
DepEd Announced P18,000 Service Recognition Incentives (SRI) Confirmed for Release in 2023!

Great News for Teachers: P18,000 Service Recognition Incentives (SRI) Confirmed for Release in 2023!

In a joyous revelation for educators nationwide, the Teachers Dignity Coalition (TDC) has officially confirmed the release of the Service Recognition Incentives (SRI) for the year 2023. Hold onto your hats, teachers, because the confirmed amount is an impressive P18,000!

The delightful news was delivered through an official statement by the ever-diligent Director Joyce Andaya, the Regional Director of the National Capital Region (NCR). Director Andaya expressed her enthusiasm and assurance regarding the disbursement of the long-awaited incentives.

In her statement, Director Andaya cheerfully announced, 

"Hello. We are already processing the needed documents so DBM can release the NCA. Once that is released, we can start distributing the 18k SRI by early next week, hopefully."

This news brings a collective sigh of relief and excitement for teachers eagerly anticipating the well-deserved recognition for their hard work and dedication. The P18,000 incentive is not just a number; it symbolizes the acknowledgment of the tireless efforts teachers put into shaping the future of the nation.

The process is already in motion, with the necessary paperwork being swiftly handled to expedite the release. The Teachers Dignity Coalition, known for its unwavering support for educators, has been instrumental in ensuring that the concerns and welfare of teachers are given the attention they rightly deserve.

For teachers, this announcement is more than just an incentive; it's a morale boost, a testament to their resilience, and a token of appreciation for the invaluable role they play in the lives of countless students.

So, teachers, get ready to mark your calendars! The SRI is expected to hit your accounts by early next week, spreading holiday cheer and making this festive season even brighter for the nation's hardworking educators.

Let's celebrate this positive development, recognizing the dedication of our teachers and looking forward to a brighter future in education. Kudos to Director Joyce Andaya and the Teachers Dignity Coalition for making this happen!

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