
DepEd Memorandum 013, s. 2024 - Administration of the Fiscal Year 2023 National Qualifying Examination For School Heads

DepEd Memorandum 013, s. 2024

Administration of the Fiscal Year 2023 National Qualifying Examination For School Heads


DepEd Memorandum No. 013, s. 2024 pertains to the administration of the Fiscal Year 2023 National Qualifying Examination for School Heads (NQESH) and outlines various guidelines and procedures for the examination process. It covers aspects such as eligibility criteria, application procedures, examination administration, and the processing of applications and certificates of eligibility. Additionally, it provides information on the qualifications required for aspiring school heads, the allocation of examinee slots, and the evaluation and certification process for previous NQESH takers.



Table of Contents:

1. Legal Framework

2. Administration of the Examination

3. Schedule of Activities

4. Qualification Requirements

5. Examinee Slot Allocation

6. Exemption and Professional Development

7. Examination Content and Standards

8. Scoring and Qualification

9. Result Release and Certification

10. Integrity and Security Measures

11. Enclosure to DepEd Memorandum No. 013 s. 2024

i. Preparation of Documentary Requirements

ii. Creating an Account in the NQESH Online Application System

iii. Submitting an Application Online

iv. Monitoring the Status of the Application

v. Generation of the List of Qualified Applicants

vi. Processing of Application

vii. Processing of Certificate of Eligibility

12. Full copy of DepEd Memorandum No. 013, s. 2024



FEB 26 2024



No. 013, s. 2024





To:      Undersecretaries

Assistant Secretaries

Bureau and Service Directors

Regional Directors

Schools Division Superintendents

Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads

All Others Concerned


1. Passing the National Qualifying Examination for School Heads (NQESH), also known as Principals' Test, is one of the requirements for appointment and reclassification of all aspiring applicants to the Principal and Assistant Principal positions in all public elementary and secondary schools, pursuant to the following issuances:


a. DepEd Order (DO) No. 97, s. 2011

Revised Guidelines on the Allocation and Reclassification of School Head Positions


b. DO 41, s. 2016

Additional Guidelines to DepEd Order No. 19, s. 2016 (Guidelines on the Organizational Structures and Staffing Patterns of Stand-alone and Integrated Public Senior High Schools (SHS)


c. DO 007, s. 2023

Guidelines on Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment in the Department of Education


d. DepEd Memorandum (DM) No. 025, s. 2023

Amendment DepEd Memorandum No. 100, s. 2022 (Results of the Fiscal Year 2021 National Qualifying Examination for School Heads) and Clarification on the Use of NQESH or Principal's Test Results in Relation to DepEd Order No. 007, s. 2023 (Guidelines on Recruitment, Selection, and Appointment in the Department of Education)


2. In this regard, the Department of Education (DepEd), through the Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development (BHROD), shall administer the 2023 NQESH through a secured online platform at a designated examination site on May 26, 2024. The examination shall be administered simultaneously nationwide.


3. The schedule of activities prior to the conduct of the test are as follows:




March 6-15, 2024

Online Application

March 6-22, 2024

Evaluation and Validation of Documents

March 27, 2024

Release of the Final List of examinees and Examination Sites through a Regional Memorandum

May 5, 2024

First Mock Examination*

May 19, 2024

Second (Final) Mock Examination*

*Purpose of the Mock Examination - To prepare and check examinee devices and familiarize the examinees on the online platform and process of taking the test


4. The guidelines on the online application process through the NESH Online Application System is enclosed.


5. Aspiring school heads, regardless of their current positions, are qualified to apply as takers of NQESH, provided that the applicants meet the qualification requirements and has acquired any of the following experience requirements as of February 29, 2023, consistent with DO 39, s. 2007 (Modified Qualification Standards for the Positions of Head Teachers and Principals) and DO 41, s. 2016:


a. One year as Head Teacher, or

b. Two years as Master Teacher, or

c. Two years as Teacher-in-Charge (TIC), or

d. Teaching experience for five years as follows:


i. Teacher III or other teacher positions with same salary grade; or

ii. Incumbent public school teacher who has managerial and supervisory experience in a DepEd recognized private institution or Commission on Higher Education (CHED) recognized higher education institution.


e. Aggregate experience as Head Teacher, TIC, Master Teacher, and Teacher III.


6. There shall be an allocation of 22,000 examinee slots distributed nationwide in each region, details of which will be included in the subsequent issuance from BHROD-HRDD. Given the regional examinee slots and in anticipation of the implementation of Executive Order No. 174 or the Expanded Career Progression, DepEd regional offices (ROs) shall refer to the following order of priority for consideration in the selection of their final list of examinees:


a. Head Teacher for at least one year in a public elementary or secondary school,

b. Assistant School Principal without NQESH eligibility,

с. Incumbent Officer-in-Charge (OIC)/TIC for at least two years, or

d. Master Teacher for at least two years.


In case of remaining slots after considering Item 6.a to 6.d, only then that the applications of the remaining qualified applicants shall be considered.


7. Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 NQESH Takers who belong to Category Bshall no longer take the examination. Upon completion of their coaching and mentoring session, they will undergo an evaluation and certification process by the National Education Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) while FY 2021 NQESH Takers who belong to Category C shall NOT be allowed to take the test for this year and are encouraged to undergo professional development intervention. Guidelines from NEAP will be issued for this purpose.


8. The examination shall cover conceptual and situational critical thinking questions aligned with the standards set by the Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads (PPSSH) as stipulated in DO 24, s. 2020 or the National Adoption and Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads using the SOLO (Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome) taxonomy as an underpinning framework. It shall serve as a mechanism to safeguard and gauge the competency and quality of the aspiring school leaders in DepEd schools.


9. To determine who will qualify for the next stage of the selection process for Principal I position, an order of merit willbe used wherein the question difficulty and candidate ability shall be computed on the same scale. This procedure identifies proficiency fo the taker's understanding in becoming a school head instead of the usual pass or fail scores.


10. Official Results shall be released through a DM followed by the release of Certificates of Rating (COR) through the DepEd email address of examinees.


11. DepEd values the credibility and integrity of the examination. The agency is not, in any way, affiliated with individuals or institutions offering and providing review sessions. A warning is given to all applicants against individuals or organizations which claim ot have access to the content of the examination. Applicants, individuals, or organizations who shall have direct or indirect request for test content and/or perform an act of bribery (monetary or gifts) to Central Office, RO, and school division office employees shall be subjected to investigation and /or filing of appropriate administrative case.


12. For more information, please contact the Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development-Human Resource Development Division, 4th Floor, Mabini Building, Department of Education Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City through email at


13. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired



Regional Director

Officer-in-Charge, Office of the Undersecretary

For Human Resource and Organizational Development




            As stated



DepEd Order (Nos. 007, s. 2023; 41, s. 2016; 97, s. 2011; and 39, s. 2007)

DepEd Memorandum (No. 025, s. 2023)


To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

under the following subjects:











(Enclosure to DepEd Memorandum No. 013, s. 2024)







1. Prepare the documentary requirements.


1.1 Prior application through the NQESH Online Application System (NQESH-OAS), applicants must prepare and scan the following documents:


1.1.1 Original copies of the approved Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) Individual Performance Commitment and Rating Form (IPCRF) with a rating of at least Very Satisfactory (VS) in the last two (2) consecutive rating periods duly certified by the authorized personnel in the SDO.


For Teachers-In-Charge (TICs) and Head Teachers (HTs) acting as School Heads, the Office Performance Commitment and Rating Form (OPCRF) shall be required.


See the details below for the performance rating coverage:

a. SY 2021-22 &SY 2022-23 for School-Based Performance Rating

b. FY 2022 & FY 2023 for Non School-Based Performance Rating


1.1.2 Service Record duly certified by the Administrative Officer V of the Schools Division Office; and


If applicable:

1.1.3 If applicable, designation or Special Order as School Head or TIC/OIC of a public elementary or secondary school duly signed by the Schools Division Superintendent

1.1.4 Certification of managerial and administrative experience from DepEd-recognized private institutions or CHED-recognized higher education institutions.


1.2 Ensure that the scanned documents are clear and saved in PDF format.


2. Create an account in the NQESH Online Application System (NQESH-OAS)


2.1 The NQESH-OAS can be accessed through this link:


2.2 First, you are required to create an account in the NQESH Online Application System (NQESH-OAS) using your OWN Official DepEd email account. The Official DepEd Email Account may be requested for activation or creation from their respective SDO Information Technology Officer.


2.3 Follow the steps specified in the NQESH-OAS APPLICANT USER GUIDE which can be accessed through this link:


2.4 Ensure that all information provided is accurate. Changes are NOT allowed after creating the account.


2.5 Once an account has been created, an email notification will be sent to your official DepEd email address.


3. Submit an application online.


3.1 Submit the required documents online through the NQESH-OAS following the steps specified in the NQESH-OAS Applicant User Guide.


3.2 Please be reminded that falsification of documents shall be subjected to investigation with grounds for grave dishonesty as stated in the Civil Service Commission (CSC) rules and regulations and may be banned from taking the NESH.


4. Monitor the status of the application.


4.1 You will be updated on the status of your application through email notification. You may also check the application status page of your NESH-OAS account.




1. Generation of the list of qualified applicants


A. All SDOs are advised to generate a master list of Qualified Applicants, copy furnished to the Regional Office, based on the order of priority as stated in item 6 of the policy cover of this memorandum.


B. The list shall serve as a reference for the SDO Evaluators and RO Validators in prioritizing the review of applications.


2. Processing of application


A. Schools Division Office Review (SDO Review)


A.1 Through the NQESH-OAS, the designated Schools Division Office (SDO) Evaluator shall receive and assess the application based on the following:


a. the order of priority for 2023 NQESH as stipulated under item 6 of the policy cover of this memorandum; and 

b. the authenticity and completeness of the uploaded documents through the NQESH-OAS.

A.2. SDO Evaluator/s shall act on the application whether:



 The applicant passed the SDO level review, thus his/her documents are forwarded to the Region for further validation



 If there are invalid or lacking documents that need to be addressed by the applicant, he/she will be instructed to reapply and complete the required documents which are indicated in the NGESH-OAS status.



 The applicant is not yet qualified to take the NQESH. The reason for the disqualification is reflected in the NQESH-OAS.


B. Regional Office Review (RO Review)


B.1 Through the NQESH-OAS, the designated Regional Office (RO) Validator shall validate the following:


a. the applicant is qualified based on the order of priority for 2021 NGESH as stipulated in item 4.1 of the policy cover of this memorandum; and

b. the documents submitted are complete.


B.2. The RO Evaluator shall act on the application whether:



 The applicant is qualified based on the order of priority for 2021 NQESH as stipulated in item 4.1 of the policy cover of this memorandum and the submitted documents are complete.



• If there are invalid or lacking documents that need to be addressed by the applicant, he/she will be instructed to re-apply and complete the required documents which are indicated in the NQESH-OAS status.



 The applicant is not yet qualified to take the NQESH. The reason for the disqualification is reflected in the NQESH-OAS.




A. Once the applicant is qualified, his /her application will be returned to the SDO evaluator for the processing of the Examination Permit.


B. The applicant proceeds to the SDO for verification of submitted documents. He/she must bring the following:


B.1 Original copy of the submitted scanned documents.


B.2 (2) pcs passport size picture (with name tag) taken within the last 6 months with the signature of the applicant at the back


B.3 Payment for the Examination fee amounting to Php 600.00


C. The SDO evaluator verifies the original documents with those uploaded/submitted by the applicant through the NQESH-OAS.


D. After verification, the SDO evaluator shall print the Examination Permit of the concerned applicant.


E. The SDO evaluator shall then affix his/her signature on the designated space of the Examination Permit and attach the ID pictures submitted by the applicant.


F. The SDO evaluator then releases the Examination Permit to the applicant.


G. Upon receipt of the Examination Permit, the applicant signs at the designated space and proceeds to the SDO Cashier Section to pay the examination fee.


H. Upon payment of the applicant, the SDO Cashier shall provide payment details and affix his/her signature on the Examination Permit of the applicant. This will also serve as an Acknowledgement Receipt for the payment of the examination fee. The Official Receipt will be issued during the conduct of the 1st Mock Examination.


I. For the approval of the application, the applicant returns to the SDO evaluator to submit the lower portion (RO copy) of the examination permit.


J. The SDO evaluator receives the signed RO copy and tags the applicant as paid in the NQESH-OAS.


K. The SDO evaluator shall submit to the RO validator the collected lower portion (RO copy) of the Examination Permit with the initial list of examinees, while the payment and master list of paid examinees shall be submitted to the RO-Cashier through the SDO cashier.


L. The RO cashier prepares the Official Receipt of Applicants based on the report from the SDO cashier vis-à-vis online application data.


M. The Regional Office releases the Final list of examinees through a Regional Memorandum.



A full copy of DepEd Memorandum No. 013, s. 2024 below:

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