (e.g. land, sea, and air) for local and foreign travels from the permanent official station to the destination or place of assignment and back.


i. Travel Authority refers to an Order in writing issued by the Approving Authority allowing an official or employee of the DepEd to proceed to a specific place or location outside of her permanent official station for a specific period of time to perform a given assignment.




A. General Guidelines


1. Authorized official travel. No official foreign or local travel shall be authorized unless it satisfies the following minimum conditions:


a. The trip is highly relevant to basic education, and in the case of foreign official travels, the trip is for the purpose of complying with an international commitment/ contractual obligation;


b. The trip is essential to the effective performance of an official or employee's mandate or functions;


c. The projected expenses for the trip are not excessive or involve minimum expenditure;


d. The presence of the official or employee is critical to the outcome of the meeting, conference, seminar, consultation, or any official activity to be undertaken;


e. The absence of the official or employee from the Permanent Official Station will not hamper the operational efficiency of his office; and


f. The expenses to be incurred in the trip is included in the approved Work and Financial Plan of the office or unit concerned.


2. Alternatives to Travel. All officials authorized to approve local or foreign travels are required, as far as practicable, to minimize official travel. Hence, all forms of communication, such as but not limited to, teleconferencing and videoconferencing or submission of briefs and position papers, must be explored or considered first as alternatives to travel. 


3. Written Justification. For the purpose of the two immediately preceding provisions, the DepEd official or employee requesting authority to travel must attach to the appropriate travel authority request form a written justification, addressed to the Approving Authority and noted by the Recommending Authority, explaining how the trip satisfies the minimum conditions provided in the first paragraph of this section and why alternatives to travel are insufficient for the purpose.


If the official travel of teaching personnel is to be undertaken during school days, the written justification shall also explain:


a. Why the travel has to be undertaken during school days; 


b. What the expected benefit are from the travel; and


c. How the expected benefits can compensate for the loss in instructional or supervisory time.


4. Unauthorized travels. The following individuals shall not be issued Travel Authorities and shall not be entitled to government funding for such trips:


a. Private individuals; and


b. Consultants and/or those engaged by the DepEd by way of contract of service, except when the travel is required for the performance or completion of deliverables in the contract of service, or in highly meritorious circumstances (e.g. unavailability of qualified employees in highly technical or specialized fields) and upon written justification submitted to the Approving Authority.


5. Prohibitions and Conditions


a. All forms of travel junkets are strictly prohibited. The taking of a personal leave immediately before or after the official activity is highly discouraged. If travel circumstances, such as the nature of activity, purpose and itinerary, indicate that the trip is mainly intended for personal purposes, no part thereof shall be considered official.


b. Trips, which, by their very nature, are obviously for personal reasons but are nevertheless presented as official in the guise of so-called "observation, goodwill, or study tour" or "workshop/seminar" shall not be allowed, unless such trips are to be undertaken while on leave of absence.


c. No official or personal travel of DepEd officials and employees shall be funded directly or indirectly, fully or partially, by private individuals or entities, including suppliers and contractors, with pending request/s or application/s or future dealings with any schools, SDOs, ROs, Bureaus/ Services or office of the DepEd.


This prohibition applies to invitations to travel purportedly to undertake study or assessment of the proponents' capabilities as such contractors or suppliers.


d. The Approving Authority shall ensure that a skeletal workforce is maintained in the office or Permanent Official Station at all times, and travels which entail the absence of a majority of personnel of any office/s shall be prohibited.


6. Reportorial Requirements


a. Within one (1) calendar month after returning to the Permanent Official Station, every personnel authorized to travel under this Order shall submit to the head of the agency a report on the travel, which shall include matters or issues discussed, recommendations, and next steps.


For official foreign travels, a post-travel report shall be submitted containing the following elements:


i. Brief description and background of the host organization and activity;

ii. Objectives of the activity;

iii. Preparations made for the activity;

iv. Highlight of the activity/ participation in the activity;

v. Critical inputs/ contribution of participant in the activity;

vi. Merits/ benefits gained by the participants, his/her office and DepEd and substantive policy recommendation.

vii. Commitments made and/ or subsequent responsibilities of the participant in relation to the activity/ post-travel actions/ inter-agency cooperation needed;


b. In case of participation in an international conference or convention in which the Philippines is represented by a delegation, a report of the delegation shall be submitted to the Office of the President (OP) through the Department Secretary or those of equivalent rank from whose department the head of delegation belongs, copy furnished the Secretary of the DFA, not later than one (1) calendar month after the closing of the conference or convention. Any member of the delegation may also submit a supplementary report.


B. Specific Guidelines on Foreign Official Travel


1. Types of Foreign Official Travels. In addition to the conditions provided in paragraph IV.A. 1. of this Department Order, only the following foreign travels may be allowed:


a. International conferences or meetings to which the Philippine government has commitments, or to undertake official missions or assignments which cannot be assigned to government officials posted abroad;


b. Scholarships, fellowships, trainings, and studies abroad which are grant-funded or undertaken at minimal cost to NGAs, including SUCs, GOCCs, GFis, and LGUs; and


c. Invitations for speaking engagements or receiving of awards from foreign governments/institutions or international agencies/organizations as defined under international law, whether fully or partially funded by the government, upon endorsement to the DFA.


In case of trips involving delegations, the authorized Approving Authority shall ensure that the number of participants is kept to the barest minimum and the role of each member in the delegation is clearly specified and justified in the travel application or proposal.


2. Pre-Departure


All ministerial meetings shall be attended by the Secretary unless an Undersecretary or Assistant Secretary is designated to represent him/her. Attendance by the representative or duly designated delegate of the Secretary in ministerial meetings and other international commitments shall be authorized to have one (1) or two (2) staff personnel to backstop him/ her, the staff/s may either be from the International Cooperation Office (ICO) or from offices whose functional designation and assignment are the same or related to the agenda of the international meeting.


The awarding of scholarships, fellowship and training grants shall at all times conform to the policy of transparency, accountability, equitable distribution and eligibility and shall be guided by the existing procedures/process set by the Scholarship Committee of the Department.


For other official foreign travels, the ICO shall clear all invitations to seminars/ activities/ events/ scholarships that will be held abroad except those that are sourced by officials/ employees in their personal capacity. The ICO, with the concerned Undersecretary or Assistant Secretary shall identify and recommend representatives and/ or delegates for the Secretary's approval. For foreign official travels involving field personnel and teachers, Regional Directors and Superintendents shall nominate, evaluate and recommend the travel requests of their respective personnel prior to endorsement to the Central Office.


Priority in assigning foreign travels shall be given to those who are qualified, with expertise and have had the least number of official travels in the past five (5) years, except in the following cases:


a. The organizers set specific requirements as to the qualifications of the participants

b. The organizers specifically requested an employee/ official due to suitability and/ or previous arrangements; and

c. Nature of the activity which will lead the Department to consider the suitability of the participant based on position; actual duties and responsibilities; task delegated to him/ her by the Department; expertise; expected inputs/ outputs; or follow through activities.


Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, the Secretary shall not be precluded from nominating delegates and/ or representatives to official foreign travels in order to ensure the substantial benefit of the Department from the activity.


3. Unauthorized official foreign travels. No travel authority shall be issued to:


a. Any official or employee who has a pending administrative case;

b. Any official or employee who is due to retire within one (1) year from the date of the foreign travel;

c. Any official or employee whose previous travel has not been liquidated and cleared; and

d. Any official or employee who has not yet complied with the reportorial requirement for any previous travel/ s.


4. Approving Authority


a. The DepEd Secretary shall secure authority from the Office of the President for official foreign travel.

b. The foreign official travel of other DepEd officials and employees shall be approved by the DepEd Secretary, upon the recommendation of the following:



Recommending Authority

a.     Central Office

1.     Undersecretary / Assistant Secretary


2.     Bureau/Service Director/Executive Director

Assistant Secretary / Undersecretary concerned

3.     Division Chief and Below

Assistant Secretary / Undersecretary concerned

4.     Offices and Immediate Staff of the Office of the Secretary

Undersecretary (Chief of Staff)

5.     Immediate Staff of the Office of the Undersecretary or Assistant Secretary

Assistant Secretary / Undersecretary concerned

b.    Regional office

1.     Regional Director (RD)

Undersecretary for Field Operations

2.     Assistant Regional Director (ARD)


3.     Division Chief


4.     Below Division Chief


c.     Schools Division Office

1.     Schools Division Superintendent


2.     Assistant Schools Division Superintendent


3.     Division Chief


4.     Below Division Chief including PSDS


d.    Schools

1.     School Head


2.     Teaching and non-teaching Personnel


i. For attached agencies, the foreign official travel of officials and employees shall be approved by the DepEd Undersecretary (Chief of Staff), upon the recommendation of the following:


e. Attached Agencies

1.     Heads of Attached Agencies

2.     ECCD Council

Executive Director

3.     NBDB

Executive Director

4.     NCCT

Executive Director

5.     National Academy of Sports

Executive Director

6.     National Museum

Director General

7.     Phil. High School for the Arts



c. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the OP is not precluded from requiring any official or employee to secure authority to travel abroad from said Office or from another Approving Authority to be designated by it.

5. Procedure in the Application and Approval of Foreign Official Travels


a. The official or employee requesting authority to travel shall accomplish and submit a Travel Authority for Official. Travel form (Annex A) with the following supporting documents:


i. Signed invitation addressed to the requesting party from a foreign host;

ii. Approved Activity Request and Work and Financial Plan indicating that funds are earmarked for the travel expenses to be incurred;

iii. Itinerary of Travel;

iv. Written justification as required in paragraph IV.A.2 of this Department Order;

v. Certificate of No Pending Case;

vi. If applying for cash advance, a certification from the Accounting Division/Section/Unit concerned that the previous cash advance has been liquidated; and

vii. For Division Chiefs and higher, a draft Special Order designating an Officer-in-Charge, if applicable, so as not to hamper the day-to-day operations of the office.


Teachers participating in the Exchange Visitor Program of the United States government shall secure travel authority from the Secretary. 1n lieu of the above documents, the teacher concerned shall attach to the Travel Authority for Official Travel form a copy of the Clearance Certificate issued by the Regional Office concerned and a copy of the Registration Sticker issued by the Commission on Filipinos Overseas. However, they are not entitled to the any of the allowable expenses provided herein.


b. All travel authorities must be signed by the Secretary, or his/her designated approving official and released by the CO at least 10 days before the departure date. To ensure this, requesting officials/personnel must refer to the process flows for field offices and the central office, hereto attached as Annex Band Annex C, respectively, for guidance on the minimum number of days required for processing at each level.


c. Requests that do not comply with these process flows shall be automatically rejected.


6. Authorized official foreign travel expenses. DepEd officials/employees on official foreign travels are allowed the following expenses, pursuant to EO 77, s. 2019:


a. Pre-Departure Expenses and Return Trip Fees


i. Pre-departure expenses not exceeding PhP3,500.00 shall be allowed to cover miscellaneous expenses for transportation fare, passport processing, immunization and medical laboratory fees, photographs, porterage, airport terminal fees, if any, and other related expenses.

ii. Reimbursement of airport terminal fees imposed at the point/ s of embarkation on the return trip to the Philippines, if any, shall be allowed upon completion of the official trip.


b. Transportation Expenses


i. Where the officials and employees authorized to travel abroad are not provided with transportation by the host country or sponsoring organization, they shall be allowed transportation expenses for the economy class fare, which for purposes of this Order, does not include premium economy class fare.

ii. For long haul trips (i.e. flights exceeding four (4) hours without counting lay-overs) of Department Secretaries, Undersecretaries, Assistant Secretaries and those of equivalent ranks, business class fares may be authorized, subject to the approval of the OP.


c. Clothing Allowance


i. Clothing allowance shall be granted to personnel on foreign travel in tropical countries or temperate countries for the period coinciding with the summer and spring seasons, regardless of the nature of travel, if the travel will last for more than one (I) month. The clothing allowance shall be granted on pro-rated basis, as follows:


Duration of Stay


More than one (1) month but less than three (3) months


Three (3) months and more but less than six (6) months


Six (6) months and more



Provided, however, that the clothing allowance in connection with study trips to tropical countries shall not exceed US$300.00.


ii. When the travel to temperate countries, regardless of the nature of travel, coincides with the autumn or winter seasons, the clothing allowance shall be granted as follows:


Duration of Stay


Two (2) weeks or less


More than two (2) weeks but less than one (1) month


One (1) month and more



iii. Grantees provided by donor institutions with clothing allowance at rates equal to or higher than those indicated above shall no longer be granted said allowance.


iv. When the clothing allowance granted by the donor is less than the rates indicated above, the personnel concerned may be given the difference.


v. The clothing allowance may be granted more than once in every 24 months. In no instance, however, shall the total clothing allowance exceed US$400.00 within a 24-month period.


vi. Applicable rate of clothing allowance shall be based on the season officially declared by the authorized agency in the country of destination. In case the travel dates span two seasons or coincide with the change of seasons, the prescribed rates of clothing allowance shall be based on the season corresponding to the greatest number of days of authorized stay.


d. Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA)


i. Those who travel abroad shall be granted the DSA based on the daily rates established by the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC) of the United Nations which may be accessed at or at of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA).


When the country of destination is not listed therein, the DSA for the nearest country shall be adopted. When the city of destination is not listed therein, the "elsewhere" rate established for the country shall

be adopted.


ii. The DSA shall only start upon arrival at the country of destination and shall cease upon departure therefrom, at the following percentages:




To Cover

Day of arrival at point of destination (regardless of time) and succeeding day/s thereof on official business


Hotel/lodging (50%), meals (30%) and incidental expenses (20%)

Day of departure for permanent official station (regardless of time) if other than date of arrival


Meals (30%) and incidental expenses (20%)


iii. If hotel/lodging, meals and incidental expenses are provided by the host country or donor institution, the DSA shall not be allowed.


iv. Claims for payment of DSA under paragraphs i and ii of this subsection shall not require presentation of bills and receipts.


v. The DepEd Secretary or his/her authorized representative, may authorize DepEd personnel to claim the reimbursement of actual accommodation expenses in excess of the accommodation component of the DSA, subject to the following conditions: (1) the difference must not exceed thirty percent (30%) of such component of the prescribed DSA rate, (2) the expense is absolutely necessary in the performance of an assignment, and (3) upon presentation of bills and receipts. An affidavit of loss shall not be considered as appropriate replacement for the required bills and receipts.


e. Payment of DSA Differential


i. Where personnel on travel abroad to attend international conferences or meetings or to undertake official missions or assignments are provided by the host government with DSA and allowances lower than those prescribed in this Order, such personnel shall only be entitled to the difference.

ii. Personnel on scholarships, fellowships, trainings, workshops, and study grants abroad shall not be allowed payment of DSA differentials.


f. Reimbursement of Representation Expenses


i. The DepEd Secretary is allowed reimbursement of actual representation expenses up to US$ 1,000.00, subject to the presentation of bills and acceptable proofs of payment made. Meanwhile, subject to the approval of the Secretary, DepEd officials who are authorized to attend international conferences or meetings or undertake official missions or assignments in the exigency of the service, may be allowed the reimbursement of actual representation expenses not exceeding the hereunder rates, subject to presentation of bills and acceptable proofs of payment made, to wit:



Maximum Amount

Undersecretaries and those of equivalent rank, if they are designated as Head of the Delegation

US$ 700.00

Assistant Secretaries and those of equivalent rank, if they are designated as Head of the Delegation

US$ 500.00

Those holding positions lower than an Assistant Secretary level who are designated as Head of the Delegation

US$ 300.00


ii. Representation expenses may cover necessary entertainment, contributions, flowers, wreaths, tokens and the like, when justified by the circumstances and in conformity with generally accepted customs, usages, and practices.

iii. DepEd officials on travel abroad for speaking engagements, and for scholarships, fellowships, trainings, workshops and studies, which are fully funded by donors or sponsoring organizations, shall not be allowed reimbursement of representation expenses.


g. Specific Travel-Related Expenses During Scholarships, Fellowships, Trainings and Studies Abroad


i. Expenses of DepEd personnel related to travels for scholarships, fellowships, trainings and studies abroad shall be limited only to predeparture expenses since donor countries/organizations/institutions shall pay for travel-related expenses.


ii. In cases where airfares and clothing allowance will not be shouldered by the donors, the personnel concerned may claim the same, subject to the provisions of the memorandum of agreement or any similar document entered into by and between th.e donor and the DepEd, and of this Order.


7. Insurance. DepEd officials and employees on foreign travel pursuant to this Order shall be entitled to travel insurance at the minimum amount required by the country of destination, depending on the duration of the official travel or a travel coverage of Php 500,000.00 if there is no minimum coverage set by a country.


C. Specific Guidelines on Local Official Travel


1. Approving Authority


a. The DepEd Secretary need not secure approval for official local travel.


b. The local travel of other DepEd officials and employees shall be approved in the following manner:



Recommending Authority

Approving Authority

a.     Central Office

1.     Undersecretary / Assistant Secretary



2.     Bureau / Service Director / Executive Director

Assistant Secretary / Undersecretary concerned


3.     Division Chief and below

Director Concerned


4.     Offices and Immediate Staff of the Office of the Secretary

Director Concerned


5.     Immediate Staff of the Office of the Undersecretary or Assistant Secretary

Assistant Secretary / Undersecretary concerned


b.    Regional Office

1.     Regional Director (RD)


Undersecretary for Field Operations – for destinations outside the Region only

2.     Assistant Regional Director (ARD)



3.     Division Chief



4.     Below Division Chief

Division Chief


c.     Division Office

1.     Schools Division Superintendent


RD – for destinations outside the Region only

2.     Assistant Schools Division Superintendent (ASDS)


SDS – for destinations within the Region


SDS – for destinations outside the Region

RD – for destinations outside the Region

3.     Division Chief



4.     Below Division Chief including PSDS

Division Chief


d.    Schools

1.     School Head



2.     Teaching and non-teaching personnel


School Head – for destinations within the Division


School Head – for destinations outside the Division

SDS – for destinations outside the division

e.     Attached Agencies

1.     ECCD Council

Executive Director

Undersecretary (Chief of Staff)

2.     NBDB

Executive Director

Undersecretary (Chief of Staff)

3.     NCCT

Executive Director 

Undersecretary (Chief of Staff)

4.     National Museum

Director General

Undersecretary (Chief of Staff)


c. Travel authority is hereby granted to all Regional Directors, Assistant Regional Directors and Schools Division Superintendents, including officers-in-charge of said positions, upon invitation of the secretariat concerned, to attend National Management Committee Meetings and Regional Coordination Meetings. Hence, the issuance of individual travel authorities shall not be required.


Said travels are considered absolutely necessary in the performance of their assignments, thus, claims for reimbursement of actual accommodation expenses are authorized, subject to the other conditions and requirements specified herein.


2. Procedure in the Application and Approval of Local Official Travels


a. The official or employee concerned shall accomplish and submit a Travel Authority for Official Travel form with the following supporting documents to the office of the Approving Authority not less than five (5) working days before the scheduled departure date:


i. Signed Memorandum, Letter, Order, Invitation or other communication relevant to the DepEd or non-DepEd activity/event indicating that the requesting official or employee is being invited as a participant, guest, resource person, lecturer or visitor.

ii. Approved Activity Request (AR)/Authority to Conduct (ATC), or Proof of Source of Funds to signify that funds are earmarked for the travel expenses to be incurred;

iii. Itinerary of Travel;

iv. Written justification as required in paragraph IV.A.2 of this Department Order;

v. If applying for cash advance, a certification from the Accounting Division/Section/Unit concerned that the previous cash advance has been liquidated; and

vi. For Division Chiefs and higher, a draft Special Order designating an Officer-in-Charge, if applicable, so as not to hamper the day-to-day operations of the office.


b. For activities/events/errands that would require leaving from or going out of the permanent station or workplace during office hours within the day, a Locator Slip (Annex E) duly approved by the Head of Office or his/her Authorized Representative, and countersigned by the authorized personnel of the office visited, shall be used. A Certificate of Appearance from the office visited may be secured in case such portion was left unsigned by the person visited.


The accomplished and signed Locator Slip shall serve as the authority to travel and may be used for reimbursement of actual transportation expenses only. In no case shall this be used for personal business.


3. Mode of Transportation


a. The Approving Authority shall determine the mode of transportation and type of hotel/lodging to be availed, which in all cases shall be the most economical and efficient.

b. As a general rule, only the ordinary public conveyance or customary modes of transportation shall be used. The use of chartered trips, special hires of public utilities, garage cars, water vessels, and other extraordinary means of transportation shall not be allowed unless justified by the prevailing circumstances, such as but not limited to, carrying large amount of cash, bulky equipment and important documents, inclement weather, accompanying dignitaries or high level government officials, or when time is of the essence.


4. Accommodations. To ensure adequate but reasonably-priced services and amenities, the workshops, seminars, trainings, conferences, and other official activities organized and conducted by the Department shall use DepEd training venues such as the office conference rooms, Regional Education Learning Centers (RELCs), Applied Nutrition Center, ECOTECH Center, National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP), and Baguio Teachers Camp (BTC). It is also encouraged to patronize DOT-accredited accommodations.


lf the above facilities are not available on the basis of certification of the authorized official from these venues, the selection of other venues and facilities shall adhere to existing policies and guidelines on procurement.


5. Travel Expenses. DepEd officials/ employees on official local travels are allowed the following expenses, pursuant to EO 77, s. 2019:


a. Beyond the 50-kilometer radius from the permanent official station:

i. Transportation Expenses and Miscellaneous Expenses. The allowable transportation expenses and reasonable miscellaneous expenses (e.g. terminal fees, parking fees, road tolls, etc.) from the permanent official station to the destination or place of assignment shall cover the following areas: 


(1) From the office or residence to the point of embarkation, and vice versa;

(2) From the point of embarkation to the point of disembarkation in the place of destination, and vice versa; and

(3) From the point of disembarkation to the office of destination or place of assignment in the field, and vice versa.


The transportation expenses and reasonable miscellaneous expenses shall be in addition to the DTE.


Personnel concerned shall not be entitled to transportation expenses for the entire trip or portion of such trip where government vehicle was used.


If a private vehicle is used, no reimbursement of the cost of gasoline and fuel shall be allowed. The official or employee concerned, however, is entitled to the equivalent cost of the customary mode of transportation.


ii. Daily Travel Expenses (DTE)

(1) The maximum allowable DTE of DepEd personnel, regardless of rank and position, shall be the following rates



Maximum DTE

Cluster I


P 1,500

Cluster II

Regions VI, VII, X, XI, CAR

P 1,800

Cluster III

Regions IV-A, IV-B, NCR

P 2,200


(2) Claims for payment of DTE shall not be required to present bills and receipts.


iii. Apportioned Travel Expenses. The allowable DTE for travel beyond 50-kilometer radius from the permanent official station shall be based on the following apportionment:





Day of arrival at point of destination (regardless of time) and succeeding day/s thereof on official business


50% - hotel/lodging

30% - meals

20% - incidental expenses

Day of departure for permanent official station (regardless of time) if other than date of arrival


30% - meals

20% - incidental expenses


iv. Travel Expenses in Excess of Authorized Travel Rates. Claims for reimbursement of actual accommodation expenses (excluding expenses for valets, room attendants, laundry, pressing, haircuts, and similar services furnished by hotels) in excess of the accommodation component of the DTE may be allowed, but in no case shall the difference exceed one hundred percent (100%) of such component of the prescribed DTE rate, and only upon:


(1) Submission of certification by the agency head or authorized representative as absolutely necessary in the performance of an assignment; and

(2) Presentation of bills and receipts. A Certification or Affidavit of Loss shall not be considered as appropriate replacement for loss bills and receipts.


v. Precluding Double Payment of Travel Expenses. To preclude double payment, the corresponding portion of the DTE shall not be allowed when the fare paid for transportation includes meals and/or quarters en route, or where meals and/ or lodging are paid for or furnished by the DepEd or other parties.


(1) However, the traveler may claim meal reimbursement upon submission of written justification and documentary support if:


(a) The traveler is unable to consume the meal provided because of medical requirements or religious beliefs.

(b) The traveler purchased substitute meal(s) in order to satisfy medical requirements or religious beliefs.

(c) The traveler was unable to take part in the provided meal due to the conflict of official business.

(d) Other analogous circumstances.

Complimentary meals included in the accommodation does not affect the maximum meal expenses.


(2) In case of invited DepEd resource speakers, advisers or Secretariat to national conferences, conventions, symposia, for a seminars, meetings and other similar events managed by private organizations, associations or unions, the travel expenses shall be shouldered by the inviting agency or organization, unless otherwise authorized by the DepEd Secretary.


b. Within the 50-kilometer radius from the permanent official station: 


i. Actual transportation expenses not exceeding the rates provided herein, as well as the DTE may be authorized. Provided, that the personnel concerned shall stay in the place of assignment and does not commute daily from the place of assignment to the place of residence or permanent official station and back. The claim for hotel/lodging expense shall be substantiated by a hotel bill or invoice to prove that the official or employee stayed in the place of assignment for the whole duration of the official travel.


ii. Personnel on official travel who commute daily from the place of assignment to the place of residence or permanent official station shall be allowed the following expenses: 


(1) Actual fare at the prevailing rates of authorized modes of transportation from the permanent official station to the place of assignment and back;

(2) Meals in an amount not exceeding the thirty percent (30%) of the authorized meal component of the DTE.


Presentation of transportation ticket or any equivalent document shall be required as proof of actual travel undertaken.


iii. An employee receiving Transportation Allowance (TA) either on commutable or reimbursable form, shall not be entitled to reimbursement of transportation expenses.




A. General Guidelines


1. Authorized Personal Travel. No DepEd official or employee shall be allowed to depart for any personal travel, unless such official or employee has duly accomplished the requisite leave forms and has obtained travel authorization, provided that if the personal local travel is only for a period of three (3) days or less, a travel authorization need not be secured.


Travel authorization shall only be granted by the Approving Authority after determination that the absence of the requesting official or employee will not hamper the operational efficiency of his/her office.


2. Approving Authority. The personal travel of DepEd officials and employees, whether foreign or local, shall be approved by the following:



Recommending Authority

a.     Central Office

1.     Undersecretary / Assistant Secretary

Undersecretary (Chief of Staff)

2.     Bureau/Service Director/Executive Director

Undersecretary (Chief of Staff)

3.     Division Chief and Below

Undersecretary (Chief of Staff)

4.     Offices and Immediate Staff of the Office of the Secretary

Undersecretary (Chief of Staff)

5.     Immediate Staff of the Office of the Undersecretary or Assistant Secretary

Undersecretary (Chief of Staff)

b.    Regional Office

1.     Regional Director (RD)

Undersecretary for Field Operations

2.     Assistant Regional Director (ARD)


3.     Division Chief


4.     Below Division Chief

Division Chief

c.     Schools Division Office

1.     Schools Division Superintendent


2.     Assistant Schools Division Superintendent


3.     Division Chief


4.     Below Division Chief including PSDS

Division Chief

d.    Schools

1.     School Head


2.     Teaching and non-teaching Personnel

School Head

e.     Attached Agencies

1.     ECCD Council

Executive Director

2.     NBDB

Executive Director

3.     NCCT

Executive Director

4.     National Museum

Director General


3. Scholarships/trainings and related act1v1t:Ies sourced and pursued by officials/employees in their personal capacity should be brought to the attention of the immediate supervisor or head of office before application for authority to travel.


B. Specific Guidelines for Personal Foreign Travel


1. Procedure in the Application and Approval of Personal Foreign Travel


a. The official or employee requesting authority to travel shall accomplish and submit a Travel Authority for Personal Travel form (Annex D) with the following supporting documents:

i. Written manifestation, noted by his/her Head of Office, that his/her absence will not hamper the operational efficiency of the office;

ii. Certificate of No Pending Case; and

iii. For Division Chiefs and higher, a draft Special Order designating an Officer-in-Charge, if applicable, so as not to hamper the day-to-day operations of the office.


b. DepEd officials and personnel who intend to study abroad must file for study leave in accordance with the applicable laws and/or issuances of the Civil Service Commission, and must comply with the required service obligations after the period of the leave. No request for travel authority in connection to a study leave shall be approved until after the official or employee concerned shall have fulfilled the service obligation of any previous study leave or scholarship grant.


c. All travel authorities pertaining to personal foreign travel must be submitted to the Approving Authority at least 10 days before the departure date and released by his/her office at least five (5) days before said date.


C. Specific Guidelines for Personal Local Travel


1. Procedure in the Application and Approval of Personal Local Travel


a. The official or employee concerned shall accomplish and submit a Travel Authority for Personal Travel form, with the following supporting documents, to the office of the Approving Authority not less than five (5) working days before the scheduled departure date:


i. Written manifestation, noted by his/her Head of Office, that his/her absence will not hamper the operational efficiency of the office; and

ii. For Division Chiefs and higher, a draft Special Order designating an Officer-in-Charge, if applicable, so as not to hamper the day-to-day operations of the office.


b. DepEd officials or employees whose personal local travel will not exceed a period of three (3) days need not secure authorization prior to the travel, but must accomplish and submit the requisite leave forms not less than five (5) working days before the scheduled departure date, provided, that officials with the rank of division chief and above shall submit to the Approving Authority a draft Special Order designating an Officer-in-Charge.




Failure to comply with any of the directives of this Order may result in the filing of administrative actions for misconduct, insubordination and other related offenses under the 2017 .Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service, Revised Rules of Procedure of The Department of Education In Administrative Cases (DepEd Order No. 49, s. 2006), and/or relevant laws, rules and regulations against the travelling official or employee, the Recommending Authority, and the Approving Authority.




A. All offices and accountable officials and personnel thereof shall comply with existing financial reporting guidelines on the use of funds for this purpose.


B. The Budget and Accounting Divisions of the DepEd Central Office, Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development, Regional Finance Division and Finance Units of SOs shall monitor compliance to this Order, conduct review of these guidelines and recommend changes to further improve the implementation of E.O. No. 77, s. 2019.


C. Local travel matters/ queries/clarifications not covered by this Order shall be referred to the DepEd Secretary for resolution.




All existing Orders and Memoranda inconsistent with this Order are hereby rescinded. The guidelines stated herein shall remain in effect, unless later repealed, amended, or rescinded. This Order shall take effect immediately.




• DepEd Order No. 14, s. 2010

• DepEd Order No. 43, s. 2014

• DepEd Order No. 22, s. 2019

• Executive Order No. 77, s. 2019

• OP Memorandum Circular No. 35, Nov. 22, 2017



Annexes attached with DepEd Order No. 043, s. 2022





Full copy of DepEd DepEd Order No. 043, s. 2022 (as corrected):



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