
DepEd Memo No. 042, s. 2022 | Philippines' Participation and the Selection of the Members of the Delegation to the 12th ASEAN School Games

06 MAY 2022

DepEd Memorandum

No. 042, s. 2022





To:       Undersecretaries

            Assistant Secretaries

            Minister of Basic, Higher, and Technical Education, BARMM

            Bureau and Service Directors

            Regional Directors

            Schools Division Superintendents

            Public and Private Elementary and Secondary School Heads

            All Others Concerned


1. The Department of Education (DepEd) announced the Rescheduling of the Hosting of the 12th ASEAN School Games (ASG) through DepEd Memorandum No. 036, s. 2022 dated April 22, 2022.


2. Pursuant to its international commitment to the ASEAN Schools Sports Council (ASSC) being one of its member-countries, the Philippines shall partake and compete in the 12th ASG to be participated by other ASSC member-countries such as Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.


3. The sports to be played in the annual international schools sports competition are Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Sepaktakraw, Swimming, Table Tennis, and Volleyball. The competitions shall be governed by their respective international rules and regulations unless otherwise amended by the organizing committee in compliance with the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) guidelines with the concurrence of the participating ASSC countries.


4. In connection to the participation of the Philippines to the 12th ASG, a Special Technical Working Committee (STWC) for the selection of the members of the Philippine Delegation shall be constituted, spearheaded by the Bureau of Learner Support Services-Schools Sports Division (BLSS-SSD). The said committee shall formulate policy, guidelines, and rules on the conduct of the most appropriate, efficient and effective manner of identification and selection of the best individual student-athletes and/ or team that will form part of the Philippine delegation.


5. To further aid the STWC in the selection of student-athletes, a National Invitational Sports Competition (NISC) for the seven sports discipline shall be conducted. The primary objective of the Invitationals is to identify the finest and most athletically-talented secondary school student-athletes who shall form part of the Philippine delegation and compete against athletes from other ASSC member countries.


6. The NISC shall be an alternative avenue in the appropriate, efficient, and effective identification and selection of student-athletes in the absence of an organized school sports tournaments or competitions, such as the Palarong Pambansa, due to the effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic.


7. All concerned are enjoined to extend the necessary support and assistance to ensure the successful and effective election of student-athletes that will form part of the Philippine delegation through the National Invitational Sports Competition.


8. Concerned DepEd regional and schools division offices shall provide the necessary support to the the participating student-athletes, including DepEd personnel who will serve as technical officiating officials (referee, judges, umpire), coaches, chaperon, and members of the general and administrative support services of a working committee, through the issuance of a Memorandum authorizing their participation on official business and excusing the student-athletes from their classes. However, it is recommended that necessary arrangement be made by the concerned school for the student-athletes to make up for their missed classes.


9. Enclosed is the 12th ASEAN Schools Games Philippine Delegation National Selection Guidelines and General Information for easy reference.


10. All exp nses relative to the participation of the Philippines to the 12th ASG shall be charged, but not limited to, the 2022 Physical Fitness and School Sports Fund.


11. Moreover, travel expenses to be incurred by BLSS-SSD and non-DepEd personnel, and technical officiating officials relative to their participation to the NISC shall be charged to the 2022 Physical Fitness and School Sports Fund subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. Meals, accommodation, supplemental allowance, and other related expenses shall be shouldered by the host DepEd division offices.


12. Further, all expenses to be incurred by the members of various technical working committees shall be charged to their local funds. On the other hand, travel expenses of coaches, chaperons, and student-athletes shall be charged to their local funds while meals, accommodation, supplemental allowance, and other related expenses shall be shouldered by the host DepEd division offices.


13. All aforementioned expenses are subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations.


14. For more information, all concerned may contact the Bureau of Learner Support Services-Schools Sports Division through email at or at telephone number (02) 8632-0260.


15. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.





Encl: As stated

Reference: DepEd Memorandum Nos. 180, s. 2019; and 036, s. 2022

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:


COMMITTEES                                                  RULES AND REGULATIONS

CONTESTS                                                       SCHOOLS

LEARNERS                                                       SELECTION

OFFICIALS                                                        SPORTS



(Enclosure to DepEd Memorandum No. 042, s. 2022)







Pursuant to its international commitment to the ASEAN Schools Sports Council (ASSC) as one of the member-countries, the Philippines shall host the 12th ASEAN Schools Games (ASG) slated from November 19 to 28, 2022 in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental.


The Department of Education (DepEd), through the Bureau of Learner Support Service~School Sports Division (BLSS-SSD) shall spearhead the hosting of the annual international school sports competition together with DepEd Regional VII, the School Division Offices of Dumaguete City and Negros Oriental Province, and in collaboration with the local government of Dumaguete City and Negros Oriental Province.



The ASG is an annual sports competition organized under the ASSC and participated in by secondary school students from its 10 member countries. 


The event aims to promote ASEAN solidarity in our youth through school sports and provide opportunities for school-athletes to benchmark their sporting talents. ASG also serves as a venue to interact and engage in cultural exchanges within the ASEAN counterparts.


Aside from the Philippines, the participating countries are Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.


Eight sports disciplines shall be played in the 12th ASG namely Athletics (boys/girls), Swimming (boys/girls), Sepaktakraw (boys), Badminton (boys/ girls) Table tennis (boys/ girls), Basketball (boys/ girls), Volleyball (boys/girls), and Archery (boys/girls).




In connection to the participation of the Philippines to the 12th ASG, a Special Technical Working Committee (STWC) for the Selection of the Philippine Delegation shall be constituted, in coordination with the BLSS-SSD. Said committee shall formulate policy, guidelines, and rules on the conduct of the most appropriate, efficient and effective manner of identification and selection of the best individual student-athletes and/ or team that will form part of the Philippine delegation.


A National Invitational Sports Competition for the seven (7) sports discipline namely athletics, swimming, sepaktakraw, badminton, table tennis, basketball, and volleyball shall be conducted. The primary objective of the Invitationals is to identify the finest and most athletically-talented secondary school student-athletes who shall form part of the Philippine delegation and compete against athletes from other ASSC member-countries in eight (8) different sports events.


The National Invitational Sports Competition shall be an alternative avenue in the appropriate, efficient, and effective identification and selection of student-athletes in the absence of organized school sports tournaments or competitions, such as the Palarong Pambansa, due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.



    The National Invitational Sports Competition shall cover the following:

1. The Competition shall be limited to the seven (7) sports discipline to be played in the 12th ASG, as follows: Athletics (boys/girls), Swimming (boys/girls), Sepaktakraw (boys), Badminton (boys/ girls) Table tennis (boys/ girls), Basketball (boys/girls), and Volleyball (boys/girls);

2. As to Archery (boys/ girls), the manner of identifying and selecting student-athletes shall be based on the results of the qualifying tournaments being conducted by its national sports association, World Archery Philippines, Inc formerly known as the National Amateur Archery of the Philippines (NAAP).

3. Participation shall be by invitation based on the following:

a. For measurable sports (athletics, swimming and archery): qualifying time/ score to be determined by the selection committee; and

b. For performance sports: track records of the secondary public or private school with existing active sports team or club.

4. In compliance with the ASSC eligibility requirement, the student-athlete must be 18 years old or younger as of 1st January in the year of the ASG will be conducted. (i.e. players born in 2004 or later will be eligible for the 12th ASG);

5. Bonafide student-athlete enrolled in a public or private school at the time of the competition. Players who are citizen of country "A" but studying full-time in country "B" can only represent country "B"; and

6. Preferably fully-vaccinated student-athletes (two doses of vaccine administered and preferably with booster shot) or an RTPCR negative result (generated 48 hours from testing) for those unvaccinated or have not completed the doses).



1. The National Invitational Sports Competition (NISC) and the selection of student-athletes for the Philippine delegation shall be managed and supervised by the Special Technical Working Committee (STWC) and the BLSS-SSD, with the assistance and collaboration from the DepEd regional offices and schools division offices, and other public and private agencies or institutions, and competent individual/ s.

2. A monitoring group, known as the School Sports Selection Group (SSSG), shall be established for each sports discipline. Three to five (3-5) members shall constitute the SSSG, to be

identified by the BLSS-SSD. 

The primary function of the SSSG is to provide the necessary guidance relative to the conduct of each competition and monitor the overall conduct of each event from the precompetition activities to the final outcome of the games and the actual selection of student-athlete/ s and or team/ s. The SSSG shall also be responsible in ensuring that the competition guidelines are strictly followed.

3. Participation to the NISC shall only be through an official invitation. A set of criteria and qualifying standards shall be developed and observed by the respective SSSG in order to limit

the number of entries/participants to conform with the restrictions set forth by the IATF due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The basis for the qualifying standard of measurable sports, such as athletics and swimming, shall be the official results of the 2019 Palarong Pambansa and the 11th edition of the ASG in Indonesia.

While for performance sports, it shall be based on the performance from previous competitions in basketball, volleyball, sepaktakraw, badminton, table tennis and archery.

4. Generally, the NISC shall be conducted in accordance with the specified protocols and guidelines per Alert Level pursuant to the IATF-MEID Resolution No. 164-D entitled Guidelines on the Nationwide Implementation of Alert Level System for COVID-19 Response (IATF-MEID Resolution No. 164-D).

5. A qualifying leg or cluster competition may be conducted prior to the national competition if deemed necessary due to large number of participants per participating region. Expenses relative to the conduct of and participation to these qualifying leg or cluster competitions shall be charged against the local funds subject to the usual government accounting and auditing rules and regulations.

6. Select participants or teams shall shoulder their travel expenses in going to the official venue of the event and back to their respective places. Expenses to be incurred for travel may be charged against the local funds subject to the usual government accounting and auditing rules and regulations.

7. Accommodation and meals of participants, members of the organizing committee and technical officials shall be provided throughout the duration of the competition including one day for arrival and one day for departure.

8. All concerned offices, schools, officials, individuals, athletes, coaches, participating teams, and other entities who are directly or indirectly involved in the conduct of the National Invitational Sports Competition and the selection of student-athletes shall observe at all times the minimum health standards and safety protocols and shall be mindful of the current policies and guidelines on the Alert Level System being enforced by the local government unit where the official venue of the event is being held.

9. The respective tournament director and officials shall strictly enforce at all times the guidelines on COVID-19 mitigating measures and protection procedures throughout the duration of tournament/ game proper.

10. The SSSG, in coordination with the concerned national and local authorities, shall strictly enforce at all times the updated the standard health and safety protocols.

11. DepEd personnel who have been selected to perform technical and administrative functions such as referees, umpires, scorers, timers, among others shall present the following documents

upon registration:

a. Authority to Travel Documents

a.l. For DepEd employees - approved travel authority duly signed by their respective head of office;

a.2. National Sports Association (member) – official conforme letter from the Association President or Secretary General (or any NSA duly authorized official) authorizing their participation.

b. Proof of Vaccination

c. Medical certificate duly signed by a physician that he/she is physically fit to perform its tasks in NISC.

12. Student-athlete/ s who have been finally selected to be part of the Philippine delegation to compete in the 12th ASG in November 19 to 28, 2022 in Dumaguete City shall be notified through an official communication not later than the last week of July.



Interested student-athlete/sand/or participating teams shall submit the following supporting documents for its participation:

1. Duly accomplished registration form;

2. 2x2 passport size ID picture;

3. Certificate of enrollment from the school principal the student athlete/s is/ are currently enrolled;

4. Proof of vaccination (vaccination card issued by the local government unit or Department of Health vaccination certificate). In the case of unvaccinated student-athletes, a negative RT-PCR or antigen test result taken within 48 hours upon arrival to the venue shall be presented;

5. Photocopy of Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)-issued birth certificate;

6. Medical certificate issued within three (3) months prior to the National Invitational Sports Competition duly signed by the physician stating that the student-athlete is physically fit to compete/participate. The name of the physician should clearly be printed with Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) license number;

7. Letter of Endorsement from the school for student-athlete/ s who will be part of the team of other school/ s;

8. Parental consent with waiver; and

9. Other documents that may be required by the tournament director of each sports discipline.




1. All participants, such as administrative officiating officials, coaches and athletes, must present their proof of vaccination (vaccination card issued by the local government unit or Department of Health vaccination certificate) upon enby to the venue. Likewise, those who were not vaccinated shall present a negative RT-PCR or antigen test within 48 hours before they proceed to initial steps upon arrival in the venue.

2. All participants will undergo antigen test upon arrival. Those with negative result will be directed to their respective billeting areas while for those tested positive, they shall follow the isolation protocol and will undergo confirmatory testing. If confirmed positive, they will be restricted from participation and will likewise adhere to the quarantine protocols set by the local government concerned.

3. The minimum public health standard protocols set by the IATF such as wearing of face mask, washing of hands, and observation of social distancing shall be strictly observed at all times.



1. Sports shall be played in accordance with the current international rules and regulations being implemented by its respective international federation. However, the tournament director may modify, amend, or revise some of the technical rules and regulations for justifiable or

compelling reasons.

2. Referees, umpires, judges, and other technical officials who will officiate in the event must have served in the 2019 regional or national Palarong Pambansa, accredited by DepEd or must possess a license currently issued by its respective national sports association (NSA). Said personnel may preferably come from the NISC host region.

Download DepEd Memorandum No. 042, s. 2022 Here

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