
DepEd Order No. 042, s. 2022 : Delegation of Signing Authority to the Undersecretary-Chief of Staff

DepEd Order No. 042, s. 2022

Delegation of Signing Authority to the Undersecretary-Chief of Staff

DO 042, s. 2022



19 SEP 2022



No. 042, s. 2022




To:      Undersecretaries

Assistant Secretaries

Minister, Basic, Higher, and Technical Education, BARMM

Bureau and Service Directors

Regional Directors

Schools Division Superintendents

All Others Concerned


1. With the magnitude of the functions, duties, and responsibilities of the Department of Education (DepEd), and to address the need for prompt and exigent action on matters and businesses required from the Office of Secretary (OSEC), there is a need to delegate and authorize the signing authority of the Secretary to the Undersecretary-Chief of Staff.


2. Thus, in the interest of the service, pursuant to the provisions of Section 7(8), Chapter 2, Book IV, Executive Order (EO) No. 292, s. 1987, or the "Administrative Code of 1987, • providing for the Secretary's power to delegate authority to officers and employees under her direction, the Undersecretary-Chief of Staff is hereby designated and duly authorized to assist the OSEC in the prompt and efficient delivery of DepEd services, and to perform the powers, functions, and duties necessary thereto, primarily the signing, for and on behalf of the Secretary, of the following documents and transactions that are submitted to OSEC for consideration and approval:


a. Except Personnel Appointments wider Item IV.A.1 of DepEd Order (DO) No. 008, s. 2021, as amended by DO 23, s. 2021, titled •Revised Signing Authorities for Administrative and Financial Matters in the Department of Education," all documents and transactions specified for recommendation or approval of the Secretary under the said DO, including, but not limited to:


i. Personnel Movements, under Item IV.B;

ii. Correspondence, under Item IV.L.1;

iii. Permission to Outside Study, Teach or Practice a Profession, under Item IV.D;

iv. Applications for Sick/Vacation/Study /Maternity /Paternity Leave and Grant of Service Credits for Teachers, under Item IV.E;

v. Retirement, Resignation, Termination of Appointment, Dropping from the Rolls, under Item IV.F;

vi. Notice of Salary Adjustment (NOSA) and Notice of Step Increment (NOSI), under Item IV.H;

vii. Activity Request (AR), Authority to Conduct (ATC), and Authority to Procure (ATP) /Purchase Request, under Item V.A; Bidding Documents and other Procurement-Related Documents


b. Procurement Monitoring Report for submission to the Government Procurement Policy Board and posting, pursuant to the 2016 Implementing Rules and Regulation (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) No. 9184 and EO No. 662, s. 2007;


c. Other documents and transactions requiring the signature of the Secretary as Head of Procuring Entity (HoPE) under RA No. 9184 and its IRR. For this purpose, the Undersecretary-Chief of Staff is designated as the duly authorized representative of the HoPE;


d. Financial assistance in case of accidental death of a DepEd official/employee while in the performance of his/her official functions, as provided for in DO No. 25, s. 2008 and other relevant issuances;


e. Decisions and final resolutions on administrative complaints and cases;


f. Expenditure Matrix, Work and Financial Plan; Activity Request and Authority to Conduct Activities; Purchase Request, Authority to Procure Goods and Services, and Infrastructure Projects and Consultancy Services of the Internal Audit Service;


g. Other documents/transactions submitted to OSEC for the signature of the Secretary, that need to be signed in the exigency of service in order to address instances of absence or inability on the part of the signatory, subject to existing rules and regulations; and


h. Such other documents/transactions as may be specifically assigned by the Secretary, from time to time.


3. The delegation of the functions herein provided shall be in addition to the existing duties and functions of the Undersecretary-Chief of Staff, without additional compensation. In all instances, this delegation of signing authority to the Undersecretary-Chief of Staff shall exclude those that the latter cannot assume by reason of law or regulation.


4. In connection with the exercise of authority emanating from this Order, the Undersecretary-Chief of Staff is hereby enjoined to observe relevant laws, policies, rules and regulations to ensure the legality and validity of all acts performed pursuant to this Order.


5. Nothing in this Order shall preclude the Secretary from signing documents, if necessary, in the interest of service, and from exercising her authority and mandate under RA No. 9155, EO No. 292, s. 1987, and other existing laws.


6. All DepEd Orders, Memoranda, and other related issuances, rules, regulations, and provisions, which are inconsistent with this Order are modified, amended, or repealed accordingly.


7. For inquiries or clarifications, please contact the Office of the Undersecretary for Legal Affairs, 3rd. Fir., Mabini Building, Department of Education Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, through email at or at telephone number (02) 8706-5332.


8. This Order shall be posted on the DepEd website, and certified copies of this Order shall be registered with the University of the Philippines Law Center-Office of the National Administrative Register (UP LC-ONAR), UP Diliman, Quezon City.


9. This Order shall take effect immediately and shall remain in force in order to ensure continuity in the operations of the DepEd, including its procurement activities and the overall rendition of its public services.


10. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order are directed.




Vice President and Secretary





DepEd Order: Nos. 008, s. 2021; 23, s. 2021; 004, s. 2019

Office Order: OO-OSEC-2019-056, June 19, 2019; OO-OSEC-2022-049, August 18, 2022


To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

under the following subjects:










Copy of full DepEd Order No. 042, s. 2022:



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