
DepEd Memorandum 029, s. 2024 - Learners' Convergence Philippines 2024

DepEd Memorandum 029, s. 2024

Learners' Convergence Philippines 2024


DepEd Memorandum No. 029, s. 2024, outlines the plans for the Learners' Convergence Philippines (LearnCon PH) 2024, set to take place from July 8 to 13, 2024, in Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu. This event, guided by DepEd Order No. 003, s. 2024, aims to engage learners, youth leaders, and education stakeholders from across the Philippines in activities that promote leadership, cultural understanding, and civic engagement. The theme for this year's event is "#GalingKabataan: Pagsulong nang may Tatag; Pagtaguyod ng Lipunang Maunlad." The memorandum details the objectives, collaboration with various DepEd divisions, participation guidelines, and funding arrangements, emphasizing voluntary participation and adherence to existing DepEd policies.



Table of Contents:

1. Policy Cover

2. Objectives of LearnCon PH 2024

3. Theme and History

4. Collaboration and Hosting

5. Working Committees

6. Participation and Attendance

7. Overall Supervision and Coordination

8. Compliance with DepEd Guidelines

9. Administrative and Other Forms

10. Registration and Expenses

11. FundSupport

12. CostofAttendance

13. QueriesandClarifications

14. Enclosure No. 1 : Administrative Guidelines

15. Enclosure No. 2 : Schools Division Office Pre- Registration Form

16. Enclosure No. 3 :Parental Consent and Waiver Form

17. Enclosure No. 4 : Regional Confirmation Form

18. Enclosure No. 5 : Pre-Activity Cluster Groups

19. Enclosure No. 6 : Booth Festival General Guidelines

20. Enclosure No. 7 : Indicative Program of Activities.

21. Full Copy of DepEd Memorandum No. 029, s. 2024



DepEd Memorandum 029, s. 2024 - Learners' Convergence Philippines 2024


JUN 18 2024



No. 029, s. 2024





To:      Undersecretaries

Assistant Secretaries

Bureau and Service Directors

Minister, Basic, Higher, and Technical Education, BARMM

Regional Directors

Schools Division Superintendents

Public and Private Elementary and Secondary School Heads

All Others Concerned


1. Pursuant to DepEd Order (DO) No. 003, s. 2024 titled Amendment to DepEd Order No. 022, s. 2023 (Implementing Guidelines on the School Calendar and Activities for the School Year 2023-2024), the Department of Education (DepEd) Operations Strand, through the Bureau of Learner Support Services-Youth Formation Division (BLSS-YFD), will conduct the Learners' Convergence Philippines (LearnCon PH) 2024 from July 8 to 13, 2024 at Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu.


2. The LearnCon PH is the largest face-to-face engagement of learners, youth leaders, and education stakeholders representing the 228 schools division offices (SDOs) from the 17 regions of the country. This Convergence provides learner participants with the unique opportunity to not only gain insights from esteemed speakers and engaging activities but also to enrich their learning experience through interaction with one another, fostering a deeper understanding of diverse cultures across the country, and honing them to become effective leaders in their respective communities. Specifically, the LearnCon PH 2024 hopes to achieve the following objectives to have a genuine engagement with DepEd.


a. Cite key DepEd key programs, projects, policies, and development opportunities for learners and educators. 

b. Share inputs, recommendations, and concrete initiatives to help solve challenges faced by the communities.

c. Participate in knowledge-sharing and problem-solving platforms on various issues. that concern the youth and their communities.

d. Lead efforts in civic engagement, health and well-being, gender and social inclusion, climate action, innovation and future readiness, culture and arts, and peace.

e. Network with a diverse community of advocates in delivering meaningful, responsive, and impactful change.


3. The upcoming Convergence, with the theme, #GalingKabataan: Pagsulong nang may Tatag; Pagtaguyod ng Lipunang Maunlad, marks the third edition, commencing with the Philippine Youth Convergence (PVC) in 2022 at Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, and continuing with the rebranded Learners' Convergence Philippines (LearnCon PH) in 2023 at Marikina City.


4. This year's Convergence shall be conducted in collaboration with the BLSSSchool Health Division (SHD), BLSS-School Sports Division (SSD), Learner Rights and Protection Office (LRPO), Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Service (DRRMS), External Partnerships Service (EPS), and Private Education Office (PEO). It shall be hosted by DepEd Region VII and the SDO of Lapu-Lapu City, together with the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Lapu-Lapu City.


5. The BLSS-YFD shall convene the different Working Committees, which will be composed of members representing various offices in DepEd, LGU, host region and division, to assist the implementation of all preparatory activities, event proper, and event evaluation and monitoring.


6. The Undersecretaries, Assistant Secretaries, Minister of Basic, Higher, and Technical Education of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), Bureau and Service Directors, representatives of invited offices, and members of the Working Committees are invited to attend the said activity.


7. The BLSS-YFD shall oversee the overall planning, preparation, implementation, and evaluation of the LearnCon PH 2024, and shall work in close coordination with the Office of the Regional Director, DepEd Region VII, SDO of Lapu-Lapu City, and LGU of Lapu-Lapu City, which shall provide the necessary administrative and logistical support and assistance to the activity.


8. Participation in the LearnCon PH 2024 shall be purely voluntary and will not hamper instructional time pursuant to the provisions set in DO 003, s. 2024 and DO 022, s. 2023 titled Implementing Guidelines on the School Calendar and Activities for the School Year 2023-2024.


9. Furthermore, the regional and schools division offices shall ensure strict compliance with the existing DepEd guidelines concerning in-person activities as outlined in DO 003, s. 2023 titled An Order Allowing the Conduct of In-person Activities in Schools, and DO 66, s. 2017 titled Implementing Guidelines on the Conduct of Off-campus Activities. In line with Department's commitment to prioritizing the best interest of learners in all decisions and actions involving them, and to protecting them against any form of abuse, violence, exploitation, discrimination, and bullying, full adherence to DO 40, s. 2012 titled DepEd Child Protection Policy, and DO 031, s. 2022 titled Child Rights Policy: Adopting the Rights-Based Education Framework in Philippine Basic Education must be observed.


10. For ease of reference, contained in this DepEd Memorandum are the administrative guidelines, pre-registration form, parental consent and waiver form, confirmation form, assigned cluster groups for the pre-activity, and general guidelines for the booth festival in the following enclosures:


Enclosure No. 1      :           Administrative Guidelines,

Enclosure No. 2      :           Schools Division Office Pre- Registration Form,

Enclosure No. 3      :           Parental Consent and Waiver Form,

Enclosure No. 4      :           Regional Confirmation Form,

Enclosure No. 5      :           Pre-Activity Cluster Groups,

Enclosure No. 6      :           Booth Festival General Guidelines, and

Enclosure No. 7      :           Indicative Program of Activities.


11. There shall be no registration fee to be collected and/ or charged to all delegates for participating in the LearnCon PH 2024. Expenses for the board and lodging of selected participants and chaperones from the schools division office assigned by the schools division superintendent (SDS) shall be charged to Learner Support Program 2024 Funds. Travel expenses and other incidental expenses of selected participants and Project Development Officers shall be charged to Local Funds, Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE), Local School Board-Special Education Fund (LSB-SEF), and other fund source/s, subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations.


12. Fund support to cover all LearnCon PH 2024 expenses including venues, as well as the board and lodging, transportation, and other expenses of the members of the Working Committees relevant to the actual conduct of the LearnCon PH 2024 shall be downloaded to the SDO Lapu-Lapu City for hosting the event charged to the LSP 2024 Funds subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations.


13. Cost of attendance of the members of the Executive Committee and Management Committee, as well as the representatives of the various offices invited to the LearnCon PH 2024, shall be charged to their respective local office funds.


14. For questions and clarifications, all concerned may contact the LearnConPH Secretariat through email at


15. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.


By Authority of the Secretary:








            As stated



DepEdOrder(Nos.003,s. 2024;022, s 2023;031, s.2022;66, s.2017; and 40, s. 2012)

DepEd Memorandum No. 051, s. 2023


To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

under the following subjects:










(Enclosure No. 1 to DepEd Memorandum No. 029, s. 2024)






A. General Guidelines


1. To ensure maximum participation, all Schools Division Offices (SDOs) are hereby requested to select eight (8) representatives, consisting of six (6) learners and two (2) chaperones. Selection should be based on the following composition, qualifications and criteria:


a. Learners (3 males and 3 females)

a.1. bona.fide secondary school learner by School Year 2024-2025;

a.2. with good moral character;

a.3. physically fit and capable of participating actively and collaboratively in all activities; and

a.4. able to represent any of the following learner-representations:

i. one (1) incoming President of the Division Federation of Supreme Secondary LearnerGovernment (SY: 2024-2025);

ii. one (1) private secondary school learner-representative (preferably the President of their student council)

iii. four (4) public secondary learner-representatives who are elected as president or officer of the following:

a) sports-related learner organization;

b) health-related learner organization;

c) disaster risk reduction and management-related learner organization;

d) Child Protection Committee (CPC) or any recognized learner rights and protection-related organization


b. Chaperones (1 male and 1 female)

b.1. with good office standing and professional ethics;

b.2. holds a regular position as Project Development Officer I designated as the Division Youth Formation Coordinator, assigned or identified by the Schools Division Superintendent (SOS);

b.3. able to provide guidance to the learner-representatives all throughout the event; 

b.4. with relevant experience in youth formation programs, projects, activities, and engagements;

b.5. physically fit and capable of participating actively in all activities; and

b.6. able to perform all the tasks expected of them.


2. If Project Development Officers are not available to serve as chaperones, the SDO, through their SOS, may assign other non-teaching personnel from the SDO to assume the role.


3. The designated chaperones shall serve as the focal persons of their respective division delegation.


a. Chaperones shall coordinate closely with the learner-representatives and shall provide assistance in the completion and submission of the following requirements:

a. signed SDO Pre-Registration Form (Enclosure No. 2)

b. signed Parental Consent and Waiver Form (Enclosure No. 3)

c. Medical Certificate issued by the SDO Medical Officer; and

d. scanned copy of:

i. school identification card for the learner-representatives; and

ii. employee identification card for the chaperones.


b. For reference, editable forms may be downloaded and accessed through this link: [].


4. The designated chaperones, after the completion of all required documents, shall:


a. input the necessary information of the participants in the Learn Con PH 2024 Online Registration Form (ORF) via Microsoft Forms: [];


b. submit via email an endorsement letter, along with the required documents, to the Regional Office (RO) for consolidation, on or before Wednesday, June 19,2024; and


c. provide the LearnCon PH Secretariat an advance copy of the endorsement letter and the required documents via email to using the subject line: SDO Delegates_[Region]_[SDO].


5. The Regional Offices, upon receipt of the endorsement letter from their respective divisions, shall ensure that documents are well-compiled and documented. Afterwards, ROs shall immediately acknowledge the official list and documents submitted.


a. The RO shall transmit the following documents via email to the LearnCon PH Secretariat (through, with subject: [Region]_Official List of LCPH 2024 Participants) on or before Friday, June 21, 2024, the Regional Confirmation Form (Enclosure No. 4) signed by the Regional Director, and saved in one PDF file; and


b. the accessible link to a OneDrive folder which contains:

i. the official list participants of their SDOs,

ii. signed Parental Consent and Waiver Forms of all learner representatives;

iii. medical certificates issued by the SDO Medical Officer; and

iv. scanned identification cards; and

v. proof of insurance coverage.


6. The Regional Offices shall ensure that all information sent by the SDOs are translated completely and accurately in the Regional Confirmation Form, signed by the Regional Director, as this will be considered as the official and final list of delegates from the Region.


7. The Schools Division Offices (SDOs), through the designated chaperones, shall notify via email the LearnCon PH Secretariat of their travel details and statuses prior to their arrival at the Convergence venue. This will serve as the Technical Working Group's foundation for establishing transportation mechanisms.


8. The SDOs, ROs, and designated chaperones shall duly inform the LearnCon PH Secretariat prior to the Convergence of any changes to the delegate's participation, travel arrangements, or other logistical aspects. Adjustments will be made as deemed necessary.


9. The LearnCon PH Secretariat shall release updated advisory/ies prior to the Convergence to further orient the participants on the program's overall flow of activities and additional guidelines.


B. Participation of Private School and BARMM Participants


1. Promoting diversity and inclusion, the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) and private schools are highly encouraged to participate in the said event.


2. The travel expenses, personal insurance, and other incidental expenses of private school learner-representatives shall be charged to their own account, while expenses of BARMM participants shall be charged to their local funds.


3. All private school learner-representatives and BARMM participants shall be accommodated in the billeting areas together with their respective regional representatives.


4. No registration fee shall be collected from participants from BARMM and private schools to cover venue rental, training kits, and meals.


5. No additional chaperone shall be dedicated to private school learner-representatives. The two (2) chaperones identified by the SDO shall also be the chaperone of the private school learner-representative, as they represent the same division. However, if a private school chaperone wishes to join, all arrangements and expenses in relation to his/her attendance must be made and charged to his/her account.


C. Participation of the NFSSLG Officers (School Year 2023-2024)


1. The officers and board members of the National Federation of Supreme Secondary Learner Government (NFSSLG) shall:


a. have an automatic slot in the Convergence, separate from the SDO delegations; and

b. serve as part of the Technical Working Group during the preparations for the conduct of Learn Con PH.


D. Participation of the Regional Youth Formation Coordinators (RYFCs) and Members of the Pambansang Samahan ng mga Tagapaghubog ng Pilipinas (PSTP)


1. The RYFCs and National PSTP Officers shall serve as part of the Technical Working Group in the Convergence. The LearnCon PH Secretariat shall coordinate with them on their specific duties and responsibilities;


2. In cases where the RYFCs cannot participate in the Convergence, the Regional Director shall designate an alternate RYFC to serve. The alternate RYFC shall not be a chaperone assigned for the SDO delegates; and


3. RYFCs, or their designated alternates, shall serve as the chaperones of the NFSSLG Board Members and Officers during the Convergence.




A. Arrival of Participants


1. All participants shall arrive at their assigned billeting areas on Monday, July 8, 2024 from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 n.n.


2. Participants traveling by air will be picked up at the airport from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 n.n. by the assigned members of the Transportation Committee. Meanwhile, participants traveling by land and by sea shall proceed directly to their assigned billeting areas and will be accommodated by the Registration Committee.


3. Upon arrival, all participants must present their identification card (school ID for learner participants, while employee ID for chaperones) to the Secretariat for attendance, verification, room assignments, and kit distribution.


B. No Registration Fee


No registration fee shall be collected and/ or be charged to all delegates for participating in the Learners' Convergence PH 2024. Furthermore, no fees shall be collected for other purposes associated with participating in the Convergence, such as, but not limited to, the provision of meals, processing of documents, transportation, accommodation in billeting schools, and admission to facilities and venues.


C. Billeting and Accommodation


1. All participants will be billeted at the identified public schools in Lapu-Lapu City. Accommodation will run from 7:00 a.m. on Monday, July 8, 2024, until 12:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 13, 2024.


2. The LearnCon PH Secretariat shall communicate to the regions the assigned billeting schools for the participants.


3. Any other expenses incurred while at the Convergence venues, such as phone calls, internet connectivity, personal meal orders, and the like, will not be covered by the organizers and must be charged to the participants' own account. Participants must also bring their own personal hygiene kits and personal medicines.


D. Meals


1. The first meal to be served is lunch on Monday, July 8, 2024, while the last meal will be a.m. snacks on Saturday, July 13, 2024.


2. Additional advisory /ies on the mechanisms for meal distribution shall be communicated to all regional offices and SDOs prior to the Convergence;


E. Activities


1. The program of activities will be followed as planned. In case of changes, the organizers will duly inform the participants during plenary sessions to guide them throughout the program. Only announcements made by the LearnCon PH Secretariat and organizers shall be recognized as official.


2. The Secretariat shall duly respond to the questions and concerns of the participants, especially those not covered by previously released communications.


F. Participation


1. All delegates shall actively participate and fruitfully engage in all the activities and sessions. Participants are highly encouraged to interact and collaborate with each other.


2. The LearnCon PH Secretariat, resource persons, and activity facilitators shall guide the participants through the activities and sessions and shall respond to queries and concerns about the activities.


G. Event Rules


1. The BLSS-Youth F01mation Division, in consultation with the LearnCon PH Secretariat, is the head authority on all matters pertaining to the Convergence.


2. To ensure everyone's health, safety, and well-being, all participants must adhere to the minimum public health standards and protocols and to the learner rights and protection guidelines. Participants shall also be guided by the event's contingency plan throughout the activity.


3. All participants, organizers, partners, and service providers involved in the Convergence shall adhere to the principles of social inclusion, recognizing diversity of backgrounds and identities. The BLSS-Youth Formation Division and the LearnCon PH Secretariat shall establish necessary arrangements, rules, and regulations to ensure safe spaces for all participants, especially the learners.


4. If there are additional rules and regulations, the LearnCon PH Secretariat will immediately inform the participants for guidance. Only rules and regulations released by BLSS-Youth Formation Division and the LearnCon PH Secretariat shall be recognized as official.


H. Roles and Responsibilities


1. To ensure that everyone is held accountable for their own actions during the event, everyone is expected to carry out the following minimum assigned duties and responsibilities. To cite:


a. Learner participants shall:

a. l. actively participate in LearnCon PH 2024 activities;

a.2. contribute to the creation of session outputs, provide relevant inputs, and constructive feedback as directed by the session facilitators and resource persons;

a.3. maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the billeting areas and other event venues;

a.4. practice decorum all throughout the event;

a.5. communicate issues and concerns to the assigned chaperones or the LerunCon PH Secretariat in a polite and respectful manner;

a.6. follow the prescribed dress codes and LearnCon PH ID during sessions;

a.7. not bring or possess prohibited articles, such as but not limited to deadly weapons, drugs, alcohol, toxic and noxious substances, cigarettes, and pornographic materials into the LearnCon PH 2024 premises (event venue or billeting areas), and

a.8. perform other tasks assigned/requested by the LearnCon PH Secretariat.


b. Chaperones shall:

b. l. ensure that leru·ner participants are safe and ru·e able to enjoy themselves all throughout the event. Chaperones are the persons to whom the learners should look for guidance, protection, clarification, and support;

b.2. assist and serve as mentor to the learner participants during the pre-work activity phase;

b.3. exercise parental authority and responsibility over the learners under their supervision, instruction, and custody; authority shall apply to all authorized activities whether inside or outside the premises of the Learn Con PH venues and billeting areas;

b.4. ensure that emergency contact details are readily available and can be contacted, whenever necessary;

b.5. maintain a calm and composed behavior in cases of emergency and in stressful situations;

b.6. appropriately address any misbehaviors from learners and other participants and be able to escalate concerns to the appropriate offices or persons, whenever necessary;

b.7. practice decorum, pro-social behavior, and non-violent discipline upon the learner participants all throughout the event; in no case shall corporal punishment be inflicted upon the participants;

b.8. be knowledgeable with the safeguarding policies and procedures, event rules, and other safety and security protocols required of them to perform;

b.9. protect learner participants from bad company and prevent them from acquiring habits detrimental to their health, participation, and morals; and

b.10. perform duties imposed on them by existing DepEd policies, as substitute parents or guardians.


I. Security and Valuables


1. All participants must tal<e care of their own personal belongings and refrain from leaving their valuables unattended throughout the event. The LearnCon PH Secretariat will not be held liable for any loss and damage of personal belongings while in the event.


2. Should there be any untoward incidents during the event, the participants shall inform the LearnCon PH Secretariat as soon as possible for immediate action.


J. Attire

All participants must wear decent and non-revealing clothing (e.g., organization or club shirt, collared shirt, long sleeves and slacks, pencil cut, and below the knee skirts).






Monday, July 8, 2024

LearnCon PH Shirt


Tuesday, July 9, 2024

LearnCon PH Shirt – LGU of Lapu-Lapu City-sponsored shirt


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Active wear / P.E. Uniform


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Organization or club shirt


Friday, July 12, 2024

LGU Cebu City-sponsored shirt


Saturday, July 13, 2024

Casual attire


K. Wearing of Identification card (ID)


LearnCon IDs must always be worn for security reasons. No one shall be permitted to enter the LearnCon venues without ID.


L. Health and Safety Protocols


1. All learner participants and chaperones are presumed to be in good health. Those who are exhibiting any symptoms of illness shall inform the LearnCon PH Secretariat about their medical conditions and needs and shall be discouraged from attending the event activity.


2. The LearnCon PH Secretariat shall address the medical needs of the participants. Expenses in this regard shall be charged against LearnCon contingency fund and/ or the participants' own account. For safety and for any emergency, there will be medical staff stationed at the venue and in billeting areas for the entire duration of the event.


3. For the health and safety of all participants, the Learn Con PH 2024 shall abide by the following conditions:


a. Pre-Event

a. l. A designated isolation area must be identified in case a participant manifests any sign or symptom of any communicable disease.

a.2. The LearnCon PH Secretariat shall coordinate with the DOH or host City Health must be done to ensure the availability of health personnel and seek the support of and partner with mental health associations in respective areas, if possible, to assist in ensuring the mental wellness of the entire delegation.

a.3. Respective billeting schools are responsible for ensuring sanitation in the sleeping areas, comfort rooms, and other public use facilities, as stipulated in existing DepEd policies.

a.4. The host city shall ensure 24 / 7 availability of medical provision.


b. At the Billeting Areas

b. l. The delegation is responsible for reporting any signs and symptoms of any communicable disease to the LearnCon PH Secretariat.

b.2. Learner participants and chaperones who exhibit symptoms of any communicable disease shall be immediately placed in an isolation area while preparing for transport to the appropriate facility.

b.3. All participants shall follow the existing approved protocols of the billeting schools.

b.4. All participants are highly encouraged to wear face masks.


c. During Event

c. l. All event activities shall adopt safety protocols prescribed by the LearnCon PH Secretariat.

c.2. LearnCon PH Secretariat shall monitor any delegate who exhibits flu-like symptoms.

c.3. Throughout the activities, both the participants and working committees are still encouraged to wear face masks, except when eating or drinking.

c.4. Physical distancing shall be observed whenever possible.


d. Post-Event

d. l. The host division and the delegation shall aid the participants with symptoms of any communicable disease and other medical issues, particularly when the delegation member is hospitalized and advised by the medical practitioner if not fit to travel.


M. Insurance


Pursuant to DepEd Order No. 66, s. 2017, titled, "Implementing Guidelines on the Conduct of Off-Campus Activities," all participants are required before their travel dates to secure their travel insurance at their own expense covering inclusive dates of travel from point of departure to Lapu-Lapu City, and back, either group or individual, before proceeding to the LerunCon PH 2024.


N. Learners' Rights and Protection


1. The Department of Education (DepEd), the Learners' Convergence PH Secretariat, and through the Learner Rights and Protection Office (LRPO), ensures that all activities and venues are conducive and that the safety and well-being of the learner participants shall be the paramount consideration in all decisions and actions involving them. To provide special protection to learner-participants who are gravely threatened or endangered by circumstances, the DepEd Child Protection Policy (DepEd Order 40, s. 2012) shall be fully adopted before, during, and after the Convergence. Yet, the participatory rights of the learners in the implementation of this policy and in all proceedings affecting them, whether they be victims or aggressors, either directly, or through a representative, is recognized.


2. The Learners' Convergence PH 2024 shall be in accordance with the safeguarding guidelines to minimize risk, guarantee safe space, and ensure positive experience for all delegates, organizers, and others involved in the event. Further, through the safeguarding guidelines, appropriate preventive, protective, and remedial measures will be properly implemented.


3. Accordingly, the DepEd and LearnCon PH Secretariat reiterates the zero-tolerance policy for any act of child abuse, exploitation, violence, discrimination, bullying, and other forms of abuse. Hence, a Child Protection Desk shall be fully operationalized through the Child Protection Committee (CPC) in all venues and billeting schools.


O. Feedback and Evaluation


To have a worthwhile Learners' Convergence PH experience, participants should complete the feedback and evaluation form in exchange for the certificates.




A. Pre-work Activity: The LearnCon PH 2024 participants shall be engaged a month before the actual event in preparation for the Project Pitching activity. This shall include preparatory tasks such as crafting of project proposals and pitches, conducting research, and seeking feedback to enhance their presentations. 


Below is the schedule of activities:



June 14, 2024

LearnCon Pre-work Activity Orientation

June 15-25, 2024

Project Ideation

June 26, 2024

Deadline of Submission of Project Proposal and Recorded Project Pitch

June 27-29, 2024

National-level Evaluation of Project Proposals 

July 1, 2024

Announcement of Top Regional Projects

July 2-4, 2024

Mentoring and Finalization of Project Pitch


The participants were grouped according to clusters by the LearnCon PH 2024 TWG (Technical Working Group), which is listed in Enclosure No. 5. All learner participants are expected to actively collaborate with their fellow learners within their respective clusters during the project ideation phase. Throughout the pre-work activity, the chaperones are expected to assist and act as mentors of the learners.


Additional details of the pre-work activity shall be provided during the orientation with the participants.


B. Welcome Night: A social gathering will be organized by the Local Government Unit of Lapu-Lapu City to welcome the participants from various parts of the country, allowing them to mingle, network, and build connections at the Lapu-Lapu Shrine.


C. Booth Festival: A showcase of various projects, initiatives, best practices, and organizations through interactive booths will be installed providing LearnCon PH 2024 participants with opportunities to explore and engage.


Booth exhibitors are expected to adhere to the following mechanics and must represent any of the following:


a. Central Office

a.1. present a comprehensive overview of DepEd's flagship projects, programs, and policies through informative posters, brochures, and multimedia presentations;

a.2. focus on key initiatives, specifically Learner Support Programs, highlighting their objectives, implementation strategies, and impact; and 

a.3. provide networking opportunities for participants to connect with DepEd representatives and explore potential collaborations or partnerships.


b. Regional Offices

b.1. incorporate elements of local culture, arts, performances and traditions as well as best practices of the region;

b.2. display success stories and testimonials highlighting the regional initiatives that have positively impacted learners and educators; and

b.3. offer virtual tours, multimedia presentations, or interactive displays to immerse visitors in the regional education environment.


c. External Partners

c.1. introduce the company or organization, highlighting its mission, values, and commitment to supporting education in the country;

c.2. present specific initiatives, projects, or partnerships aimed at enhancing educational outcomes, such as scholarship programs, teacher training initiatives, or technology integration projects; and

c.3. display opportunities for collaboration or partnership with educators, schools, and educational institutions.


The LearnCon PH 2024 Booth Festival shall have the following schedule of activities:


Date and Time


July 8, 2024, 1:30 – 5:00 p.m.

Ingress of Booths and Exhibits

July 9, 2024, 1:30 – 4:30 p.m.

Booth Festival

July 10-12, 2024

Open House

July 12, 2024

Egress of Booths and Exhibits


For more details about the Booth Festival, kindly refer to Enclosure No. 6 for the general guidelines. For questions and concerns, please coordinate with the LearnCon PH Secretariat via email at


D. Project Pitching: The 17 selected projects will have the opportunity to showcase their ideas in front of a live audience and a panel of judges, with a seven-minute time limit for each presentation. This invaluable opportunity facilitates feedback, support, and potential funding avenues, fostering the growth and enhancement of their endeavors.


E. Bootcamp: Workshops, training sessions, and skill-building activities designed to enhance participants' decision-malting, critical thinking, and collaboration skills.


F. Simultaneous Sessions: Sessions covering areas such as Learner Rights and Protection, Youth Formation, Health, Sports, and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management will be facilitated by various offices within the Central Office.


G. Fireside Chat: Reflective conversations featuring topics on leadership, community-building, and social awareness, which will encourage dialogue and positive relationships among participants.


H. Heritage Tour: A cultural heritage tour in Cebu City aimed at providing participants with an immersive experience of local traditions, history, and heritage. No additional fees and charges shall be collected to participate in the tour.




1. LearnCon PH 2024 Secretariat shall facilitate the formation of the following recommended Committees at the national level with counterparts from the DepEd Region VII, and Schools Division Office of Lapu-Lapu City for the effective implementation of the said DepEd Memorandum:


I. Steering Committee (Central Office Level)


Chairperson: Atty. Revsee A. Escobedo, Undersecretary for Operations

Co-Chairperson: Dr. Dexter A. Galban, Assistant Secretary for Operations

Vice-Chairperson: Atty. Suzette T. Gannaban-Medina, Officer-in-Charge, Director IV, Bureau of Learner Support Services and Learner Rights and Protection Office


1. Nenneth Esplana-Alama, PhD, Director IV, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Service

2. Ma. Gemma M. Ledesma, Director IV, Private Education Office

3. Rovin James F. Canja, OIC, BLSS-Youth Formation Division

4. Cesar S. Abalon, Chief, BLSS-School Sports Division

5. Dr. Maria Corazon C. Dumlao, Chief, BLSS-School Health Division 

II. Management Working Committee


Chairperson: Atty. Suzette T. Gannaban-Medina, Officer-in-Charge, Director IV, Bureau of Learner Support Services and Learner Rights and Protection Office

Vice Chairperson: Rovin James F. Canja, OIC, BLSS-Youth Formation Division

Over-all Event Coordinator: Matt Gaven Matibag, Project Development Officer II, BLSS-Youth Formation Division

Administrative Group Coordinator: Juniel Arvin U. Doloque, Project Development Officer II, BLSS-Youth Formation Division Technical Group Coordinator: Aeman A. Llantada, Technical Assistant II, BLSS-Youth Formation Division

Technical Group

Administrative Group


1.     Programs

2.     Creatives

3.     Communications

4.     Secretariat

5.     Guest Relations


1.     Food and Accommodation

2.     Supplies and Logistics

3.     Resource Mobilization

4.     Transportation

5.     Safety and Security



2. A Technical Working Group shall be convened with other DepEd Central offices to help implement the event.


3. The DepEd Regional VII, through the Regional Director or RO personnel authorized by the latter, may designate a personnel or employee to assist the LearnCon PH 2024 Secretariat and LGU of Lapu-Lapu City in the event's planning, organization, implementation, and evaluation.


4. The Schools Division Office of Lapu-Lapu City, through its Schools Division Superintendent or SDO personnel authorized by the latter, and in consultation with the LGU, RO, and national Secretariat, may designate personnel to assist the LearnCon PH 2024 Secretariat, LGU Lapu-Lapu City, and DepEd Region VII in the event's preparation, organization, implementation, and evaluation.


5. Furthermore, the RO/SDO may tap or forge partnerships and collaboration with local communities/barangays or partner organizations with the authorization of the office head or person-in-charge if the probable partners are provided with a clear set of tasks to be completed accordingly.




Department of Education. DepEd Memorandum No. 44, s. 2022- Philippine Youth Convergence 2022. Pasig City: Department of Education, 2022.


Department of Education. DepEd Memorandum No. 033, s. 2023- Learners' Convergence PH 2023. Pasig City: Department of Education, 2023.


Department of Education. DepEd Order No. 40, s. 2012- DepEd Child Protection Policy. Pasig City: Department of Education, 2012.



(Enclosure No. 2 to DepEd Memorandum No. 029, s. 2024)

(Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Memorandum No. 029, s. 2024)

(Enclosure No. 4 to DepEd Memorandum No. 029, s. 2024)


(Enclosure No. 5 to DepEd Memorandum No. 029, s. 2024)






Cluster Group

Region 1 

Batac City

Ilocos Norte

Cluster 1

Ilocos Norte

Ilocos Norte


Laoag City

Ilocos Norte


Candon City

Ilocos Sur

Cluster 2

Ilocos Sur

Ilocos Sur


Vigan City

Ilocos Sur


La Union

La Union

Cluster 3

San Fernando City

La Union


Pangasinan 1, Lingayen

Pangasinan I

Cluster 4

San Carlos City

Pangasinan I


Alaminos City

Pangasinan I


Pangasinan 11, Binalonan

Pangasinan II

Cluster 5

Urdaneta City

Pangasinan II


Dagupan City

Pangasinan II


Region 2 



Cluster 1

Nueva Vizcaya

Nueva Vizcaya







Cluster 2

City of Ilagan



Tuguegarao City



Cauayan City


Cluster 3




Santiago City



Region 3 



Cluster 1




Tarlac City



Balanga City


Cluster 2







Olongapo City



Baliwag City


Cluster 3

Munoz Science City



San Jose del Monte City



Meycauayan City



Malolos City


Cluster 4

San Jose City






Cabanatuan City

Nueva Ecija

Cluster 5

Gapan City

Nucva Ecija


Nueva Dcija

Nueva Ecija


Angeles City


Cluster 6

Mabalacat City






San Fernando City




Antipolo City


Cluster 1






Cluster 2

Bifian City



Cabuyao City



Calamba City



San Pablo City


Cluster 3

San Pedro City



Sta. Rosa City





Cluster 4

Batangas City



Lipa City



Tanauan City



Sto. Tomas City


Cluster 5

Bacoor City






Cavite City



Dasmarinas City


Cluster 6

Imus City



{General Trias



Lucena City


Cluster 7




Tayabas City



Region 4-B MIMAROPA 

Calapan City


Cluster 1

Occidental Mindoro



Oriental Mindoro





Cluster 2






Cluster 3

Puerto Princesa City



Region 5 



Cluster 1

Legazpi City



Ligao City



Tabaco City





Cluster 2




Masbate City



Camarines Sur


Cluster 3

Iriga City



Naga City



Camarines Norte


Cluster 4




Sorsogon City



Region 6 



Cluster 1




Roxas City








Cluster 2




Iloilo City



Passi City



Escalante City

Negros Occidental

Cluster 3

Sagay City

Negros Occidental


Cadiz City

Negros Occidental


Victorias City

Negros Occidental

Cluster 4

Silay City

Negros Occidental


Bacolod City

Negros Occidental


Bago City

Negros Occidental


San Carlos City

Negros Occidental

Cluster 5

La Carlota City

Negros Occidental



Negros Occidental


Kabankalan City

Negros Occidental

Cluster 6


Negros Occidental


Negros Occidental

Negros Occidental


Region 7 

Tagbilaran City


Cluster 1







Bais City

Negros Oriental

Cluster 2

Bayawan City

Negros Oriental


Dumaguete City

Negros Oriental


Canlaon City

Negros Oriental

Cluster 3

Guihulngan City

Negros Oriental


Negros Oriental

Negros Oriental


Tanjay City

Negros Oriental


Bogo City


Cluster 4

Danao City






Cebu City


Clustcr 5

City of Naga, Cebu



Lapu-Lapu City



Mandaue City


Cluster 6

Talisay City



Toledo City



Carcar City



Region 8 


Southern Leyte


Cluster 1

Baybay City



Ormoc City





Cluster 2

Tacloban City



Maasin City






Calbayog City


Cluster 3

Northern Samar



Catbalogan City



Samar (Western Samar)


Cluster 4

Eastern Samar



Borongan City



Region 9 

Dapitan City

Zamboanga del Norte

Cluster 1

Dipolog City

Zamboanga del Norte


Zamboanga del Norte

Zamboanga del Norte


Zamboanga Sibugay

Zamboanga Sibugay

Cluster 2

Isabela City



Pagadian City

Zamboanga del Sur

Cluster 3

Zamboanga City

Zamboanga del Sur


Zamboanga del Sur

Zamboanga del Sur


Region 10 



Cluster 1

Malaybalay City



Valencia City





Cluster 2

Iligan City



Lanao del Norte



DI Salvador

Misamis Oriental

Cluster 3

Gingoog City

Misamis Oriental


Cagayan de Oro City

Misamis Oriental


Misamis Oriental

Misamis Oriental


Misamis Occidental

Misamis Occidental

Cluster 4

Oroquieta City

Misamis Occidental


Ozamis City

Misamis Occidental


Tangub City

Misamis Occidental


Region 11 

Davao City


Cluster 1

Island Garden City of Samal



Davao del Norte

Davao del Norte

Cluster 2

Panabo City

Davao del Norte


Tagum City

Davao del Norte


Davao del Sur

Davao del Sur

Cluster 3

Digos City

Davao del Sur


Davao Occidental

Davao Occidental


Davao Oriental

Davao Oriental

Cluster 4

Mati City

Davao Oriental


Davao De Oro

Davao de Oro


Region 12 

General Santos City

South Cotabato

Cluster 1

Koronadal City

South Cotabato


South Cotabato

South Cotabato


Kidapawan City

North Cotabato

Cluster 2

North Cotabato

North Cotabato




Cluster 3

Sultan Kudarat

Sultan Kudarat


Tacurong City

Sultan Kudarat





Agusan del Norte

Agusan del Norte

Cluster 1

Cabadbaran City

Agusan del Norte


Agusan del Sur

Agusan del Sur

Cluster 2

Bayugan City

Agusan del Sur


Butuan City

Agusan del Sur


Dinagat Island

Surigao del Norte

Cluster 3


Surigao del Norte


Surigao City

Surigao del Norte


Surigao del Norte

Surigao del Norte


Bisiig City

Surigao del Sur

Cluster 4

Surigao del Sur

Surigao del Sur


Tandag City

Surigao del Sur



Cotabato City


Cluster 1

Special Geographic Area



Lanao del Sur I

Lanao del Sur

Cluster 2

Lanao del Sur II

Lanao del Sur


Marawi City

Lanao del Sur


Maguindanao I


Cluster 3

Maguindanao II








Cluster 4

Lamitan City









Cluster 1







Tabuk City


Cluster 2




Mt. Province

Mt. Province


Baguio City


Clustcr 3





Caloocan City

Metro Manila

Cluster 1

Valenzuela City

Metro Manila


Malabon City

Metro Manila


Navotas City

Metro Manila


Quezon City

Metro Manila

Cluster 2

Marikina City

Metro Manila


Pasig City

Metro Manila


Manila City

Metro Manila

Cluster 3

San Juan City

Metro Manila


Mandaluyong City

Metro Manila


Makati City

Metro Manila

Cluster 4

Taguig City and Pateros

Metro Manila


Pasay City

Metro Manila


Parañaque City

Metro Manila

Cluster 5

Las Piñas City

Metro Manila


Muntinlupa City

Metro Manila




(Enclosure No. 6 to DepEd Memorandum No. 029, s. 2024)




General Guidelines


1. Booth Setup. Each booth should be creatively designed to attract participants and provide informative displays. Booth exhibitors are expected to adhere to the following mechanics and must represent any of the following:


a. Central Office.

- present a comprehensive overview of DepEd's flagship projects, programs, and policies through informative posters, brochures, and multimedia presentations;

focus on key initiatives, specifically Learner Support Programs, highlighting their objectives, implementation strategies, and impact; and

- provide networking opportunities for participants to connect with DepEd representatives and explore potential collaborations or partnerships.


b. Regional Office.

- incorporate elements of local culture, arts, and traditions as well as best practices of the region;

- showcase success stories and testimonials highlighting the regional initiatives that have positively impacted learners and educators; and

- offer virtual tours, multimedia presentations, or interactive displays to immerse visitors in the regional education environment.


c. External Partner.

introduce the company or organization, highlighting its mission, values, and commitment to supporting education in the country;

- present specific initiatives, projects, or partnerships aimed at enhancing educational outcomes, such as scholarship programs, teacher training initiatives, or technology integration projects; and

- showcase opportunities for collaboration or partnership with educators, schools, and educational institutions.


Interested partners shall coordinate with the External Partnerships Service (EPS) of the DepEd Central Office through Ms. Jing Llana, Project Development Officer II via her contact number at 09178456052.


2. Informational Materials. Each booth must provide comprehensive information about the initiative it represents.


3. Interactive Elements. Incorporate interactive elements into the booths to engage participants actively. This could include quizzes, games, simulations, or hands-on activities related to the initiatives being showcased.


4. Booth Staffing. Ensure that each booth is staffed by knowledgeable individuals who can answer questions and provide further insights into the programs, projects, policies, or opportunities being showcased.


5. Recognition and Incentives. Consider offering incentives or recognition for participants who visit multiple booths and demonstrate a strong understanding of the initiatives presented.


6. Signage and Wayfinding. The organizers shall clearly label each booth with signage that identifies the exhibitor and provides relevant information. Additionally, wayfinding signage will be provided throughout the venue to help participants navigate to different booths and exhibits.


7. Feedback Mechanism. Each exhibitor shall set up a mechanism for participants to provide feedback on their experience at their booth. This could be through feedback forms, digital surveys, or interactive feedback stations. Use this feedback to make improvements for future events.


8. Technology and Equipment. The organizers shall provide any or all of the following depending on its availability: access to electricity, internet connectivity, or other technical equipment for their displays. Booth Exhibitors shall coordinate with the LearnCon PH Secretariat to ensure that technical requirements are met and that any necessary equipment is available.


9. Safety and Security. The Learn Con PH Secretariat shall implement safety measures to ensure the well-being of participants and exhibitors. This may include crowd control measures, emergency procedures, and security personnel as necessary.


10. Documentation. All booth exhibitors shall document the event through photos, videos, and participant testimonials. The documentation of the booth shall be submitted 2 weeks after the event to the LearnCon PH Secretariat via email at  By implementing these guidelines, the Booth Festival aims to increase awareness and appreciation of key DepEd programs, projects, policies, and development opportunities among learners and educators at the Learners' Convergence Philippines 2024.



(Enclosure No. 7 to DepEd Memorandum No. 029, s. 2024)


Learners' Convergence Philippines 2024




Day 0: July 8, 2024 Arrival of Participants Orientation Welcome Night



08:00 a.m. 12:00 n.n.

Arrival of Participants

12:01 p.m. - 01:30 p.m.

Lunch Break

1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Ingress of Regional and Local Booths

3:00 p.m. 06:00 p.m.


Activity Objectives and Expectation Setting

Presentation of LearnCon PH 2024 Overview

6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Dinner and Welcome Night


Day 1: July 9, 2024 Opening Program x Booth Festival



8:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.

Arrival of Participants

8:31 a.m. 9:00 a.m.

Preliminaries and Grand Opening Program

9:01 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Opening Message


Welcome Messages


Messages of Support


Message of Support and Introduction to Keynote Speaker

10:01 a.m. 10:15 a.m.

Keynote Address

10:16 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Photo Opportunity

Exit of Officials

Live Broadcast of Ribbon Cutting

11:31 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Lunch Break

1 :31 p.m. 1 :45 p.m.


1:46 p.m. 1:55 p.m.

Interactive Activity # 1

1:56 p.m. 2:10 p.m.

Messages of Support

2:11 p.m. 2:20 p.m.

Interactive Activity #2

2:21 p.m. - 2:35 p.m.

Presentation of Learner Support Programs [SHD)

2:36 p.m. 2:45 p.m.

LLC Got Talent!

2:46 p.m. 2:55 p.m.

Interactive Activity #3

2:56 p.m. 3:10 p.m.

Presentation of Learner Support Programs [SSD)

3:11 p.m. 3:20 p.m.

Interactive Activity #4

3:21 p.m. 3:35 p.m.

Presentation of the LRPO's Telesafe

3:36 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.

LLC Got Talent!

3:46 p.m. 3:55 p.m.

Interactive Activity #5

3:56 p.m. 4:10 p.m.

Presentation of DRRMS' Programs and Initiatives

4: 11 p.m. 4:20 p.m.

Interactive Activity #6

4:21 p.m. 4:30 p.m.

LLC Got Talent!

4:31 p.m. 4:45 p.m.

Presentation of PEO's Programs and Initiatives

4:46 p.m. - 4:55 p.m.

Interactive Activity #7

4:56 p.m. 5:05 p.m.

LLC Got Talent!

5:06 p.m. 5:20 p.m.

Presentation of Learner Support Programs [YFD)

5:21 p.m. 6:30 p.m.

Open House, Raffie Draws, Games

6:31 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 



Day 2: July 10, 2024 Project Pitching x Bootcamp



8:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m.

Project Pitching

11 :30 a.m. 1 :30 p.m.

Lunch Break

1:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m.


6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.



Day 3: July 11, 2024 - Simultaneous Sessions x Fireside Chat



9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.

Simultaneous Sessions to be hosted by the following offices:

1. Youth Formation Division

2. School Sports Division

3. School Health Division

4. Learner Rights and Protection Office

5. Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Service

6:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.


7:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m.

Fireside Chats


Day 4: July 12, 2024 - Closing Ceremonies x Gabli sa Kabilin



9:00 a.m. - 9:20 a.m.


9:21 a.m. 9:30 a.m.

Presentation of the Newly Elected NFSSLG Officers

9:31 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.

Messages of Support

Inspirational Messages

Inspirational Message and Ways Forward

Message of Support and Introduction to Keynote Speaker

10:46 a.m. 11:00 a.m.

Photo Opportunity

11:01 a.m. 11:30 a.m.

Closing Performances

11:31 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Lunch Break

2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Departure to Cebu City

3:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m.

Dinner and Heritage Tour


Day 5: July 13, 2024 Departure of LCPH 2024 Participants



Focal Person/Unit

8:00 a.m. 12:00 n.n.

Departure of LearnCon PH


Transportation Committee


Full copy of DepEd Memorandum No. 029, s. 2024 below:

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