
DepEd Order No. 011, s. 2023 : Policy on the Grant of The Anniversary Bonus in The Department of Education

DepEd Order No. 011, s. 2023

Policy on the Grant of The Anniversary Bonus in The Department of Education

DepEd Order No. 011, s. 2023 Policy on the Grant of The Anniversary Bonus in The Department of Education 


JUN 19 2023



No. 011, s. 2023




To:      Undersecretaries

Assistant Secretaries

Bureau and Service Directors 

Regional Directors

Schools Division Superintendents

Division Chiefs

Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads

All Others Concerned


1. The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the enclosed Multi-Year Guidelines on the Grant of the Anniversary Bonus to DepEd Officials and Personnel for Every Milestone Year pursuant to Administrative Order (AO) No. 263 dated March 28, 1996 titled Authorizing the Grant of Anniversary Bonus to Officials and Employees of Government Entities, and the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) National Budget Circular (NBC) No. 452 dated May 20, 1996, titled Amplifying and Clarifying the Implementation of the Grant of Anniversary Bonus to Officials and Employees of Government Entities.


2. The Anniversary Bonus is granted to officials and employees of government agencies on the Milestone Years of the agency. Milestone years are defined as the fifteenth (15th) anniversary of the government agency and every fifth (5th) year thereafter.


3. Under Section 3.2 of NBC 425 dated May 20, 1996, the count of the milestone years shall start from the year the government agency was created regardless of whether it was subsequently renamed or reorganized provided that its original primary functions have not substantially changed.


4. As confirmed through AO 322 dated March 20, 1997 issued by former President Fidel V. Ramos, June 23, 1898 is the founding date of the Department of Education. This serves as the basis in determining the milestone year of the Department for the purpose of granting the Anniversary Bonus to its officials and employees.


5. This Order shall take effect starting Fiscal Year 2023 and succeeding milestone years thereafter, unless otherwise repealed, rescinded, or modified accordingly. Certified copies of this Order shall be filed with the University of the Philippines Law Center-Office of the National Administrative Register (UPLC-ONAR), UP Diliman, Quezon City.


6. For any clarification or inquiry, please contact any of the following:


a. For policy guidelines and eligibility:


Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development-Employee Welfare Division BHROD-EWD)

Telephone No.: (02) 8633-7229/8635-3760

Email Address:


b. For funding and other finance-related concerns:


Finance Service-Budget Division (FS-BD)

Telephone No: (02) 8637-4214 / 8637-6203

Email Address:


7. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.




By Authority of the Secretary:




Vice President of the Philippines

Secretary of the Department of Education




DepEd Order No. 047, s. 2018

DepEd Memorandum No. 032, s. 2023


To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

under the following subjects:











(Enclosure to DepEd Order No. 011, s. 2023)




A. Rationale


1. The Administrative Order No. 263 dated March 28, 1996 entitled “Authorizing the Grant of Anniversary Bonus to Officials and Employees of Government Entities” authorizes the grant of Anniversary Bonus (AB) to officials and employees under government entities in celebration of their agency's milestone years, starting from the fifteenth (15th) anniversary of the government agency and every fifth (5th) year thereafter.


2. The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) National Budget Circular (NBC) No. 452 dated 20 May 1996, “Amplifying and Clarifying the Implementation of the Grant of Anniversary Bonus to Officials and Employees of Government Entities”, provides that the count of the milestone years shall start from the year the government agency was created regardless of whether it was subsequently renamed or reorganized provided that its original primary functions have not substantially changed.


3. The National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP), through a letter dated 27 December 2017 from former NHCP Chairman Dr. Rene R. Escalante stated that:


The modem public education system in the Philippines traces its origins from the Royal Decree promulgated by Queen Isabella Hof Spain (through the Ministro de Ultramar, Don Jose de la Concha) on December 20, 1863. Said decree provided for the creation of a Comision Superior de Instruccion Primaria, a body co-chaired by the Governor-General and the Archbishop of Manila, which exercised administrative oversight over basic education schools across the entire Philippine archipelago. It was later superseded on June 23, 1898 by the Bureau of Education during the short-lived First Philippine Republic, then by the Department of Public Instruction during the American Colonial Period, which was established by virtue of Act No. 74 of the United States Philippine Commission on January 21, 1901.


4. Former President Fidel V. Ramos issued Administrative Order No. 322 dated. 20 March 1997 stating 23 June 1898 is the founding date of the Department of Education which serves as the basis in determining the milestone years of the Department for the purpose of granting the AB to its officials and employees.


5. In view of the above, this order aims to provide the multi-year policy guidelines on the grant of AB to all DepEd officials and employees for every milestone year starting FY 2023, in celebration of the DepEd 125th Anniversary on 23 June 2023, and the milestone years thereafter.


B. Scope


6. All DepEd officials and employees who are employed on full-time or part-time basis, permanent, coterminous, provisional, temporary, casual or contractual whose employment is in the nature of a regular employee, are eligible for the grant of Anniversary Bonus.


C. Policy Statement


7. Eligible DepEd personnel shall receive an AB with the amount not exceeding Three Thousand Pesos (Php 3,000.00), provided that they have rendered at least one (1) year of service in the Department as of the date of the milestone year.


8. The grant of AB shall not be earlier than June 23 of the milestone year.


9. Officials and employees who falls under the following circumstances are not covered by the grant of AB:


a. Those who are absent without leave (AWOL) or no longer in the service as of 23 June of the milestone year;

b. Officials and employees who are found guilty of any offense in connection with their work during the 5-year interval between the milestone years;

c. Consultants, Contracts of Service, Job Orders, and others similarly situated.


D. Procedures


10. The BHROD-EWD, in coordination with the Finance Service - Budget Division (FS-BD}, shall ensure the inclusion of the budget proposal for the allocation on the payment of AB for the milestone year.


11. On the implementation of the Aa, the budget allocation for the payment of the said benefit shall be sourced under the Administration of Personnel Benefits as authorized in the General Appropriations Act of the milestone year.


12. The release of funds to Regional Offices (ROs} shall be facilitated by FS-BD through the Sub-Allotment Release Orders (Sub-AROs) for the payment of the AB. Furthermore, ROs are obligated to submit the consolidated estimated fund report covering the payment of AB on or before the third Friday of November of the milestone year using the attached template (Annex A).


13. ROs are responsible for requesting the Notice of Cash Allocations (NCAs) to the DBM Office concerned to cover the cash requirement of the Sub-AROs issued by the FS-BD.


14. lf the released funds for the payment of AB is insufficient, the deficiency may be charged against the current year's savings from released allotment for Personnel Services.


E. Monitoring and Evaluation


15. The BHROD-EWD shall be responsible for supervising the implementation of this policy to central, regional, schools division offices and schools.


16. The FS-Bb shall oversee the budget utilization and funding requirements submitted by the ROs through the disbursements of obligated budget for the payment of AB.


F. Effectivity


This Order shall take effect starting FY 2023 and succeeding milestone years thereafter, unless otherwise repealed, rescinded, or modified accordingly. Certified copies of this Order shall be filed with the University of the Philippines Law Center-Office of the National Administrative Register (UPLC-ONAR), UP Dillman, Queron City.


G. References


Administrative Order No. 263 dated 28 March 1996, Authorizing the Grant of Anniversary Bonus to Officials and Employees of Government Entities


DBM NBC No. 452 dated 20 May 1996, Amplifying and Clarifying the Implementation of the Grant of Anniversary Bonus to Officials and Employees of Government Entities


Administrative Order No. 322 s. 1997, Authorizing Certain Government Agencies to Undertake Activities in Preparation for their Centennial Anniversary Celebrations in 1997, 1998 And 1999


DepEd Order No. 47 s. 2018, Guidelines on the Grant of Anniversary Bonus



A full copy of DepEd Order No. 011, s. 2023 below:

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