
DepEd Memorandum No. 049, s. 2023 : Administration of the 2023 Special Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT)

DepEd Memorandum No. 049, s. 2023

Administration of the 2023 Special Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT)

DepEd Memorandum No. 049, s. 2023 : Administration of the 2023 Special Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT)


AUG 24 2023



No. 049, s. 2023




To:      Undersecretaries

Assistant Secretaries

Minister, Basic, Higher, and Technical Education, BARMM

Bureau and Service Directors

Regional Directors

Schools Division Superintendents

Public and Private Elementary and Secondary School Heads

All Others Concerned


1. The Department of Education (DepEd), through the Bureau of Education Assessment (BEA), announces the Administration of the 2023 Special Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) in October this year. The date of the test administration will be announced in a separate memorandum.


2. The PEPT is a nationally administered assessment for learners in special circumstances. The result of this assessment will allow these learners to access or resume schooling and/ or obtain certification of completion by grade level in the DepEd formal system.


3. The target registrants for PEPT are the following:


a. Learners from schools without a government permit

b. Learners from nonformal and informal education programs

c. Learners who have incomplete or no record of formal schooling

d. Learners with back subjects

e. Learners who need grade-level standards assessment

f. Learners who are overage for their grade levels


4. No test registration fees shall be collected from the test registrants.


5. The placement of the PEPT qualifiers for this special test administration shall take effect in the current school year when the test is administered pursuant to Section 6 (Grade Level Placement Assessment) 2.b. of DepEd Order No. 55, s. 2016 titled Policy Guidelines on the National Assessment of Student Learning for the K to 12 Basic Education Program.


Test Registration


6. The test registration shall be done in select schools division offices (SDOs) starting from the date this Memorandum is published until August 31, 2023.


7. The Special PEPT Registration Form can be downloaded from Registrants shall submit the documentary requirements to the Division Testing Coordinator (OTC) at the nearest SDO. Below are the requirements for specific types of test registrants.


a. For new test-takers


i. Original and one photocopy of the birth certificate duly authenticated and issued by the Philippine Statistics Authority (formerly National Statistics Office) or by the Local Civil Registrar

ii. Original and one photocopy of the permanent school record (e.g., SFl0/Form 137) signed by the school principal/ registrar/ school administrator)

iii. Certificate of attendance in intervention programs, or any proof of schooling (if applicable)

iv. Two identical and recently taken 1x1 colored ID pictures with name tags

v. One copy of the accomplished PEPT Registration Form


b. For test retakers


i. Original and one photocopy of the PEPT Certificate of Rating (for applicants who need to retake a PEPT subtest)

ii. Two identical and recently taken 1x1 colored ID pictures with name tags

iii. One copy of the accomplished PEPT Registration Form


8. The DTCs shall be in charge of the evaluation of documents and shall ensure that the documentary requirements of each registrant are complete.


9. Examinees whose test score in one subject is lower than 75% may be allowed to retake the failed subtest within six months from the date of examination.


10. A Certificate of Rating (COR) shall be issued to each test-taker. Information regarding the release of results shall be announced in another Memorandum.


Testing Centers, Test Materials, and Number of Registrants


11. The testing centers shall be located in select SDOs.


12. Some SDOs shall have more than one testing center.


13. BEA shall allocate the number of test materials per SDO and testing center based on the actual number of test registrants.


14. The DTCs are required to submit to BEA the actual number of PEPT registrants for the allocation and packing of test materials in the warehouse.


15. The Excel template to be used in the submission of the actual number of test registrants per testing center and updated names of testing centers (if applicable) can be downloaded from


16. The Excel template shall be uploaded on September 7, 2023 to this link: using the filename: [Region]_[Division]_2023 Special PEPT _Updated Testing Centers & Actual Number of Registrants.


Virtual Orientation


17. BEA shall schedule a virtual orientation on August 11, 2023. about the evaluation of PEPT documentary requirements and test administration guidelines. The orientation shall be attended by the Regional Testing Coordinators. DTCs. And other key testing personnel that will be involved in the examination. The meeting details shall be announced in a separate Advisory.


18. Health and safety protocols must be followed in all the activities to be done.


19. For more information, please contact the Bureau of Education Assessment-Education Assessment Divisionthrough email at or at telephone number (02) 8631-2589.


20. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired


By Authority of the Secretary:



Undersecretary for Curriculum and Teaching



            As stated



DepEd Order (No. 55, s. 2016)


To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

under the following subjects:








Enclosure to DepEd Memorandum No. 049, s. 2023 



A full copy of DepEd Memorandum No. 049, s. 2023 below:


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