
DepEd Memorandum No. 048, s. 2023 : 2023 Oplan Balik Eskwela

DepEd Memorandum No. 048, s. 2023

2023 Oplan Balik Eskwela

DepEd Memorandum No. 048, s. 2023 : 2023 Oplan Balik Eskwela


AUG 11 2023



No. 048, s. 2023




To:      Undersecretaries

Assistant Secretaries

Minister, Basic, Higher, and Technical Education, BARMM

Bureau and Service Directors

Regional Directors

Schools Division Superintendents

Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads

All Others Concerned


1. The Department of Education (DepEd) shall conduct the National Oplan Balik Eskwela (OBE) to engage agencies, organizations, and other stakeholders in preparation for the opening of the SY. For the school year (SY) 2023-2024, the QBE shall run from August 14 to 26, 2023.


2. The QBE is part of the Department's effort to ensure that learners from public and private schools are properly enrolled. It aims to address problems, queries, and other concerns commonly encountered by the public at the start of the SY.


3. The QBE 2023 has the following components:


a. Convergence. Members of the QBE Inter-Agency Task Force shall focus on their respective preparations and initiatives in relation to DepEd Order No. 22, s. 2023 or Implementing Guidelines on the School Calendar and Activities for the SY 2023-2024. The member agencies will perform a critical role by providing guidelines on health and safety, peace and order, and transportation, among others when the school year opens. These agencies include:


i. Department of Energy (DOE);

ii. Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG);

iii. Department of Health (DOH);

iv. Department of National Defense (DND);

v. Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH);

vi. Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD);

vii. Department of Trade and Industry (DTI);

viii. Department of Transportation (DOTr);

ix. Department of lnfonnation and Communications Technology (DICT);

x. Manila Electric Company (MERALCO);

xi. Metropolitan WaterWorks and Sewerage System (MWSS);

xii. Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA);

xiii. Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA);

xiv. Philippine National Police (PNP);

xv. National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC);

xvi. National Telecommunications Commission (NTC); and

xvii. Presidential Communications Office (PCO).


b. Command Conference. A Command Conference shall be held in the DepEd Central Office among the DepEd officials, partner agencies from the public and private sectors, media, and other stakeholders on August 15, 2023.


c. Communication. DepEd shall provide the public with important information through press releases, media interviews, website postings, updates on the official Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts, and other available media.


d. Client Assistance. An OBE Public Assistance Command Center (PACC), formerly known as the Department of Education Information and Action Center (DEIAC), shall be set up at the central, regional, and schools division offices through its Public Affairs Unit (PAU).


i. Functions of the OBE-PACC

The OBE-PACC shall serve as an information and complaints processing and routing mechanism. It shall perform the following functions:


(1) receive, process, and respond to simple queries, information requests, and complaints from the general public, including those forwarded by other DepEd offices;

(2) assist in the dissemination and clarification of DepEd policies, programs, projects, and processes, particularly those relevant to the opening of classes;

(3) correctly identify and coordinate with the concerned DepEd offices on complex concerns that will require the specific offices' appropriate action; and

(4) monitor, document, and submit reports on all issues and concerns received by the OBE-PACC, including the action taken.


ii. Services of the OBE-PACC


Each OBE-PACC shall ensure that the following are available to the

public for the duration of OBE:


(1) hotlines;

(2) emails (e.g., Hotline 8888; CSC, PCC, PMS, FOi, ARTA,;

(3) short Messaging Services (e.g., Smart and Globe);

(4) social Media (Facebook);

(5) letters and Endorsements; and

(6) walk-ins.


iii. Composition of OBE-PACC at the Central Office


The OBE implementation shall be under the general supervision of the Undersecretary and Chief of Staff and Undersecretary for Operations as co-chairs and the Assistant Secretary for Operations (Field Operations) as vice-chair of the 2023 Oplan Balik Eskwela. This will be in coordination with all offices in the Central Office.


iv. Composition of OBE-PACC at the region, division, and school levels


(1) Regional Office

Chair         :           Regional Director

Co-Chair   :           Assistant Regional Director

Vice Chair :           Regional Information Officer/

Regional Public Assistance Coordinator

Public Affairs Unit

Members   :           Legal Unit

Administrative Division

Curriculum and Learning Management Division

*(Other relevant offices may be included)


(2) Schools Division Office

Chair         :           Schools Division Superintendent

Co-Chair   :           Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Vice Chair :           Designated Division Public Assistance

Members   :           Legal Section or its equivalent

Administrative Section or its equivalent

Curriculum Implementation Division

*(Other relevant offices may be included)



(3) School level

Chair               :           Principal or Assistant Principal or Head Teacher

Vice-Chair      :           School Information Coordinator

Members         :           School non-teaching personnel


4. At the School level, OBE-PACC duties and responsibilities shall be limited to receiving, processing, and responding to simple queries, information requests, and complaints from the general public. It shall only be performed during the actual conduct of OBE-PACC 2023.


5. Teaching personnel shall be entitled to earn vacation service credits arising from their active involvement as members of the school Oplan Halik Eskwela working committees and/ or voluntary services in the Oplan Halik Eskwela activities. Teachers shall earn one-day service credit for accumulated eight hours of service as committee members and/or volunteers in the school preparation and partnership engagement activities, but not to exceed the total of six days' service credits. The computation of the service credits to teachers shall be in consonance with DO 53, s. 2003 titled Updated Guidelines on Grant of Vacation Service Credits to Teachers, particularly, Item No. 1-d sub-items d and k and Item No. 1-f.


Likewise, non-teaching personnel shall be granted Compensatory Time-Off (CTO) for all services rendered during weekends as members of the Oplan Halik Eskwela working committees and/or voluntary services in the OBE activities. Eight hours of accumulated services are equivalent to one-day CTO.


6. There shall be a minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 OBE members per school, depending on the school population. The OBE members in schools must have proper knowledge on the correct enrollment process and other relevant school information.


7. The conduct of the OBE shall adhere to existing relevant policies of DepEd in conducting activity inside the school premises.


8. The Terms of Reference (TOR) for the different Committees are enclosed.


9. All expenses incurred during this activity and the payment for the services of the concerned personnel during the OBE shall be charged to the General Administrative Support Services (GASS) Funds and local funds for regional and schools division personnel, subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations.


10. All DepEd personnel are enjoined to support this activity to ensure the smooth opening of classes.


11. For more information, please contact:


The Office of the Secretary - Public Affairs Service

Department of Education Central Office

DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City

Telephone Numbers: (02) 8633-1942

Mobile Phone Numbers: 0919-456-0027 and 0995-921-8461

Email Addresses:


12. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired


By Authority of the Secretary






            As stated



DepEd Memorandum No. 063, s. 2022


To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

under the following subjects:











Enclosure to DepEd Memorandum No. 048, s. 2023






1. Teleresponders

1.1. Attend to callers with queries, complaints, problems, or requests concerning school opening and other education matters;

1.2. Provide immediate appropriate actions/solutions for issues/concerns received from callers;

1.3. Refer complaints/cases that need immediate investigation to the Legal Team if necessary; and

1.4. Submit the required daily monitoring and afternoon reports to the Secretariat for consolidation and evaluation.


2. Emails, Short Messaging Service (SMS), and Social Media (Facebook)

2.1. Reply /respond to messages received and print the messages, if necessary;

2.2. Refer complaints/ cases that need immediate investigation to the Legal Team, if necessary; and

2.3. Submit the required daily monitoring and afternoon reports to the Secretariat for consolidation and evaluation.


3. Secretariat and Monitoring

3.1. Oversee and supervise the daily operations of the activity;

3.2. Prepare the daily reports for the Secretary's information based on the submitted reports of the teams;

3.3. Make print and video documentation;

3.4. Gather and consolidate data from the different committees and generate daily reports;

3.5. Document and finalize the 2023 Oplan Balik Eskwela Terminal Report;

3.6. Provide the technical needs of the team; and

3.7. Assist all teams, if necessary.


4. Media Relations

4.1. Set and coordinate schedules for press conferences;

4.2. Prepare media advisories, invites, and briefers of the activity for the Executive Committee and stakeholders;

4.3. Facilitate the press conference and assist the media partners;

4.4. Attend to media requests for data and interviews; and

4.5. Coordinate with the partners and stakeholders.


5. Logistics and Support

The Logistics and Support Team shall be composed of the following subcommittees:

5.1. Finance

Handle OBE financial requirements.

5.2. Food

Take charge of the food to be served during the conduct of OBE and all OBE activities.

5.3. Physical Arrangement/Setup, Security, Sound System, and Transportation

5.3.1. Set up the OBE Command Center at the Bulwagan ng Karunungan following the floor plan;

5.3.2. Maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the OBE Command Center; and

5.3.3. Ensure peace and order during the OBE.

5.4. Registration and Attendance

5.4.1. Record all guests and participants in OBE; and

5.4.2. Take daily attendance of committee members.

5.5. Supplies and Equipment

Provide the materials and equipment needed for OBE


A full copy of DepEd Memorandum No. 048, s. 2023 below:

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