
DepEd Memorandum 001, s. 2025 - Operational Guidelines on the Implementation of Support to Schools for Improved Learning Outcomes

DepEd Memorandum 001, s. 2025

Operational Guidelines on the Implementation of Support to Schools for Improved Learning Outcomes


DepEd Memorandum 001, s. 2025 - Operational Guidelines on the Implementation of Support to Schools for Improved Learning Outcomes


JAN 03 2025



No. 001, s. 2025




To:      Undersecretaries

Assistant Secretaries

Bureau and Service Directors

Regional Directors

Schools Division Superintendents

Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Heads Concerned

All Others Concerned


1. The Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (Republic Act No. 10533) laid the foundation for a globally competitive, inclusive, and responsive basic education system in the Philippines. Introducing the K to 12 Program emphasized the mastery of core competencies and the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills essential for lifelong success. Building on this, DepEd Order No. 021, s. 2019, institutionalized the program, transforming the education landscape by integrating global competencies, aligning teaching strategies with international benchmarks, and promoting educational equity.


2. Aligned with these objectives, the Department of Education (DepEd) has actively participated in international large-scale assessments (ILSA) to measure and improve the quality of education against global standards. Recommendations from various education stakeholders stressed the need for targeted interventions to address resource gaps, strengthen teacher capacity, and enhance learning outcomes.


3. To respond to these challenges and prepare for ILSA 2025 assessment cycle, DepEd issued key guidelines to institutionalize readiness strategies. OO-OSEC-2024-303, issued on December 13, 2024, operationalized the Technical Working Group to coordinate efforts across governance levels. Complementing this, OSEC-OASOPS-2024-Al904, issued on December 18, 2024, introduced the School Readiness Audit to assess infrastructure, teacher capacity, and learner preparedness.


4. This DepEd Memorandum shall apply to all DepEd Regional Offices (excluding BARMM}, Schools Division Offices with identified testing schools under their jurisdiction, and the identified testing schools participating in the 2025 assessment cycle.


5. These guidelines shall establish the procedures and basis for the standards, technical specifications, release, allocation, downloading, utilization, and liquidation of FY 2024-2025 funds under existing budgeting, accounting, auditing, and procurement rules.


6. For more information, contact the Office of the Secretary, 2nd Floor Rizal Building, DepEd Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, at the telephone number (02) 8633-7208 or through email at


7. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.


By Authority of the Secretary




Undersecretary and Chief of Staff



            As stated



DepEd Order No. 021, s. 2019 and (Nos 008 s. 2015, 032 s. 2019, 039 s. 2021, 013 s. 2022, 007 s. 2023, 005, 009, and 013 s. 2024)


To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

            under the following subjects:








(Enclosure to DepEd Memorandum No. 001, s. 2025)




I. Rationale


The Republic Act No. 10533, also known as the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, mandates the Department of Education (DepEd) to ensure every learner acquires the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to develop into a productive and globally competitive citizen. This. legislation reinforces the importance of aligning educational outcomes with international standards to foster lifelong learning and critical thinking.


In line with RA 10533, the DepEd Order No. 021, s. 2019 institutionalized the implementation of the K to 12 Basic Education Program, emphasizing the development of 21st-century skills and the integration of assessments to gauge the global readiness of Filipino learners. The program also highlighted the role of international assessments in benchmarking and improving learning outcomes and basic education system.


The Philippines' participation in international large-scale assessments (ILSA) in 2018 and 2022 revealed critical areas requiring systemic reform. Results demonstrated that Filipino learners performed below global averages in Reading, Mathematics, and Science, pointing out significant gaps in teaching practices, infrastructure, and learner preparedness. While progress was noted in the 2022 results, persistent challenges, including regional disparities, emphasized the urgency of focused and data-driven interventions to enhance educational quality nationwide.


To improve learning outcomes and school familiarity in ILSA, DepEd recognizes the need to institutionalize program support for schools. These guidelines will provide structured support to DepEd Regional. Offices (ROs), Schools Division Offices (SDOs), and identified schools. It aims to address gaps in infrastructure, enhance teaching and learning strategies, and motivate all stakeholders involved in the assessment process.


This DepEd Memorandum shall establish procedures and basis for the standards, technical specifications, release, allocation, downloading, utilization, and liquidation of FY 2024-2025 funds for the program support packages. These packages will be allocated in compliance with existing budgeting, accounting, auditing, procurement rules, and issuances of the Department to guide field offices and ensure transparent and accountable implementation.


II. Scope and Coverage


This DepEd Memorandum shall cover the downloading and utilization of Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 and 2025 funds specifically allocated for the implementation of the Support to Schools for Improved Learning Outcomes. The target beneficiaries of this Memorandum are as follows:


1. DepEd Regional Offices (ROs): All DepEd Regional Offices, excluding BARMM, are covered by these guidelines and shall receive support for their oversight and facilitation roles in familiarity with the ILSA.


2. Schools Division Offices (SDOs): Schools Division Offices overseeing the identified schools shall be supported for administrative and technical coordination activities required for readiness and participation.


3. Identified Testing Schools: The identified testing schools, consisting of both public and private institutions, shall receive program support packages aimed at improving infrastructure, and teaching practices, and learners prepare these guidelines to cover teachers


4. Teachers: Teachers assigned to the identified testing schools, particularly those directly involved relative to familiarity with the test

administration during ILSA 2025 assessment cycle, and to enhance their capacity and motivation.


5. Learners: All learners from the identified testing schools who are to be an eligible sample in the ILSA for the 2025 assessment cycle shall benefit from the program support packages aimed at improving their readiness and participation experience.


The duration of this Memorandum shall extend until May 2025, or until such time that all program support packages have been successfully distributed and utilized in compliance with this policy's parameters.


Ill. Definition of Terms


Central Office (CO): This refers to the DepEd national office, through the National TWG, responsible for the overall management, implementation, and monitoring of the program support packages for schools, including the allocation of funds and policy guidance.


Identified Testing Schools: This refers to the public and private schools selected to participate in ILSA for the 2025 assessment cycle. These schools are designated by DepEd as critical sites for gathering data on learner performance and are prioritized for support and interventions under these guidelines.


International Large-Scale Assessments (ILSA): International large-scale assessments are global benchmarking tools that evaluate the performance of education systems by measuring students' competencies in critical areas. In the Philippines, assessments such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)[PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment): Conducted by the OECD, measures the proficiency of 15-year-old students in Reading, Mathematics, and Science] Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)[TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study): Administered to Grades 4 and 8, assesses Mathematics and Science achievement], Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS)[PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study): Evaluates reading comprehension among Grade 4 learners], International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS)[ICCS (International Civic and Citizenship Education Study): Focuses on learners' civic knowledge, attitudes, and engagement], International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS)[ICILS (International Computer and Information Literacy Study): Measures learners' ability to use technology for problem-solving and communication], and Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM)[SEA-PLM (Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics): Assesses literacy, numeracy, and global citizenship among primary school learners in Southeast Asia] provide valuable data to understand learners' skills in reading literacy, mathematics, science, digital literacy, civic education, and global citizenship. These assessments offer insights into the preparedness of Filipino learners and highlight opportunities for policy reforms and targeted interventions to enhance learning outcomes and align the Philippine education system with international standards.


Program Support Packages: Refers to the comprehensive system established to address resource gaps, enhance preparation, and provide support packages to schools, teachers, and learners for their readiness and participation in ILSA 2025 assessment cycle.

Program Support Fund (PSF): This refers to funds allocated to specific DepEd implementing units to provide targeted support to regions and schools following readiness activities.


Readiness Activities: Structured remediation and enhancement programs designed to prepare learners, teachers, and schools for participation in ILSAs. These activities include mentoring, facilitating learning sessions, implementing readiness strategies, and addressing identified gaps in learner performance, teacher capacity.


Readiness Plan: Refers to a school's or division's detailed action plan outlining strategies, resource utilization, and timelines for preparing learners, teachers, and facilities for ILSAs.


Regional Offices (ROs): Refers to DepEd 's regional administrative offices responsible for overseeing and supporting the implementation of the Program Support at the division and school levels.


Schools Division Offices (SDOs): Refers to the local DepEd offices responsible for implementing and monitoring readiness activities within their jurisdiction, as well as providing technical assistance to schools. Technical Working Group (TWG): Refers to a designated team at the central, regional, division, or school level responsible for planning, implementing, and monitoring readiness activities.


IV. Policy Statement


This policy establishes the guidelines and procedures for the implementation of the Support to Schools for Improved Learning Outcomes, designed to address resource gaps in the identified testing schools and drive improvements in learning outcomes. By fostering equity and excellence in education, this system supports DepEd's broader mission of equipping learners with the skills, knowledge, and competencies they need not only to perform well in ILSA for the 2025 assessment cycle but also to thrive in an increasingly complex and competitive future.


V. Program Support Components


The Program Support consists of three (3) key components:


5.1. Support for Readiness Activities: This component focuses on equipping DepEd Regional Offices, Schools Division Offices, and the 210 identified testing schools with the necessary resources and assistance to improve their overall readiness. The support shall be provided through the following mechanisms:


5.1.1. CO-Driven Infrastructure Support: Central Office-led efforts will address infrastructure needs by providing essential resources to close existing gaps and create an environment conducive to successful participation in ILSAs. These efforts aim to strengthen school facilities and technological capacity, ensuring readiness for the assessment.


5.1.2. Operational Funding: Funds shall be allocated to schools and field offices to address operational requirements. This includes:


a. School MOOE: Schools will receive additional Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) to support utilities for Improved Learning Outcomes and other expenditures aligned with their readiness plans, as approved by their respective SDOs.


b. General Management Support (GMS): Funding under GMS shall provide operational support for learning sessions, including meals, supplies, and learning materials, to create an environment conducive to learner preparation.


c. Provision of Program Support Fund (PSF): This will allow other DepEd strands and offices to extend targeted support to Regional Offices and SDOs, addressing specific challenges identified in their readiness plans.


5.2. Support and Recognition for Participation: This component aims to provide recognition and motivation for the participation of schools, teachers, and learners in ILSAs. The program support aims to encourage continued commitment and foster excellence in their respective roles. The categories include:


5.2.1. School Support: Schools participating in the ILSAs will receive recognition for their efforts, including both operational and institutional support to acknowledge their role in the assessment process and to encourage the continuation of readiness activities.


5.2.2. Teacher Support: Teachers involved in activities to familiarize themselves with the ILSAs will receive specific support to acknowledge their contribution and commitment to preparing learners for the ILSA. These programs also aim to motivate teachers to further enhance their teaching strategies aligned with international standards.


5.2.3. Learner Support: Learners participating in ILSAs will be provided with additional resources and support. These are designed to encourage their active involvement in readiness activities and the main survey.


5.3. Support and Recognition for Top Performers: This component is designed to reward regions, divisions, schools, teachers, and learners based on their performance in ILSAs. The program support aims to recognize excellence and motivate stakeholders to sustain and further improve learning outcomes. The rewards will be categorized into two types:


5.3.1. Performance Support and Recognition: program support is provided to regions, divisions, and schools as recognition of collective efforts in achieving exceptional performance. These may include funding for institutional development, additional operational resources, or recognition awards. for Improved Learning Outcomes


5.3.2. Individual Performance Support and Recognition: program support targeted toward teachers and learners who contribute significantly to overall performance. These rewards may include recognition, monetary, or resources to support their continued excellence and engagement in education.


VI. Procedures


6.1. Support for Readiness Activities:


6.1.1. To operationalize support for school initiatives that contribute to improved learning outcomes, the Department shall adopt various financing strategies:


a. Allocation of Additional Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) to Schools and Field Offices: Schools and field offices are encouraged to optimize both their existing and additional MOOE allocations to support initiatives that directly enhance learning outcomes;


b. Provision of Program Support Funds: Allocate Program Support Funds from other DepEd programs that align with and reinforce these initiatives;


c. Utilization of the Special Education Fund (SEF): In coordination with the Local School Board and compliance with Joint Circular No. 1, s. 2017 (Revised Guidelines on the Use of Special Education Fund), SEF shall be utilized to support eligible programs and activities; and


d. Support from External, Private, and Development Partners: Explore and leverage partnerships with external, private, and development organizations to provide additional resources and funding for school initiatives.


6.1.2. The additional allocation of MOOE to schools shall be used to fund the following:


a. Conduct learning sessions, including the provision of meals for teachers and learners, and the production of required learning materials during these sessions;

b. Provision of communication expenses for volunteer teachers, not exceeding Php 300 per month;


c. Provision of transportation expenses for volunteer teachers, not exceeding Php 200 per learning session; and


d. Coverage of other expenses necessary to help schools fulfill their responsibilities as outlined in Sections 6.2 and 9.4. of these guidelines.


6.1.3. Additional funding shall also be allocated to Regional, Schools Division Offices, and Schools to cover expenses associated with fulfilling their responsibilities and conducting activities outlined in Sections 6.2, 9.2, and 9.3 of these guidelines.


6.1.4. Regional and School Division Offices may also provide additional funding to schools from their respective budgets to support readiness preparations and culminating activities that recognize participation in ILSAs directly contributing to improved learning outcomes.


6.1.5. Separate guidelines shall be issued regarding the use of funds by the respective bureaus and services for the Program Support Funds allocated by other DepEd programs.


6.1.6. All expenditures for the purposes mentioned above shall be subject to the usual budgeting and accounting rules and regulations.


6.2. Support and Recognition for Participation:


6.2.1. School Support: To address identified resource gaps and further support school-level initiatives, these guidelines also include additional assistance based on audit findings, allocation of resources for post-assessment activities, and recognition of efforts by stakeholders.


a. The identified testing schools shall be provided with additional assistance based on the findings of the school readiness audit conducted pursuant to OSEC-OASOPS-2024-A 1904, testing schools identified as lacking the necessary resources. Such assistance may be extended by the DepEd through the External Partnership Services, subject to applicable laws, rules, and regulations;


b. As outlined in Section 6.1 of these guidelines, the identified testing schools may allocate additional funding for the conduct of post-assessment activities, including, but not limited to, culminating activities for learners, teaching and non-teaching personnel, and external partners, to duly acknowledge their contributions to the successful implementation of the ILSAs;


c. Regional Offices and Schools Division Offices are further authorized to organize region-wide or division-wide post-assessment recognition activities to honor the efforts of identified schools and their respective partners, subject to the availability of funds; and


d. The identified testing schools shall be exempt from requiring their identified learners to participate in any region-wide or division-wide activities, consistent with the provisions of Section 6.2.3.C of these guidelines, to ensure that such learners are allowed to focus exclusively on their preparation and participation in the ILSAs.


6.2.2. Teacher Support: In addition to the support packages outlined in Section 6.1 of these guidelines, teachers participating in readiness activities shall be entitled to the following benefits, subject to applicable issuances and policies of the Department:


a. Teachers handling responsibilities during readiness activities may qualify for additional compensation in the form of teaching overload. Such compensation shall strictly adhere to the provisions of DepEd Order No. 5, s. 2024 (Rationalization of Teachers' Workload in Public Schools and Payment of Teaching Overload);


b. Teachers engaged in readiness activities, may also qualify for the grant of Vacation Service Credits (VSC). The eligibility for and computation of such credits shall be governed by DepEd Order No. 13, s. 2024 or the Revised Guidelines on the Grant of Vacation Service Credits (VSC) for Teachers;


c. Participation in readiness activities may be eligible for service credits and professional merits. These grants shall be in accordance with the provisions of DepEd Order No. 7, s. 2023 (Guidelines on Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment of Personnel); and


d. The involvement of teachers in readiness activities is an opportunity to enhance their professional portfolio. Their contributions may be considered for recognition and future career advancement opportunities, aligning with DepEd's broader goals for workforce development.


6.2.3. Learner Support: Learners selected to participate in and successfully complete the ILSA 2025 assessment cycle shall be entitled to the following forms of recognition and support, subject to the applicable issuances and policies of the Department:


a. Participating learners may receive additional grades, which will be determined based on their performance, subject to the provisions of DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015, or the Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program;


b. Learners who complete the ILSA shall be awarded certificates of recognition and medals to recognize their contributions and efforts. These awards shall be presented during the school's Recognition Day, as part of the institutional acknowledgment of exemplary achievement in co-curricular domains; and


c. Learners actively engaged in readiness activities for ILSAs shall be exempt from participating in the activities outlined in DepEd Order No. 9, s. 2024, Implementing Guidelines on the School Calendar and Activities for the School Year 2024-2025. This exemption ensures learners can dedicate their time and focus to readiness activities without conflicting obligations.


6.3. Support and Recognition for Top Performers:


6.3.1. Specific guidelines detailing the standards, allocation processes, and reward mechanisms for this component will be issued in a separate Memorandum to ensure clarity, consistency, and transparency in implementation.


VII. Roles and Responsibilities


7.1. Central Office (CO): The DepEd CO through the National Technical Working Group (TWG) shall oversee the overall implementation of these guidelines and provide guidance, support, and monitoring to ensure its successful execution. Specifically, the CO shall:


7.1.1. Spearheaded the development and dissemination of the guidelines for the Support to Schools for Improved Learning Outcomes.


7.1.2. Facilitate the allocation and downloading of funds, including additional MOOE, PSF, and operational funding, to Regional Offices and Schools Division Offices.


7.1.3. Develop and maintain the Readiness reports to monitor program support allocation, readiness status, and progress updates.


7.1.4. Lead orientations, convergence meetings, and capacity building, through the DepEd TWG Members, specifically the External Partnership Services (EPS), Information and Communication Technology Services (ICTS), Public Affairs Service (PAS), Planning Service (PS), the Bureau of Educational Assessment (BEA), Bureau of Learning Delivery (BLD), National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP), Bureau of Human


7.1.5. Issue separate guidelines for the Support and Recognition for Top Performers component.


7.1.6. Develop supplemental guidelines and issue memoranda related to the Program Support Packages; and


7.1.7. Monitor the allocation and utilization of funds across governance levels, ensuring compliance with budgeting and accounting standards.


7.1.8. Evaluate the impact of these guidelines on readiness for ILSA and outcomes, providing feedback for continuous improvement.


7.2. Regional Offices (ROs): The ROs shall act as the intermediary between the Central Office and Schools Division Offices, ensuring that the program is effectively implemented across divisions and schools. Specifically, the ROs shall:


7.2.1. Convene Regional TWGs to oversee readiness activities and program support allocation.


7.2.2. Coordinate with SDOs and schools to ensure the timely implementation of readiness activities and the distribution of program support packages.


7.2.3. Consolidate reports from SDOs, including school audit results and regional progress updates, and submit these to the Central Office within the prescribed timeline.


7.2.4. Facilitate the distribution of materials, guidelines, and funds to SDOs and schools.


7.2.5. Monitor the utilization of funds and ensure compliance with existing budgeting, accounting, and auditing rules.


7.2.6. Provide technical guidance to SDOs and schools on the implementation of readiness plans and utilization of program support.


7.2.7. Oversee the deployment of specialized teachers to support schools in addressing learning gaps, particularly in math and science.


7.2.8. Identify and address any challenges in readiness efforts through co-planning with the CO and SDOs.


7.3. Schools Division Offices (SDOs): SDOs shall implement these guidelines at the school level, ensuring compliance with this DepEd Memorandum. Responsibilities include:


7.3.1. Ensure the effective dissemination of materials, funds, and guidelines to the identified schools within their division.


7.3.2. Coordinate the conduct of readiness activities, ensuring compliance with the prescribed timelines and procedures.


7.3.3. Provide technical support and mentoring to school heads and teachers involved in readiness activities.


7.3.4. Consolidate and review readiness reports, submitting division-level reports to the Regional Office on time.


7.3.5. Monitor the implementation of these guidelines and provide feedback to the Regional Office regarding challenges and best practices.


7.3.6. Organize learner review sessions and support strategies, including deploying targeted resources to underperforming schools.


7.4. Schools: The identified testing schools shall implement the readiness and participation activities in alignment with the DepEd Memorandum. Responsibilities include:


7.4.1. Conduct school-level readiness activities and policy implementation as prescribed by the guidelines and submit results to the respective SDO within the agreed timeline.


7.4.2. Utilize the additional MOOE and other program support in alignment with approved readiness plans.


7.4.3. Implement readiness activities, including learner review sessions, teacher mentoring, and targeted intervention programs.


7.4.4. Monitor learner progress and ensure active participation in readiness activities.


7.4.5. Submit regular updates and reports to the SDO on the status of readiness activities and the utilization of program support packages.


7.4.6. Collaborate with parents and community stakeholders to create a supportive environment for learner preparation and success.


VIII. Monitoring and Evaluation


8.1. The National Technical Working Group (TWG), in collaboration with the Regional Technical Working Group (RTWG) and the Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) of the respective Schools Division Offices (SDOs), shall ensure the systematic monitoring of the implementation of these operational guidelines under the established Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Plan. The aforementioned implementing units are directed to prepare and submit periodic readiness reports to the Department, detailing the following:


a. Allocation and utilization of program support funds; 

b. Completion of infrastructure upgrades and the provision of requisite learning materials; and

c. Progress updates on teacher training and the conduct of learning sessions.


8.2. The National TWG, RTWG, and CID shall solicit feedback on the implementation of these operational guidelines from relevant internal and external stakeholders. Based on the feedback received, the aforementioned entities shall implement appropriate interventions to address identified challenges and ensure the successful execution of the objectives of these guidelines.


8.3. The National TWG, in coordination with the RTWG and CID, shall conduct an evaluation of the impact of these guidelines on the performance of schools participating in ILSAs, including but not limited to the 2025 assessment cycle. The findings of this evaluation shall inform the development of recommendations aimed at improving DepEd's continuous participation in ILSAs and enhancing its overall preparedness for future cycles.


IX. Effectivity


This Memorandum shall take effect immediately upon its approval. All other orders, issuances, rules, and regulations which are inconsistent with the provisions of these guidelines are repealed and rescinded accordingly.


X. References


Republic Act No. 10533 - An Act Enhancing the Philippine Basic Education System by Strengthening Its Curriculum and Increasing the Number of Years for Basic Education, Appropriating Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes


DepEd Order No. 021, s. 2019 - Policy Guidelines on the K to 12 Basic Education Program


DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 - Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program


DepEd Order No. 7, s. 2023 - Guidelines on Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment of Personnel


DepEd Order No. 5, s. 2024 - Rationalization of Teachers' Workload in Public Schools and Payment of Teaching Overload


DepEd Order No. 9, s. 2024 - Implementing Guidelines on the School Calendar and Activities for the School Year 202'4-2025


DepEd Order No. 13, s. 2024 - Revised Guidelines on the Grant of Vacation Service Credits (VSC) for Teachers


DBM-DILG-DepEd Joint Circular No. 1, s. 2017 - Revised Guidelines on the Use of Special Education Fund



A full copy of DepEd Memorandum No. 001, s. 2025 below:

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