
Launching of Official Automated MLESF Summary Matrix Consolidator

The Integrated School Forms Facebook Page was tasked by the Department of Education's Planning Service - Central Office to officially broadcast the launching of the Official Automated MLESF Summary Matrix Consolidation last August 16, 2021 via Google Meet.      

The short program was interrupted due to technical issues and the video broadcast was cut-off right around the middle of our presentation. Fortunately, the launching continued and we were able to stream it again in our Facebook Page. The videos are available in two (2) parts which are available below.







In order to help our schools to have a ready reference in encoding summarized/initially processed select MLESF data, the PS provides an option of using the Automated Summary Matrix Tool before encoding data to LIS Quick Count.  If or when the school preferred to use their own consolidation tool or strategy, it may do so provided that the data requirement in LIS Quick Count is satisfied and will not cause delay.


The Illustration below shows the basic consolidation method and reporting of selected data from MLESF to Summary Matrix and eventually in LIS Quick Count:



Summary Matrix

LIS Quick Count Facility

C2. Highest Educational Attainment




C2. Highest Educational Attainment

-Select ONLY the individual with Highest Educational Attainment

D1. How many of your household members (including the enrollee) are studying in School Year 2021-2022? Please specify each.

- selection per learner and specific grade level


D1. How many of your household members (including the enrollee) are studying in School Year 2021-2022? -No. of Learner/s in a Household

-Total count/quantity of learner/s studying in schools in SY2021-2022

-if there are 7 or more learners attending classes, select the Column 7 or more.

D2. Who among the household members can provide instructional support to the child’s distance learning? Choose all that applies.

-selection per level of family relationship/non-relative

-extended family

D2. Who among the household members can provide instructional support to the child’s distance learning?

-Selection of an individual or combinations of family or non-family members

-other family member is equivalent to extended family

D3. What devices are available at home that the learner can use for learning? Check all that applies.

-selection of specific and per type of device/gadget or equipment

D3. What devices are available at home that the learner can use for learning?

-Selection of specific/combinations of devices/gadgets/equipment

- General specification of Television (regardless of Cable or Non-Cable TV)

- General specification of Cellular phone (regardless smartphone or basic cellphone)

- Tablet is included under the general classification of Cellular phone if tablet is among the available devices at home.  If tablet is the only device available, select Tablet only in the list

D4. Is there an internet signal in your area? 

-Selection for Yes or No

D4. Is there an internet signal in your area? 

-Selection for Yes or No

Not Needed/Did not Ask

D5. How do you connect to the internet? Choose all that applies.

-selection of specific way/method of connecting to internet service


D5. How do you connect to the internet?

-Selection of particular/combination of methods connecting internet service

D6. What distance learning modality/ies do you prefer for your child? Choose all that applies.

-selection of preferred modality/ies

D6. What distance learning modality/ies do you prefer for your child?

-Selection of specific/combination of preferred modality/ies

-for combination of modalities not specified in the list, choose “blended” learning

D7. What are the challenges that may affect your child’s learning process through distance education? Choose all that applies.

-Selection of challenges

D7. What are the challenges that may affect your child’s learning process through distance education?

-Selection of specific/combination of challenges

E1. In case limited face to face classes will be allowed, are you willing to allow your child/ children to participate?

-Selection for Yes or No

E1. In case limited face to face classes will be allowed, are you willing to allow your child/children to participate?

-Selection for Yes or No

E. Are you willing to allow your child to participate in limited face to face classes? If not, please select the major consideration

-E1 & E2 was combined.

-For the “No” responses, choose major reason or consideration

E.2 If the answer is no , please select only 1 major consideration or state specific reason

- Selection of reason of hesitation

E.2 If the answer is no , please select only 1 major consideration or state specific reason

- Selection of reason of hesitation

General Instructions:

1. Only 1 answer is required, just select one (1) applicable  combination if more than 1 condition is appropriate.

2. The total column must be equal with the number of respondents per grade level (validation apply).

3. Total column per grade level must not exceed to 5000.


For Prospective Adviser

1. Review all MLESF for Accuracy/completeness

2. For question with possible multiple answers, select applicable combination as listed/grouped in this form

3. Submit to Grade Level Enrollment Chair (GLEC) if any or to School Enrollment Focal Person (SEFP).


For Grade Level Enrollment Chair (if any)

1. Review all Summary Matrix submitted by advisers, check for accuracy/completeness

2. Prepare a Summary Matrix with totality for all items/questions of all sections 

3. Submit the Accomplished Summary Matrix (Grade level) to School Enrollment Focal Person (SEFP)


For School Enrollment Focal Person (SEFP)

1. Review all Grade Level Summary Matrix submitted by GLEC, check for accuracy/completeness

2. Prepare a Summary Matrix with totality for all items/questions of all Grade Levels

3. Submit the Accomplished Summary Matrix (School level) to School Head for review and approval and then to LIS System Administrator


For LIS System Administrator

1. Review the School Level Summary Matrix  validate the correctness of enrollment count vis-a-vis the number of respondents

2. Login to LIS and click the QC Folder available in the Dashboard

3. Input total count for each table as appeared in the Summary Matrix.  May use the assigned code as appropriate for easy reference.


For  LARGE SCHOOLS with MORE THAN 4 SECTIONS per grade level

1. Before using the Automated MLESF Summary Consolidator for Large School Excel File, the Grade Level Enrollment Chair will use the

automated MLESF Summary Consolidator for Small School. The Grade Level Enrollment Chair will just rename the following tabsheets into the names of each section

where the prospective adviser will encode his/her consolidated data.

2. The accomplished Summary Matrix MLESF tabsheet will be ready for forwarding to School Enrollment Focal person for encoding in the Automated MLESF

Summary Consolidator for Large School File


To download the files, used in the presentations, please check the links below:
  1. MLESF Summary Matrix Form - Elementary (Small to Medium Size schools)
  2. MLESF Summary Matrix Form - JHS (Small to Medium Size schools)
  3. MLESF Summary Matrix Form - SHS
  4. MLESF Summary Matrix Form - Large Schools Consolidator per Grade Level
  5. MLESF Summary Matrix Form - Large Schools (20 Sections) Grade Level
  6. Powerpoint Presentation used in the broadcast


In order to download the files, please use your DepEd Emails (personal or school accounts) to access the Google Drive. This is to allow our DepEd Personnel as priority users of our templates.

Update as of 19 August 2021 (08:42 PM)

1. All files are being rechecked and re-uploaded due to tabsheet not tallying in D3 and D6.

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